r ViSlSFSmiSSiS gVl 1"I" "rTSJVSESHi 3SK5s? ' .CilJ,"2 33S30nBra$$$$S$ ESaJSM MSSSsSM SSKSSSSSSSjSSS ---,,. t-mnimtr j. csstt?3vxsKSKmtttsajKsttstt sx -xssxyyyiy VOL. V. SUMPTER, OREGON, JUNE 15, icW NO. 41 MILWAUKEE PEOPLE GO HOME SATISFIED tho project in 11 big one, lint ho in confident of tho suiH'i'HH of tho enter prise Last Sunday a parly of eastern railroad magnates visited lluUcf City mid wore tln guests of Mr. Vinson. Tho party consisted nt W. C. Unnvn, vino president of I ho Now York Con tra I railroad and vioo president, of Stockholders of the Lucy Inspect That Property and Say It's All Right. in now in Portland and will lio homo in a tow days, whon wo will proluilily ho in pnsltoiu to ontlino tho work to ho accomplished horo during thin season anil in tho tut mo. Yon, my son will romiiin and work with mo." It, in known that tho Killon, Warner, Stow art oonipany Iiiih nr riiiioil to prosecute dovolopmont. (J. A. Hergluud, Maurice Camp boll, W. A. Knowlos, 1 l. MorriH, John Phillips and CharloH Soholl. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, stockholders aud olilcors of tho (Jieouhoru Gold Minos hdiI Dovolopmout oonipany, ownora of tho Luoy group of mines, in tho Groonhoru district, paused through Snmptor yesterday aftornoon on thoir way homo. On Saturday they hold a stock holders mooting at tho mino, and elected thoHO officers for tho Dunning yuar: G. A. llorglnud, of Milwau kee, president; Sam H. Stott, vioo president; Charlos Soholl, secretary; M. I1. Kough, treasurer; Morris Sullivan, assistant secretary; I'd Sullivan, manager; those and P. 1. MorriH, directors. Soorotary Soholl Iiiih uoiit Tho Minor tho following statement re garding this trip of iiiHpootiou, tho property aud tho futuro policy of tho cempany: Tho stockholders who visited tho proporty wore woll pleased with tho work that has boot) douo during tho past. Tho tunuol in now in about 400 foot aud Iiiih cut throo lodges, which assay from 61 H to 600 por ton. Tho proporty has been woll managed aud ovory one of tho HtockholdorH was woll satlsflrl with tho futuro out look of tho company. Work will bo continued until tho 0. K. lodge had boon crosscut, when tho company will deoido what plant to orect to treat tho ores. Tho working fnrco will ro increased dur ing tho summer mouths. Tho prop orty was rceently inspected by an export milling engineer who made a very satisfactory report to tho com pauy. Tho stock holders of this company arc woll ploased, not only with tho proporty. but. also tho way tho property has been managed by tho officers aud directors, uh ovory dollar raiaod thiough sale of stock is being spei.t for tho dovolopmout and improvement of tho property. Thoro wero no saint led o Ulcers aud no office rout to pay; no commission allowed for soiling tho stock. Tho company Iiiih not sold any treasury stock for some time, and will not place any further stock on tho market until tho management de cides what plant Ih necessary for tho troatmont of oros, thoro bolng plenty of funds on hand to carry on dovolop mout work for some time to come. Word From J. H. Brown. Tho Minor is in receipt of a letter from .1. II. Hrown, who is trying to Hud that long looked for blind lodge that supplies tho gold for placer mines on liiirnt river, lie says ho Iiiih no near neighbors and that Mrs. Hrown accompanies him to the claim aud Ih "learning to be a hard rock miner." Those who know lirowu, however, are of the opinion that the wise lady keeps in sight to bo sure that her other, but not better, half keeps digging and Hooking. Mr. Hrown writes that quartz mining is inactive in that district but that tho placer mines are all being worked, with plenty of water and a big cleanup is anticipated. Tho weather couldn't bo improved on aud it is a pleasure to be allro there. the Lake Shoto and Michigan .South- 'work on its various proportion on an crn railway; II. A. Parker, vioo o.touslvo scale, though no detailed statement has yot boon made public. It Ih report oil that work will soon bo resumed on tho Oregon Monarch and that proporty crowded Into the pro ducing cIiish. !.i....i .. II... 11.1 H....I. i.. i in titiiui.'iii. oi i in) v.'int'iiKii. mint iPiiiuii i and Paoillo railroad, and 111111108 A. Drake, a wealthy Now York banker. Tlioy arrived in Mr. Mrown's pri vate car. The entire party wont over the route of tho proponed railway as far as the mouth of Powder river. Tho const ruction of tho railway moans the development of the agri cultural and timber resources of lOaglo and Pine valleys, the copper mines of Goose crook and Snake river and the gold mines of the Medical springs, tho Snartu aud the Cornu copia d (strict h. William L. VliiHon passed his early youth in Helena, grew to manhood in this town and horo ho began his career as a promoter. He scoured a largo amount of money from eastern and local people which was invested in developing mines in tho McClellau gulch and Warm Springs districts, .lelforson county. The properties did not turn out well, aud Mr. Vinson went to Seattle, aud from there to the Sumpter mining camp, where he was at one time reported as the big gest operator in that legion. Closing out in Sumpter he removed to linker City, Oregon, and there he has undertaken something 011 a larger scale than any operator in that le gion, and seems to be on the top wave of prosperity. ANNUAL PES1S "IN OUR MIDST". EMINENT MINING ENGINEER HERE Miners Discussing Plans for Driving Out Sheep and Their Herders. W. L. VINSON'S CAREER. PLUNGING PROMOTER Prolfesor II. II. Nicholson, who occupies the chair of mining in the Nevada State university and registers fiom Denver, a mining en gineer of wide and favorable repute, accompanied by Ills sou, 10. 10. Nlehnl- son. ot Minneapolis, who is also a mmmmmm"mmmmmmmm iniiiing engineer, arrived in Suiiiptor A special from Helena, Montana, ( today, to the Hutte Intor-Moiintain, dated ( ProH'oscr Nicholson is well known tho eleventh Instant, bays: William ' in eastern Oregon, having been heie Vinson, formerly a resident of this ( frerpieutly during the past thiee city, hut no living near Maker City, ! veins, as consulting engineer for the DriiLxin. iu iibmiL to undertake some ! Killon. Warner. Stewart company. He --!-- "I " ' - " " Numerous par'los went out into tho nills from Sumpter Sunday, fish ing and picu Icing. Several of them report that they saw IiiiikIh of sheep in various districts. 10. t. Manning says that a troiiindoiisly big bunch was grazing in the Deer creek section. This complaint Ih of annual occur rence in this section and has hooouin quite a decomposed chestnut; but. the evil Iiiih not decreased, notwith standing repeated piotestH. It Ih a fact that the mountain grasH Iiiih boon almost entirely destroyed, the water supply materially lessoned and polute:l, to the great injury and in convenience of tho mining industry. 'Verbal protests and kicks are of no avail to lemedy the nuisance, and unless Die Illinois unite In fnrco to drive out the sheep and thoir herdeiH (his calamity will lie reeateil every year. Occasionally some o.xaspoiatod miner will kill a lot. of them; but. the hheep men expect this ami arc willing to pay so small a pi ice for the grazing piivllege. II is said that saltpetre spread on the niiigo will kill sheep, but no other animal, and this method of re taliation is being seriously discussed. It should not be adopted, for it Ih a cowardly proposition. Killon woueld serve the purpose bettor. Hut. thing pretty big in railroad building, jcomes here now, however, to lemain the lies! plan would bo for minora to Hois remembered in this city as a j aud take charge of all that company's ' organize and force the herders to mining promoter of no small energy , mining operations. This Infnrma-' jVo thoir (locks elsewhere. This mill mi nil iii-oii nd hustler, but IiIh I ton was given out by D. I;. Killon latest project throwH all his formal enterprises into tho shade. It is no less than tho building of a railway lino from linker City to the Seven Devils country in Idaho. It is admitted by Mr. Vinson that several days since. To a Miner rep resentative ProlfesHor Nicholson said : I don't care to make any state ment regarding our plans for the future until Mr. Killon returns. He can be done. You Arc Invited To try a cup of Crescent. Cream Coffee served free at our store. 10. P. HIOUGMAN.