The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 27, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    wnwt W""1 "
Wednesday, April 27, 1904
Western Mining Man Can't
Afford to "Take a Fake
Mining Proposition
Congressman Vnu l)tizcr,of Nevada,
has been giving Washington people
some interesting talks uncut mining
conditions In the west, one of his
topics being the "Plug Hut Miner."
Tbo "Yellow Legged Export" hiia
boon the butt ot nmuy m good-natur-d
joke throuithnut thti mining
camps of tbo nest; but, like the ten
dot foot or tbo young mini, ago and
experience will leuiody defects to
which he was boru liolr; but tbo
"Plug Hut Miner" -ttio Lord deli
ver tbo unsuspecting public from his
Wo know full well Unit tbo invest
ing public of tbo eiiHt havo boon
robbed right and left in mutters per
taining to mining, mid that ninny
iuvostors hare good cause, or think
buy have, to feel note against t ho
111 1 u Inn Industry, for they have beou
induced to buy mining stock that was
not worth tbo paper it wiih printed
upon; they have been talked Into
buyiiiK into niliicH which really line
no existence, mid thoy have been
betrayed iu almost every maimer aud
form by swludliug agents who wero
after their money and nothlug olso.
Ah a mutter of fact, they bava been
"taken In" by tbe'Tlug Hut Miner,"
by the slick, smooth talker, who,
perhaps, never saw a inluo iu his life,
and who could not tell the (inference
betweou blub guide ore aud country
rock, If he had a specimen of both iu
his bauds.
It is tbo "Plug Hat Miner" who
comes out west, secures a claim or
group of claims in some mining cimip,
mid, no matter whether or not they
11 ro posseteed of merit, bo makes them
the basis of an Incorporated company,
the stock of which he feeds out to
"siickers"nt wbolcsiilu.aud at almost
any price, his statements aud prom
ices being "f such n nature that tbo
honest mining man could hardy
contemplate them without bis cheeks
being colored with the tinge of shame.
Hut, as a fool is botu every min
ute the Held for tho"l'lug Hut Miner"
is a wide 0110 and his prollts are
always law. lie cuts tbo money,
but the minim; ludiittiy ot the west
hub (0 hoar the brunt, tbo ignomi
ny of his iiiccality.
It is veiy rate, indeed, that a tine
westnru mini, an oxpuiluiicod inlnln;
opreator, over goes east with a fake
mining proposition. If uur eastern
readors over meet with a person rep
tesuntiiig himself to bo a western
mining tiiiin, and if be sports a plug
bat, "pass hi in up," for, in nlno
times out of teti, bo Is a rascal of out
for sockets. Tbo true mining man,
however, can bo told by his dress, by
his walk and by bis talk. He will
be able to toll something about the
property he represents, of the forma
tion of tbo district, of the churacter
and value of the ores of his mlue,
of the auiount of work done iu its
development aud exploration, and
bis beaming will be such that one
will feel at ouce that confidence can
be reposed iu him. He ia ready to
deliver the Roods, and ia not a dealer
in hot air, for be well knows that
any misrepresentation ho tuny make
will have to bo explained upon his
return home and that the future
welfare of themlning Industry depends
upon the integrity and fair dealing i
of those who ate legitimately outlined i
iu the fnseiuutlng occupation. '
Tbo "PI in.- Hat Mluur" has no!
care for the future. If bo can hold
up a victim today, ho is siitisllod. :
Tomorrow bo will no through thu'
pockets of another, and when bis,
territory is worked bo will peek.
greener tlclds. Hlnin him as you
would his sntmilc majesty I Salt
Lake Mining Itevlew.
For Sale
He Who Sloughs Off His
Stock Worse Than Cut-
Throaters or Mining
than either tho
tho thimbleiig-
exchange. Hero
that Intel eat lug
,1. II. Lo Compte, of Springlleld, ,
Missouri, writes The Mluur on a sub-
ject that deserves consideration by
mining bicu mid mining papurs every-j
whore. Ho thinks, mid rightly too, !
that tbo promoter who sells IiIh in- j
dlvlilal stock In competition with
the treiiptity, is a wotso enemy to1
legitimate mining
cut-ratn broker or
gltig mining stock
Is what ho says on
"I notice with pleasure that Tho
Miner Is making a valiant light on
the cut-throat broker nud mining ex
changes. I do not boliovo, however,
that tbo broker Is as bud as usually
represented, at least not by any
menus as bad as tho mining ex
changes. "Hut tho worst 11110 of them all,
iu my view, is tbo scoundrelly pro-j
motor who throws bis stock on tho
market while his company is still
soiling its treasury stock. This is (
tho most loprohcusiblo business of I
it all. The broker could scatcely get '
hold of any stock If stockholders were
not eager to realise, even at a sacri
fice. This condition ot dissatisfac
tion Is brought about iu most cases
by the aforesaid promoter, who butts.,
into the market as soon as lie sees a
chance to tcalio it prollt. thus em-;
burriisiug tho company and causing
other stockholders tu lose faith and ,
hope. Thlc cannot ho denied,
"It Is being done continually ami
by moll who pose us honest mid up
light. Mr. (itxlfioy tells us that Ibis
Is exactly what put tbo Cud liny Iu
its piesent predicament. It is this,
too, which has given tho Ciilcuiida
a decidedly black eye.
"1 want to sue tho promoter, who
by bis staudulg iu bis community,
invites people to join In bis enter
prise, then turns and noils out he
font tho company Ih financed, lashed
as a common malefactor, because it
Is a moral wrong mid mi Irreparable
Injury to tbo business of mining mid j
especially to tho company iu which
bo is Interested. "
Six Placei Claims, covering nearly all the
ground on a creek emptying into Burnt River,
this property is near to and parallel with the
noted placer grounds of Pine and Cow Creeks in
Baker County. All equipped for work, with reser
voirs, ditches, Humes, pipe and Giant. For particu
lars see the undersigned.
Buys the most sightly ten roomed residence
and ground in the city. Nicely finished inside and
out. An ideal location. This property will readily
bring a rental of if per cent on the investment.
Will buy one of the most desirable Homes in j
Sumpter, consisting of an exceptionally desirable'
lot ;o by 150 feet, nicely improved, barn, and
house of six rooms with the complete furnishings, j
A Piano, and other choice pieces of furniture goes!
with this. This property will bring 20 per cent j
on the investment.
Will buy another six room house and lot de.
sirably located. This property is now bringing 18
per cent as rental on the above price.
A choice resident lot near the center ot town
For a desirable building lot on the hill.
Timber and HomctUad Filings.
Timber and homestead Minus, as well
as final proofs, can bo made before
Charles II. Chance, United States Com
missioner, office in First National Bank
of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav
ing applicants expense of a trip to La
If you are seeking safe and remunerative in
vestments call and see us, as we have some snaps
in the way of Business opportunities, Mines and
also mine prospects, on which considerable work
has been done, Mouses and lots, and also
vacant lots, on whicn good money can be made
oy improving the same. II you have not money
enough to build you a home, we will help you,
and put you in a position, to put the rent you are
paying others in your own purse.
Inland Empire
Investment Co.