The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 27, 1904, Image 8

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    r v.
of the
Pay for
Work Will Be Resumed On This Valuable
Cracker Creek Property
K. F. ZiniiH, of Houghton, Miohl
gan, who roprsHeust a syndicate of
capitalists of tlmt olty and who, for
a number of motitliH piiHt Iiiih boon
invoHtlagting tho eastern Oregon gold
HhIiIh for iuvoHtmontH hikI Iiiih iiihiIo
one or two smaller ouilnyH, Iiiih
jllHt Completed till) HCCOptllUCO of tllU
bond on thu Climax group in tlio
Jtourno tllHlrlct. Tim prion paid for
tho proporty Ih privato, hut It Ih
known tlmt IiihI your tlmt hiiiiio prop
orty wiih liondod for 100, 000. Mr.
ZIiiiih Iiiih till tho Hint of October in
which to Hturt dovolopmont work and
inako tho llrnt payiuont on IiIh option.
Tii oho who urn faiiiiliiir with tho
proporty believe that ho Iiiih Hoourod
a bargain. Tho Climax group Ih tho
proporty of George Grayson, of San
KranolHOo, wIioho local maniiKor Ih
l K. ItiHhop.
Tho Climax uronp wiih located
eight, yearn ago hy Mr. Hlnhop and
Hhortly aftorwardH Mr. (iiuyHon took
hold of tho proporty with him. Tho
nilno Iiiih hoon developed Htoiidily
over since on ooiiHorvativo linon,
until now it hIiowh a largo body of
valiiablo oto. Thoro ato four full
oIuIiiih on tho group, tho Climax,
Oriaha, Chariot and K.irastlo and
tjo I'Yaolional claim Columbia No.'-.
Too proporty adjoiiiH tho celebrated
Columbia mi no mid 1b near 'the Ool
oonda and North Pole and Taber
Fraction. Tho lodges in the Climax
group, according to eulgueers' ro
portH, form a part of the mother lode
of that oamp. In thu Columbia. No.
2 tho Climax group picks up the
broken ledge which wuh dropped ill
the Columbia on tho (H)O-foot levol.
The Climax Iiiih been developed in
a HtibHtantial uiauuar by uevoral
thoiiHiind foot of tunnelling, uroHHont
work and upraiHlng. ICuough ore
Ih blocked out to hIiow the trend of
the lodgoH and 'hoi viiIiioh of the
proporty. The ore FuHHiiyH in gold
varying from 0 to 10,000jior ton.
Tho ouglueor'H estimate that the oro
will run on an average with the full
width of tho lugde in the neighbor
hood of 111) per ton. Tim or oh aro
moHtly free milling.
The Climax proporty carries water
and timber rightH whioh are very
valuable and the Michigan pur
uIiiihiMh oxpoet in the near future to
put on a'foreo of men to extend the
lower and upper tunnolH and it la
probable that they will go into deop
Hinklug immediately. Mr. Zlnns Ih
enthusiastic, ovoi the proporty, and It
in believed that it will make one of
the big minoH of the celebrated
llnurno camp. Democrat.
(iouoial .Manager Fuller, of tho
Hiuoltor, lolf today tor tho Greenhorn
district, looking up unit (imh pertain
lug to a tegular and continuous oio
supply. Ho spout two days thoro IiihI
week, tut t tl til ii ' t IIiiIhIi hin liivostign
tloiiH. F.arllor in tho week ho was in
tho Hock Crook district. Thoio ho
totuid considerable oro that will pay
to ship, ovou though it Iiiih to bo
haiiloil to Haines or llakor City and
brought in here by rail. He nay
thoro are laigoquautiticH of oro thoio
that could In cheaply coiicontiatcd
and shipped to a smelter at a prullt.
Tho Gieonliorus, pcrhapH, Iiiih more
smelting oro than any other district
in oiiHtorn Oregon and mine owners
thoro realize that tho time Iiiih como
to get Home gold mil of tho ground,
unit arc therefore taking much In
terest in the construction ot tho
wagon road to 'lipton, knowing that
with transportation facilities thoy
have paying proportion. A route for
thin road wiih Hiirvoyed Sunday and
wiih found to bo entirely loiiHible, the
gradcH being untiHually lowforn moun
tain country. Tho Minor Iiiih already
quoted Manager Fuller iih Haying
that twenty live dollar rock in thai
district can be mined, whipped and
treated at a protlt. He will finish
IiIh examination on thin trip.
Last night he Htated to a Miner
roproHoulativo that ho Iiiih already
Hiitlbtiod hiuiHolf that there Ih an
abundance of oro tr Unitary to Sump
tor to supply the Hiuoltor and keep it
running full capacity continuously.
Some ore in already being brought
in by rail from Idaho. TIiIh Ih
bought for tluxiug p irposos, not
becaiiHO not enough can tie secured
in this Immediate vicinity.
mailed an application today for a
hoist of GOO-foot depth capacity to
be erected no the Pentateuch rein,
where sinking is now going on, to
Wheeler k Company, of New York,
which firm la financing tha prop
osition. The Tain, which bat bean cat in
the shaft, is showing op exceptionally
well, Mr. Cray says. This statement
is borne oat in the faot that a recent
assay showed $180 in free gold from
this locality of the mine. The orose
cut and drifts are also being pushed
Tom C. (iray came in fiom the
Valley Queen hint night. Mr. (Jray,
who in Hiiporlutoudlng this property,
J. A. West, chief engineer of the
Sumpter Valley, went out to Tipton
today. Mr. West ia looking after the
completion of the Tipton extension.
The flllu which were holding back
the finishing of steel laying, were
completed today and the steel will bo
Btarted tomorrow.
Mr. Went says the extension will
be completed boyoud doubt the last
ot this week. It would have boon
Mulshed before this but wiih delayed
on account of tho fills meutionod.
Regarding tho Johu Day branch,
Mr' West has nothing new to state
Thia depouda upon the timber reserve
matter of which provious noto baa
beeu made. The preliminary sur
vey, however, ia goiug ahead.
Snake Rivers fine Gold.
The Snake River of the west has
doubtless received more notice among
mining people than any other river
of the country. This is because of
the marvelous fineness of the gold
that Is said to be contained in it
waters and gravels, estimates of tha
river's gold oontenta being made up
to aeveral hundred millions of doU
lars, and the vast part of which we
ars unable to extraot because of tha
laok of knowledge aa to bow to re
cover this very fine metal, or the so
called flour gold. The Snake river
rises in Shoshone lake, in the Yellow
stone National park, flows south
through Wyoming, west through'
Idaho to the Oregon border and west
through Washington and joins the
Columbia river. It is 1,100 miles,
in length and navigable to Lewlston,.
Idaho. Mining World.
Timber and Homestead Filings.
Timber and homestead tilings, as well
an final proofs, can be made before
CharlcH II. Chance, United States Com
miHHioner, office in First National Bank
of Sumpter building, .Similiter, thua Hav
ing applicants expense of a trip to Ia
Harney County Irrigation.
A press dispatch from Washington!
City says that the eoorotary of the
intonor baa temporarily withdrawn
over 300,000 acres in south weatron
Harney county, Orogon, with a vulvv
to furthor examination, to determine
its adaptability for irrigation from
tho waters of Silver creok. Ho baa-
also withdrawn additional lauds in
Oregou and California along tho
Klamath river, whore investglationa
are in progross.
To Do Assessment Work.
Johu Uosa left thia morning to d
tho asosameut work on a couple of
claims near Tiptou, owned by himself
and bis brother, A. P. Gobs. A. P.
says that John has not been makiug
tho beBt of his timo lately aud be
thought it well, as he is au able
bodied minor, to put him to work.
ATu stock holdcrH meeting held recently at the Lucy Mine near Green
horn, Oregon, owned by the Greenhorn Gold Mines aud Develop
ment Co., the officers and director decided to soli One Hundred
Thousand shares of Treasury stock nt 25c por share, par value . 00, for
tho purpose of further development, to erect an electric power plant and
to purchase necessary machinery, etc., to put the Lucy Mine on producing
basis. We own seven claims, fiavo plenty of timber and water. Our
tunnel in now in over Four Hundred and Fifty feet, have cut three ledges
which assay from $lo.00 to $104.00 lr ton. "' ro now driving into tho
O. K. ledge, whoso surface showings show that it is the richest ledge of tho
proporty. Our property is fully equipped with bunk and boarding house,
blacksmith shop, stable, store fionse and tunnel house, We have worked
two shifts stcadv for the past eight months and our ore dump has several
thousands of dollars of ore ready for treatment. Tho property is woll
equipped and the l.ucv Mine Iiiih tho oro. The proporty will soon bo on
u paving basis and will stand tho closest investigation. Stock can be
bought in monthlv installments if desired. tltf.OO will buy 100 shares;
'JftO.OO will buy 1000, etc. Anvono who will invest 11000 or more we will
furnish free transportation ami' all expenses to visit the property and in
spect it. : :- :- : -:
G. A. Herghind, Lumber Dealer, Milwaukee, Wis., President.
Sum H. Stott, l.ucv Mine, Greenhorn, Ore., Vice President.
M. V, Keogh. Merchant, .Milwaukee, Wis., Treasurer.
Morris Sullivan, Lucy Mine, Greenhorn, Ore, Asst. Secretary.
F.d. Sullivan, Lucy Mine, Greenhorn, Ore., Manager.
F. H. Morris, Grain Dealer, Milwaukee, Wis., Director.
Clias. Scholl, Broker, Milwaukee, Wis., Secretary.
Make all remittances to Chas. Scholl, Secretary. Milwaukee, Wis.,
and send for further information to
The Greenhorn Gold Mines &
Development Co
307 Matthews Bldg.
Milwaukee, Wis.