The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 18, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL V.
Specifications Are Being Made And Machin
ery to be Ordered at
Albert Celser and HHrry Hoiidryx,
of the Uoieer-llendryx Investment
compHiiy. returned this rooming from
Portland Hiid the former from south
ern Oregon points also.
They are buoy today getting out
specllloatlous for the compressor
plant to be Installed at the Midway.
It will lie a six-drill plant, and the
order is to be be placed at once
with the Ingersoll-Seargaut poplo.
The company expects the inachluery
here as ttoou n the ronds are In
couditiou for itb trausforreuco to tbo
In tho meantime it Is boliiK over
hauled, and things gotten In shape
for extensive operations. Wood con
tracts have been let, preparations arc
beiiiK made to start the sawmill and
a new water ditch Is being carried
around from Swlll.llollow to furnish
the boilers spring watei. Instead of
using that from tho mlue
In regard to tho Oregon King deal,
in the Ashland district, tho Ilrtn
states that reports regarding its having
beeu closed are premature. Nego
tiations are not closed and will
probably not be for some thirty days.
r. 11. Hauo, of Hurley, Wisconsin,
proprietor of The Montreal Itiver
Miner, and interested iu several other
Wisconsin aud Michigan publications,
was here between trains today. Mr.
lluud has been visitiug Seattle and
other coast cities. Ho is luteiested
In tho California aud while west
thought he would stop here aud visit
the property, but on learulug that
Manager Hellmau is iu Minneapolis,
aud that the mine aud mill are not to
start up till his return, concluded to
leave withe ut making tbo visit.
Mr. Hand, who is iu the iron
dsitrict, does not give a very favor-J
able repoit of tho situation. Ho
as there are some minor details yet
to settle, though it is entirely proh
nble that tbo company will take over
tbo property.
Mi. Celser, with Angus McQueen
and ClarK Tabor, of Portland, was
at Ulenriale looking at a property
there with a view to taking it over,
though no conclusions have been
The reference to Mr. (Jelser's full
ing heatlli. duo to the high altitude
and snowy wiutors of Sumpter, made
by tbo Ulendalo News, and tho pos
sibility of his chiitiglng his residence
to that point, has caused his friends
here groat uueasiueis. Since tho
matter came up, it Is recalled that
ho is becoming tblu and emaciated,
very closely approaching the con
sumptive state. Ills friends are won
dering why they had not noticed the
marked chaugo before.
Out Mr. (ielser denies tho report
about his removal. Ho even says he
Is thriving on Sumpter climate, mid
avers that he bus no symptoms of
consumption, but his thin form bears
adverse testimony, aud the gratest
fears are entertained.
says that tho oro output of tho Iron
mines In Michigan aud Wisconsin
will bo cut down fifty per cent this
year, on account ot tho overproduc
tion. He was greatly surprise to Hud
Sumpter such a thriving aud prosper
ous town. "You have a beautiful
location for a big place here, aud are
making a bravo stait toward Its build
ing. I thought Sumper much smaller
tbau It is".
Al Gclser on Another Deal.
The following from the (Jleiidale
News is of local interest, all of the
men mentioned beiug well known
here: Angus McQueen and Clark
Taber, the well known Portland min
ing men, accompanied by Albert
Oeiser, tho most promiuent mlue
owner iu eastern Oregon, arrived here
Motuliiy hikI next day proceeded out
I to the (iold Hug mine, llftoou ml lew
J southwest of (ilendale.on which prop
erty they recently took h linnd, mid
hi which 11 fabulously rich strike was
, made thlH week of oro t hut will run
J thousands of ilollurH to tlio ton. It
I it) the intention of these mining mag
nates to make thu (.Sold Hug one ot
I the greatest mines In tho West within
Jh short time and they have thn on
leigy and ciipitHl with which to do It.
Mr. (ielser informed iih Hint owing to
tho high altitude mid sovro winters
in tho Sumpter district, whluli is In
jurioiiH to his health, ho nuty con
clude to transfer IiIh operations
eiitlroly to tho (ilondalo dtiltrlot.
). Schmidt, or lirldgeport, Ohio,
just across thu river from Wheeling,
West Virginia, arrived this morning
to look over tho situation with n
view to investment and location.
Mr. Schmidt says that a parly of
tweuty-Uvo or thirty capitalists from
Wheeling, interested in tho Citizens
(Sulil Mining company, and othors
will leave there Monday for Sumpter.
Ho at tlrst thought bo would wait ami
come with the party, but unit. was tho
Intention to come by St. Louis and
take in tho fair, ho. concluded to
come 011 through by himself. The
party will probably arrive hero about
.June, 1. Mr. Schmidt says the
Wheeling capitalists intend remain
ing in tho distiict for some time
looking after their investments al
ready made, and to make others.
Charles h. Chance took Mr.
Schmidt up tho Cracker Cieek way
this afternoon to have u look at the
mines there.
W. J. Curtis, of A I ban v, New York,
0110 of tho owners of tho I. a Clede on
North Powder, was here today be-
I tweeu trains, settling up some bus
iness matters preparatory to leaving
foi his pioperly, with a view to re
suming operations.
The La Clede Is n coper rirnporty
(of much merit, It Is understood,
and Mr. Curtis is here to perfect ar-
' raugeiiieiits toward its further de
Work at Monumental.
C. .1. Allen, 0110 of the owners
of the Monumental, returned from
' tliu mini, llilu tuririil 111. mill Iftft fin llin
afternoon train for Portland. Mr.
Allen has a force of men at work, and
will carry 011 opeiatlous steadily.
Ho will bo back in about two weeks
to glvo the work his perKinal attention.
NO. 37
The linker City Herald of last
evening published the, ,, following
letter I nun Major ,1. W. llonta, dated
at Philadelphia. May H:'
"I have had a large job on my
hands In moving the enterprise for
Oregon , but have succeeded remark
ably well, and will bo with you In
tho very near future. The full extent
of my undertaking I have uot divulged
to parties iu Oiegou, for the reason
that 1 could not tell how capitalists
in the east would view it. Hut now
I shall bo prepared to glvo to you on
my in rival a full text, as I now have
the full endorsement of capitalists in
Now York and llnstou. I think that
you may safely assure the doubting
element In Oregon that tho people of
the east begin to comprehend tho
virtue of railroad building from
linker City southwest, ami will an
swer tho prayers of those beyond our
present snuliteru terminus. W
shall tako the initial step Imme
diately upon my arrrval. "
The aovo letter was received this
morning by tbo livening llerall from
Major Douta, who Is the promoter of
the electric railway from laker Cl'y
to the Oregon Wonder and other
mliiuH near Prairie City, whose Inten
tion It evidently Is to exetud the lino
ultimately through 'sontii)iislerti' and
south central Oregon, to a junction
with some trausoniitluoutaj Hue in
California or Nevada.
In Major llouta's letter almost
positive assiiriiuce is given that tho
big project has been successfully
llnaneed. It will bo remembcicd
that a few weeks ago live million
dollars worth of bonds were issued by
tho II. C. ,fc O. W. .V L company,
which were secured by a' tlrst mortgage
on all the property of the company,
which Included scores of mining
claims Indraut count v, together with
all the railway franchises. Then)
bonds weio underwritten liy tlio North
American Trust company, of New
York, one of the biggest ifniiuolal
institution on the Atlantic const.
Hlnce that lime Major lldiln Ihih
been hunting for a maiket for tho
bonds. Judging from his letter
aliore. ho hsa at last been success! u I,
This Ih without doubt one of tho
most important enterprises as effect
ing the commercial upbuilding of
linker City and all tho Inland Hmplre
that has ever been inaugurated on in
Knsteru Oitgou. The construction
of this line will bring a tremendous
trade to the doors of local merchants
aud would give a sudden and un
paralleled Impetus to tho develop
ment of uot only tin mineral re
sources of the cooliy traversed by
the road, but also of all the varied
Industries in (iraut, Malheur and
Harney counties, which are yet iu
their infancy, but which a I rem y
yield millions nl dollars annually.