The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 15, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, June i$ 1904
How Senator Kearns Got
His Start on the Road
to Wealth.
Wbeu I was in Park City, Utah,
the other day a gentleman said to me:
"You surely ought to go through
the Silver King. It is the richest
silver mine in the world."
"The richest silver iniuo in the
world?" I repeated.
"Yes sir. Last year thoy took
out over 50,000 tons of rich ore!
The mine paid in dividends last Do
cumbur 810,000 a day. She is stocked
for 250,000 shares, which can not
he bought at all. It pays big in
terest at the rate of 680 n share.
The King is a dry mine. It. is a
nice one for you to go through. "
In company with a friend 1 started
in u carriage up a steup, dusty two
mile road which led to the mine.
Wo iiad not gone far when wo over
took two old minors going to work.
"Jump in boys and rido up," wnid
our driver.
"Shine, " said one of thorn in a
rich Irish hrnguo.
I wiih not wrong in judging Hint
frointhoso two old timers 1 could got.
the host possible infoimation about.
this famous mine, so I led Ihom Into '. murrlml hurt year to Mollos Fin-
lan'H h'y.
"And ,lohn Judge," continued the
miner, not. interrupted by the re
mark, "left his widow a big for
tune '
"And a foine lidy she is," said
Pat. "Sim's building for the b'ys
that, slung picks and made her rich a
nice homo in Salt Lake when thoy
got ou Id."
"Kinory." wont, on Pat's friend,
"made a good stake, too. but Dodge
kiudoi got into a Mpioo.o, and .Mo
(Jornick, the big banker down in Salt
Lake, put. up a couple of bundled
thinks maybe he'd lose the case. So
while he was under the ground lie I
scrambles around to sue if he could !
find something doiti1. lie sbot otf a
tuuuel and run it clean oil' of the
Mayllower claim. Uut he keep mum ,
about this him and his trusties. He
won out in his suit all right, and
bought six new claims. On one of
those ho sunk a shuft right down and
struck the tunnel he had made ou
the quiet. Right here was the rich
est silver ore in the world, and that's
how he got hold of the King."
"Well, he must be a pretty smart
follow," said I.
"They's lots of us they'd erill
sruairt if we was only loocky, " said
"But th'oy's ot'liers besides Tom
Kearns and Dave Keith that was in
on the ground lioor of tho Silver
King," went on the miner. "You
see, Tom, he didn't have nothing to
go on with except Dave's wages; so
when thoy commenced to show good
and want money thoy goes to Jimmy
Ivors, who was working in the Daly
blacksmith shop, and lie puts up 82,
fiOO. John Judge, foreman then in
tho Daly; A I lOinory, bookkeeper foi
the Anchor, and Hill Dodges that,
inn a saloon, chipped in, too."
"An. I II,,,,.'.,. ..II ..,,1,11..' I,, ,.l.,.lu..u
.111., 111,1, ,U Mil IIJIHIII 111 ,.III,IM-C1
now," said Pat. I
"Yes," said Pete, taking up tho'
thread. "Jimmy Ivors for his 62,
not) that, he put in in '!ll is worth,
over a million." ,
"Shore," said Pat. "And ho laid j
a chick for .10, 000 on his dnirlor's!
widdlu' breakfast plate when she j
1mm lfkaHNs&iL BI&mr
Capital Stock
Surplus, $1000
J. W. SCRIBE R ,- -. Pr.Blifnt
ED. W.MUELLER, . Vlo-Prsl4nt
R. H. MILLER - - - CathUr
Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought
Does a General Banking and Exchange Business
King is an old mine, is it.
?" 1 asked.
"No," said the minor, whom his
Irish friend called Polo. "She was
struck in the "JOs. She's just begin
ning to show what she is."
"And a good stroike it was," said
"Who lirst discovered the mine ?"
I asked.
"Well, it wa kinder like this,"
began Pete "There was a claim up
hero thoy called the Mayllower. Tom
l.'iiiiiuiu wiin wnu ii'firkiiiir in tlm On.
IllJIVIIID .. ,...,.-....... - ... ,. i.t j
tario for his little Sll.fd) a day, uml I tlionHiuicI an. scooped in his shaio."
Dave Keith, who was running the big 'L'Iioiiiiib Kearns. who is now tho
pump in tho Ontario, wont in Hoimtor from Utah and tho
cahoots. Dave come hero hack in 'Hit , "uh -";" " "" ""'- '"
one ot the interesting llgurcs in the
mining world.
from Nevada. He used to work in
the old Comstook in Virginia City.
It wau't many a man could work tho yi',,,H ' "K0
,,,,, in tho Ontario. IL m.mnod l"" w',u"
10.000 gallons a minute. So Dave ' wm,, no ,0,1 'n)nchos on a cattle
gets 60 a day. Ho goes in with Tom
Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies in Addition to tlu-.
Attr.ictions at St, Louis. This can only be done by
going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD."
Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts
W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent
j 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Now ho is only -lil
Horn in Canada, ho
youth to Nebraska,
"And ye
horse it was 'Waisol' thoy
tho brute that. Tom used to ride over
r. it .i i
range, in ', going west, no came ,
to Utah. He was making his way to
... i I'nrlr (MK ivliinli In Mmnit ilnvn irnu n
mustn't lorgot ttio nmoi " ' " " (I...,. ..f.lln.l I U1IHII IMIIJIIIK ;HIIII, lll!llll IIMIIIIIir
,. , who find trade among tho minors
picked him up and curried him in
his wagon, in order to get
him as
the hills when he wint around pick
... .. it. ...... I..
i 1.1 I .....1 .I..SII.I i '! "in Miiii. in
llll; lli inn ijiiiiiuiui n it tin iiiinn, 'iii
i nenriis a jiiii mi uurumieed
1 homes
: than a
spoke up Pat.
"No, hot your life,"
"They needed all thoy
them days."
"Well, sir," .vent
"Kearns and Koith took
tho old Mayllower claim. Thoy was
to civo 10 cents a ton royalty to the
owner for every ton of oio thoy got
out. Nobody else could do nothing
with the .Mayllower, but before Jong
Tom, who was a big husky chap,
works along with his paituors, and in
a jilfy thoy tailed down 622."j,UU0
in tiio hank. Long come the Noith-i
laud company what was digging tho1
other tide ot tho hill tho .Mayllower
was ou and inn an injunction against I
Koarns and Keith. Hut Tonihiiid:1
Tor hell v illi tho iujunioliun. Ho
nut u n a bond, nud liim and his men '
kont digging awuy. Cil ty
said Polo. nH n,ntl""' ,m(l '(M' two ("' Hueo
could cot ! v,!,,,s "'" ,nl'""-s ',,l't- on calling
Kearns "Tonunio Williams." This
on Pete n"H Ul) 'H!en l,IOMI 'mm 'w,J'dy years,
a lease on i K''an,H I,ow ni,H '" ','t' '-""I1" 'Hy
mat bio palace, one of the liucHt
in America. Semeely morel
doen cm b ago ho bunked
u t ih other ininois in a little one
room shack, "baching it," in I ho'
miners say, ami frying his o.mi hacoii. I
C. N. Crowdson Hi Spokontuau- '
The Sliitjlu Stnndurd.
Work at tho Single Stnudaid iniuo,
uoar Sparta, hub boon roHiimbd by
Contain 10. Stnior Tlou, of iJakor
A '2o tiLiimp mill will bo in
to oiUeinl
"Tuui mns prelty uutu. Wliilo hiaUtallod, uooi'odiug
Inwyois wub oliawiu' tin ray, hu.arjuouuuiimont.
Cars East
Many experienced travelers
prefer tourist sleeping cars
for the transcontinental
journey. The
Chicago, Milwaukee 8c St.
Paul Railway
can air; fur our trip
east in tourist cars, offer you
choice of routes and save
you money.
LZL 134 Third St., Portland, Ore.