Wednesday, July 27, 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER MONEY STRINGENCY A THING OF THE PAST f President Scriber, of the First Bank, Says the Worst is Over With. National J. W. Scribor, president of the First Natiunal bank here, and an officer of other banks in tho Inland Empire, at La Graude, where he makes bis home, CauyonCity, aud elsewhere, arrived in Sumpter this forouoon and will romaiu horo sovoral days. Miner renders will remember that lust winter, when Hnunolnl oiroles in tho' oast wore decidedly norvous, fonriuR a panic, Mr. Scribor ex pressed tho opinion through tliono columns that tbero would bo no very serious Hnnucial disturbaucoH, buyinj? this boliof on reports received from aorrospondout hutiku all over tho country. That prediction has been verified, nnd now tho Kontlomun comes for ward with tho cheerful, positivo assortiou that tho worst is over with in esateru Orogou, especially in Sumpter and other mining districts. lie says: "There is already a markod im provement all over. In tho agri cultural and stock sections, par ticularly where sheep are raised ex teuBively, times are good, mouoy is easier nud thore is no occasion whatevor for approhonsinn. Mouoy from tho sale of wool has been re ceived and soon hundreds of thou sands will be pouring iu to pay for a big whoat crop at high prices. ".Hero in Sumpter, hm you know, from tho time of tbo spring thaw to late iu July or tbo first of August, is always our dull qeasou. The roads aro now in good condition, the weather is flue, and all mining operations nro being pushed; re sulting iu a gonorul business revival. In tho banking business we see ovi donees of these changes, perhnps, soonor than those engaged in other linos, and I am glad to state that this year tho improvement, is taking place oven earlier than usual. "This, of course, is speaking generally Specifically, the settle mont of tho long standing lied Hoy troubles aud the early resumption uf work at that famous old miuo means much for tho betterment of cou ditions in this district. Already considerable money has boon put In circulation from that source aud thore will bo much more in tho near future Thou, too, I hoar that work will again be started up at tho (Sol conda, hik! that, also, will be a great help. That railroad out to Hourue aud Cablo Cove will, of oourse, mako Sumpter a bottor aud more prosperous town tbau it has ever been." IMPORTANT PLACER DEAL THOUGHT TO bE PENDING Frauk Hobson, the miuing en giuoer, left for Baker City this after noon on an important miuing deal. Just what tho nature of it is Mr. Hobson did not care to state, but tho presumptiun is that it has to do with tho big placer option which bo has secured ou placer grouud, start ing with tho Ellis interests at Sump ter and extending down the valley for several miles. Mr. Hobson has au option ou some 'J, 000 acres of placer ground, aud it is generally supposed that ho has in terested capital to tako hold of it. It is largely a dredger proposition, aud tho possibilities it presents with tho introduction of sufliciout capital aro enormous. 0. K. & N. SUMMER BOOK. Tho handsome 1001 summer book, "Restful Recreation Resorts," issued by tho passenger departout of tho Oregon Railroad aud Navigation com pauy, is just out. It tells all about the summering places of the Columbia river valley a brief description of the trips up and down the Columbia river, to the mountains, beaches, iuland resorts aud fountains of heal iDg, where they are and how to reach them. The book has a special de signed front cover, printed in two olorp, nud tho inside pages are rplendidly illustrated by ooslty and beautiful half-tones. A copy of this publication may be obtained by sending two cents in stamps to A.L. Craig, general Passenger agent of tho Oregon Railroad aud Navigation company, Portland. Numerous duplicate petitions are being prepared by tho local optionists to be sent broad cast over the county. Each petition will bo accompanied by a representative of the cause who will wait ou vuters until he receives ton por cont of the voters in a given community. Rev. Floyd of this city statod today that the orgaui'iitiou has sufliciout funds to carry on its campaign aud would mako a ciireful aud strong fight. He said that it. was a nnu-ploitical issue. Repub licans aud democrats are found who advocate the idea while what are called prohibitionists sometime opposo it. Many of the prohibition ists want to make it a political move but the proseut orangi'atiou will not permit politics to enter tho cam paigu. Herald. Don't Go to St. Louis 'Till you cull at or write to the Chicgo, Milwaukee aud St. Paul rail road. Oftico KU Tin id Street, Portlaud, Oregon. Low rates to all points East, iu coneuctiou with all trauscoutinontals. W. S. ROWE, General Ageut., Portlaud. Oregon. HOIFORST.LOUISANDTHEWORLD'SFAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? Q ' Nature's Act Galjery of the Rockies In addition to tint Oww Attractions' at St. Louis. This can only be door by going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Reports W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third Street o .,im" PORTLAND. OREGON " Tourist ; Cars East Many experienced travelers prefer tourist sleeping cars for the transcontinental journey. The Chicago, Milwaukee 8c St. Paul Railway can ai range for your trip east in tourist cars, offer you choice of routes and save you money. H. S. ROWE General Agent !34Third St., Portland, Ore. WORTH READING YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IF YOU BUY THESE STOCKS VALLEY QUEEN PRICE 9 CENTS Capital $250,000. The Coming Great Mine of (he Cable Cove District. Recent big strikes show values of over $I8J per ton. A sure Producer. An investment in Valley Queen will many times double your money. J J J J BUCK. HORN-PRICE 10 CENTS Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It has the ore bodies of this famous property. An investment In Buck Horn is like finding money J J J J J J J Write today for Prospectus and full information. Men tion No. 60 and we will mail you free six months the NORTH AMERICAN MINER WHEELER & CO. Bankers 32 BROADWAY, N. Y