The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 11, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, May 11. 1904
The SumDter Miner
i'IImiishu) hvnnv uetisiMMr bv
j. w. conni:lla
l.nitrra jt the potofftci In Sumpttr, Oreun, for i
substantial profit for h large low
grade prn'insltiou. The linmcstiike
initio of .Sntilli Dakota hiiri piild $ 1 'J,
122.350 lit dividends, from oro Unit
hits mi nveraue viiIiii; of .'1.50 per ton.
Tin lilit mill); of the world, with n
lew notable exceptions. 11 r; deriving
their irolltH from oiu.i which tiro
tunned lo.v grade.
Six Monlh
.!l 00
through th null ttinnJ ilm
I Thiit 11 little; kimwlrdege in 11
iIiiiiui'ioiih thing, ciivn tin; Mining
Win Id, Ih lieipienlly vhown in the
tepnitH of alleged o. (Mjrtri who 11 r
prone to wander beyond their depths
in geological nnd tcrhuicnl witters,
mill fii'iii(!iitly spoil the mt-rit of the
mining repoit on tin milling property
(hut would otherwise he of riilnu
lor the pmcliciil suggestions thcieln.
Wit Iiimc In iiiinil it ti'pott made mi
some Mesithl pinpi'pcrty icceiitly
lecelved, in which tliu "expert"
1 tefent to 11 shite iliki- one-fourth of n
Ml I If Wlllf. He IHSO hll.VH Mllll "l.
llllirillHIII rllllWH lllilt till! Illkl! rutiH
liftwteu two deposits of ote." Jll
another pliirt' hi ri'fi.TH in "11 vi'ln of
'fltll' U llllll It Ikl tlltlt L'llftttll tllllt till.
1 . '
Mt'fiilii foi iiiiii Ion dnori not nicur in
Tint Miixii'iiii government linn tnkcii venls. -These iiniccuiiielcs, together
lirellmlimiy HitiH toward giiiuting to with the vi'iy cheerful assumption nf
Juilgu Seymour Tlini inoml unit 1'iit- , viiluc in the propeillcs hceniiri) of
rick K. (InueM, ot III I'nso, 11 conecs- their ptoxlml y to wotklng miiK'f. to
hIiiii for 11 lint'l of tiiulier hind our mind icuilcm the lejioit iiiilt
itmhincilig .'I, (1110,(1(1(1 nrifri situated ' valueless for liny lire In lilt- piiictlcnl
Tint Mexican lletuld mi.vh Unit
850(1, (100,11(1(1 nl American money it.
IiiviimIimI in Mexico, mid Unit 11,000
VnnkccH inn periniiniiiilly Intcicslcd
in business I hem. Thin Ih iutciosfftig,
in cunneclion wilh the llcmld's de
IIIMIIiIh llllll (III) Vlll'llllt pIllCI) of i
IJn It I'll .HtiilcH ('(ilitiiil gulictitl to
Mexico he tilled with "ll III llllll It
)iirt nlilii mini, no clicn-jiii'k politi
cian or hclicllclmy nf Hume piiueilnl
Inns or win) -puller."
in western .Mexico. In lottini for
(IiIh guild Hie fijiicesslniiiiili's hind
llieuisclvcs to ninny tor the gnvciu
meiit it stipulated ii in dm it t of public,
IiiiiiIh. Mr. (liutcll Is United gluten,
collector of customs ill 101 I'nso.
nnd expel Iei'ed mining mini, U't
simply leler In these h to point it
in in nl mid mini n ii tule.
One, TlioiiuiH W. Lawson, n II(imIiiii j
'iipllnliHl, Iiiih deelitled wiir nil the,
.Stiindiiid Oil ctimpiiuy, llu
espoused t lut must) uf Uu "plain
In the cunellt lillllll'er ol Slitltr-
'ilny Kvi'iiinu 1'oi-t, iiuer Cleeliuid
j Iiiih it luli iiiticle on IiIh iiiitm Iiiiik
liutid ift-ui-h, mnotintiiiu to MiiiiethitiK
like C"JI!.-., OOO.IIUO. Iltt uniT into
i.i..i..ii i i ....... -.i .
Iiiih riiine uiiiiiipui nun iiiihm! ui
llie ileul, mill omllH en iiiiu'Ii Unit Ih
h.iiiIi.,m mill ilwluifH tluit lie W iwiiiy niiiimiimi mm n iuhoiiii.h in
IlKht ll.e niiiKI'iilfH lilifil In. foiw-H " l"u''"'lll'''l "l.'Illit to fulnlfy
(hem to HiwiiiKiMUiliw l'ith fliimlil MUny- 'J''"' w"11'1 Lt-llMfH Hint it
nut Mm Hluirt Iwiihii fluiiiM'ful until, mi entirely
'Hmmi r dm iniiMirn hihI lliu ! """''Hiiy hihI mhiikIu timuiu
ptihlin have . ii,.iriitii coi.imii. I "" '" "Mh llnnnt.". for tht
my llli! with IIoIiiu'h or tti-r.' I ! t 1 - r ul C5.v..m- Clovu.
hmvm I...1VM.HI. "Win. Mi .,.,., Imnl, the only i'xoiim) foi which huh
wiih ii tiny hIii
vviih over
upon the Koverninetir I lie pnymeiit
tlli'lt) '" t nl Ii the told It'peiM'. n
' trinlltliiniil Henilineiit, it luipDHeil
t:i. 000, 000 in dlxpnte he
tweiin llitiiiti mill tint Kltimliiril Oil
Tln.y Iniv.. new., up In now :(..u hi M!;,,,r,M" ,1,lr,' ',"rH "f 0,000.000
lluht Unit "ould not hit settled hy the
luiyiiieut nf it million or two. My
lluht, mkII I he world will iet it eiin
tm HHttled only liy pityliiK to tint puh
llu wlmt t Iltt ptihllo Ih entitled to,
iiml Hint will tnkn niori) money thitn
'Ttn tint HtHUilnril Oil will ever nlvt
4it, eexepl mi it ooiirt'H order.
Tint TennuHHt'o Copper compitny,
willed Iihh jllut pulil H dividend of
niiHrly ii iUHrter nf it million, til
thouuli ownliiK mill mnkiiiK ii piolll
in inturi'Ht mid Unit in wIihI the
lliiiinelein wete Hller. lively out)
known tlmt hii iutimiition from tliu
treitHiirydupnrtmeiit thnt"KrofnliHfkH"
would ho redt'uiui'il In silver, hh the
I it iv permitted, would hnve ntoppeil
the run nil the uola reserve.
MorKHii Htul llclmaut did stop tlmt
mil duriUK the life of their hixh
priced coutriu't, Htul Uih momeul it
expired the procoHH of milkinu that
rexervt' wha reHumetl. Tlmt Ib. tin-
'tpieritloimhly, the tuoHt diHiiraceful
,1'hnpteriu the hletroy of IIiIh re
out of Hh miiuIMiik mid t'oiivertliiu puhllo mid no dltdioiieitt etfort nf
plitntH, iitporlH ii total prollt of 1 1.45 ( llrover ClevelHiid, the ntttr culprit,
per ton. 'I'lie Aniieotidit Copper iu wliltewHtihIiiv the trHtiHiictiuu will
ooiiipmiy, itt Unite, Unit Iiiih paid coiiceul the dirty work or exonerate
'J:i,'J,ri0,H00 ill prolltH, imikeH out of him.
itn iiiluiuK, HiutdltitiK, ontivertliitj mid i
refluiiiK Hh own oren Iihh than i'2 per The Idaho Statesman Hiiy that
ton. The ureitt Alankn.Treiiilwi'11 Low iritou Iihh hecouie hii iiuportHUt
Kiild mine, which Iihh paid Its liuliiluit center Htul the people are
ownerH over r.,:ir0, 000 In dlvldeiidn, ht'KiiiliitiK to tippreciHtu the titlvuil-
made a net prollt IiihI yenr ol hut tatien of hnviun tt kooiI iiiIiiIuk country
1.00 per ton, mid the .linka trlhutitry to their city. HpeakiUK
Mexican Iiiih pnid over half n million ut'iiernlly of the henelltH of the mill-
dullarH f kiiii the Hittne ore. In fuct, oral lndnntry to trade, It fay a:
mining camp.
"A luiuiiiK camp iroducea nothln
tlmt it coiiHiimeg, uulecH it he wood,
KrerythiiiK needed la purchtifud Home
where else nnd hauled in. Whether
it lie flour, hacnu or hotter, it must
he hound!. Clothing niiiHt he pur
chiifcd. fonder mid Hteel must he
houuht. .Machinery must he houuht.
Jlverythiny Unit the men eat or wear
mid evetythliiK used in mines and
mills must he furnished hy people of
other places.
"These are the conditions Unit
make a minitiu en nip hiicIi a lino mar
ket They nniko It highly desliahle
tor any city to he n mining center,
fur such a place will enjoy a very
lare share of the tiade of the camps
within lis territory."
in a recent address on lahor oran
ixtiUoiiH Dr. Klllolt of iiarvard mild:
"The actual Industrial oruali
iatiou nf the United .SI at us Ih Id
a Iiiikc mensuri! it dual oiKiinlntlnii
for comliiit. Within the last two
years thin industrial com hut Iiiih heen
mote Intense, UkidkIi lees violent,
through the "firm (irKanizalliiu of
mmiy assoclatiniiH cf employers;
now, unlike ordinary wmfare, threat
ens to he Incessant, the comluitants
iik'rceiiiK to t luces hut never inakiiiu
pence. lis evils lire pervasive,
cnroiiic mill always at one's veiy
door. This couditioii of
otiuht to piovt) tiatibitioiiiil, for puli
lic h.ippiucsH can not possihly Kruw
out of it. .Solid associations of cm
ployeiH which for purposes of cuinhnt
must act as nulls under the diiecliou
nf one man or of a small Kioup of
men, nlirlilKe liberty the Utterly
of each Individual employer to util
ize li Ih own special advantages in
cnmpetliiK with other men who are iu
the same huslness.
"The hahitiial elfort of trade un
ions to create a monopoly In lahor,
each iu Us own trade Ih ii hostile
etfort nyalnat the a commiiniy iih n
whole; for they seek hy thin means
their own pecuniary heuellt at the
epxetise of the rent of the community.
The 'jo.vcott Ih a method of comlmt
which Ih eminently a method of ill
will. It Ih a wross interference with
a just industrial liherty. Ah they
have urowu powerful the uuloiia have
IhumselvoH hecouie exclusive and op.
presslve aud their former allrulstlc
Hplrlt han heen corrupted by cIhhb
HellluhueHH. The plaiu fuct is that
tbe prosctiptlon nf non-union meu,
the strike in sympathy of or iu sup.
port aud the hoycott are weapons
which auitelH and naiuta could uot
use without helug demoralized."
heyoud one's depth iu reference to
tbe Thunder Mountain district. A
certain noted writer on political and
social (piestions made a visit to that
camp ahout a year no and described
In a Kraphiu manner the conditiona
and iiiospectH of the camp visited.
His article wiih printed iu a lending
weekly and later tcatleied liroadciist
as an advertisement of certniii of tho
properties which were uiveu a goldou
touch from his tluent pen. To the
experienced or practical man these
dcfcriptlniiH are of no value what
ever, as they hear on their tace the
evidence of their own Insutllcieucy hh
a competent opinion on a in in Inn
property. So, too, predicts, doctora
aud reporter!) are all culled to hear
wituetn to things they do uot under
stand ahout tnlnliiK, aud sumo are
misled, while the competent judges
are only amused or perhaps dlsmisted.
So we say if you want a man to write
', ahout your inluuu property, net one
that knows ahout the subject. You
would not select a law j or to amputate
I your lett. notwithstauilluK that ho
' may he able and learned in bis Hue,
'.So, too, the lay journalist is not u
competent writer 'on technical aud
ininiiiK matters ordinarily.
1 The follow iuu instruments were tiled
I it the ll.iker count v court house during
1 the week emllnu May lo, 1001.
A piil 'JO- W. A. I'npouu mid wlfu
lo O. II. Mount, lots 1 to .' block -2
llrattaln .1- McCoiiiiih addition to
Ilaket City; el7S.
April (! C. Hnyile to Thus, nnd
Carrie Lnviu, enet '-. lot '2 block 4,
Sumpter; 8:1.000.
Match MO .leie Smith to Urn C.
Ulor, 1(10 ncies iu Sees. '.'H aud Mil
T. 10 It. 4 'J K.5 8(100.
March iil-S. II. Hell nnd wife to
with few exceptions, the hlu dividend
payliiK copper, uuld, iron hihI coal
oompauleH make a profit of hut ?1
to i'J per ton ou their output. The
I ran by compHuy.of llritish Columbia,
uUo contracted to treat the output of
tliu two (piitrrleH at itn Oiaud Forks
itmelter upon terum wbicb, applied
to nil tbe ore that has been shipped,
would (live a clear prollt above all
nosts of ll.fiO per tou. This is a
"There can ho uo doubt that great
benefits accrue to the place from tbe
development oi ine mines, it ik a
splendid thliiK for any city to be a
miiilutt center. Tbe trade created by
a miniuK camp is of tbe most profi
table klud for the place that eujoys It.
Large sums are distributed for wages
and supplies, aud tbe money tluds its
way to the city that supplies tbe
goods consumed by tbo people of tbe
Tbe Amerlcau uowspaper muu, says
Miulng World, is versatile hIjovo all
thiugs, aud can turn IiIh peu to
many subjects with skill aud effect
Iveuess, but orlduarlly iu Arlting of
scientillc aud minlug problems tbe
lay journalist is not as comprehen
sive as he should be, aud often bo is
ludicrous. For iustauce, last sum
mer a Philadelphia paper sent a
staff mail to the "Son" to write up
tbo Industries of tbe Lake Superior
Consolidated company, then iu tho
throes of financial reorganization.
This mail, a good writer aud skilled
uo doubt iu tbe ordinary peu ways,
fell lu grievous errors iu writlug of
tbe geological matters wbicb came
within bis sweep, fie explained tbe
muddy ted color of tbe waters about
the Mlcblpleoteu island iu Lake
Superior as due to tbe coutaiued
solutious of copper from tbe deposits
wbicb come up under tbe lake bed
from tbe Keweenaw Poiut formation
iu Micbigau. This iustauce la to
lead to a more glaring case of gettlug
II. Hewitt, Jr., S. !:
10 K. :18 K. ; SHOO.
May - Sam L. Slpp mid wife to
J. X. Stephens, 1:15 acres iu Seen. 'J
mid :iT. II It. 40 K. ; 8.100.
May 5 J. II. Stephens aud wife
to ralmer & Ueuhm, 1(10 acres Sees.
VI aud III T. 10 It. 40 B. ; 31,'JfiO.
April 24 -X. II. Ticbuer mid Ii. J.
Paisou, to C.B, Chase, Iota III to 111,
block 18 aud lots .'Hi to 4(1 block 11,
Stewart's '-2nd addition Uaker City;
May 5 II. aud James Wicks aud
wives to Hugh Uoherty, S.W. .'.,' Sec.
:1 T.8 K. HI) K. and 10 shares Poca
hontas Mining company's stock; 14,
800. May 5 Lucy M. Ilealy aud hus
bBud to W. W. llHwIey. 48x100 feet
lu lots 4 aud S block .'i Atwood'.t
addition, Sumpter; 8:100.
March 31 O. C. (Joodspeed to
F. Moore, h Interest in 1G0
iu Sees. 14 aud 'JUT. 7 R. 45
E. R. Mooie to Dau
iuterest lu HO acres
Moore to
7 R. 45 E.:
E.; 1.
March :tl
F. Moore,
Sec. 23 T. 7 R. 45 B. ;
March 31 -K. R.
Dau Moore aud C. C.
180 acres iu Sec. 23 T.
March 28 Juo. Xagel aud wife
to J. T. Miller, lots 24 aud 25 block
5 Stewart's 2nd additiou to Raker
City; tlOO.
May 4 Juo. P. Smith ;to L.
Cbute, 1G0 acres in Sees. 25 aud
T. 9 R. 30 E. ; 81.
Oct. 20 O. R. Jfc N .Co. to L. L.
Cochrane. lots 0 to 10 block 47,
Iluutiguten: 1200.
May 4 A. E. Cosgriff aud hus
band to Geo. L. Watts, lot 8 block
11, Boyd's addition to Raker City;