0 jwiiM' VOL. V. METALLURGICAL WONDER IS THE STANDARD MINE High Grade Gold-Cobalt Ore Occurs Nowhere Else On the Globe, So Far as Known. CARRIES OTHER VALUES Not a Freak Sample Mine. But a Mountain of Fabulously Rich Ore Runs From Hundreds Into Thou sands Compressor and Concen trating Plant to Be Installed. 'IMui Mtiillilurd lllillit iitwil'llt l I liv auu wvt.i...... iiiiiivf jfw...i ij 1 tiim uMinuiiii miim iiriiuii;u mill 1 Hill tho Killou, Warner, Stowurt com- imotal-boarlng veins. In the twenty puny, in the Quartbur district, two claims owned by the oompauy occupies a unique place in the history j under the amended locations, there of mining iud metallurgy. It is not j is material for many mines, audit only one of tho vory few properties in ' is a mauy-motaled proposition, the world producing a high grado I Thure are two distinct, vein Hystems, 00 ha It ore, hut, so fares Known, it , tho Standard aud tho Glovlaud-Willio is the solitary instance which Hold i Hoy. While the latter is rich in aud cobalt values are found com- (gold and copper, the former perhups biued. The mine, therefore, ie of possesses the creator interest, from vast intorest to the Hoientiflu mining I the faut that it is in the Standard man and metallurgist, aud to tho . vein proper that the deposits of gold scientific mau generally speaking, on ' cobalt oie are found. In addition account of this faut, and the invest- i to this, nickel has also been (Us ing public as well, hocauso those : covered and some tract's ot platinum, aud other ores exist in immense 'Standard drift No, 1 isiovin over bodies, holding out great dividoud ; 000 feet with a full breast of this paying possibilities. I gold-cobalt ore in the face. The So much attention has of late boon richer samples have a steelish gray direotod to tho Standard on account t appearance, which would hardly lead of tho facts gouorally stated ahovo I one to the conclusion from a casual that a representative of Tho Miner, observation that there was gold accompanying II. 11. Nicholson, an ' presout, hut assay values have gone emiuout miniug ongiuoor of Denver, 'into the thousands, besides showing a aud consulting engineer for tho ( high per cent of cobalt. Of course Standard, who is supervising the development work, made a special visit to ffie mine. A volume could bo writteu about this property, hut .Drift No. 2, 171 feet above, is in 41)0 of course in an artiole of this char- feet aud also shows gold-cobalt actor ouly general feat. ires can be values in the face, but not to tho meutioned aud these from a popular, same extent as found in tho lower rather that) a scieutiflo,atandpoint. workings, which proves conclusively Arrived at the Standard in the that this ore gains in permanency middle of the afternoon after a lougaud value with depth. No. H is a aud dusty drive, aud a failute to j hliud level reached by the Jiiuoau make couuectious at luucb time, the first thing iu order was the familiar hunger-satisfy iug process at the board of Zoetb iloueer, of Pendleton, x-United States marshal, who has SUMPTER, OREGON, AUGUST , 1904 charge of tlio development work. And ho it mentioned in punning, that Mr. Jlousor nnmhui-H among ti i h other accomplishments unci good traits of character that of being u gonial host and a inout excellent purveyor. Hut the mini). A bonanza has beou defined uh a holo in tlio ground owned by a liar. According to the looso application of the term a mine may not even possess the moritH of being 11 hole in tho ground. Hut the Staudaid does itot come in eithor of these categories. There is a inonii- (llill HI'MUiIllrl lllwl itlwwilr.if wl tuKli llt , thorio were from picked specimens, but the average itself is high, run uiug from $100 to 8fl()0 a ton. shaft, which was sunk by the French man Juneau, who was among the former owuers of the property. It was he who first discovered the cobalt in the early days, and under great transportation diottl tilting made several shipments of it to Uormnny aud Franco. The outcropping at this point aro vory wide aud whore tho rook has weathered show stains of oxidized copper. The widest cropping, however, on the Standard vein are somu 800 feet from the face of the lowest drift. Here the vein has a width on tho surface of fully seventy-tive foot, and it is to this point that the work below is being pushed with all possible rapidity. It is no dllHcult matter, therefore, to draw a conclusion as to tho magnitude of the proposition when the drift has been carried under these uroppings. With its rich gold values, its high per cent of cobalt and other metals, this vein alone has the making of one of tho biggest mines iu the world, Hut this is not all of the Standard system. There aro the Juniper, tho lllack Horse, tho Kuby, on which considerable work has boon done, and in times past much rich ore has been taken out. besides several other veins, not yet prospected, belonging to the system. So far as developed the Cleveland Willie Hoy iu tho main lead of this oroHs system. This voin was en countered on the Standard drift No. 1 a distance of .'100 feet from the portal, cutting at an angle of about thirty degrees. It has been drift ed on north for 500 feet, ami the ore is largely gold aud copper of a very high grade. The face of the dritt is in this character of oro. De velopment work Is now being confined largely to Cleveland-Willie Hoy and Standard No. 1 drifts. While these workings aro uorth of Dixie creek on the main Standard mountain, or Copper ridge, the company's prop el ty extouds across the creek to Cougar ridge, where, from the pros pect work done, tho same high values may reasonably be expected and the same vast extent of ore bodies, During the visit of The Minor representative, Mi. Ilouser drought iu some samples fiotn this locality which assayed 81i,l!K) In gold. Now, a word about the Standard with regard to the feature which gives it a unique place among the mines of the world. It is the ouly cobalt mine in America. Again, it is one of the very few iu the world. Outside of the producing cobalt mines iu Oermauy, Norway aud Sweden, which have been worked for years, and the one located on the island of New Caledonia, belonging to France, in the south Pacific, no other deposits are known to exist. Hut the casual leader will want to I know something of the value and nso I nt . tlw.lt 'Plw. ........... ,..w...i...... ui uuiiiiiii j-ijii uuiiuiit iiiui(iiijin in the New York market lire: Cobalt carbonate, 11.75 a pound; nitrate, tl.50; oxide, $2.50. It is used iu making smalt, a cobalt silicate em ployed iu decoratiug chiua aud other fine wares. It can also be mude to take the place of nickel for plating NO. 48 purposes, since it gives u better and more durable finish. This, hewovor. will probably not come into general' use until the production of the metal is cheapened. It can be readily seen that a cobalt mine possesses untold possibilities of wealth. The Standard management iu carrying out a thorough, conserva tive aud systematic development, policy, under the direction, as stated, of Mr. Nicholson, who iu a mining: engineer of national reputation, having studied in the loading' universities iu this country, aud for several years in Cermany, beside his connection with many important mining companies. The next step in the evolution of IIiIh wonderful property will lie the installation oC a compressor plant and concentrating' works. This conclusion has been reached aud the consulting engineer is tlguriug on the plans. There is an excellent mill site on the property aud Dixie creek furnishes an abun dant supply of water. Such is the brief account of thiv Standard, about which volumes might be written, from the standpoint of h disinterested observer, aud the con clusion already prellgured that thitt mine will become one of the great producing properties of tho world Ih fully warranted iu the promises. RECORD MAN PLE4SED WITH THE DISTRICT. Howard (1. Itolnort, general man ager ot the Dally Mining Kooord of Denver, who has been in the district for tho past week, left this afternoon for Portland to attend the Mining congress. Mr. Iteiuert visited several of the camps and is greatly pleased with the situation. 'To u"Minoiv roproHontativo he said: ' "The possibilities of the Horopter district in a mining way are immense. The mineral resoutces of your dis trict are not to lie questioned for u minute. It is only a matter of getting money behind the several propositions for development pur poses, This is proved by the fact that the companies having the capital to push work for a sutllcieut length of time are now on a producing hasiH. You have scarcely scratched the ground yet, and 1 couOdently expect the Sumpter district to show some of' the biggest producing mines of the country in the future." Preparing for Mill Run. i ( i John Thomson, manager of the May Queen, returned from the prop erty today and left for Haker City, Mr. Thomson has iucieasod his force at the mine, and is preparing to make a mill run probably within? tho- I mouth. bJ