iBtfcr V. Wednesday, May 25, 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER $ GOOD STRIKE OF MILLING ORE AT MAY QUEEN (S"S4T Firs N'vtionail B&Nae OF SUMPTER Capital Stock Surplus, 51000 $25,000 Body Already Measures Six Feet And Probably Prove Much Larger Than This. Will John Thomson nmnnnor of thu May Qui'ou, in thu Kml Hoy ilintritit, who was in town today, reports a Hood Htriko at thu property. A six foot liody ot kooi! milling ore has boon eiiuomitoreri on thu Hod Hoy extension drift, and thu indi cations are that it may provu very much wider than this. There is an eighty-foot porphyry and quart.ito dyke measuriuH about eighty feet making toward this drift, at an anl( Homethhm less than forty-live de crees. When the drift reached this point, the dyke made a square abut ment against the vein, forming its hauuinu wall to the west. Now, it has been the theory of of Mauauer Thomseu, based on the ueneral ehar uoteristies, that ood ore may be ex pected on the north side of these dykes. So the strike was no reat surprise to him. The eighty-foot dyke hauttiiiK wall was passed and when the drift penetrated thu ground immediately to thu north, there thu body of high grade milling ore was onuouutcred. So far Mr. Thomson says it measures six feet and slightly over, lint its entire width is not. known. It is extremely probable, he thinks, babiug such t: inclusion on lied Hoy development, that the body may go as high as twenty feet. It's as preiiy a variery 01 iree mining quarty,, Mr. Thomson says, as he uver saw in his lite. Thu dyke was passed at a distance ot about. ")()U feet from the portal of the drift, going north, where the depth is in tho neighborhood of 250 foot. Tho dyke itself carries about, twenty feet of porphyry and the rest of the eighty feet is quartz- ite It stops short against the vein I and forms the hanging wall for this distancu. This strike was made on thu Red Hoy extension, or what has ! been clearly proven to be the lied I Hoy vein. Tho previous work on this drift, has shown a good liody of fro milling ore extending for a distance of forty I feet. Heyond this, north in the J direction ot the dyke, was ore mainly of 11 low grade character. Hut the butter ore was expected beyond the dyke, in conformity to an invariable rule of mineral oucuriunce in this district. The May Queen is equipped with a tun stamp mill. This will be started. ! Mr. Thomson says, as soon as the ore J supply justifies it. ills idea is to, have enough ore in sight for con- , Minimis operation and this condition ho thinks is rapidly being realized. IMPROVEMENTS AT THE G0LC0NDA MINE The management of tho (Jol couda is taking advantage of the temporary close down to look after general repair work, and needed im provements. A new cage for shaft is beuig built, and the boilers are bonig rebricked ami new fronts added, besides other overhauling. No delluite informa tion has been given out by Manager Howard in regard to the proposed cyanide plant, and it is not known when work will lie started on this. Cutting of Gem Stones. In the cutting of gem stones the, stones in the rough are tnldered in a metal handle or cemented to a stick by means of wax or some other adhe sive material, after which they are ground to a rounded symmetrical shape oil a flat, revolving wheel, the abrasive, diamond dust, emery or ground corundum, being applied by moans of water or oil. The wheels used are usually of iron or copper and at times wheels of wood are ijped. When the stone has received a gen oral round ug, the cutting of facets, ono at a time, is begun. That the exact augl" at which each facet is to bo cut is maintained, a ..slump is pro vided above thu wheel, in which is fastened the handle on which the gem is soldered. Through this the stone is held against thu wheel at (he de sired angle until (he facet is cut. After the stone iias received by grinding thu desired number of facets, (tie process of polishing is performed. This is accomplished in a similar way to the grinding except that softer abrasives, such as rough tropoli or putty powder, and softer wheels are used, the ahiasivo being applied drj or moist to wheels of leather, felt or paper, against which thu stone is pressed. The facets of diamonds are cut by rubbing together by hand two diamonds cemented on sticks. When the facet h are outlined by this means they are ground 'iltid polished 011 wheels to which diamond dust is applied in the same process as in the polishing of other gem stones. -IOx-chaugo. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read a free and inde pendent paper, devoted to I he inter est of mining and current events, which is not controlled by any pro moting concern, such as most of the papers in the east are, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER L WtOADWAY, NKW YOKK ornctRs J.W. SCRIBER . . President ED. W. 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