Wednesday, May n, 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER GREAT ACTIVITY IN BEAR GULCH DISTRICT FOR SALE 1 w I,J8 Strike at Golden Chariot has led to Numer ous Locations in This According to S. A. Polkoy, ouo of the owners of tho Vnukeo (ilrl, out the Hear liulch way, thuru is nn un precedented degree of activity in that section. Tho illstr lot Is only h few miles Ijelow town. Considerable tittetitiou was called to it Inst summer mid full by tins (Unco very of rich gold deposits in limestone, tit what is known as the (iolden Chnriot prop erty. Since then Mr. I'ulkey Hiid (iny Piereon huvn been putting In pretty regular licks at thu Yuukcu (ilrl. an adjacent locution. Speak ing generally of the locality Mr. IVlkey says: "There tipcat's to lie ax much In terest centering in thu Hear (iiileh district as almost any other tilmtary district to Similiter. Prospectors are out early anil l:itn and almost every available lociitinu in that J vicinity Iiuh been tiled upon. A man hy thn numi) of Peterson has iiIiiIiiih on which he lias taken a Portland man in, and propitiations for extensive work In being made. A. J. J) my has clalniH also which he is preparing to work. Numerous other locations hare houn made and every indication polntH to an active buasou. Tho situation is greatly ill its favor, it Is only 11 shoit distance from Sumplni'.wlth ex cellent roads intervening. 'I'lii) din trict lays well, with every advantage for electing mills or shipping ore to the smelter hero. In this respect the locality is almsot Ideal. And It has been demonstrated that there Is good ore to be found, rich ore In fact, and 1 can see no reason why the Hoar (iulch section should not come rapidly to tho front. Public atteulnu was called to thu district by the (Inlden Chariot strike, and since then prospectors havo Inst no tlmo in netting hold of adjacent claims." At Mr. Polkoy's proporty, hiqh grade tellurides of gold have been encountered, samples of which have run as high as i? 1,(1811. Mr. Pelkuy hrotihgt. in some of the same stulf when he came in Inst night, lie picked it out of thn dump. It Iiiih a faint rcHcmhlmiiiKO to galena, but assays have showed that It runs high in gold. It is uticuotitered in the porphyry seams of the main vein, and its presoncu would rouder the entire tiiensure of pmphyry u valu able milling proposition. In fact it would he extremely easy to mill. Tho tutliiridu apprciiiiig ore is very friable am weathers inpldly, show ing evidently a percent of lime in its composition, which Is characteristic of ores In the locality. The Viiukee (ilrl is now down about thirty Ike feet, and has en countered the foot wall. Mr. IVlkey says he will sink fiom twelve to llfteeu feet more and then start to drifting. FIRST PAYMENT MADf ON GULDEN CHARIOT Dr. Hrock received today tho llrst paymeut on thu Golden Chariot claim, the in in Ink' property in tho Hear (iulch lime formation, the rich cold llnd that was the sensation of last t-eiiMiu in em-tern Oregon. The purchasers are New Voik mid Philadelphia ciipialisst. The par ties to tho deal will not statu for publication the purchase price, but it Is reported to bo something like 810,01)0. The amount of the llrst payment is also withheld, but The Miner learns from a reliable source that an olfer was some weeks refused, which Included in Its provisions thu payment then of S'J.iiOO cash, 81), 000 in thirty days and 8'-', 500 every mouth thereafter until paid for. Dr. Hrock says that the bond spec ifies that work shall bu commenced Juue 1, and continued uninterrupt edly until the deal Is closed and the mine is paid for in full. It further provides that thn ore can be mined and milled during the life of thu bond, 50 per cout of thn product r which is to be turned over to him, which is to be applied on tho pur chase price Elsewhere in Thu Miner today Is a story regarding thu great activity In that district, aroused by the phenomenally rich oru found in thu (ioldeu Chariot. I RASTUS DISTRICT IS BECOMING LIVELY Davo li. Kisk. of linker City, passed through to Whitney this morning and retuuerd on thu afternoon train to attour the democratic rally. Mr. Kisk has mineral holdings in thn Mount KastiiH distiict, which are likely to provo very valuablu. Ho says there Is ovory indication of ex treme actlvly ill thn Itastus district this season. There are lota of people going in now, mid the new camps will soon present n lively appearance. To Start Placer Work. A. S'ern. of (ieiser, was on the train returning from (laker this morn ing. Mr.Storu owns extensive placer interests near tho llouatizu, on which ho Intended to start work in a short time. & $2,000 Ten Roomed Residence. One of the Best Locations in town. $2,000 Home. Completely Furnished. Location and Grounds Delightful. Piano, Large Range and other valuable Furniture included in this. Barn and Outbuildings. $800 New Six Room House and Lot, nicely lo cated. Easy terms. $250 Choice Resident Lot near center of town. $50, $75, and $lOO Buy Choice Resident Lots not far out. $300 Buys House and Lot with Barn. A Com fortable Little Home. LAUNDRY BUSINESS I am instructed to sell the Steam Laundry business, of Sumpter, which is the Best Pay ing Business in town for the amount of capital required to handle it. Call ana see me and gel figures. 20,000 Acres now under irrigation in one of the best localities in Oregon. Are you interested in securing a home of this kind, from 40 to 160 acres. These lanos in three years will be worth three times what they can be bought for at the present time. Call and see maps and get prices and terms on this property. PLACER PROPERTY Do you want something good in a Placer Proposition? We have rich placer ground near Sumpter, and an opportunity to secure an abundance of water for long season's work. Here is an opportunity for a person with small capital, to secure a proposition with such merit as will increase on investigation in the estimation of the most critical ex aminer. If interest. d, call and sec us and get particulars. 1.280 ACRES One of the most attractive large bodies of land in Burnt River Valley. Level as a meadow. -Ml can be irrigated. Can be sold in size tracts to suit the purchaser, at 15 and less per acre. INLAND EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. JESSE HOBSON j w . MANAGER HOTEL SUMPTER "BJfyf