The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 18, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, May 18, iqo4
The Sumpter Miner
T. 0. (iWYNM.
tnttrea it Hit poittifflce In Sumpter, Oregon, tor
innimiuion inruiign in main at iccnnJ clan
will slowly l,ti I M to timber, as tbe
sawmill In Baker City needs tbe logs,
mill never turn 11 bhud to give Sump
ItT II lift.
()n Yar .,,
all Mnnrhi
,,f 1 oo
The Pad He Miner, lu lioomltiK tbe
Now Vork Mining Stock exchange,
miyn tliHt Wheeler & Company are
among Ion supporters of that in
fitltutiou, which statement in hii
error. Tbe North American Miuer,
publslhett by Wheeler Jfc Compauy,
roast that aggregation of thimble
riggera to tho queen's taste, hh it
should he uvery day In tho year.
The county domnciatic committee
Hhoulil endeavor to Iihvo the post
ntllcc ilopiirtmeut Inane n fraud order
against A .I1. Hinlth. reptihllcmi can
didate for the legislature, ou tbe
Kroiinil tliHt the illiiritriited prospectus
whloh bit Iihm iHrtiieil lenitive to him
nolf Ih ii plain cunt) of attempting to
secum votes iimlor false pretenses.
That iiiiin knows too much mid Ih
going to accomplish too much for
liny one individual- be ought to have
hliiiHtilf incorporated.
Among tho curios of tbe Alaskan
exhibit Ht Ht. Louis ure wild to lie
th rim petrified mastodon teeth, iu
which etui bo seeu, Imbedded In the
hoIIiI quart?, crystals of ((old. It Ih
easy timcti how the original hiiIihIhiicu
oomposlug the tuetb could hawi been
curried away mill replnced by silica,
but how did the gold get thcrer" It
(eeiiiH altogether proluible tlmt thin
miiHtoilou of pichistoiui iiki'h con
nulled a detitlHt and hud Its defectho
teeth II I led with gold.
A press dispatch from Monterey,
Mexico, says that one of the Indent
deals that Iihh eter hei-u consummated
in Mexico wax the taking over of tbe
Velordcna mining und smelting com
puny'M property by tbe (Juggeuhelni
minliiK und smelting compauy, Tbe
deal was cloned on h valuation basis
of 810,000.000 gold, tbe Uuggen
helm explorations compauy acquires
h 00 per cent interest in all tbe copi
pany's holdings, paying 80,000,000
iu csatt and guaranteeing to expend
one million more in improvements and
developments. Tbe mining claim
comprise about 0,000 acres.
A recent report from Alaska states
that Superintendent McDonald, of tbe
Tread" ill mine at Juneau, has tbe
pyramid representing each year's
production of gold at tbe Tread well
about completed. Jt is composed of
twenty-one hilcks, tbe first year's
production, (about 62,000, being the
small brick ou top. Kacb brick to
ward tbe bin-e is larger than that
above to the last, which is almost
twelve feet in length. Tho value
represented by this pyramid Ih 822,
000,000, or more than three times
the purchase price of the territory
of Alaska. Tbe pyramid Is to be
exhibited at the Ht. Louis exposition.
Lawsou resigned from tbe Boston
stock exchange some time ago, after
a serious quarrel wltb II. II. Rogers,
one of tbe most promiueut of tbe
.Standard Oil magnates, aud be openly
declared that be did so in order that
he might be free to expose some of
tbe "doings" iu Amalgamated, with
out violating any of tbe rules of tbe
exchange. Law ton says be will try
to iuduce tbe Standard Oil meu to
return millions of dollars that right
fuly belong to tbe stockholders of
tbe Amalgamated company. He
declares that if the stockholders,
its true owners, could ever get bold
of their property, they could pay,
themselves a cRib dividend of 900 a'
share from tbe surplus profits con
cealed in its treasury, and It Is In
timated tbat tbe company baa dealt,
iu is own stock, thus making mil
lions for its treasury independent of
any mining operations.
obituary columns of the press, one
never dies.
But in all of this nothlug ciu be
found that tends to refute tbe graud
ild theory tbat "honesty is tbe best
policy;" for dishonesty gets what Ih
I .....!... It .... . I..l. ..-la If
i;miijiii4 hi ii, duuiici ui iniui, KclD
good and bard, as sure as fate.
An Ohio nmn, hud the location of
a burled treasure revealed to him the
other day Iu n dream. He went to
the place indicated iu tbe dream aud
dug up n iiuiiutity of old coin of a
couple of centuries back, amounting
all told to 1,000 in gold, but worth
several times this sum ou account of
tbe premiums ottered for such piece.
Thla man would have a hot graft, if
he were to locate iu a gold camp.
He would put tbe divining rod folk
out of business iu short order.
Reports from Seward, Alaska, are
not encouraging. A recent letter
from there states that theie are over
000 idle men lu tbe camp willing aud
iinxloiiH to mirk. Tbe Alaska Central
Railroad company, It Is fa id has
placed orders with employment
nueiitH iu Sound ell it" to send all the
men piHsible. The compauy agrees
to pay from 2.25 to 4.00 a day.
This, however, Is claimed to be it
ruse tti Hood tbe toiiutry with work
lug men iu order to get the work
done cheaper.
A month or six weeks ago, Sump
ter Valley otilcials announced post
tlxcly that it would extend its line to
the John Day valley. Yesterday
1'residcut Keel oh stated to n Mluer
representative tbat be was undecided
what to do. It is ery evident tbat
the former declination was intended
as a blulf at Major llouta, If let
aloue, the Sumpter Valley will reach
the John Day iu tbe course of a
d 07eu years, lu the meantime, it
There are very dllfcren kin-Is of
successes. There Is the success
that brings with It the seared soul
the Miccens which is achieed by
wolllsb gieed an vulpine cunning
tbe success which makes honest meu
uneasy or Indignant lu its presence.
Then there is the other kind of
success the success which comes as
the reward of keen Insight, of sagac
ity, of resolution, of address, com
bined with untliucbnig recitude nt
behavior, public aud private, Tbe
tlrst kind of success may, lu a sense
- aud a poor sense at that benefit
the individual, but it is always and
necessarily a curse to tbe community;
whereas, tbe man who wius tbe sec
oud kind, as au incident of its win
ing, becomes a beneficiary to the
whole comouwealtb. National
Press dispatches announce that Dr.
C. H. Carson, of Kansas City, has
effected a wonderful cine of appen
dicitis, without using tho knife.
The report says:
"Dr. Carson is a close student of
science aud for tbe past twenty-live
years has delved into the great forces
of nature to which tbe twentieth cen
tury Is just beginning to awaken.
Ho says tbat this force Is neither
Christian Science nor magnetism, but
a power that may be expected to
revolutionize the world of mciiciue
and surgery. To carry out bis Ideas
regadlug these forces, the doctor, who
is a man of wealth, has established
the Carson College of Psycblc-Sarcol-gy."
This reminds one of tbe vague,
uncertain, mysterious paragraphs
which we read a doen or so years ago
about the Keely motor, aud naturally
suggests a fake proposition.
Here is oue of several theories,
condensed by au exchange: Tbe
process by which nature forma tbe
accumulators of gold and silver is
very intereatiug. It must be remem
bered that tbe earth's crust is full of
water, which percolates everywhere
through tbe locks, making solutions
of elements obtained from them.
These chemical solutions take up
small particles of tbe precious metal
which they find scattered here and
there. Sometimes the solutions in
question are ho, tbe water having
got so far down as to bo set boillug by
Ibe internal beat of tbe globe. Then
they rush upward, picking up the
bits of metal as they go. Naturally,
heat assists the performance of this
operation. .Now and men the streams
thus formed, perpetually flowulg
hither aud thither below ground,
pass through the cracks or cvlties iu
the rucks where tbey deposit tbeir
loads of metal. This Is kept up for
a great length of time, perhaps thou
sands of years, uutil tbe fissures of
the pocket are tilled up. Crannies
permeating tbe stony mass in every
dl recti o". may become filled with tbe
metal, or occasionally a chamber may
be stored full of it, as if myriad
hands were fetching the treasure from
all sides aud hiding away a future
bouanza for some lucky prospector to
If Thomas V. Lawsou, the liostou
banker, broker, speculator, promoter,
yacht owner aud horsemau, keeps his
word, the public may bo glveu some
Interesting Information 'couceruiug
the operations of tbe Staudard Oil
people iu Amalgamated Copper stock.
During tbe past two weeka a half
dozen or more crooked promoters
have been arrested for obtaining
money under false pretesnes, tbe
complaints having been swuin to by
their victims. Iu several instances
tbe postal authorities are prosecuting
these thieves, for using tbe mails to
defraud. Tbe noticeable feature lu
all of these oases is the large amouut
of stock wblcb tbe scamps bave been
able to dispose of; far more than
most legitimate euteiprises can sell.
Uue smooth rascal, so the press
report says, went so far as to dispose
of' more stock tbau his compauy
was authorized to issue; rather tbau
take tbe trouble to orgauize auother
fake. Of course, this makes uo
difference to the suckers who boubgt
tbe stock, but it would probably
prove a technical point to bis own
advantage at the trial.
The lesson to be drawn from tbee
facts is that tbe more extravagant ,
tbe promises; tbe gaudier tbe bate,
as it were, the more fish oue can catch.
Aud tbe corollary to this is tbat tbe
public, tbe average meu and women,
the common people, so to apeak,
uiuety-uiue out of a hundred of
them ueed guardians, or iu other
words, are uot capable of self protec
tion. Or, if you prefer, a sucker is
boru every minute, aud apparently,
judigug by tbeir uumbers aud the
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe
of Oregon for Baker Couuty.
Jodie Walllck, plaultlff vs. Henry
C. Walick, Defeudant.
To Henry C. Walllck, tbe above
named Defendant.
In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear an
answer tbe complaint filed against
you in tbe above entitled cause on or
before tbe 20tb day of June, 1004,
wblcb is tbe last day of tbe publica
tion of tbe summons as prescribed by
the order duly made aud filed by tbe
Hon. V. V. Travillion, county judge
of Baker Couuty, Oregon, on the 10
th day of May, 1004, aud it you fall
so to appear aud answer said com
plaint the plaintiff will apply to tbe
court for tho rcliel prayed for iu tbe
complaint tiled bereiu. Aud you are
further uotifled by said order so made
aud filed on tho 10th day of May,
1004, ordered tbat service of sum
mons iu this suit be made upon you
by publication thereof iu the Sumpter
Miuer, a weekly newspaper of Sump
ter, Baker Couuty, Oregou, and that
the ditto of tlrst publication thereof
Is May tbe IHtb, 1001, aud tbe date
of the last publication thereof Juno
the 20b, 1004.
Attorucy for plaintiff.
Via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
Louis, is tbe ouo tbat gives you the
most for your money and tbe fact
that tbe Illinois Central offers uu
surpassed service via these points to
tbe World's fair, and In this con
nection to all points beyond, makea
it to your advauatage, iu ase you
contemlpate a trip to any point east,
to write us before making Dual ar
rangements. We can offer the choice of at least
a dozeu different routes.
Commercial Agent,
142 Third street, Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T P. A P. A.,
142 Third st., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson, P. 4 P. A.,
Room 1, Colmau Bldg.,
Seattle, Wash.
5 Bank
I Sumpter
s General S
S Business.
S Interest Paid on Time
J Deposits ?
S Satety Deposit Vaults c