The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 11, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, May ti, 1904
1 1
Miuoml Appllciition J01.
United States Lund Office,
La Grande. Oiegou,
March 'JO, 1004.
Iu tint mutter of application for
patent of the California Gulch Con
solidated Placer mine.
Notice is hereby given that Fred
D. Smith, whose post ottlce address
is Sumpter, linker county, Oregon,
hua made applictatlon tor United
States patent for the California
Gulch Consolidated Placer mine,
in purauauco of the Statutes of the
United States; said placer initio
being situate iu Sectious 21-22 in T.
10, S. R. :ir E. W. M. iu Ruker co
unty, Oregon, and comprising the
original placer locations locuted.held
and known t.a the Farmer, 'Dead
Line, Partridge, Pioneer, Snow lilrd,
Snow llird No. 'J, Magpie, Magpie
No. 2, Jttcksulpo, Jacksuipe No 2,
Camp Rlrd, Camp llird No. 'J, Red
Rlrd, Rod Bird No. '., Illtto .lay,
Falrvlow, Falrvlow No. 'J, Rnbiu,
Robin No. 2, Raid Eagle, Raid Eagle
No. 2 Raid Kagln No. II, Raid Eagle
No. 4, placer mining claims, except
ing therefrom the X. 'a of the Dead
Line locution aud the south ' of
the Partridge locution.
Said California Gulch Consoli
dated Placer mine aud the locutions
comprised within the fume, being
located aud held by legal subdivis
ions Iu accordance with the United
States government surreys, the
ground embraced thoreln being den
orlbed as follows, tewlt:
Tho southeast .'4 of tbo northwest '4
of the northwest '4 aud northeast .'4
of the southwest ,'4' of the northwest
U aud tbo south of the north
east U of the uorthwest )i aud the
southeast H of the northwest li aud
south ,'u of the south west J4 of the
northwest ,'4 aud X. .'5 of the south
west ,'4 aud the north ,'.; of tbo
south '; of tbo southwest i aud the
southwest '4 of the uorthwest '4 of
uortbeast '4 aud uorthwest '4' of the
southhwnst '4 of the uortbeast .'4
aud south xi of the southwest '4" of
the northeast .'4 ond south '. of the
southeast !4 of tbe uortbeast .'4 and
unrtb )i of tbe soutbosst L4 and
north is of tbe aoutb .'a of tbe
southeast !i of Sec. 21, T. 10, fl. R.
35 E. VV. M : Aud tbe S. ' of the
south )i of tbe southwest.1' of tbe uortb
west hi and north .' of tbe southwest
4 and north Is of tbe aoutb xi of
the southwest hi and south lj of tbe
northwest M of tbe southeast "4 aud
southwest H of the southeast !4 and
west 'a of tbe southeast .'4 of tbe
southeast hi at Section 22, T. 10.,
S. R. :i5 E. W. M.:
Excepting therefrom the north '
of tbe southwest 'J nf tbe northwest
li of tbe uortbeast )i aud tbe uorth
)i of the southeast hi of tbe north
east l4 of tbe uorthwest hi and south
.' of tbe northwest li of the south
east ii of the northwest )i aud tbe
south & of the northeast ii of the
southwest '4 of the uorthwest '4 of
said section 21, T. 10, S. R. 115 E.
V. M.
That thero are 110 claims coutllo
ting with this group so far as known.
That tbe original aud amended
notice of location uuder which tbe
claims comprising said California
Gulcb Consolidated Placer mine are
located aud held, are recorded Iu tbe
office of tbe Recorder of Conveyances
of Raker county, Oiegon, in tbe
book of placer locations Vol. "(" as
follows, to-wit:
Tbe Farmer, page 309; the Dead
Line, page 302; tbe Partridge, page
1)07; tbe Pioneer, 338; the SuowJ
Rlrd, page 307; the Suow Rtrd No.
2, page 302; the Magpie, page 300;
the Magpie No. 2, page 372; the
Jacksuipe, page 300; the Jacksuipe
No. 2, pago 303; Camp Dird, pago
300; Camp Rlrd No. 2, page 371;
Red Rlrd,' page 305; Red Rlrd No.
2. page 372; Falrriew, page 303;
Fairrlew X. 2, page 303; R I tie Jay,
pago 304; Robin, page 303; Robin
l No. 2, 371; Raid Eagle, page 301 ;
Raid Eagle No 2 , 300; Raid Eaglo
Xo. 3, 300; Raid Eaglo Xo. 4, 300.
Auy mid all persons claiming Ad
versely the mining groitud, premises,
or any portions thereof, so described,
held, aud owned, are hereby not I lied
that uuless their adverse claims are
duly tiled according to law aud the
regulations thereunder within the 00
days period of publication hereof,
beiug the time prescribed by law, with
tbe Register of tho United States
Lund ottlce at La (Srr.ude, Oregon,
they will be barred by virtue of the
provisions of tho statute.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
Date of tlrst publication, March
30, 11)04.
Date of of lust publication, Juno
1, 1004.
Mineral Application, No. 200.
Mineral Surrey 512.
United States Land Office,
Lit Grande, Ore., March 21,1004.
Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of Chapter 0 of Title 32 of
the Revised Statutes of the Uuitcd
States, Ira Lemon, whoso potolllue
is Geiser, Raker County, Oregon, and
J. M. Wurreu, whoso postotllce ad
dress Is Whitney, Raker county, Ore
gon, have tnado application for patent
for 840.80 feet ou tho Aurora Lodo
or Quartz mining claim, boarlng
gold, silver aud other precious metals
aud minerals, with surface ground
about 250 feet In width ou the north
easterly side of tbe ceutor of said
Lode and about 200 feet ou the
southwesterly side of said center of
said lode, said lode or quartz mining
claim being situate iu no organized
mlniug district, hi the county of
Raker and state of Oregon, said lodo
being more particularly described by
tbe plat herewith posted aud desig
nated by tbe Held notes on Hie In tbe
La Grande, Oregon, Land Office, as
Mineral Surrey Nu. 542, tbe maguet
ic variation in said survey being
21 degrees 30 minutes east, said
Aurora lode or quartz milling claim
being more particularly described as
follows to-wlt:
Commeucig at oruer No 1. at a
point more particularly described iu
said field notes, wbeuce tbo southwest
corner of Section 10, Towusbip 10,
south, Range 35 East of the Wll
lauotte Meridiau boats south 30 do
grees 21 minutes west 077.25 foot;
thence uortb 40 degrees 10 minute
west 802. 12 feet to Corner No. 2;
thence North 84 degrees 2 minutes
east 503.52 foet to Corner Nu. 3;
theuco south 43 degrees 50 minutes
east 710.0 to Corner No. 4; tbeuce
south 50 degrees 7 minutes west
231.35 feet to Corner No. 5; tbeuce
south 84 degrees 2 minutes west
233. 82 feet to Corner No. 1, tbe
place of begluuiug, coutaiuiug an
area of 7.800 acres, aud forming a
porton of Sectons 0 and 10, Tnwon
ship 10 south, Range 35 east of tbe
Willamette Meridiau, in Raker co
unty, state of Oregon.
Tbe amended location notice of tbe
above described claim being recorded
at page 548 of volume "7," of tbe
publlic records of quartz mining
claim locution notices, Raker county,
The adjoining claims to the Aurora
quartz milling claim are us follews:
Ou the north, the Last Chance, tin
surveyed, on the northeast, tho Eu
reka, on the southeast, the Phoenix,
011 the southwest, the Plymouth
Ruck, quartz mining claims, all
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely any portion of suid Aurora
Quartz Mining claim, or lode or sur
face ground tire leqitlred to tile their
ail verse claims with tho Register of
tne United States Lund Office at La
Grande, Oregon, during tho sixty days
period of publication heteof of this
notice of application for patent, or
they will Lo barred by virtue of tho
provisions of the Statutes.
E. W. DAVIS. Register.
Fiist ditto of publication, March
30, 1001.
John J. Iletiiiessv,
Cracker Cradle Gold Mill
int.' Company, a Corpor
ation, and Walter II.
Collmrii and William S.
I'eck, iK'feinlunts.
To Walter II. Colbtir id William
S. Peck, the above named defend
ants, In tho name of tho State of Or Or
eeon: You ami each of you are
hereby lequlrcd to itppenr mid answer
to tho compullnt filed against you
in tho above entitled Milt 011 or be
fore tho 11th day of May, 1004.
which is the lust day of the time pro
scribed iu tho order mude by tho
Judge of tho Circuit Court of tbo
State of Oregon for tho County of
linker for tho publication of this sum
mons; mid if you, aud each of you,
full so to appear uud answer, for want
thereof the pluintitr will apply to
said Court and ask that judgment
aud decree Issue iu said suit that tho
certain judgment obtained Iu the
above named Court nu he 15th day of
Murcb, 1P04, In favor of said plain
tlif aud against tho said Cracker-
Cradle Uold Mlniug company for tho
sum of Six lltiudrod aud Eighty-Two
dollars and Forty-Six ceuts
($082.40) is aud shall oe a first lieu
upon the "Dewey", the "Lost
Lode" aud the "Molalla" quartz
claims, in Raker Couuty in tbe State
of Oregon, the property of tbo said
Cracker- Cradle (told Milling Com
pany, aud adjudging and declaring
that tho certain mortgage made aud
executed on tbe 23rd day of Doc-
ember 1003, by the said Cracker
Cradle (laid Mining Company to tbe
said Walter II. Colbiim uud tho
said William S. Peck for the sum of
Nino Hundred mil Forty Dollars
(8040.00) bo fcecondury to suid judg
ment lieu of said pluiiitiff; and for
such other aud further relief us to
tbo Court may seem just and proper.
And you aud each of you are here
by notified that ou the 28th day of
March, 1001, tho Hon. Robert K.tkin,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregou for the Couuty of
Ruker, made an order that service of
summons in this suit be made upon
said defendants Walter II. Col burn
aud William S. Peck, by publication
of this summons, and that tbe date
of the first publication of this sum
mons is March 30tb, 1004, and tbe
date of tbe last publication thereof is
May 11th, 1001.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Raker City, Oregon.
Mineral Application No. 287.
United States Laud Office,
La Gtatido, Oie., Match 3. 1001.
Notice is heieby gheii, that Fi un
do S. Slater, of Cunynn City, Grunt
county, Oregon, has made application
for patent to what ate known as tho
Jlimlmun A Slater Placer Mining
Claims, the sumo covering and being
as follows, to-wlt:
S. e of S. E. 4 Sec. 8, A E. i
of X. E. '4 A E. '... of E. ',. of X.
W. 4 of X. E. '4 A E. . of E. i
of S. W. '4 of N. E. '4 A N. E. '4
of S. E. '4 AE. ' of X. E. 4 of N.
W. '4 of S. E. '4 of Sec. 17, l'p.,
10, S. R. 30, E. W. M., accoidlug to
the United States surveys, in Raker
county, Oregon, uud iu no organized
mining district. Tho said applicant
upplies for patent for the sumo uh
Plncei .Mining land under tho lawa
of the United States, anil under and
by virtue of u locutlon(mado by ap
plicant, under tho namo ot F. S.
Slater, uud E. Illndniun of date April
22, 1808, mid refolded May 3, 1808,
In book E, page 131 Record of Placer
Mining locutions of Raker County,
Oregen: Also 11 relocation by said
parties of date October 0, 1001, uud
recorded October 10, 1001, Iu book
G, Recoid of Placer Mining Loca
tions of Raker Couuty, Oregon, at
pago 104 : Also 11 locution by appli
cant of dnto Juno 17, 1805, mid re
corded July 3, 1805, iu book E,
pugo 355 Recoid of Placer Mining
Locations of Maker County, Oregen:
Also 11 locution of date November 17,
1001, by J. D. Slater uud recorded
November 21, 1001, Iu book G, pugo
171 Record of Placer Mining Loca
tions of Raker County, Oiegeu:
Also 11 location dated July 8, 1002,
by .1. W. Selby mid T. K. (lumen,
mid recorded August I, 1002, Iu
book G, pugo 230. Record of Placer
Mining Locutions of linker County,
Oregen: Also 11 location dated July
8, 1002, made by J. L. Slater, Olive
A. Slater, W. T. Slater, R. J. Slater
W. X. Proebstol, J. G. Voting, Emory
Proebstel mid C. M. llliidmuu, of
date July 8, 1002, and recorded
August, 1002, Iu book G, pago 230,
Record of Pliccr Mining Locations,
of Ritkor County, Oregon, the appli
cant beiug now the owner aud lu
possessiou of said claims by virtue of
saltl location aud the conveyance to
him by tbo said locators aud co
locators of all their interest therein.
There are no adjoining claims.
All persons having adverse claima
thereto are required to present tbo
same before this office within sixty
days from tbe first publication of
this notice, or they will be barred by
tbo provisions of thu statute.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
First date of publication March 0,
Lust date of publication May 11,
Notice Is hereby given that ou May
5, 1004, tho following articles,
which have remained unclaimed and
uncalled for lu the office of tho Sum
pter Stage company for more thau
ninety days, tbe limit preset I bed by
law, will be sold to the highest
bidder for cash, to pay storage
charges, mid articles being marked
R. M. Co.
One bed spring aud mattress.
Two-thirds of a keg of nulls)
One sack of hose.
Three tents.
Eleven boxes of merchandise.
Five cauip stools.