The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 15, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Wednesday, June 15, 1904
With a Capital of Two and a Half Bil
lion Dollars He Expects to Gontrol
Entire Mineral Output.
A press dispute!) from Now York,
dated tho eleveuth itistitut says: An
nouncement will be miido soon of a
gigantic new combination of capital
in tho United States and Europe It
is nothing less than an amalgamation
of tho valuable mines of America.
Tbo mau who is to consummate this
stupendous transaction 'is John D.
Mon who hare somo knowledge of
tho work now going on in further
ance of this plan say the corporation
under w'jieh tho big mining interests
will bo merged will have a capital
of 82,500,000,000. It is expected to
control absolutely the mineral out
put of the United Static, except
possibly that of the Calumet & Hoela
copper mine of Michigan.
Within the last ten days Mr. Rock
efeller has taken up porsnualy the
task which had been left to his
brohtor, W. A. Rookofellor, and to
II. II. Rogers, who has boon conspicu
ous with tho miuoral interestH of tho
Standard Oil company for ton years.
Standard Oil millionaires havo
boon acquiring mines of America
through their banking interests. In
Colorado David Moffat and Dennis
Sullivan, of tho First National bank
of Douvor, have paid out many mil
lions iu tho last six years for pro
ducing mines, and aro said to con
trol sovonty per cent of tho pro
duction of gold, silver aud lead
mines of the middlo Rocky mountain
Souator W. A. Clark, ownor of
the United Verde coppor mines of
Arizona, and with large holdings in
mauy of tho Amalgamated Copper
company mines in Montana, has been
working with Rogers for sovoral
years. The extensivo placer gold in
terests of southern California, con
trolled by southern California
bauke, aro iu such couditiou that
they cau be taken over at any timo.
It is understood that F. A. Holnzo,
as n couditiou for turning his Mon
tana mining interests into the big
combination, demands that ho be
made an officer of tho company, iu
ordor to keep certaiu promises he has
made to labor unions. Heinzo will
probably be mado an otflcet.
Seuator Keams, wheu iu this city
last week, said he had no doubt that
by January, 1905, Rockefeller
would be iu a position to make tho
final move iu bis long cherished plan.
Denuis Ryan of St. Paul, one of
the best known miuing men in the
norbtwest, is iu this city at present,
and is said to have been the meaus of
selling to Rockefeller within the
past week a group of gold and copper
mining properties in Washington aud
southern ilritiab Columbia. Ryan
declined to talk of bis own trans
actions, but said of Rockefeller's
"When he gets the thing in work
ing shape and springs it on the pub
lic, it will take tho people's breath
away. Wheu he. discloses what he
controls in tho way nf mines that
aro producing real ore, he will make
the mining speculators of the world
wonder whether they have beeu
awake or asleep for the last ten
Representative Citizens
Drive Over the Route
This Afternoon.
Mayor MoCollooh, Mossrs. Roig
man, Hall, Caso, Schwartz, and
Doaue, left shortly aftor noon today
in two rigs, to drivo ovor the new
road to Hurnt rivor.
As all road or. s of Tho Minor know,
thore has of late boon considerable
hammering nf this proposition iu
goueral, and this route iu particular.
F. K. O'Rourke, who has worked
early aud late for tho completion of
the road, has boon acausod by tho
Morning Kuookor, in its usual in
direct, cowardly manner, of being
actuated by selfish motivea: ho ho
induced theso half dozen representa
tive citizens to go over the ground,
seo for thomselves aud roport whethor
or not tho eutorpriso is feasible, aud
also testify as to the truth or falsity
of tho insinuation that ho is en
deavoring to work a gold brick off on
this community aud the liuriit river
if thoy say it is all right, money
wil be raised hero in Sumpter to
complete the road. If thy report
advorsely, the eutorpriso will be
dropped aud tho ranchers there may
resume the old custom of putting iu
half a weok making the trip to Daker
City and return. This town is not
going to play the sucker by con
structing' a road for the benefit of
Wbituey aud the injury of its own
Mr. Rail weut with tho party as
the representative of R. 13. Strahoru,
who has always advocated the build
ing of this thoroughfare, has aided
it materially with money douatioua
and promises to give more, if the
business meu of Sumpter will ox
toud the range of vision beyond their
noses aud join with him in helping
The Sumpter Lumber company
started up its lath mill yesterday,
manned by a full crew. The daily
capacity of the machine is 15,000
The purpose of adding this htauoh
of industry to the busiuess was to save
largo quantities of timber that cau
not be utilized for lumber of the or
dinary dimensions.
It is said to be the most, profitable
department in a sawmill, in that, the
material used csots practically noth
ing, as it would be wasted wero it not
so used.
The Lumber company's saw mill
has beeu in operation for some weeks
past, cutting up the logs now iu
stock on the urouud. The manage
ment reports the lumber market very
much depressed aud Hie demand at
the low tide mark, but output cau
be produced at. present more cheaply
than at any other season, so it is
considered the wise policy to manu
facture a big stock aud have it on
hand when the demand becomes
The Sumpter Lumber company, or
at least, the same people who control
it, now own morn timber laud in
eastern Oregon than any other aggre
gation operating iu this territory.
Mr. aud Mrs. O. C. Wright left
today for La Grande, to visit frleuda
there for a few'daya. ,.,. -
The following instruments wore
filed at tho court house in Haker City
for record vesterdav:
May 20 Nolan Skid' and wife to
Isaau England, N. N. W. 4' N.
W. h Seo. 7 Tp. 8 It. 1(1 10; 8550.
Juno 7 T. 10. Hennett to Grace
ti. Hennett, bill of sale to 100 aero
timbor claim on I0lk creek, aud
200,000 feet of lumber; 61.
May J10 Henry Ramos aud wife
to John (jrossen, 100 acres in Sees.
:il aud .'t'J Tp. 10 R. :ih 10, 82,500.
June 4 John T. Parkinson to A.
T. Vedder, lots 5 and 0 block 1,
Sunnyside, Smpter; 8200.
May ill Jesse Hart to lOrnost L.
Loonnig, OH acres in Seo. IU Tp. 7
r. :i:h 10; :t,noo.
Jne (5, inoo- U. S. A. to Fred
W. Skillings. 100 acres in Sec. .'i!
Tp. i:i R. :i:it io.
March 8 Clara ,1. Armstrong aud
husband to J. 1). Ilixson, 100x100
feet in north part of Sec. 211 Tp. 10
r. ii io; 8 ion.
June 1.'!- lOrwln llommel aud wife
to Llnnie MoMurreu, II 'JO acres iu
Sees. 27 aud .'11 Tp. 10 R. II 10;
81, noo.
Dee. t! 1 Win. I'ollmau aud wife
to Thos. II. Dunphy, F. W. Gertridgo
and Clark Snyde, north half of lot
4, block 1, Haker City, ; $12,000.
Juno 0 John 1'. Hrowu and wife
to Orilla Harron, lot 1 block 10,
Haker City; 825.
June IU O. Harron aud husband
to Robert Donald, lot 1, block 10,
Haker City; 81.
Juno 14 - Wlllona Hayhurch to
Aunie L. Ward, 5 acres iu N. W. )i
S.kE. y4 Seo. 0 Tp. 0 R. 40 K; 8400.
June 11 John Hartlett aud Ira
Loin ru on aud wifo to Lilllo M. Fisk
aud T. H. Taylor fiOx 100 feet uear
Red Lion saloou property in Green
hom; 8400.
Juue 14 M. A. Mitchell to Joel
aud Nancy Hewitt, S. 10. H block I,
Fault's additiou to Haker City:
Juue 9 Ferdiuand Sechtem to M. !
llotr, lot 9 block M, De Roos addi
tion to I'ukcr City; 8100.
Juue I!! Robert Donald aud wife
to Hake: City, south 40 feet of lot I
block 10. lfaker City; 8150.
June 11 Win, Slull vim to Clara
10. Sullivan, lot 8 block It2, Vinson's
addition to Suu.ptcr; 1.
Juno 7 Wm. L. tVorllt and wife
to John S. Tucker, Interest iu
Campbell ditch; 8250.
Juue I-Win. Miles to T. II.
Miles, 100 acres in Sees. HI and :15 Tp.
7 R. 1 1 10. ; 81.
May 211--John D. Host ami wifo
to John II. Washburn, 100 acres iu
Sec. Ill Tp. 0 R. 40 10; 811,200.
April II IMiaragus M. Dugger to
A. F. Clark, 120 acres iu Sees. 15
aud 10, Tp. 0 R. 45 10; 81,450.
May 21 N. Record and wife to
Lewis Flory, 00x00 feet in S. 10. hi
Sec. 8 Tp. h It. 40 800.
Juue 7 Paul Moutalbano to David
Lee, 1400 sheep. ; 81,455.
Juno I Guy 10. IMoisnu to J. II.
Fryer and 10. A. Case, one-third in
terest in Smuggler quartz claim;
Juno 10 Jennie Hamilton to lOd
Hamilton, one-half interest in
Triumph quartz claim; 81.
May 2H Hrazoa M. aud M. Co.,
by sheriir to Nat Cooper, Little
Chief and Rol Chief quartz claims;
e 1,15:1.
Juue !l Nat Cooper to A. Golsor
aud C. W. Adams, same as last
above; 85.
Juno III Win. 11. Mead to D.
Mi hi I Is, interest iu Aurora quartz
claim; 85.
Juno 0lOd Whltaker and wife to
Jos Whalgormuth, piano aud house
hold goods at JiO.'l Spring Harden
Aeuvue, Haker City; 8200.
June 11 Frank Pearce and Jus.
M. f'eacor and wife to Nancy Chris
mau, 28 acres iu Sees. 1, 2 an 1 12
Tp. II It. 4 2 10; 850.
June 11- -J. 10. (Sentry Jr. to D .
L. Wyatt, block X, McCrary's addi
tion to Haker City; 8700.
Juno 111 Llnnie McMurren and
husband to M. A. Hughes, 1120 acres
in Sees. 27 and .'II Tp. 10 R. 41 10;
Juue l.'t J.
National bank,
sheep; 82,700.
June 14 A. II. Taylor to W. II.
Vaughau, one-halt' interest In 100
acres iu Seo. 17 Tp. 0 R. HUO 10;
Hnud Juno 7- Win. Coles to
Fred S. Jolly, 011 part of S. W. M S
10. ''4 Sec. 10 Tp. 8 R. 40 10; lying
west of county road, three years;
Suit Minnie Wisdom vs. T. W.
Davidson, A. H. Hrowu aud Wm.
Gazzo, for amount of labor as cook;
Attachment C. J. Johns vs. A.
J. Denny, amount of notes aud
goods; 8008.
Attachment Henry Hewitt Jr.,
vs A. J. Denny and John Arhtur,
amount of note; 8475.
I. Carson to First
Haker City, 2, II 1 5
Granite Street
Sumpter, Ore.