The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 11, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, May w, 1904
One Plunger Worth More
to a Gamp Than a Score
of Peanut Oper
ators. Great personalities have liecn
known to cany epochs upon their
shoulders nietnphocrlcully speak I UK,
and to hriuK obscure states into
places of historical prominence by
tho sheer force of their characters.
It Is uot mere fortuitous cliciiuistnuco
that achieve for a man like Cecil
Rhodes tho tile of empire builder.
His words in the face of death are tho
most tragic ever uttered at such u
tlme: "Ho much to do; so little
done" the last lament nt a man of
deeds, whoso time and place lu the
world uro marked forever by tho print
of bis active existence.
On a lesser scale, it is possible to
point a similar moral for mluitiK
camps, and to adorn a tale with the
experience of those so foituuate as to
boast tho possession of an operator of
cnnimaudiuK iutluencu at home and
abroad. One Kreat personality,
devoted to the fruition of broad plans
can do more to advertise and extend
the power of a camp than a scorn of
mou working in contracted chanuela.
It ia ii Reed sign when n hlu mau noes
Into a district and sets about to
accomplish uoniotbiiiR In keeping
with his. standard of character.
Gigantic mining enterprises are sub
limo to behold, hut they are nil tho
more admired when the district feels
that they are the expression of an
individual mind. It ndds forco to
the spectacle. Tho world likes a
touch of "human interest" mingled
with its achievements.
There are few mining camps but
what possess the material fouudatlou
for large conceptions. Iu some
lustancea the aggregate of small oper
ators can cope with tho physical con
ditions aud keep tbe production of
their camps up to a deslrablo figure,
but on tbe other baud, some districts
require great efforts, great outlay aud
broad plana, aud they may be beld
back by the want cf the commanding
personality which cau supply these
requisites. Iu any case it should
be tbe ambition of a camp to boast
a leader, a mining Napoleon, or a
group of them, for when it does it
is sure to achieve a greater measure
of success aud great aud small Mill
participate therein. It is pleasing
to see a miuiug district doing tbluga
ou a gaud scale.
A prominent instance of what uno
big operator cau do for a state is to
be found iu tbe tbe activities of
Samuel New house iu Utah. ills
latest project at the Cactus mine,
wbicb involves the construction of
Immense reduction works, tbe build
ing of a railroad, tbe ext nslve
development of bis miuiug property
and tbe foundation of n town, of
wbicb bis employes will be tbe
citizens, Is one of tremeudous import
ance to tbe camp and surrounding
regions. It will not only add greatly
to tbe mineral output, but it will re
dound to tbe prestige of tbe state and
give It a prominence that is not ex
preied wholly in production statis
tics. Deeds in themselves are a pro-
duct of which h community can bo
proud. They breed nctlvlty in others.
Ulnh Is noted for its bin enterprises,
mid it is uot an uiiconuenliil atmos
phere for ii in nn of Mr. New house's
caliber of liiLor in.
Mnrnl: Don't be content to lit!
little, when you can just as well bo
lil. Dally Mining Hoeord.
"We shall resume work on the
Alamo, lu Supinter ciunp, just as soon
as we can get supplies aud men into
the country," said John It. Cassln
yesterday afternoon.
"We closed dowu last February
after running our now ten stamp mill
for thirty days. The trouble was
that we could not save a big enough
percentage of the rallies iu our ote.
We have had three competent men at
the mine since tbe mill was closed
and shall make some further tests.
"If we Ilnd it necessary we shall
add a cyualdc equipment to the mill,
but unless this is necessary wo shall
operate with our present machinery.
We have a well equipped mine, with
water power, electric lights aud all
I conveniences, and we cau get the
I money necessary for new equipment
I If It Is necessary." Spokesman-He-
At a meeting of the directors of
the' Cracker Highland (told Mining
company held last uight tho follow
ing office wcro elected:
Henry Cunimiugs, of Milwaukee,
presideut; W. G. Perkins, of Port
laud, secretary; A. P. (loss, of Sump
ter, treasurer ; M. F. Mil?.', of
Sumpter, geuoral manager. Tho
otllce of vice president was uot tilled.
It was decided to move the bead
otllce from Sumpter to Portlaud to
accommodate tbe new secretary, Mr.
Perkins, formerly vice president.
Jobu C, Davies, tbe old secretary,
resigned tbe place on account of
other duties, and tbe change necessi
tated tbe removal of tbe otllce.
Peck Measure full of Diamonds.
Possibly once iu tbe history of tho
world has the question of how many
diamonds there were iu a peck of
diaiuouds beeu solved. It la said
that nut of curiosity a few years ago
tboro was counted a peck of mu-uf-miue
diamonds from the De lieers
mine, of South Africa. One author
ity places tho number of stones
counted at 0,1112 but tbe company
never officially gave out tho result
of its experiment. As tho South
Afrlcau diamoud mines have yielded
to date upwards of 8Ii00,000,000
worth of gems iu the rough, one cau
imagine how many pecks of stoues
have beeu turned out to produce this
vaat wealth. A rough diamond, of
Hue brilllaucy, cau be bought at
from 115 to 130 per karat. Mining
Timber and Homestead Filing.
Timber and homestead filings, as well
as final proofs, can be made before
Charles II. Chance, United States Com
mlssioner, office in First National Bank
of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav
ing applicants expense of a trip to Ls
I V. A. Thatcher, HiiHiliit(inliiit of
, tho lioiiiiii7u, Frank Miin-c, of Pitts-
hurj?, w'u Is Interested in tho pio
perty, and another man whose inline
is supposed to be Moine, of St.
Louis, arrived ou the morning train,
aud left straightway for tin mine,
Mr. Moore, when iippi duelled by a
Miner man aud asked if there was
anything for publication, mid, "There
is uothlng to gie out". He used
thesu very words. When asked who
tho other mini was, who had just
driven away with Mr. Thatcher, he
lutimat.-'d that his identity Is a mat
ter of profound secrecy, that the
cognomen of the gentleman was not
to be mentioned even at low breath.
Ki tun other souices, however, it
was learned that the name of the
mysterious person is also Moore and
that ho hails from St. Louis, hut
what his mission is, r.r that of Fiiiuk
Mooro Is only a matter of tho wildest
conjecture There is a rumor curient
that Mr. Thatcher is goulg to resign
the management of the llonmrii, but
whether there is any truth In it or
uot, 'he Miller does not know.
A dispatch from New Yoik says:
lly representing hiun-elf as Colonel
.John 1). Hewitt, president of the
lluckoyo Coal company of llramwell,
Virginia, a swindler Iiiih been operat
ing iu Now York for two months,
baring drafts ou Colonel Hewitt's
bank cashed aud passed by that lu
stitutinu through Now York bankers,
r'olouol Hewitt died more than six
mouths ago. Tho papers whereby tho
impostor was able to open an acouiit
for $10,000 with a largo stock ex
change house, negotiate for the pur
chase of a SfiO.OOO residence In
llrooklyn, live iu a first class hotel
aud oujoy himself generally, wcro
stolen by the mau from Colonel
Ilowltt at Altantlo City, wboro the
West Virginian was endeavoring to
recover his health.
When the awludler begau to use
bis documents here be first visited
tbe brokers aud sbowed them a letter
of credit ou a Philadelphia bank,
made out to Culouel Hewitt. They
reported it all right and cashed a
draft for 810,000, which was placed
to tbo imposltor's credit. He did not
operato iu stocks, however, and ouly
drew occasionally ou tho account for
n tew dollars. Several weeks passed
aud tho mau continued about town,
negotiating for yachts, houses, etc.,
hut spending little money. .Suddenly
tho Philadelphia bank discovered its
error through Colonel Hewitt's sou.
Tho stranger quickly disappeared aud
tho bank recovered its money. Tho
impostor Is said to have employed
tbo same means elsewhere, but
whether bo failed to take full advan
tage of tho opportunity, as ho did
here, is uot known.
Water In .Shaft.
ft. J. Kakmau, superintendent of
tbe Midway, came dowu from tbo
miue today aud went tu linker ou this
afternoon's train tn attend to some
miniug business. Mr. Kakmau says
there Is lots of water in tbe shaft.
Lately he has beeu overhauling tbo
macbiuery aud getting ready for ex-teuaivejwork.
If you want to rend u free ami inde
pendent paper, devoted tn the inter
v of minim: and cm rent event,
which i not controlled by any pro
moting concern, such if mot of the
papers iu the east mo, nnd (or a free
sample copy of
:.'. nito.xnwAV,
: FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! :
So.OO CVttilictiteof the lict
Oil Stuck nli-oltiii'ly livciiiivvny.
Wi'itc tit niitv tin' plan liovv to
secure Five Dolliu' uoitli of
fully puiii mill Miiii-nonM
Oil Stuck without cnli.
Ilnuni 7'-!l Park Kovv llltlr. I
It IS U Still St.
A join mil of National ciiciilatinn.
Is read by bankers, capitalists, in
"estors, retired merchants. If you
.Mint to reach a unod class of buyers
aud the ni'iiieved and Investing pub
lic, ailvertlsu iu the National Hanker.
Thousands of copies of each issue of
tho National Danker goes to investors
throughout the Middle Wist, Kastern
and New Kngland stales. The best
journal lu the country iu which to
reach investors. Sample copies free
Advertising rates ou application.
C. II.,
Vice President
Sec. and Treas
Svmptir, 0ri0R
Do you desire to sell stock lu your
Gold, Copper, Mining or other In
dustrial companies? If so, you can
not Had u better advertising medium
It is tho leadiiiit industrial and
liiiunchtl paper published in the
South. It reaches that class of read
ers who are interested iu tlnancial
and industrial affairs. It is old and
established. Published semi-monthly.
Guaranteed circulation 10,000.
Subscription price l-'.OO per year.
Advertising rate reasonable. Send
for sample copy aud advertising
rates. Address,
Riiitrtt Piilishiij Ciipiiy
Imftfku, AlikiM.