fiv Wednesday, July 20, 1904 THh bUMPTER MINhR ANNIHILATION OF THE CROOKS This Means, a Benefit to ; the Mining Industry as : Well as to Investors. ' Id view of the facC that pooplo of e'datem Oregou aro rouliziug moro fully every day that the orooked miniuR promoter ia a dotritueut to any district; that thia seotidn aa suffered from the operatioua of thia breed, the followiuK from the Dally Mining Record will be roud with in terest: The Record has stated many timea that the greatest bouollt to bo derived from the absolute annihilation of the shady stock promoter would accrue to tho mining iudiiBlry equally with tho investor. This is a self evident proposition. Any protoctiott which is extended to tho investor will ro bound to tho interests ol' tho minoH. This has beou illustrated in many ways, but nevor moto pointedly than iu tho opinions expressed by pro motors of Washington, who find that tho anti-fraud law of thnt stato in a great encouragomeut to thorn iu their operations, giving their clients more coufldouoo iu the utterances sout out iu proas olipplugs, prospectuses and private lotters generally. Misrepre sentation tiuder tho Washington statuto is uuulo a criminal olfouse spooillcally and the penalty attach ing to a violation of it is severe enough to bo effective, tiy having such a restriction imposed upon the businosa, houoat promoters are re lieved from the burden of competing with falsehoods aud suitor lug from tho inevitable failure of fraudulent oompanien. Moreover, it la apparent that a groatnr percontage of the mpnoy paid for stocks will go into the mines than when worthless paper ia pormittod to float abroad upon tales of riches that have no foundation. It will be found, wherever the invostor turns, that tho honest mii iug promoter and there are mauy of them the man who has nothing to fear from au investigation of his enterprise or bis stutomonts concern s' .g it, is anxious to soo legislate n otiaated which will proporly safeguaid tho eaHotoru stock buyer. He does not fear such legislation himself b'ucausn, so far as he alone is (Mil ccnod, no laws aio necessary to compel him to ho lionont. lie was Ijinn IioiiohI and his clients have njicariy diM,oc'i'(l him to ho wo. IUh puppnit of .'well proijnsocl leKislatiou is hasoil upon tho rinhl whioh he has to protoct himself and the industry in which he is interested from leeehos. There are many ways of striking at tho leeches aud various states havo adopted various ways of doing it. Moreover, tho postoflice department at Wushiugton is making an organ ized effort to protect tho public from thorn. Rtornal vigiiauoo is tho price whioh must be paid for tho protec tion of the mining industry aud its upright votaries against tho arch enemy, tho fakir. A Michigan aubsorlbcr recently aaut a letter to The "Record in which he declared that there were millions of dollars i tbff'tauka of his state Waiting aud williug to entor the mines of the West, that tho mou the industry need nuly to show that Michigan money would bo honestly administered when entrusted to them, aud capital would pour from tho banks into tho enterprises of tho Rocky mouutains. TIiIb lottor is ouly buo sample of many which aro ro coivod at this office, and it is such expressions as those that convinco Tho Rocord that it is right in its obuiso when vit lights the dishonest oporator. We aro aomotimos criti cised becauso' wo call attoutiou to tho leoobos, but we Dud that wo would not be worthy of our position with respect to tho mining invest ment business did wo uot mako war, War, war, opoo'thlaf last4 'blast! df thieves. The honest promoter should be the first to see the necessity for thia program. PRUSSING WILL HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY Aloxandor Prussiug, of Chicago, trustoo for tho purchasers of the Red Hoy, accompanied by Mrs. Prussiug and William Lummis, a mining man formerly resident in linker City, but now of Tonopah, interested in the vicinity of Olive Luke, arrived in towsi this morning. The party was met at the station by John Thumsen, rocoivor for tho Rod Hoy company, who drovo up from Raker last night, aud immediately aftor lunch drovo out to tho propory. They wore pro ceeded by J. (J. English, of Danville, Illinois, and E. J. Godfroy, former manager of the company. On their arrival Mr. Thomson will turn over the proproty to Mr. Prus siug, trustoo for the purchasing stockholders, which will oouatituto tho end of his receivership. Mr. Thomson's duty has been discharged to the entire satisfaction of all con cerned. Tho reorganisation of the company will be the next thing lu order, aud this, It la understood, will be accomplished as soou as Mr. Prussiug returns east. When seen by a Miner representative this morning, Mr. Prussiug said he had no further statements to make thau bad already been published, but ou his return from the property he would probably be In a position to make kuowu some facts of publlo interest. Morning Mine Matters. Clark Suydo commenced suit yestoniay against tho owuors of the Morning mine for tti,(i.T2. It is un derstood that ho holds their notes, for 62,000 aud that some other claims have been assinori to him. It looks as if a general assault is being made, and dial the creditors are hustling to protect themselves. 1 V Davidtnu is reported to he huyiiiu up jii'lue ments and other liens ou the piopoity. In the inoiuiLimo, several parlien are endeavoring to secure the properly. What, the outcome will be is a mere matter of guesswork. Moving to the Gem. Henry Dodson, formerly with the Tabor Kruction, is moviug his effocts from thoro today, aud will leave shortly to assume the superintend euoy of tho Gem latoly acquired by the Golsor-IIeodryx company for eastern olients. C. 8. Mclain who ia to tako charge of the machinery has already gone, aud Mr. Dodson will follow iu a day or so. E. L. Keauon, Whituoy, Oregon, lumber, sash, doors, shingles, build- Tourist , Cars Bast t fs'IV ; ' f Many' experienced travelers ; prefer tourist sleeping cars for- thc transcontinental journey. The I M.IW.'( Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway can at range- for. your trip east in tourist cars, offer you choice of routes and save you money. H. S. ROWE General Ajjen , 134 Third St., Portland, Ore. HOIFORST.LOUISANDTHEWORLD'SFAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? Q Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies lo addition to the wWw Attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD' U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON tX!&53&M!itC&i 1 WORTH READING YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IF YOU BUY THESE STOCKS VALLEY QUEEN PRICE 9 CENTS Capital $250,000. The Coming Great Mine ol the Cable Cove District. Recent big strikes show values of over $181 per ton. A sure Producer. An investment in Valley Queen will many times double your money. J J J J BUCK. HORN-PRICE 10 CENTS Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It has , the ore bodies of Ibis famous property. An investment la Buck Horn is like finding money J J J J J J Write today for Prospectus and full information. Men tion No. 60 and we will mail you free six months the ,' NORTH AMERICAN M LlM.g,Lvi WHEELER & CO. Bankers 32 BROADWAY, N. Y i 1 ' ' i i i ipjr..3jtWtieJ!n.g.,t0; . ' - 4& -f -! rr wJ W" I . J (FfMtfHNMHnH p-MwMt-"'"t-W''W' y;'jffl)9 m & " '. J . 4sMtu4, ' Wf Tj&"f .MiUd,.frMlh4aitMUlv9U