The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 04, 1904, Image 12

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Pay for
of the
"- M --ss
Henry WiittcrHou,the veteran editor
or tho Louisville Cuuricr-.Jnurmil,
llllll till tolllMVillk' til HII.V (if till)
I'liiilllu 1'iiiiHt while In Piirtliiiul liiHt
week :
"In llfly yi'iii-H thorn will liu u
population of .-,(1.(1(10.0(10 In tint
Hcotlou ur tho country wmt uf tint
Hucky iiiiiiitiliiliiH. Hv t tint time Hiii
lllllllillllllim ItlllllCIICCH will In- mi tint
I'm'lllii iiml mil mi tlm Atlantic cnnM.
"WchIwiiiiI Ih Mill I Im course or
empire. Ily Hint time llioto will Im
one iiml t I'M ii h two IMIitnlmi i'miiiiIn
mill Pnrllmiil will lint ho over (hilly
f Iioiiih iIIhIiiiiI. Iiv mil f rim Now
Vnik. Tim I'nelllc. iii'i'iui will llii'ii In
(lie uicnt. hluhwiiy uf eommoico iiml
his miiuuillcciit section, so blessed liy lilmnl in 1 1 h tilinntn mill mi
riotously proWIe, will limli'iilly come
In tlio very fnii'fniiit.
"Miiny eltleH will tint IIik wlinto
I'liollli) coast, ncliicvliik mi Importance
now scaicoly ilii'iiiiicil of, Iml
there will lut three nvoishndowliitt
iM'iilciH ni )) it i lut Itiii iiml I'liimni'ii'iiil
ciinsoipiciico, which will li iiiiMiiiMmil
IiiimI iiin lunch with tin' uliuln inilllil
(ill III nun linilli llllll Min nthi'l' smith
nf ynll.
"Hole will lit' found I lie ureal
oppertunities: for the ilslnu koiiomi-
tlnn mill those t blues will i it In
pin- diiiiuu I In- llfcllini' of iiimiy nf
tlu lin.VH who mi' linv uttclldiliU tin'
public m'IiiiIh nl Pnitlmiil. It (lie hoys
win) mi lii'icilii lint iiiuko n success (if
lifi, with tho opportunities which mo
opculuu up before tlii'in iiml with llin
advantages nf thi'ir tmiuiiitlrcnt
I'livirniiiiii'iit. the limit will ho with
tlii'in mill nut witli tin country In
Alilch they hnve I'i'i'ii -n tort uniitcly
Inn n nr lui'il."
.Mr. mnl Mix. Hiiiiv Hendry ami
Attorney N. ('. lilchiirdu leturueil
HiIh mnruluNu truiu l'nrtlaud. Mr.
Houdryx I hi- liei'ti nut of the city lor
over ii mouth, anil Mr. liichiirds wih
in l'uitlmid tur Mime lime lookltiu
utter louiil innlteis ill connection
with the ticlsor-llolidiyx linn. Mrs.
Hcudryx spout in or-1 ut the Muter ill
I'lirtlnuil on account uf her health,
which she li'ii alino-t completely
Mr. Hcudryx siivh he epci'ls a
pin ty uf Milne ten ur twelve capital
IMh here ithuiit June 1, friim the cnM
to look over the uclioral situation,
with a view to luvoMluu in miultiu
piopertlec, The putty will leiualn In
the illhtiict aliout n muiith.
Water That Bums.
Ti'Mix ih to the front with number
reimirkiihle plieuoliiclion of nntiire.
Not content with hiivliiK the hlcueft
nil nclle in the cuijulry. mid wcllx
Hint produce lint km It witter In larue
min dtiiull iiiiintltk'H, tlm Lone Star
Mate now pu'MMitH somothiliu entirely
new in the wtty of well that spout
lire wiiter. It Ih lint the kind nf lire
wut cr Hint Ih Mild over our bars, hut
a wiiter Hint Ih iictiinlly intlmiiiiiiihle.
Thin new discovery in located neur
Toyiih, Texas, mill the nwiier hiijh
t lint while borinu ii well for water on
IiIh iiiiicIi he sliuek a Mow which
partly tilled tho well. When the
water win liroiiht to the surface nnd
came Into cuutact with tho ilrillluu
ontllt, it net tire to the timhei'M and
i they were liiirued up. hxiiaustivo
I'PxerlineiilH weie imiile with the
water and lu every InMiinco it sot lire
In the wood and other inthimimihle
suhMiiuoes with 'vlilch It was placed In
contact. It. also ipiickly dissolved
or lite up the Iron oiihIiiu of the well.
He Iiiih Inkeii a sample of the wnter to
tho Mute iiuivcrMty at Austin lor
oMimliintiuu. lie should cull It liquid
indium mid let. If u at that.
Mih (iraut, of linker City, claim"
that n couple of iuiutz clnliiiH heluiiu
Inn to her near MiilOueii hnve been
llleil mi ax timber Imii) and Mie Ih
heie today tliicateiiiiiK all miiIh uf
lltluatlnii nu'iiiit the alleged inter
InpeiH, Him claim thai Mie Iiiih held
the cIiiIiiih mnl winked them for the
IiimI live yeniH, mid Hint two men were
work I in; theie nt the time they weie
(lied mi.
V. If. Mend, the well known tlm
liermmi located I'ete lOstex mi n claim
Including Mrn. (irmit'x ipmrl
local Ion. Mr. IOhIch proved up mid
Hold the claim tu Seymour (. Hell.
.Mr. Mend mijh he went over tho
Kroiiiui, out lonini no one in wori on
any niliieial cIiiIiiih, There weie hoiiio
old woikiiiUH, he hii.vh, hut no evi
dence Hint nnytliiiu: had lately been
dune, mid moreovei no evidence that
he hiiw which woulil lead to the con
iiIuhIoii that It wiih worth while to do
work in HiIh direction. He tlionylit
Miiely that tiro year' operation would
leave a dump which would attract
IiIh attention.
Mr. Hell Ih nut of town, and It Ih
not known yet whnt Mmpe the litlpi-
Hon will tiM-iime. lu the meaiitiiue
Mi'H. (iiaiit Ih iiinkliu: dlie thientH.
Work I. Suaria (Nslrlcl. j
a ,.,,,, s ,
dibtiict Iiiih licmm. The old Spartriil
ditch nnd placer milieu will heulu (
opeiiitiiuiH today. A uompmiy of I
MlnlilKiin men hare bought into tho
propel ty with 1'". W. Tal I mad u mid
me now shipping out supplies mid
ndilltiuiinl tools ami tmichiueiy. It
Ih their Intention to make thlnus hum
and make a bik' clean up HiIh year.
The mound in very rich. The iinmo
of tliu new couorcu in the ()ienu
Mlullin A lirlk'atlon coinpany, presi
dent T. W. Whiteuy, vice picHldeut,
A. W. Hnhlake, tieasuier, secretary
ami iiianaerr, 1 V. Tallininke. Mr.
Talliuailk'c's younger brut her ami a
number uf youtiK friends lu Michigan
hae formed the company. Tho
ditches will be tlioiounlily opened
ami all work will be done iu a sys
tematical milliner. Democrat.
William lluuortsoii, who tins the
contract for operntlnu the K. & 10.
hiiwidIII to ho located just iihovu town,
Murtuil mnriiiu tho machinery, which
wuit received Saturday, thin muruluu
lie thinkH ho will hare it placed ami
the mill Kuluu within a week.
He has the contract for runnlnu
the mill, curryiuu on Inuuiuu opera
tloiiH mid deliverliiK the lumber ut
Hie 10. mid 10. mine. TIiIh Ih fur the
new eynuldo plant, on which work Is!
hood to ho Htarted, mid aUo for the
rcpalrw now lieliiK made at. the 10. I
and 10. mill. Tho fiiwmlll. Mr
lEohertMou Hityn, will cut aliout l.'i.OOOi
feet of lumher a day
After linvlni! experimented a few
dnyH and ndjiiMed the new machinery, J U.rl.(,, which M. Terrll will Have to
i tho Dixie MeinlouH cuiiceiitratiiiK i look after. Ho will mnko Sumpter
j plant Marted on Sunday on itn ,H hi'iidipinrteix.
permmient. run. The coinpany will' A WiiMiiiituou difpatch of ycMor-
now have no trouble iu cuiiceiitriitiiiu ,day niyx: Secretary llilclicock Iiiik
ut least biMctity-tlvc tuiicof urt I notillcil thu Oieou delemitlon that
I mi mi average every tweiity-fniiri he does nut ceo IiIh wny clear to re
While the xyMoin of
lm the ore which
the com-
puny Iiih hIiom'H N new,
Mill Hi
Iiiih proven to be the very best that, Walter Moore for thin oflico wiih
could be selected for their quality j inadvertently overlouked, he will bo
of oich. The ciiHtH of coiiceiitiation , wllliim to anpoiut. Moore a foreM
will bo no more than one-lialf iih j ranker nt Still per month later In the
much as Hint of old time .Mump mill ; suiiiiner. The ileliuatlon will com
Hybtem uf the same capacity. Thin municate thin fact to Moore ami
iiKiilu Ih proof of the excellency of learn his pleasure iu the mutter
tho judgment of the maiiauemeiit of, before lakinu further action.
HiIh property, by Kiilmr nulnnt public
. opinion in the M'lectlnn of the plant
It. Ih true that the compnuv Hid not Wild Hint he had as yet iiceireil !(
yet a plant of the capacity for which otlluiiil notillciitloii from any member
they hnd contracled. but the system f the ()reon delegation. The
Ih juM. whnt they need mid, besides-, only tiling he knew iihnut IlltchcockV
the llrm trom whom they bought the action with reward to him had been
plant Iiiih made Kood Hh failure lu learned hum the dispatches lu the
tho fulllllmeut of Hh contract to the j lurtlinifl OrcKOiiluii. "1 hnve written
satisfaction of the Dixie Mendows1 1 Secretary Hitchcock." saldMr.
compmiy. Moure, "uolifyiuK him to st-lke my
The snviuK of free unlit will more ' nmiio from the wnltlmt list. 1 do
than pay all expenses uf mliiiuu mid
I n.iiii,,.. ,,,,,1 II Ih onlv about !:, ner
,,,,, of tl0 0re viiluin I'lalrie
(.. .llucr.
mm "STICK" Ar T"E
One ot the moM attruutlve ciikIh in
the out door exhlbitH of the FureMry
ilit-nluy at the St. LoiiIh fair in the
bik! spruce I ok which will represent
Oii'Kon. there
It Ih a veritable minister and
thousand of people dally nie tit
tract eil by its enormous sbe. I is by
fur the largest lok' on the k'l'onnils ami
old-timerH cmiiiot remember when
they have seen anythliu,' nearly ho
la rue
It toweiH above the other out-donr
exhibits and can be seen for a Ioiik
distance. lieneriil yuperlnteiident
Weill iliik' thniiKht that he hnd a white
elephant on IiIh hands ,as there
seemed tu be no feasible means of
iiuloadiiiK the lou mid uettiuu it into
poMtiou but after carefully loukiuu
J over the uround ho decided to hnve it
launching nnd acoordinuly ways were
prepared nuil Jacks btouuht into use.
Kven then It. wiih no easy matter to
move the hiltfe tnoiiMer which
welifhwl AO.OOO pounds . Quite a
crowd of spectator had uuthored to
witness tho BlKht and the wero not
dlsapnlntod for the 1ik neemeil allvo
and went. tutnblinu and rollltiR down
the Ioiik Mope like a younu culv
after honey. It hroiiht up within
a few feet of Hh Ioiik rotlii iIhco.
where It wiih placed on a craillo to
he the pet of nil tiHiliermeu.
S. S. Terrill en tuied upon his
'duties as runner for the linker Ulty
foreM reserve. yi'Meiday. Mr.Terrlll
iiim provided lilniM'lt' with horco mid
.outllt mid Ih fully eiulpped for the
Burr Ice, llin cmmnlcMoii arrived
inueial (Iiivh auo.
Included lu HiIh rauue.which coveiu
the linker City walei-chcd, are 50,100
l call the appointment or S. S. Terrill
'(, Mipervlaor of the linker City forcnt
roM'i'V", hut in view of the fact that
the deleualioti'H Indorsement
Walter Mooio wiih seen by a Maker
City lloiald represontntlve. He
not want u job iu IiIh department.
1 frankly told him so, and wound
up hy say I ilk' Hint I hoped that
hereafter he mid the Oregon delega
tion would net aloiik' together better "
Interest Paid on Time
Salety Deposit Vaults