The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 03, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, August $, 904
Thoro nro two olassos of moti to
whom much is duo fur uioro than is
accorded thorn. Thoso nro tho
prospector nud tho promotor. Both
nro necossary. in fuot, thoro would
ho uo nioro now mining ontorprisos if
thoso two clnssos wore eliminated.
You onn find him evorywboro. Tho
cold blasts from tho Arctic circle,
tho burning snnds nnd at i fling jungles
nre the Bnme to him. The world
owes him much. Woro it not for tho
prospector tho miuiug industry would
flag, and tho output of tho precious
metals would deorenso at a wonderful
ratio. New discoveries of tho pros
pector onuse tho unlocking of mil
lions of capital every year. The fact
that new mines have boon opened at
once orontos now interest in tho min
ing industry. Thoso who havo
nevor ontored tho mining Hold havo
a desire tn try thoir luck and tbo now
camp is the ouo that strikes thoir
fancy. Thoy suddonly booomo im
bued with tho idea that thoy can
mnko a fortune in a fow months and
play a hand at n mining gamble with
as much ongoruoss nud far mnro con
fldouco than a votornn of tho turf or
groou cloth. Whilo mnuy mnko snd
mistakes iu placing thoir money
whoro returns will novor come,
othors, noting with more disarotiou,
amnsa fortuuos. Hut bo tbo outcomo
whutovor it may, mining has a charm
which fow can resist after having
mndo a first invoBtmont. Wero it
not for this class tbo prospector
would have a hard time. In fact,
his avocation would bo gone. Ho
would havo no source from which to
draw his provisions and tools. Tho
prospector rarely receives the credit
which is bis duo. No man works
harder, uudorgoos more privations aud
receives Jobs substantial roward.
Still be la happy and will remain so
as log as thore is a now couutry to
prospeat in. Whon that day comos,
lifo will havo no charms for him,
but whon it doos como tho entirn
world will bocomo tho suiforors.
The wining promotor is scnrcoly
less indispousablo than tbo pros
pector. What large enterprise has
evor been undertaken without tbo aid
of the promotor? The writer onn
recall none. Without him tho
mines would go on unworked iu
fact, would not bo opened for the
prospector cannot develop his own
finds. He finds capital as wary nH a
fox. Ho must interest it or lonvo it
to others with nioro nerve and
porsovurnnco. Ho associates with
thoso who nro closo to tho capitalistic
class. Ho propnrcs his plans after
much study for almost ovory
mnnoyod man has peculiarities which
must bo studied and in dun time
unfolds ttiom to snino mau of mouiiH.
As a rule, ho has an up-hill pull,
but he is out to win and ho doos.
A company is formed after months of
waiting aud worrying aud the cuptal
is secured to dovelop tho property.
The prospector gets but a mere
pitauco for bis discovery, but ho 1b
oontout and sallies forth for now
hills to conquor. The promoter
usually makes a nice commission,
and startH out to place auothor prop
erty. Ueforo bo succeeds he is
usually minus the monoy be has
made by his last deal
He makes money fast at times, but
he spends it like a prince, and, like
the prospector, dies poor. When a
droraoter is a man of integrity be is
as much of a publiu benefactor as the
prospector. If ho is a rascal nud
a good many of thorn are he is little
bettor than a highwaymau who
domnnds your purso. I3nt thou hud
men are found in all walks of life
nnd thoy hnvo always existed and
thoy will always exist, nud it is not
to bo oxpeoted that nugols will bo
found on ovory street corner. Tho
number of promoters who nre honest
far outnumbers tho other class, nnd
tho world is bettor thnt thoy hnvo a
plnco in it. Without tho prospector
nnd promotor, tho mining industry
would dwindlo into comparative
iusiguifiennco compnrod with its
prcbout mnguitudo nnd prospective
grontuoss and all other industries
would fool tho blight. Tbo honest
prospector and the honest promotor
should bo hold iu high esteem ny nil
good citizens. Thoy dosorvo every
dollar thoy get. Kopublio News-Minor.
Judge Eakin bnfe hnudod down his
opinion in tbo celebrated Iron Dyke
ens, tried recently nt Hukor City,
being tho foreclosure of a mortgage.
Tho doolson is for tho planintiirs.
Colonel Cnllnhnu, counsel for do
fondants, says tho case will bo carried
to tho United States Supreme court,
if necessary. Tho Democrat gives
this account of the litigatien:
Tho suit involved titlo to tho
valnablo Iron Dyke mine nnd its
associated property, tho Northwest,
railroad, which was claimed by
Chnrlos M. Reed, tho purchaser of
the propoity at receiver's sale in the
United States circuit court for Oro
gon on the 21st day of May, 1000,
through bis trustoo, C. M. Wiirnor,
tbo Norhwest railway portion of the
proporty being sold by the same master
iu chancery through tbo same
trustee, to the said Reed, Ootubor 1,
1001. That during the operation of
tbo proporty by tbo receiver certain
indebtedness was incurred and re
ceiver's cortiflcatos wore largely
purahnsod by tbo plaiutiffH in this
suit. Upon tbo proporty passing
into tbo hands of tbo purchaser Reed,
and during its subsequent operation
certain sums of mouey wero loaned
Reed by tho plaintiffs iu this suit, in
addition to the funds providod by
them to tako tbo proporty out of tho
hands of tho receivor. Altogether tho
plaintiffs in this suit advanced Reed
$100,188.00. This sum was covered
by a mortgage on the outiro prop
orty executed by a power of attorney.
Reed failed to produce results, ho
cording to the bill of complaint, iu
the operatiou of tho property and
failod to pay back the moneys ho hud
received upon it. Tho decree of tho
court thoreforo adjudged those vari
ous amounts duo nud payable nud
orders the mortgage foreclosed. The
court allows tho plaintiffs tho sum
prayed for in the bill of complaint
with six per cent interest, making a
total Hum of 818:i,a:Ji.o:i, aud the
sum of 88,000 attorney's fee.
All questions of fraud which wero
alleged in the defense to the suit nro
overruled by the court iu ouuh in
stance. It is understood that tho plaintiffs
iu this case, the Erie, Pennsylvania,
capitalists who huve so fur put most
of tho monoy into tho development
of tho Iron Dyko proporty, will at
once proceed to coutinue tho work
upon the proporty aud begin con
struction of tho railroud when the
sale under tho decree takes place,
which it is expected will be sot for
! an onrly date. In fact, tho repre
sentatives of tho plaintiffs stntod
shortly after tho trial what thoir in-
' tontions woro should they win tho
cneo in the linker county circuit
court. These statements wero re
ntllrmed yesterday and if curried out
menus the establishment of pay rolls
and tho Inauguration of largo work
in this county. It was also added
that tho plaintiffs intended to proceed
with development work regardless
of whatever action might, be taken
by tho defendants in the way of
A Biq Deal Perfected.
A deal wns perfected yesterday for
tho transference of tho Center Star
nnd Confer Star Extension claims, in
tho Uenr Culch district, from tho
original owner, H. 1). Griffin, to L.
O. Li I toy, manager of the Ruby
McKee company, operating tho Lust
Chuuoo nud Ruby MoKoo groups iu
tho Cublo Cove district.
Tho consideration is not men
tioned. Tho papers have been
signed, nnd Mr. Lllloy, it is under
stood, will begin work August 1.
Tho proporty is located about a
mile out of town, in tho Roar Gulch
district, which bus recently been
attracting so much attention. It hud
been owned for some time by Mr.
Grilllu aud considerable development
work performed. Thoro is a 200 foot
tunnel aud a twenty-five-foot shaft.
Mr. Grilllu states that ho has ob
tained assays from tho lodge which
have gone as high as 200. Mr.
Lllloy 's Immediate plan of operation,
it 1b understood, will be to go down
ou the lodge.
Representative Clarence Van
Duseu,of Novadu, had boon assailing
some of tbo swindling mining com
panies that, with bogus pamphlets
and reports, fleece persons in the
east. "Rut it is u wonder to me,"
ho said, "that a cortaln ouo of these
companies has any success at all, for
it is conducted by us illiterate aud
thick-headed a mau as I have over
soon. This man is a character. For
instance: Oue day ho gave mo a
long liHrunguo on tho Indian's Jove
of whisky.
" 'Why,' bo said, 'once give an
Indian a taste of whisky aud he'll
sell bis very soul to got more. I
was riding over tho pluiiiH once with
a pint bottle sticking out of my
breast pocket, when an Indian
happened along, aud as soon as ho
saw tho pint ho wanted to buy it.
" 'And do you know what that
Indian oll'orod mo? Well, sit, ho
offered mo bis buckskin breeches. Ids
shirt, his huddle, his blanket and his
pony, nud his squaw all for a pint
of whisky. What do you think of
, 'And you,' said I, 'did you
" 'No,' said tho miner, '1 didn't.
It was my lust pint.' "- Exchange.
Looking After Shipments,
Rev. W. .1. Hughes, of tho Equity
nud Oregon Free Gold, returned to
linker this afternoon. Ho was hero
looking after shipments of oro from
both properties. Roth are steadily
sending in high grado stuff to tho
Sumpter smelter.
Elk Head Saloon.
Elk Heud Whiskey, old, fine aud
mellow, at the Elk Head suloon.Cou
tor street, Old Olympia staud. Try
M. F. MUZZY, -F.
C. 11. CHANCE,
Vice President
Sec. ami Troiis
Sumpter, - Oregon
84 86 It Sill St.
A journal of National circulation.
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