Wednesday, July 13, 1904 THh bUMPTER MINhR 1 1 CALIFORNIA TO RESUME WITHIN NEXT 30 DAYS Or. Moulton Treasurer of Company to Superintend Preliminary Work at This End. Dr. S. iM. Moulton, trcnsuror of tho Turungniu Arm company opera ting tho CaHforinu, arrived hero yesterday to look after tbo early starting up of tills property. Dr. Moultnu wont out to tho property yesterday, returning this afternoon. Ho eaya: "Tho California will rosumo with iu tho next sixty days. Things are now rapidly being gotton in nhapo to I tniH end. We labored under a groat many dililculties on account of tho' heavy snows ami tho hindrances to transportation, but tho season has now opoued, tho roads aro iu good shape and the plan is to get in sup plies for early operation." OPERATIONS AT THE GEM MINE Horry Hondryx, of tho Ooisor Iloudryx compauy wont to Raker yes terday to arrango for starting up tho (Join in tho Sparta district, which was recoutly acquired by tho com pany for oaatorn capitalists. Tho deal has boon closed, though no prico is moutioued, and work is to bo started in a fow days. C. S. McLain, brother of U L., tho millwright loft, this rftoruoon to tako cliargo of tho machinery. A forco of men was sent iu today. Mr. MoLuin will pump out the shaft and tako gonoral cliargo of tho machinery. Mr. McLain is an old mechanic in tho district, and a min ing man iu this lino of well known ability. Henry Dodson, formerly at the Tabor fraction, and also with tho liouaua has boon chosen as superin tendent. Ho also is rogarded as olll ciont iu mining circloi. Tho Com is oil nipped with a ton stamp mill, a hoist, and is well equipped as far as machuory's concerned. Extousivo operations will bo inaugurated. Comstock Mine Sold. Word has boon received iu Granite, says tho Gem, from what is a roliablo source to the effect that the Corn stock mine, about a half mile from the Red Roy, has been sold. The purchasers are oasteru capitalists uud will at ouce take hold of the prop erty and push devolepment work The Comstock waa owned by a atook company with headquarters at Spokane. It baa never been worked in a practical manner. The pro moters of the oompany it seems de voted more time and money to min ing the atook market than to opening their mining property. A iittle J II t5l Hj '(!. ' General Manager Hellman is now in Alaska looking- after' I the' 'Turn- agaiu Arm interest on tho Copper, River., but is .expected to return within tho next thirty days. In tho meantimo Dr. .Moulton will look after tho property, and make tho necessary arrangements for oper ating it. Tho mill and the mine both aro to be started, on of ooutinuotiH operation. the basis Tho mine has already a largo amount of oro ready for milling. Men will bo put to work at once going through tho tunnels making tho preliminary preparations for tho resumption. Dr. Moulton will remain hero for some time looking after tho work. ovor a year ago thoy crosscut a ledgo that, shows over six feet of high grade milling oro. At once tho property was shut down and has so remained sluco. Tho now owners have placed W. J. Keough, tho woll known Roj 13 oy foreman, in cliargo of tho mi no uud ho is oxpocted in from Raker uoxt week whou a crow of minors will be put on tho proporty. Tho voiu will bo driftod ou both ways from tho crosscut uud a raiso run to tho surface BOND IS TAKf IN ON WOLVERINE GROUP This week Geo. J. Rarrott and G. L. Lindsay took a bond on tho Wolverine group on Moulder creek about four miles from Granite. Tho prico of tho bond is not made public, though it calls for all tho payments to bo made in eighteen mouths, and that development work bo prosecuted continuously. Tho goutlemou pur chasing tho property have great fait I) in its future and aro putting their own money iu tho proposition. Tho Wolverine group contains Ih roe claims and a mi Unite the Wolverine, Moutaiu Lion and Porcu pine, and also has a water right in connection. W. H. Robison is tho discovorer and presout owner. There aro two veins ou tho prop erty. One two aud a half foot wido aud the other about eight feet wide. Those voius are about 100 foot apart aud have been showed up on tho sur face by open outs for 700 feet. Wherover opeued high vuluea in free gold are obtained, aud frequently pieoea are obtained that would pay a man good wages to work with a mortar and pan. Three men are now at work getting ready to sink a abaft on the apex of tbe principal veiu, and after the veins are more thoroughly prospected a long tunnel will be started to opei up tbe iedgea in depth. Granite Hum. I). K. & N. SUMMER ROOK. ' Tho handsome 1UIU summer book, "Restful Recreation Resorts," issued by tho passenger dopartunt of tho Oregon Railroad and Navigation com I pany, is just out. It tells all about j the summering places of the Columbia f river valley a brief description of Itlio trips up and down tho Columbia I l 'Ivor, to tho mountains, beaches, inland resorts and fountains uJ Scal ing, where they nre-and how to rciich them. The book has a special do signed front cover, printed iu two color?, and i tho inside . pages are pfonjdldly ill tint rut ed,hy lcoslt,V )id beautiful hnlf-tones. A copy of fills pulilication may be obtained by sending two cents iu stamps to A.L. Craig, get oral Passenger agent of the Oregon, .Railroad and Navigation .company, Portland. . i; ;(l :' IT WILL BE 10 YOUK INTEREST If you contemplate visiting the St. Louis exposition, to secure reliable information us to railroad service, tho lowest rates aud tho best routes. Also as to local conditions in St. Louis; hotels, etc., etc. If you will write the undersiguoi, stating what information you doHirc, tho same will bo promptly furnished If wo do not have it on hand, will secure it for you if possible, aud without any expense to you. Address R. 11. TRUMRULL, Commorcll Agent Ml! Third street, Portland, Oregon. E. L. Kounon, Whitney, Oregon, lumber, sash, doors, shingles, build ing material, mining timbers. HOTEL DELMONICO RATES $J.OO AND UP First Class in all its Ap pointments. Free Bath to Weekly Boarders. j j MKAL TICKETS - $5.00 M. SPHNGLER, - PROPRIETOR Corner Columbia and Auburn Streets One Block East of Depot. JJJJJ MXMM.M.M.MMM X K k' r MPLOYMfKT mm n i ma m m i IV n . m ' Li L, HinniMIHJ JH V-f. ft," SU.WP'I l:U, OKhOON Phono .:i P. O. Hox x ; w'xw'w'y'''- E.P.UM&U). EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS mill BTacrr SUMPTER OREGON OREGON Short Line and union Pacific i t i . j TP': Salt late, ,, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO SI. LOUIS NEW.YQBK ''Ocean Htoumera between Portland and Sun FraneiHOo every livo duys, Low Rates ! Ticketn to uud front nil parte of the United States, Cuimdii and Eur pt. Through Pullman Standard tind TouriHt Sleeping Cum dully to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; TouriHt Sleeping car daily to Kiuihuh City; through Pullman tourist Bleeping cam (per HoiiuUy conducted) weekly to Chi cago, Kuuhhh City; reclining chair ears (Hcata (roe) to the Kant daily. For particulars, call on jr additm II. O. Bowkw. Agrnt, JMrr (itj. ( r -- --- - .SiSffiPIOGRANDF SSMlNi 1 ' "Onlv trauHcoiitineutal line "classing directly through Salt Lake City tLeadville :: Colorado Springs :: and Denver o o ',', Three splendidly equipped tr daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. tra iih I Through Sleeping aud Dining Care I iukI free lleclining Chair Cant. ; ; Tho most Magnificent scenery in! ; America by daylight. I Stop overs allowed on all classwt i of ticket. For cheapest rate nd.descriptlvet ; , literature, auurosa W. C. MilRIIE, - 6mril Ijutt RIO GRANOC LINE m POPTLAN ONKttON U L 17 ly j2