The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 27, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, April 27, 1904
Capital Stock - $25,000
Surplus, S1000
Telegram Says Seattle Has Butted in And is
Knocking The Proposition to !
: a Finish. !
Much Intercpt 1h holtig nitinlfettoc1
in subject of L'htnlillsliiiiK 11 liriuit:h
mint of United SI at ex Assay olllcu hi
Oicgon. At a r cr out mooting of tho
Hoard of Directors of tliu American
Mining congress, held in I'm I hind,
u rcfinltit Ion wits passed pledging tlio
support of of tlmt orguiiiyiitlou to
tlieell'ort of securing that object, lin
lnedlalely after that action, a muss
meeting ot citizens wan liulil in the
Commeieinl Cluli romn ami Indulged
When the inatter hcciimo public
the Seattle Chamber of Commerce
took the subject in hand anil Ih do
cldedlv opposed to aid being given to
Oregon for such a purpose and to that
end Iiiib communicated with the olll
cors of tin. Amcrlan Mining onngicsw,
requesting thitin to withdraw thutr
support, anil let Oregon mining men
look 11 ft or their own interests, iih
Seattle did not want Oregon to have
any hucIi iiiHtitutinn.
Theio Ih no opposition anions tlio
huelnefh men of Portland to the es
tablishment of an assay ullloo in the
state, and all are enthiiHliiHtli: for it.
Senator Mitchell has tieen the moving
spirit toward i-ccuting tho olllce,
: and a hill Ih now before this smato
I for an appropriatiou.
i I'leMldent John i YVIckham, fo tho
Oregon Minors' Association, who Ih
active in forwarding the project, Ih
very entliiiHiaHtin over the matter
and to tlm Telegram paid:
I "Kveryono who Iiiih tlio interests
, of tho nliito tit heart Ih in favor of tlio
I move, and more especially will a
1 great henellt lie done to tho men who
are lutotcstcd in mining. Fur in
.stance, the local nsHiiyors will hnvo
their business iuoi cased at least 100
'percent, ae nil amalgam coming to
tho oily miirt ho letorleil lioforo it
can he sold to tho assay olllce.
'I.'iIh miiHt he done hy the local as
1 snyors. The hankH will piollt
I because of tho Alaskan gold, which
now gouH to Seattle. Wo do not
care, what part of Oregon tho olllcu
Ih located In. Let it liu linker City,
Similiter, (Siiitit'H Pass, Cottage
(irovo or any other minnig town,
ami wu will ho only too glud to
welcome tlm advent of it.
"Tlio people of ho state, Irrespec
tive of business engaged in, should
work for its success anil not let
Seattle oary away all tho trophies
from Port laud. Telegram.
J.W. SCRIBER . . Pralrfnt
ED. W. MUELLER, - Vie-FrahJnt
R. H. MILLER - - - Caahlar
Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought
Does a General Banking and Exchange Business
O Nature's Att Gallfry o( the Reekie in Addition to the
kJ'C Attractions at St. Louu. This can only be done by
EotnKorrtumlnBvialhe "SCENIC LINE OK THE WORLD."
Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resoits
W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent
121 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
All day yesterday tlio polico do
paitment uiih besieged hy victims of
the alleged fake Alaska Cold Mining
& Transportation onmpnuy, ivhnso
olllcos in tho ICpler liloulc weio inidid
Friday night by Dlectivos Wnppon
btoin and Dm Leo. No loss tlian
twonty-llvo men, mostly laborers and
minors, called at headquarters to toll
Chief of Polico Dolatioy that they
hud lieen switidlcd of aiioiiH sums,
ranging from 825 to 8150, hy two
brothers, M. O. Anderson ami W. U.
Amleion,who my theyaro tho "com
iiiny." Tho polico dcelaro tho (chimin Ih
one of tho biggest cases of hold up
and swindle that they have had to
deal with for many months, ami they
say tlfo evidence Ih piling up en fast
ngniutt the accused men, that the
olllrets feel they will ho suf'Jclontly
picpatcd to send hoth men to tho
peuitotitiury. It is said the Audor
sous havo secured no less hut)
92000, iti tho lust two weeks through
The AudMsnn brothers were arrest
ed ou a lomplaiut sworn nut hy
Edward Hodslroin. Their hull whs
fixed at 8750 each, which they put
up iu cash. Hoth were then released
from jail. About noon yestonlnv
jfcoteu other victims weio taken to tho
I polico slat ion. Kaeh said ho hud
paid tho Anderson brothers $.'() and
hud heen promised steady work in
the tiuith. One man swom to another
complaint anil Uotootlvo Wapenstuiti
again arrested tho Andersons. That
timo thuy could not put up nll and
weio hold. v
About a mouth nun tho brothers
ciuno to .Seattle. They tented a
suite of looms iu tho Kplor block
and bought clussltlod athcitlsiug
space in tho local nowstiapois. They
sot up in IiiiIhiii'ss as tho Alaska .Min
ing ,fc Tiausportatlou company. Im
mediately tiilwitit-iMiifiiitri weio insert
ed iu tho papeis stilting that 100 men
eru wauled at ouco to go to Alaska, i
The renders of tho adiertlsement
'were asked to call at tho olllco in tho
1 Kilor block.
When tho piospoctivo employees
appeared tho "company" tiiiotly
unfolded its Fchome. First, tho
linen were asked to keep the matter
quint, tor tho promoters did not
want a stnmpedo to their olllco hy
mon looking for work.
! To make tho schema look more
plausible tho applicant, for his 850,
I was given it ticket, which ho whs
told entitled him to transportation
jto the North on tho steamship Nome
, City, which wus to sail May H.
I Tho ticket, however, did not read
j that the transportation was good ou
.the NomeCI'.y, It snld "ou boats of
tho company." Seattle Times.
Cars East
i tyi V - ifefcftf.-
Many experienced travelers
prefer tourist sleeping cars
for the transcontinental
journey. The
Chicago, Milwaukee 8c St
Paul Railway
can air&ne for your trip
east in tourist cars, offer you
choice of routes and save
you money.
SIEE." 134ThirdSt., Portland, Ore.