The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 11, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, May u, 1904
o . r Ti - .
oGCrGTflry 0T I (IB int6ri0r
Has Approved Plans for
Payette And Boise
The Secretary of the Interior has
tontatlovly approved pinna for a '
stupendous lirlgntlnu project to lie!
constructed In the valleys of Payette I
and Hoiso rlvura, iu southuestcru
Idaho. Tlila information will hp ,
especially interesting to those who!
aro fiimlliar with the publications of
thu United Stated (Seological Stitvey. '
Quo of the most recent geologic fo-
lios issued by the Survey is that
minting to thu Nam pa quadrangle,
which is situated near the lower end
of Snake Klver valley, mostly iu
Canyon couuy, Idaho. Mr. Wnldcmnr
Llndgruu, author of the folio, states
that iu this region, owing to thu lii'k
of rainfall, vegetation Is scant, and
tlineiitlru quadrangle may be called a
sagu-brush desert. He calls attention
to the fact that, with the exception
of the Hood plains of the lloiae and
I'ayuttc rivers, tributaries of Snake
river, whom there is a natural sub-
irrigation that keeps vegetation grow
Iuk, nud aomo places along Willow
cieek. whero underground water nro-l"'"'
rlilm xlmllnr l.n.Hm, II,,,,..,
rlciiltural lauds of the quadrangle
must bo irrigated.
Iu viuw ot this great need, it is
gratifying to learn that work Iihs
beeu begun to bring under one com
prehensive national iirlgatiou project
,'I7J,000 acres of laud, or more than
the total irrigated area of Arboun.
Washington, or Mexico. In com
pliance with a request from the
majority of thu landowners of thu I
Holao and Payette valleys, thu Sec-,
rotary of the Interior has ordered a
cuutiuiiHUCo of the surveys nud in
vestigations preliminary to actual
coustruclon work. A sufficient sum
for tbe completion of the work will ;
bn set aside aa soon as tbe settelrs
perfect tbe uecesiary oraguizatlou to
secure to tbe reclamation fund tbe
return of tbe money required for tbe
Tbe project comprises two features,
a masonry dam iu tbe Payette river
and works for tbe diversion of water
from lioise river. Associated witb
tbe dam in Payitte river is a caual
on each side of the stream, tbat on
tbe south aide connecting with a
large pumping plaut. The dam will
be ninety feet high, 00 feet long un
top, aud l'J.'i feet long on tbe bottom.
Tbe capacity of the reservoir will bo
100,000 acre feet. .The north side
caual will have a longh of twenty
miles, the south side forty miles.
Tbe estimated cost of these works
is 1, '200,000. fly menus of them
1000 cubic feet of watet may be
diverted every second for the irriga
tion of 150,000 acres of laud.
Tbe works for tbe diversiou of
waters from tbe Boise river couslsts
of a dam ten feet high, 400 feet long
on top, aud 400 feet ou tbe bottom,
constructed of concrete, steel and
timber. Tbe capacity of tbe reser
voir will be 100,000 feet. Two
diversion canals, ona on eacb side of
tbe river, will bate a combined
length of 135 miles and a bottom
width varying from forty-five to
ninety feet. The estimated coat nf
thlssectinu of the project it i?'J,000,
000, tunkiug he coat of the entire
project gVJOO.OOO.
No other region of the United
States pieseuta 11 moiu attractive Held
for the enlgncera of the icclnuiathiii
service The lands in these valleys
"e nt "u levntlnu tanging from '-, 100
to '2,800 feet and the climate ia
pleasant the jenr round. The uintiis;
ate modftntc, aa the tlieruiouieter I
rarely tails to 7eto, and the valleys
arc piotected fiom wluds. The sum
mers are long and warm, and with
the help ot lirlgntlou, piomote thu
moat rapid vegetable growth. Thu
soil la rich nud ptoductive,nriiiplcd to
all the fruits and cereals of the
temperate zone. All deciduous fruits
and lien It's produce abundantly.
Large iiiiautltles of apples mid prunes
are shipped to eastern markets, where
they brlug the highest prices.
Since the government withdrawals
note made under this project, In,
tending settlers have Hied on moie
than i:i,000 acies. An especially
' inturestiiiK feature iu connection
I with this great wmk is the fact that
'Its construction means not only a
vast Incieaae iu the cultivated area ot
this part ot thu state, but also the
ll'ial settlement of those vexed ques-
tious that are now continually rising
iu these valleys from thu ell'oit to
make a limited amount of water do
aervlco on what Is practically an un
limited amount ot laud. It means
the passing of thu piomoter and ditch
manipulator and the coming of the
Irrigator aud luisiucss man. It means
ultmately improved agrcultutil con
iinu, Mler tianaportatlon tacilitles
"' "' 'ry kiiiii. .iuovo
" mentis llOllleS Ulld II livillK for
a quarter of a million people
The Nampa folio which described
thu physiographic features of a part
of this iuteipstiiig region, may ho
obtained for twenty-lire cents on
application to thu Director of thu
United States (ieologlcal Survey,
Washington, I). C.
About four years ago I bad a 00-
days uptiou on us flue a body of
Arizona womau as ever did tbe Jigger
act over a washboard or mucked out
a dougb pau. No better article evor
emanated from tbe stope of virtuous
felicity. At oue timu we bad fully
decided to close tbe deal, but before
I could get a patent, tbe ground
began to creep. For tbe first thirty
days wo drifted aloug iu the rarest
soft carbonates of huninn beatitude
tbat ever went over thu tram. The
shade of grecu crept iu, morglug Iu
to crystalized jealousy, aud before I
could timber up the misunderstand
ing, we bad a small cave, nud thu
stope was half full of tbe black oxide
of discord. This stope bad beeu
worked not far from thu breast of
tbe drift, as we hud fouuil a flue
buucb of the chlorides of perfect
contentment at tbat point. After
this little cave, we made up aud
proceeded on our way, but pretty
soon tbe couutry became rather well
sprinkled witb tbe sulphides of mu
tual distrust.
All this time tbe original locator
did not seem to relish tho idea of
taking me luto partnersthlp in tbe
capacity of sou lu-law,aud be sided
witb a cowboy who bad a lien ou tbe
proposition yeara before. Tbe cow
boy, doubtless at tbe old man's in
stigation, filed an adverse on my
iippliciitkin for patent. Notwith
standing all of tlilr, 1 was able to
olitain an extension on the option
for ninety days. Dining the tit nt
thirty days thereafter, 1 sunk for thu
sulphides of leconcilllMtlon, I einas
i-ui, in uiu nope in sinning a leuge
of the old gold sentiment, but Iran
I into a eongloiueinle composed of per-
vetaitv and dlaliieliniition. ceninnled
with gossip; 1 diiftcd along In the
hope ot lludltig conlldence.
Occasionally a thin streak of the
talc of coqtiutry would ctep In and
boom my chicks to the liui'dtid mark,
but they soon fell with that "dull
sickening thud" that characterizes I
a 100-poiiiid bar of blister copper as
they dump it into the loading pit
at the old Copper (jiir-eii smolter.
At last 1 raised, in the hopes of
catching a body of the oiigiual sur
face carbonates ot fond recollection
at least, but nil) into a gob of dis
aster, and congiatulate myself that
the syenite of suicide did nut catch
mo as 1 slid to the bottom of thu
mi in p in despair.
As I climbed painfully up the
ladder of defeat and humiliation. I
was once more encouraged to live by
getting into good air, untainted with
the powder smoke ot tlcapcintiiiu,
uuchoked by thu dual of dlstruts, and
riienioved from all those tonus of
sttlfoiind disappointment which me
encountered Iu the shafts, tunnels,
diitts, slopes, whrea, lalscs. spins,
dips and angles of matrimony, and
from all other forms of human mlseiy
with which tint lelatlnu is gobbed up.
I evidently started out ou the con
tact between gullibility and tliitiillou.
I followed close the tlelid of suscep
tibility after thu indications ot com
mon sense had angled (II aud I'litu
rally broke into an Immense deposit
of tough luck. Shu made a powder
monkey or me nil the way ihiough.
Now, 1 realizu that 1 shall never havo
the pleasuiu of shoving u wicker
work car aloug thu tiall of life full
of thu concentrates of croup and
summer complaint.
Nuvur shall thu aroma of the golden
pumpkin piu provide u silver lining
for the cloud that hangs over my dis
mal shack. Never shall 1 cease to rellect
upon thu beauties of a sorting labia
loaded down with thu prime attnrc
tious of domestic glory as 1 muck
out my boarding house dinner bucket,
with Its same oil dose that would
cause an angel to weep or drive tho
devil to suicide. Never shall 1 be
fired for falling to be at tho collar at
tbe appointed time, then hired back
and paid off iu caresses nf forlgve
uess. 1 bavo pulled out nf tbe field,
the property has gone into the bauds
of that cowboy receiver. Since that,
six new extensions have been added
to the combination, aud, after all,
the oldest one was named for me.
Alley in Clifton Copper Ago.
Via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
Louis, is thu one that gives you tho
must for your money and thu fact
that tho Illinois Central offers un
surpassed service via these points to
tho World's fair, nud iu this con
nection to all points beyond, makes
it to your advanatago, in case you
coutemlpatu a trip to any point east,
to writo us before making tluul ar
rangements. We can offer the cboicu of at least
a dozen d liferent routes.
Commercial Agent,
142 Third street, Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lludtey, T. F. A P. A.,
142 Third st Portland, Ore.
P. 11. Thompson, F. & P. A.,
lioom 1, Colmau IHdg.,
Seattle, Wash.
Only trniicontliiontnl line
during directly through
Salt Lake City
Colorado Springs
and Denver
TI rc splendidly equipped tra us '
Throtnth Sleeiilmt and Dlnitnr Cars
ami tree Kcclluiug Chair Cars.
. ' ..i -.. . .. '
The moat Mnguitlcent scenery In
America by daylight.
Stop overs allowed on nil clnBses
of tickets.
For cheapest rates nud descriptive
t literature, address
: W. G. McBRIDE, - General Agent
Portland Orcoon
Shohj line
and Union Pacific
Silt Like,
Denver, Kaisas City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
aud Sail Francisco every five dajm.
L.ow Rt
Tickets to and from all parts of
the United States, Canada and
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping
car dally to Kansas City; through
Pullman tourist sleeping can (per
soually conducted) nceklv to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to the Kttt dally.
For particulars, call op ar addreaa
H. 0. Bowms.
Agent, flakor City, Ore.