The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 27, 1904, Image 1

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California Syndicate Bonds Two Thousand
Acres in and Around
Frank llobson today makcH public
fur tho flrat time bodio of tbo details
of tbo big dredging Hobomo which ho
baa worked up duriug recout wookH,
about wblch tboro has boeu con
siderable nimutborlzod talk of lute.
Id tbo first placo, be 1b aotiug for
California people who have made
a 8UCC08H of itoveral dredging enter
prises, who do not oare to have tbeir
uamea mentioned at thin time. Some
of them, however, will arrive here
before the first of August, when their
ideutlty will he revealed aud whau it
will be seen that this is one of (he
moat susbtautinl mining enterprises
ever launched iu Oregon, backed by
men whose names aro synonymous
with succoss.
Aotiug for these eontlomon aud
getting the options iu the name of
one of them, as trustee, Mr. llobson
has secured bonds on ground extend
ing five miles up and down Powder
river, from aud including the famous
Dowuie placers north of town, to
and inolndiug the Hawloy tract to
tho south, formerly known ns tho old
Duckworth place; more than 2,000
acres in all.
This ground will bo laid out in
five acre lots and a prospect hole
sunk on every lot; through the false,
or "webfoot' to the true bodiook.
To do this work steam drills will be
used. Two have already beuu bought
for tho purpose, of twelvo borne
power each. One of these is now
loaded on tho cars at Huutigutnu aud
will arrive here in a few dnys. It
wn used for this purpose on ground
near Weatherhy, this county, on
which a dredge was installed. The
oth'.T one has been ordered from the
factory iu the east aud is now en
They aro known hh "chum" drills.
Thiu gravel is stirred to a pulp,
inside of a pipe that sinks with tie
drill. This pulp is pumped out with
water, aud run through sluice boxes,
saving the gold and furuishiug a
basis on which to estimate values in
the ground. Mr. llobson says that
experience has taught that the gold
thus secured averages ninety-five per
cent of what the dredger will save.
Tho drilln aro capable of golug down
several hundred feet, but dredgers
cuu work profitably to a depth of
only Hlxty foot.
Four men will be employed on
each drill, making about thirty feet
in eight hours. The prospecting
will uot bo finished before fall. Mr.
llobson says that from testa ho has
made he is confldeut that most, if
uot all. of this ground will yield
sufficient gold to make tho enter
prise a profitable one, aud that some
of it will go fa above tho minimum
limit. He seems to have no doubt
but what tho deal will be consum
mated aud soveral dredgers be at
work within tho city limits of Sump
ter at no distant day.
When Professor Solwynn, the
world famed miuing expert, was here
seveial yoais ago, examining prop,
erties for an English syndicate rep
repented by V. L. Vinson, he advsied
that placer minors iu this district go
below false bedrock, and predicted
that vast amounts of gold would
there be found; as was tho case iu
Australia, whoro placers were worked
000 feet below tho surface. His
theory will now be tested.
O. C. Wright, manager of the
Wheeler properties, and W. M. Van
Vleet who is managing the Uold Hug
during his brother's nb'onoo, accom
panied by Mrs. Wright, left for
Law ton this afternoon, where they
will establish temporary head
quarters, This will place them near
the Hluo Hird, Uuckhorn aud Uold
Hug, aud in a better portion to look
after operations. The Hluo Hird mill
is uow uuder construction, aud de
velopment work is being pushed on
tho Uuokhorn. Mr. Wright is man
agor of these aud his temporary resi
dence at l.awton will enable him to
look after them to a better advantage.
Active development is also proceed-
ign at the Gold Bug, and Mr. Van
Vleet will be in position to keep
Id touoh with it.
Bert Husk, superintendent of the
Platts group In the Rook Creek dla
triot, is iu town today. (Jood de
velopment hoadway is being male,
he says. The crosscut ia now In ovor
150 feet, aud it is expeotod that the
main ledge will be encountered
shortly. Tho ledge is dipping
away, however, aud it may take
longer to reach it than -is now
Mr. Husk is having a road built
for bringing iu tho six drill com
pressor plant, which will arrive in a
few days. Everything will bn in
readiness to install tho plaut as soon
as it arrives.
The mill at the (Jem, which prop
erty was recently taken over by the
(Joiner-Hendryx company, Is to be
started at once. Al (ieiser, of tho
company, left hero yesterday with
Frakn Amies, formerly a mlllman at
the North Pole, who is to take
charge of tho (iotu plaut.
Henry Dodson, formerly of the
Tabor Fraction, will look after the
development work of the mine ami it
is the intention of tho company to
push work as steadily as possible.
According to Charles Warren, Jr.,
vice proisdout of the Valley Queen,
who came in from the proper! ly last
night, the shaft Is uow down fifty
feet on the Pentateuch claim and has
cut into the ledge. It shows a foot
aud a half of vein matter on tho
haugitii.' wall side, and the width has
uot yet been determined.
The plan. Hays Air. Warren, is now
to incline on Ihe vein, which dip at
about sixty degrees. The main
orosHuut is aimed for this shaft, and
has some l,"i0 feet to run yet before
it is encountered.
Hurt His Hand.
It f is learned today that tleoige
Oswell, who bus u coutiact on the
Amazon, Bombed his hand very badly
yesterday while drilling. He missed
the drill and the hammer came dovsn
on his left baud.
NO. 47
W. C. Kelman is back frwr. Mount
RastuB, where he and his awe-Mate
a few days ago consummated a ileal,
turning over three claims to Holse
people. The three claim weir sold'
for IfiOO each, and the triinsftftlou.
was spot cash.
Mr. Kolman, it will be remem
bered, went Into KastuN luvt fall;
with soveral associates from Hon rue.
They located a number of claims,
and have boon working on them
practically over since. The recent
transfer coustitues only a small part
of their holdings. They have ad
jacent property on which they have
been doing development, work. Mr.
Kelman says tho Hastus district Ih
showing up well and will r'Joubtlesu
prove to have some goodjuilnes.
T. S. Kennerly, manager of the
Uold Coin, in tho (ireenhmns, was
here today making arrangements to
begin work on fie Oregon King, ini
the Craoker Creek district, of which
he ia also manager.
This property is owned by Phil
adelphia people aud they propose to
inaugurate extensive development
operations immediately. Mr. Ken
nerly went out (here this afternoon
to find what shape things are in. Ho
rather oypoota that, about, everything
except tho ledges have been stolon.
The properly adjoins the oloondu.
on tho northwest, aud contains one
of the (iolcouda ledges, or. which'
good values have been found on
(Jnlooude ground. The group con
tains three claims, aud so far has
been developed by about .'I (ID find, of
tunnels. Mr. Kennedy will omploy
a force of men at once anrJ resume
J. M. Doyle, superintendent of tho
(Sold (Join in the Cracker ('nek (lis
tilct, was here today.
Mr. Doyle Ijih ordered a two drill
compresHor plaut ami experts it to
arrive iu about two weeks. It will)
bo installed immediately upon its
arrvivril. Hand work is lining con
tinued in tho meantime, Dr. (las
mire, one of the Wheeling. Went.
Virginia, capitalists who is inter
ested in the property will lie here iu.
about a week.