The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 20, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, July 20, 194
Granite Boulder, a Coming
Mining Region, Says
. Mr. Stalter.
August Htiillor, who in interested
in (iranlto Hnuldor, wiih on tho
train this afternoon going to llnkur
Mr. Staltor Ih h brother of Don
wiaiior wim is 1110 managing owner nrKJW!(, nmkiiiK h cleanup of
tho ilniiiiur company, operating i" 2(),000 down In Flora, Carroll
tho vicinity of (iranlto Mouldar. Ho(,mu(Vt millllH, Aro not olthor you
owns 1111 extension to II.Ih property. ,)r ,ho ll(I,l,t mHtllken in tho locality
Tho lloppnor company, Mr. Staltor unor U)U Ktloinan Iiiih uindu this
HiiyH, ih making excellent headway
with 11 lino showing in slghl. Tho
lodge Iiiih oro which noon iih high ih
$10 (o (ho ton and Ihoro in an
uhuiideiioo of it. Tho company Ih
going rapidly ahead with develop
inoiit work, and according to Mr.
SlnMor in all probability will erect
11 mill on IIh piuporly early next
apring. Mr. Mailer iIiioh not think
tho district in (iiiitHtiou Ih getting
I... . ii .
and doHomiH proper recognition.
Sorcnscn Making Ldsy Money.
AciuiittancoH ami those who have
had business deallugH with Neil .).
Hurnuscu hero and olHowhoro, will
bo delii I led to learn that he is
gathcrii in all kinds of money down
In (ho I alor stain. In an effort to
hIiivo t i i he trial of m Htiit agaliiHt
hSm fi broach of oontraot, one,
1'Yank ' 'lion, made allldavlt that
lie, Hhi ' i, is secretary for Hnronsou,
therel knows ho Ih talking
about. i l that for the latter to
quit itiiinii in which he is now
sit tin ii In Flora, Carroll county,
I ml 1 Mime to Maker City mid
attoi trial, would mean a Iohh
to h SUO.OOO. That in taking
it I- n.o rate of about 2,000 a
dii i merit any one will ac
kit lenders it dead easy
nit fact, that it hcai-H strik
iil ' lance to romittaiiceH re
jr home. The allldavlt
ft r . iih In client that the
II , throwing this tummy at
A ' hi for the purpose of
iIiicj-, which Hlatemetit
v , iiii-iejudicitd in 1 lid to
' ug into consideration
I i that he In niMltiog a
I 00 ). that the cllieii
i making "peruiaticiii"
i It the readei Iiiih ativ
i ling Mi. Snellen's
i im ask Mr. I lei locker,
Mr. Sui onsen's hired
iijimr hiiiiw in inn milling iiiiiirri en JHVM(IIII llf Helliig clothing by radio
eastern Oregon, that It is one of the I ,(H ,, i ., t rciil ! into that com
coming mining HnolimiH of the country ',,.,.,,... nll1 ,f , wiM,ttho railroad
the Minnie Moore.
Schwab, of the
1 eel trust, has closed
majority interest in
re, says tho llailey,
.'he deal whs closed
' day afternoon. It
, two mouths, but
luested to suppress
act until the deal
. nuugh Schwab has
1 "ng interest in tho
. viiijK. Kockwell,
I ho 1111111 who utiwiitorod tho propotly
mid reopened it aftur it hud hoou
closed for years, still rotains a largo
inlotust mid will continue in charge
of the pro purl y. Mr. Schwab will
probably take hold of othor proportion
hero, now that, ho Ih interested in
tho district. Hut whether ho does
or not, ho will undoubtedly ho
followed huro by many othor capital
Editor Miner: I wiih vory much
interested in an artiolo which up-
poarud Id your papor a day or two
since, rolativo to Mr. Sbolton's
allldavlt that Mr. Soronsen Ih busily
(jH.()V0.y t)f ,, Hy tliltiK. HiIh rich
u,viUt. ..m it u..rn. I think it. Hiirolv
miiHt bo over mi llooppolo county,
where, I have heard, tho populace fall
over each other in t hoi r oirortH to
buy gold watches from Htioot vendors
at 81.10 each.
......... .... . , .,-... ...,. -
j Will you ki idly inform me, if
I indeed you aro correct in your Ht nl u-
ineut. tlmt Mr. SoroiiHon Is operating
in Flora, whether or not the suit, club
fare is from Siimpter to Flora.
Don't think for a moment that 1
am contemplating hutting into Mr.
Koi-ouhoii'h game uninvited; but 1
have an acquaintance who Is looking
for a busiuoHH opening, and I believe
he would do well in a town whore
l!0, ()()() in protits can be picked up
In ten dayH.
Tho questioner must gut the do
si led information from some other
source, though The Miner Ih of the
opinion that thoro In no mistake
relative to the locality. If some
slight error has Inadvertently crept
Into Mr. Sholton'n allldavlt, it ia
probably in connection with othor
statements contained therein.
...... , . . , ...... ... . ..
(Seorge C. Uautz, of Seattle, pros!
dent of the lilue Mountain (Sold
turning company, anil S. 11. Norton,
also of Seattle, who has the manage
ment of the company, returned today
from the properties in the Cracker
I'lcek district. Mr. (iaut. returned
IIiIh afternoon (o Seal tie, and Mr,
Noil 1111 will remain and iuaiiguiate
VMirk at once.
At a meeting held Home time ago,
the .luritice group, owned by Seattle
interests, aud the Cracker King, also
held largely in Seattle, were con
solidated under the name of the Mine
Mountain tiold Mining company,
laud the two properties, which are
I located near each other, will be
'operated in conjunction. Mr.
1 1 ant, says:
"We have already invested a good
sum, but we are prepared to invest
more to keep thlnus going. Wo have
absolute faith in our holdings, aud
our immediate plan is thorough and
systematic development work."
Mr. (Sautz Has spent sevotal days
at the properties aud is well pleased
with them. Mr. Norton will start
operations at once.
T. J. Coatollo roturuod last night
from a gouoral trip through tho John
Day country, with glowiug accounts
of this garden spot of creation.
This Ih tho way ho talks:
"Thoro nro cattle sevouty Huiob
f utter than fat, grazing on a thousand
hills, and groin waving in innumer
able valleys. It is truly a region of
prosperity, rogurdloss ot the effoots
of the ropulicau administration or
the nomination of Parker. The
marketable cattle this year will
reach a vast numbor, probably exceed
ing that of any previous year. The
ulfalfa crop is being harvested, but
fartnors aro wait! ug for more settled
weather to start on the timothy. The
hay production this year will be
euurmous, and whou tho cattle aro
marketed the country will soo an
influx of money never uoforo wit
nessed in its history. John Day is
certainly a laud of plenty, the garden
Hpot of l'Jiiloru Oregon and tho homo
of a happy, hospitablo and prosperous
It transpired yesterday that thoro
Ih liable to be serious trouble in'
the near future between the farmers
of that portion of linker county
known as western I'owder valley,
bordering on tho Pocahontas aud
Hnialoy Elkhoru mining districts,
nd tho mine operating placer
claims WIIO are USlng Certain lrrl-
ai - ji,.i. .- ii.,,i. j .c
gatlon dltchOH tor their dumps.
A leading attorney of tbe city
yesterday atatod that half a dozoti
prominent rauohera whoso rauchea are
covered by theso ditches are becom
ing vory indignaut ovor tho situation
and may oombino lu a geueral suit at
common law to rectify tho evil. The
dltohes aro and for sumo time past
llHVO been carrylug HO heavy a deposit
of tailings from tho mines as to
rapidly till tho ditches aud
make it
noeoHHarrv to build up tboir sides
hii order to carry any water. Thie
has resulted iu many instances in
criss-crossing tho farms with theso
embanked ditches having the appear
ance of high railroad grades, Not
only are the ditches unsightly but
they aro rapidly loosing tholr ueo
fulness as irrigation dltchos.
While the character of the mineral
deposits does not hciii to have in
jmed the laud in any way, yet the
tin mi'is have not courted this addi-'
tiou to their Kill htate and do not
care for it. DillVrent from the do-1
poults of California, where themiu-
eiul deposits are poison to the laud,
these deposits seem to do very little
injury, but being reddish iu color
they are very unsightly and the
principal objection as stated is the
...,,,, .i 11.1 iji. nm- cij:i-i ut villi., wu- 1 mmiti:. ii uuYi'i ui
rapid llllitlg UP Of the ditches which ' Hereford. Ore,. Thomas Thompson of Unity, Ore.,
these farmers say they will not stand jA,""J wniiedoi Unity, Oregon. r
much longer. - Democrat.
Paid Old Debt in Gold Dust.
Yesterday Will Kotzor, of tho
Senate saloon was tho reoipiout of an
express package that reminded many
ot tho early days iu this section.
Not only was it unique, but one that
would have beeu most acceptable to
auy citizen of tbe town. It was a
buckskin sack containing S300 in
gold dust and tagged with the ad
dieses of its present owner. Long ago
Mr. Retzer was requested by n friend
in Alaska to loan him a few hundred.
This sum Mr. Retzor wired to his
friend and the obligation was
squared by this Alaskan commercial
method.- Walla Walla Statesman.
Will Make .Mill Test.
Mauagor Thomson, v of the May
Queon, who was bore ' today with tho
Red 13 oy people, states that he will
in all probability- niake-a mill teat
of May Queen oro in a short time,
with a view to the early resupmtion
of tb.6 mill.
United States Land office. (
La Grande, Oregon, June o, 1904. )
Notice Is herebv clven that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June j. I878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land States by
by act ot August 4, I8g,
of Sumpter, county ol linker, state of Oregon, has
this dav fili'd In this ollice his sworn statement No.
jm. for the purchase of the NH NEtf. NGjf NWtf
and lot one t ol Sec. jo. InTp. No. it ., range No. )8
liWM, and will olfer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its t'mber or
sone than tor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Charles H.
. Chance, U S. Commissioner, at hi ollice at
I Sumpter, Orcgon.on Wednesday, the list day ot
. August, 11)04
1 Me names ns witnesses: William A, Green. Ralph
1 Mead, Van Rensselaer Mead, Uric I. liergmau.
all of Sumpter, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said jist day ot August, 1004.
I:. W. Davis, Register.
Department of the Interior.
Land Ollice at La Grande, Ore
le t8, 1004. )
Notice Is herebv ulven that the following-named
settler has filed notice ol bis Intention to make final
proof In support ot his claim, and that said proof
will be made belore Chas. II. Chance, U: S. Commis
sioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Aug. 11, 1004, viz:
H. C. No. it.sTi,
of Sumpter, Oregon, tor the e H s w Sec. 1 j, and
" fo;' MgwIt&V Tprove his
continuous reslJence upon and cultivation of said
, land, vli: Peter J. Soards. Joseph Ryan, Ed. Mc-
NuU Robert W, Rey, all of Sumpter. Oregon.
E. w. Davis, Reguttr.
United States Land Office.
La Grande, Oregon
April am, IV04
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June , 1878, tn-
llil.. An mrt Inr flu. calx nf llnilmr Infill In 111 ctatoa
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter-
! i?aAlXlSKrrtS., "" " ,,ul"lc L,,,, l"to "
of Sumpter, county of liaker! state of Oregon, has
this day tiled in this ollice his sworn statement No.
jo8q, for the purchase of the Ii ii S E H,
and SWtf SEtf of section No. 30 In township
No. 4 south, range No. u UWM, and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than tor agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud be
fore Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on SaturJay, the 16th da of
July, 1004.
lie names as witnesses: Morris II. Allen, Thomas
Moon . Ralph Mead, and Van Redssel.ier Mead,
all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tin. above
Jesirll'tM lauds are letiuested to tile their claims In
this ottue on or before sill lOth dav ol July, 1004,
U. W. DAVIS Reglstur.
United States Ltnd Ollice. j
l.n (irande, Oregon, June i, 1904 I
Notice is hereby given that Joseph Wham, ot
Unltv, Oregon, as hied notice ot Inttntlon to make
prool on his desert-land claim No. a;6, fur the se
se1 , sec, io, ne'i' ne'f sec. 11, tp. a s. r )7 e. W.
! , belore the County Clerk of liaker County at
Maker City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 4th day ot
August, 1904.
He n imes the following witnesses to prove the
complete Irrigation and reclamation ot said land:
Gene Yeager ot Unlly, Ore , Thomas Ii. Hoyer ot
Don't Go to St. Louis
'Till you call at or writo to tho
Chicgo, Milwaukeo aud St. Paul rail
road. Oflloo i:il Thtid Street,
Portlaud, Oregon. Low rates to all
points East, iu conduction with all
W. S. ROWE, General Agent,
Portlaud. Oregon.
- ffei