wummmwmwim -iump- Nr-, Wednesday; Julv 13, 1904 THh bUMPTER MINhR ANTI-FRAUD LAW OF WASHINGTON Promoters Believe that Business has Been En couraged by it. Washington tins boon one of tho first sttitos to onnct legislation do signed especially to propect wining investors from tbo operations of fraudulout echemors, says a Spokane dispatch. It bus beeu moro than a year since the legislntnro passed tbo law to subject promoters who mis represented the fuels concerning thoir propositions to a peualty, and it is ii tereatiug at this timo to ucto that not oue caso has yot. beou prosecuted under tbo statute. This ciroumstuueo might loud to tbo opinion either that tbo authorities were lux in enforcing the law or that the prorlsious of it wore not such us to roaoh thoso who desired to perpotrato fraud, but tho -fathor of tho act expresses tho opin ion that it Is in ovory way adequate .uud that it has boon olfootive in rais ing tho staudard of mining promo tion operations in this state. Ho any a that thoso who might bo prouo to misrepresent thoir propositions 4vo dotorred from so doing by tho now statute ' However this may bo, tho law is a good one, so far as it goes, and Washington promoters who have felt that tbo industry is injured by fraudulent operators declare that it serves as a protectiou to them aud enables them to work without fear of suspicion when it comes to the statements which they make to the public. Some of them go so far as to quote the law to their clients as an indication that they could not afford to misrepresent, were disposed to do so. the fact that so many even If tboy In view of miuiug in- vestors dwell in the east and have to depend in great measure upon Infor mation wbioh they receive from tho west ,such a law gives them greater confidence in the iuvestmeut business. It is tho general opinion here among those who have thought of the matter that other operators in other states would do well to urge upou their legislatures the enactment of similar laws. Tho bill which has boon euaoted iuto law by the etato of Washiugtou was introduced iuto tho legislature by Joseph Liudsloy, of Spokane, Jiuuary 20, 1003, its purpose boiug to chock illegitimate deuliugs iu wiuiug stocks. It is said to bo one of tho most sevoro measures of passed by any state investor who has this nature ovor and pormits tho beeu dofruudod through false representations to pros ecute tho perpetrator iu tho criminal courts. The act is as follews: Seotiou 1. Auy superintondout, director, secretary, mauuger, agont or other officer of auy corporation formed or existing under the Jaws of 'this Btate, or transacting business iu this state, and auy person pretending or holding himself out as such super intendent, director, secretary, mana ger, agent or other officer, who shall willfully subscribe, sign, endorse, verify or other wise assent to the publication, either generally or privately, to the stockholders or to 'other persona dsaliog with such cor- jporatious. or its stock, any wilfully uutruo or wilfully fraudulently ex aggerated report, prospectus, account, statomout of operations, values, busi ness profits expenditure?, or pros- peots, or other paper or documeut in 'tended to produce or give, or having a toudoucy to prnduco or give, to tho shares of stock iu such corporation ,h groator value than ttioy really j possess, or with tho intention of do jfrauding any particular tieroou or porsous, or tho public or persons gouorully, shall be doomed guiity of any ofFouse agaiust tho laws of tho state of Washington, uud upon con viction thereof, shall bo puuished by imprisonment iu Pjo penitentiary or county jail for not morn than live yoars; or by a fine not exceeding live thousuud dollars, or both. Chapter 03, Luws of 1001), Pugo 141. At tho timo of tho passage of tho bill promoters all ovor tho stato woro anxious to know tho result of its adoption. As fur us tho state records gn tboro bus beou no result, for not ouo caso beou tried undor that act. it bus hud its oirect, however, and promoters gonerullly say that thoro has been less illegitimate business done in Washington since its passage than ovor before Tho peualty is socoro aud thoro is a torror in such punishment, lie fore tho passage of tho bill tho stockholders who hud In vested his money in worthless stock, for tho bouoflt of tho promoter, hud only a civil action to rocovor his money. The bill is comprehensive aud covers almost ovory method of fraud ulent doaliug In atockH. It was framod for tho express purposo of stopping wildcat jobB. Before tho passago of tho bill many promoters made mouoy by deftauding the in vestors with oxtravagant circulars and prospectuses, but that Is seldom attempted now, as the law is feared. GtTTING A CRtW TOGETHER FOR GEM Harry Hendryx uamo back from Baker City today where he was looking after tbo details of Oom operations. This property, as stated, baa been takou over by tho Uoisor Hendryx people for eastorn clients. Operations are to bo started at ouco. C. S. McLaiu left hero yosteray to look after the overhauling aud im mediate oporatiou of the machinory, uud floury Dodson, formerly of the Tabor Fraction aud tho Bonanza is gettiug a crew of men togothor to assume tho suporiuteudency of tho initio, Rosumptlou uudor tho now management will take pluco at ouco. Tho (lorn is an old property located iu tho Sparta district. 0. R. & N. SUMMER BOOK. Tho handsome 1004 summer book, "Routful Recreation Resorts, " issued by tho passenger doparteut of tho Oregou Railroad and Navigation com pauy, is just out. It tolls all about the fliimmoring plaecs of the Columbia river valley a brief description of tho trips up uud down the Columbia rivor, to tho mountains, beachos, inland resorts aud fountains of heal ing, where they are and how to reach them. The book has a special de signed front cover, printed in two colore, and the inside pages are nplendidly illustrated by ooslty aud beautiful half-tones. A copy of this publication may be obtained by sending two cents in stamps to A.L. Craig, general Passenger agent of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company, Portland. .' RED BOY WILL SOON BE OPERATING AGAIN Messrs. English and Will Visit the Property Tomorrow. John (1. English, of Danville, Illinois, ouo of the heavy stock holders iu the Red Boy, and E. J. Godfrey, of Portland, former mana ger of the company, arrived in town this morning from Baker City, where tho adjustment difficulties of tho company which have been in progress fur some timo, dually reached a con clusion. In this regard tho Demo crat of this morning says: "In the circuit court lust evening there was present before Judge Eakin tho leading stockholders, attorneys and Recoivoi John Thomson iu tho matter of O. O. Benson agaiust the Red Boy Consolidated (.5 old Mines company. Tho occasion was tho presentation of Receiver Thomson of his report of monies recolved and oxpoudod. Ho showed that ho had received all told 884,007.00 and that ho had paid out for claims allowed 07,074.70 leaving a balance iu Ills hands of 17,423.84. Tho recoivoi asked for au allowance for his services AN ELEGANT LINE OF SAMPLES OF Men'sTailored Suits From the Well Known House of WANNAMAKER ft BROWN OF PHILADELPHIA AND FRED KAUFFMAN THE AMERICAN TAILOR OF CHICAGO A SURE FIT AND PERFECT SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED LADIES' TAILORED SUITS ORDERS A SPECIALTY See tho Now Lino of Samples ami all tho Styles of the Season at my ollloo. Jesso Hobson HOTEL SUMPTER I Bank of Sumpter Transacts General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Satety Deposit Vaults Godfrey in Town and and au order for tho disposition of tho balance of tho mouoy. Tho court took tho matter under udvlsomont. " Mr. English today visited tho Amazon, a property which ho owns in tho Cracker Crock district, aud to morrow ho aud Mr. (Jodrfoy will take a trip to tho Red Boy. Regarding tho resumption of tho latter, Mr. English says : "1 A'ill remain in tho district only a few days longer. 1 will go to Chicago where it la probable a re organization of tho company will at ouco no eirectod, and plans for future oneratlon laid. 1 am nut in a position to say just when work will Do resumed, but matters are now shaping themselves rapidly In this direction." At tho Chicago mooting tho opera tion aud management policies will bo settled, according to Mr. English, aud a short time thereafter will see this old aud well known property working again. 3 THE HOTEL SUMPTER I S TH E BEST IN EASTERN OREGON STLAM HEAT ELECTRIC LIGHT TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH ROOMS WITH .BATH FREE BUS TO ALL TRAINS RATES $2.00 to $3.50 a Day 858 B. W. LEVENS PROPRIETOR SfSasssassssssKS. GEO. E. ALLEN ? JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND NOTARY PUBLIC All kinda of conveyancing done. Collection! promptly made. Real Ematu houirht aud Hold. Mouoy loaned. MiuoH, Mining Stocks and ProHpecta nought aud Hold. Titled to all property looked after and made uafe. OFFICE ON CENTER STREET J NEAR POSTOFFICE 2 fH-a-