The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 27, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Wednesday, April 27, 1904
It Was Intended to Pay for
Work Done For United
Exploration Co.
Some weeks since men who bad
been working on contracts for the
United Exploration company Hied
liens on Its properties, amounting to
something over 81,700. This Is the
company tbat has taken over tbe
mines owned by V. E. Hind in east
ern Oregon, in which he retains the
controlling Merest.
To day Mayor McColloch received
a letter from the company, the head
quarters of which is in lioston, plac
ing the caso in his hands for defense.
In this leter It is stated that money
had been sent to tho former superin
tendent, David P. Mulr, to pay all
lalms, and if they had not beou
liquidated, theu ho hurt put it in his
own pocket.
Attorney McColloch Iihs uot yet
had time to investigate the mutter,
nor learn where .Muir uow is. It is
though that lie Mill probably claim
that bo took tliu money to pay what
tho company owed liim for sei vices
rotidcrcd; though, of course, thin Is
merely n surmise. If ho doesn't
outer this pica, thero will be a crim
inal chargo agaluat him.
W. K. Kurd la expected hi lioston
at an early day, whuu the matter will
bo settled, one way or auothcr.
Three Old-fashioned Barometers.
There is au old chap in lirooklyu
who has three barometers, as he styles
them a cut, a hire of bees and a
bundle of corn fodder. As every
farmer knows full well, corn fodder
is extremely sensitive to hygrometrio
chauges. When dry and crisp it in
dicates fair weather; when damp ami
limp, look out for raiti. A bee was
novor caught in a shower, therefore,
when bis bees leave their biro iu
search of honey he knows that the
weather Is going to bo good. As for
the cat everyone knows about the
tiicka of pussy and tabby. Tbe act
of washing the face a sort of dry
wash with the foiepaw is a sure
sign of a change Iu the weather; if
below the eyes ouly, fail weather; if
over the ears, raiu. If puss licks
her hair against the grain or sits
with her tail to the lire, look out for
squulls. New Vork Piess.
Facts About Cobalt.
Cobult does not occur native. The
ores of cobalt number a half dozen or
more. It Is used mainly in tho
form of oxide, au earthy cobalt or
black cobalt oxide, known as asbollte
It occurs usually mixed with
oxide of muiigauese as a bog oro or
(secondary product. It is quite
plentiful at Ml no La Motto iu Mis
souri aud the malu supply of this
couutry comes from there. Cobalt
is obtaiued iu Silesia, Now Cale
donia and other places iu couuec
tinn with nickel ores. It is a metal
of steel gray color aud specific
gravity of about 8,0. It much re
sembles nickel, tbe atomlo weights
of tbe two metals being similar, and
tbe specific gravities vary but little.
They both possess s like ductility
and tenacity and are always asso
ciated. Cobalt, were it. more plen
tiful in'metallic form, could be used
purpose tbat nickel
important ores of the
metal are cobaltlte, smaltile. tin
uaeite aud the oxide. Tho largest
production of cobalt is in Saxony,
llobemia aud Norway. Tbe main
value of cobalt is iu pigments. Its
protoxid furnishes an iutenso aud
bountiful bllio color of importance In
palutlug and especially Iu tho deco
ration of porcelain aud glass. Co
bult oxide is made at Camrteu, New
Jersey, by tho American uickcl works.
The price paid for oro contaiuiug
oobalt runs from eight to ten dol
lars per ton per unit of metal or oro
carrying a minimum of four per cent.
Co. O Miuiug World.
Manager Jas. A. Howard of tbe
Oolcouda, who returned from Pen
dleton tbe othor, day, coming up
from Maker by wagon, hurried out
to tbe property on his arrival as if
he bad sometblug wolgbty on his
ml ud. When scon today ou bis
return, ho said that while he In uot
authorized tn make any statement as
to what would bo done the coming
summer he thought iu justice to the
preseut stockholders It was his duty
for tbe same
put. to. The
10 say uiai mo wane nnniiiigH.soiti iii.oui.
unction ou the Hth instant, weiu
puichuscd by a syndicate composed
of friends and largest stockholders of
the corporation, that every elfort
will bo put forth to make the prop
erty oiio of the best ou the lode
and to cousorvo the best interests
of all stockholders.
It has been known by these familiar
with (lolconda affairs, since tho
purchuso of tho property by the
present company that iu order to put
this mine iu tho permanent dividend
paying class, a largo development
fund must be provided. This fund
was promised to Mr. Howard at the
1 1 mo ho took charge, over a year ago,
but owing to the sloughliig off of stock
by some of the largest holders, and
tho subsequent llnanclal embarrass
meut of Mr. Wade, tho board of
directors found themselves iiuahlo to
produce any development fund what
ever. It is now understood that ways
aud means will at once bo devised and
a strong effort made to ml so sufficient
funds to carry out tho original plan
of development, aud to make such
improvements and additions to tho
milling facilities of tho property as
may bo necessary. If this fund can
be provided, and the management of
the mine seems funguino that it can
he, there Is no doubt in tho minds of
any of the well Informed mining
men of the district but that tho
future of the tJolconda will bo very
bright for stockholders.
Anaconda Largest Silver Producer.
The Anaconda Mining company, of
Montana, is the largest producer of
silver iu the world, this company
having an annual production of ft,-
BO, 0000 ouuees each year. Tho flrokeu
Hill Proprietary Miuiug company,
of Australia, is second iu point of
silver production, It having tin out
put of silver for 10011 of 0. 'J 1 7,1100
ounces. Next comes another Amor
can mine, viz: tbe Daly West of Utah
with a reported production of 4,118:2,
228 ouuees of silver for 10011. The
mines of tbe Couer d'Aleno come
next in importance iu silver produc
tion, though they are individually
not in a class with any of tbe above
properties, the Couer d'Alene's total
production of a dozen miues footing
up for 1003, 5,000,421 ouuees.
Is'niMfV I llll AkM
,UAll UlllUll
Hon. George Barrett Back
And Will Start Work
at These Prop
erties. (leorgo J. Harrett, tho mlulug
uiau of Granite, returned today from
au exteuded trip 'to Chicago aud
Milwaukee. Mr. Harrett went east
to confer with business associates who
are Interested with him iu tho (Jraud
Uuiou, aud to raise money for pros
ecuting development work at the
His mission was successful, aud
work will bo resumed about the first
of the mouth, or just as soou as the
snow is sufficiently gone to permit
operations. Mr. Harrett says he uow
has all tho cash necessary at his com
mand, aud plenty more ou lap when
t .s needed. Ills plan is to continue
i tbe crosscut, which is now in
feet, until It reaches tho main
, 1100
I Already five good
ledges have been
In addition to this Mr. Harrett has
taken a contract from Manager
Wright at the .Huckhoru, iu which
properly lie is also iuteiesfed. lleie
the two splendid ledges will ho drift
ed ou. Mr. llanett will likewise
begin work at the Huckhoru about
May 1.
Speaking of conditions east lie
says there is no dlfllcully whatever
to be encountered iu lalslng money
for legitlniato mining operations.
llela Kadish, of linker City, was up
today looking after his various In
terests her. Mr. Kadish reutrueil
ouly u few days ago from tho City of
Mexico, where he spent some time on
business mutters. He saw Fred I).
Smith, manager of the Snow Creek
mine, iu the City fn Mexico. Mr.
Smith told him ho would bu back iu
Sumpter about tho first of the mouth.
Mr. Kadsih was much pleased with
busiucss conditions iu Mexico. Ho
says there Is a great influx of Amer
ican capital, aud that the government
Is most liberal iu its attitude toward
encouraging foielgu capital. A leport
is expressed that President Dla. will
soon pass olf the scene, by reason of
old ago. However, his liberal
policies are so firmly engrafted that
little fear ih exptessed of a change Iu
the present trend of government.
There is Luck in Mining.
Iu lHrr, at Spanish Dry Dig
gings, HI Dorado county, California,
some prospeclsois sunk lo bedrock, a
distance of three or four feet, and
found nothing. Three Mhsoiirlaus,
who hrid just reached the state after
a trip across the plains, came to tho
spot and dug six inches deeper aud
found rich diggings. During the
summer they took out 8CO,000
apiece and two of them went hack
home rich men. Tho third gambled
aud drunk his money away, thinking
be could strike another pile when ho
wauted to do so. He never did so,
however, aud is now in his old age
eking out a scanty subsistence iu a
sheep herder's camp In Tulare coun
ty. Miuiug aud Engineering Review,
Onlv transcontinental line
I dassiug directly through
Salt Lake City
Colorado Springs
and Denver
Three splendidly equipped
tra ni
dally TO
Through Bleeping and Dining Cars
and free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most Magnificent scenery in ',
America by daylight.
Stop overs allowed on nil classes'
of tickets. '
For cheapest rates and descriptive
literature, address
W. C. MoBRIDE, General AgMt
Fcniin, ' Oregon
Shohj line
and Union Pacific
Silt Lake,
Denver, Kansas City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
anil San Francisco every five days,
low Rat
Ticket to and from all parts of
the United States, Canada aud
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars dally to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tourut Sleeping
car daily to Kansas City ; through
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (er
soually conducted) luekly to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to the East daily.
For particulars, call op jr add
H. 0. Bowctp,
Agent, Rakor City, Ore.