The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 27, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, April 27, 1904
The Sumpter Miner
T. n. (iWYNM:,
Lnttrm at Hie pmloflke In Sumpttr, Oregon, for
lrtnmlln tliriiugh llir rmlli tecunj clt
t'n Y tioa
ril MmiiiIis 1.95
No other hI nt it in (lit) Union, says
an exchange, lut h so long and ho badly
needed iiii iucii-nso of ioinlnlion iih
I.iih Nnvii'lii, Hit i()iiiIiiIIoii of 127, I
011(1 tmlii j- Ih IohhIIiiiu II was in 1870,
hI.v yeara iiflcr her admission iih ii
state. It In gratifying to know,
tlirri'fiiiit, (lint hIid will nioin limn
doiililo her picsout numbers when the
VIIHl HOVI'I IIIIM'Ilt Inlglltloll U'OlllH III!
gun on IIki 'I'luckee iiml Cursnii iIvcih
nri) completed, It Ih tnt i runt m! tlinl
till) WlllllH ill lllllko IIO(lll(.'tlvi llllllllt
'175,0(1(1 acres ot sngo IitiihIi desalt III
tint Western uilt of I lie Hliile. These
1 it li c I h will fur II i h d foil lie llllllH'Mtrillls
of iiliont eighty iicieri eiicli tor l.fiUO
flllllililW. TllWIIH llllll VlllllgCH will
niiliiinlly Hfirliiu up, ho t lint Nevada
nuiy opect liom the reclamation mi
IniireiiHii of l!ll, (Mill nt tlm IciihI.
'I'lir Unit mention of the inline
Amotion niiemeil in u hiiiiiII uoik
willlen in Latin, pttlil IhIilmI In the
yeur Kid?, in Alsace-Lnraluc, under
the title of'Oosmogriiphio Intiodlto-
to". In llil-t work the iileu mih IIihI
advanced Hint the fourth pint of tint
world, which hul then just been ilin-
cnvoicd, hIioiiIiI Iiii culled Amutli'ii,
iliemiiiho Ainerleo Vespuoln was IIh
ilisoovnier. In (IiIh wink Declined
.ii paragraph which nuiy he translated
itlniH: "The other fourth part of the
'world w'iih discovered, iih will ho teen
III Hint which fol own, liy Aincileo
VcHpiinlo; lor which icason I do not
hod who ciin rightfully object to IIh
'being called l.iiinl of.nierlcn( Aniet lol
Terrain), or America, from ,Auierlco
or Amoilgn, the niimi) of the graclmiH
mini of genius who discovered it,
allien Hid iniiiieH Kuinpo ami Ania went
del I veil f i din the iiiiiiich of women."
TIiIh hook atlincteil a great ilenl of
attention when it wan published, and
for that time It hud mi extiauiillnnry
clriiiiliitlou. It appeuiH to huve hecn
published liy n society established in
I 11)0 lot the cultivation of the iiiIh
ami Hclt)Uce4.Tlie mime of the author
iippeaiu to huve heen lift, lint it Ih
ustinly m-ciilieil to Wulibccmullcr, a
well known gongiuphcr of that time.
little less than par, Ih no reason why , had it erected a million dollar atruc
it should he passed tip. Tlio shrewd-! ture for the use of the survey when
eat investors are the heaviest buyers that bureau whh drat established, a
of first iillotineutH. This does not , quarter of a century ago.
mean that they "k It blind" or I
merely "take n tlyer,' but they Mint , yeHr or 80 KO 8ejf 8tyed inlulng
ascertain in whose lunula the compuuy , ,i hn-eatment papers were started
is. then make hoiihi Investigation of uy the score all over the country, iu
the property. In other would, they ,,Krlculturnl commiiulticH hundreds
Investigate thoroughly befoie putting ,,f ,t8 f()rln mines, iu commercial
in t hull money, not afterwards. No aud financial center?, everywhere a
one i-lifiiilfl Invest a dollar ill milling lnek broker hud an iitlvertlsemeut to
without lnvfHtlKiitiuK any more Hum j0rer. They were, figuratively spenk
thiiy would In any other channel of iK) IIH thick iih fleiiH on a dog. They
tinile or business. Idiifiin infinite Hiiioutit of harm, not
' only to legitimate mining puhlicii-
1. I'. Mtiigau, Into lliiauciiil dletn lions, that aufferep most, of course,
tor of the western woild. in iu hut to the mining Industry at lnrge,
London, Hick fiom woriy on account ' for their columua weiu opeu to every
of business tioubicH. Ot him and IiIh! fakir who had the smell price to pay
prcrent condition n cnricspumlcut j for their worthless apace. In their
writes: Morgan . will he in no mood ' reading columiiH propositions ubso
for eelehintlng tomorrow, the sixty-1 Jutuly of no merit whatever were
seventh anniversary of IiIh hlith, boomed as houairaa, and the public,
nor for enjoying the reception iih possessed of little or no luteglligoiit
otherwise he might of the many vain-1 discrimination, bought atocka of no
n hie mid iiuiipie gifts which IiIh value; lost tliolr money and are now
tiieiidH will send bim. Mr. Mtiigun knocking everything iu sight per
Ih very sick. The htirlness worry lie I tiiinlng to mining,
has iiudeigoue In the last twelve Dozens of these journalistic piostl
iii nil t Iih Iiiih been enough tu break lutes have suspended publicntii'ii
down the countitutiou ot n man idrulng recent moutliH and others will
much stioiiger physically than even! follow them to dishouoied giaves
the gieat trust builder. I That Ih iih it should be, but they have
Ah scheme after scheme, from the , done an Irreparable Injury iu
notorious shipyaid tiust down to , pulling down witli them a number
tlio Atlantic liner combination, of of mining papers of real merit and
which lie was a prime mover, if not uuiiiestioneil honesty. During the
the actual father, has collapsed and i past week The Miner bus lecelved
foiced ilisclosiitcH oi the methods of notices of the suspension of two such,
high llnance, Mr. Moigau litis Hiilleieii , American Mining News, of - New
mine ami inoie. Today bis ti inula ' Yoik, Iiiih been consolidated with the
fear a total collapse of Ills nervous Journal for Investors, of lloston, and
The following instruments were filed
at the Bnker conntv court house during
the week ending April I'll, 1004.
i March 20 Milo ilooek to Chas.
, lloock, 'is lutciest iu lots 1, 2.
and 1, block 21, Mix aditiou
i ntiKur -n ci
jPucI lb Const Minot.of Sun Francisco,
will lie merged with a monthly, the
name ot which ia nut mentioned iu
the notice received. Doth of these
papers were of (ho very best ot their
kind, no breath of suspicion ever
rested on either, and The Miner
regrets to lose them from its ex
change list.
Cause of Opal Brilliancy.
Opal in amorphous silica. Only
those varieties showing Iridescent
colors-tho lite opal are valuable.
Some opals lose their brilliaut
colors on exposure to the light. The
cause of the biilliaiit play of colors
is a subject of discussion. Some
Thcto Ih a ceitaiu class of people
who look with contempt upon a new
company, one olleiiug Its shines a
little below par, Miys the Mining
Win Id. It all Investors thought the
hiimc.twi) of the grentest mines in the
win Id would not be iu elsteuci to
day. One, the Alnskn Ticndwcll
mine, of Alaska, and the other, the
Calumet ,v lleclu mine, of Michigan.
Not only Ih this turn of these two
grent mines, hut ninny hiimlicils of
nt Iiiiih could be cited. It hits been,
is iiiiw and always will be the
practice to oiler the tliM shines of a
promotion company at less than ptir.
Tim United Steel mar have been
tjiii exception, iiml it might be added
here that the amount of plunder taken
in by these piomoteis would huve
developed and equipped many thou
huiiiIs of uiines.iind given employment
to tiiHtiy thousands of men. Simply
because a mining company is young
Mild otfers its shareo ou the start at n
The erstwhile grunt lluaucier is a
picture of lassitude that is iu iiiaiked
contrast 'o the stalwart, active man
of nitidis that nunc line u year ago.
The change lu Mr. Moigan's con
dition was noted immediately upon
IiIh arrival here. He seemed entirely
uniliteiested iu Ills suiioiilidlngs, and
walked hIowIv down the mini! nlank.
proceeding immediately to Princess'
(bite with Mr. Dawkius, his Lou
don lepieseutative. "
Apiopos of die bill before congress
asking for an tipprupilutinu of one
million dollars to be used iu the
erection of a building for the United
States Ocnlogicnl Suncy, some ill-
iiirnimeil newspaper coriespouilent , authorities believe them to bo due been lamenting the extiavagauce lo 1K.mid cavities; others think
of Dliector Walcott iu appointing t,m ,ll0 , ,lt,r ,.IVL.,i Jmnelliie.
Mr. ticorge !'. Kuu to lie "Kaillum UIM) ,efiiiutlvu poweis dlller from
cominlssiouer" at the Louisiana I'm- Hio remalnidcr of the stouc. These
cIiiim) i:po-ltlon His lamentations l0 Huipoed to have oilginally
have so leverlieialeil through the esMllMj pmullel position, but huve
country ircss thut it n-nns only fair sllll. i,,,,,,, M,iijected to stiuius dim to
to Dliector Walcott. Mi. Kuiik mid niuvement of the Inclosing locks;
the public to explain Hint Mi. Kuu. l(u,M, ,,lllm, ,vc been bent aud
is giving ids services as a indium ex In ot-it. pioduciug the color illuct mi
pelt to tlio suney iiuil the iitititni nuii'li priv.oil.
without any expectation of teumd
except but which mny come to him
willi the consciousness ot good citi-
onshlp. It behooves the ciitlcs to Via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
iiupiiie llirt whether they may not be Louis, is the out) that gives you tlm
maligning their own beuetuctor lie- most fo'-your money nut the fact
tote they begin to rail at olllcials for that the Illinois Ceulial olleis tin
appointing "commissioners to ex- surpassed service via these points to
plolt solium, the X-iay, liquid air, the World's fair, and iu this eon
bottled sunshine, paleontology, ami nee! ion to all points beyond, makes
ballooiiacy. " Even a million dollar it to your ailvauatiige, iu .-use you
building is not the extiavagiiiice It couteiulpute a trip to any point east,
may seem to lie. The twenty-fourth to wtite us beture making Html nr
utititinl icpiirt of the dliector ot the raugemeuts.
survey shows that the suivey wis( We can offer the choice of at least
obliged to expend the considerable a dozen d liferent routes.
I April 12 Hernlcc Oolfier and
' husband to linker City Real Estate &
Home company, lota 1, 5, and N. i
'lot !l block 10, Doyd's addition to
linker Clty;81.
April 10 Chiia. Gardner aud wife
I to Uco. K. Gardner, ' Interest in
80 acres iu Sec. II T. 0 R. U9 E. ;
iiiud 100 acres iu Sees. 18 and 10 T.
110 R. .'18 E. ; 81.
I. April 10 .liio. I'. Welch and wifo
I to A. C. Ilown.iin, 80 acres lu Sec.
, 10 T. 7 R. 41 E. ; 81.200.
April 111 .lnu. l Wolch and wifo
to Floiencc lluwmau, 80 acres lu
Sees. 10 and 11 T. 7 R, 41 E, ; 81,
' 200.
Dec. 12, '1)2-
, to ,1. R. Nay I or,
ami 0 block 1,
I Keli. 18 L. M. Welsh and wife
to J. R. Naylor, lots 1, 7, !), and 10
, block'- iu St. Louis addition to
i Sumpter: 81.
i Feb. 20 M. V. Low. to Oregon
j Corn Co., 100 acres in Sees. 12 mid
HI T. 1 R. 41 E. ; 8000.
Aptil 18 F. C. Dawson, aud wifo
to Claud ,V lielle Olllcors, 2 acres in
Sec. HT, 8 R. 1(5 E. ; 81.
April 12 E. li. McFitrlauo to
Davis Wilcox, N. ,. lot 12 block
"E" Haines; 8000.
Inn. DO State of Oregon to J. A.
Veddei, 1120 nciea In Sec. 1 T. 8 R.
110 E. ; 8401.
April 10 J. A. Veddcr and wifo
to Win. i'ollman; '; interest lu
same; 8200.
First M. E. church
east TiO fet lots fi
Sumpter Heights;
April 21 Jas.
wife to Chaa. and
acres iu Sees. 1, 2
40. E. ; 8.")00.
April 18 M. II
sum of 828,100 tor otllce nut during
the tlscal yeur from July 1, 1002, to
July 1, l'.HKI. Cue does uut need
to be mi expert bank uccountttut to
calculnto that under the operation of
the principles of compound iuterest,
the government might today be the
i icher by the value of its building
Commercial Agent,
142 Third street, Portland, Ore.
J. C. Liuthey, T. R & P. A.,
142 Third at., Portlaud, Ore.
P. ll.Thonuisou, K. & P. A.,
Room 1, Colmau lildg.,
Seattle, Wash.
D. Hanuon aud
Olive Cibbs, 120
aud 11 T. 10 Jt.
, Allen and wife to
liourne Mining company, 70 acres iu
N. E. '4 Sec. 20 T. 0 R. II 7; 81,100.
June 1. '01 Letaon Rallictt to
White Swaua Mines company, White
Swan mines; 810.
April 11 Henry J. linker and
wife to W. S .Rowers, 80 acres iu
Sec. 1 T. 8 R. it! E. : 8200.
April .'I L. llolf ami husband to
Annie Eichorii, lot 5 block 1, Do
Riu's addition to linker City; 8000.
April LI H.E.McDanielHto O. II.
Mount, lots 1 to i block 2 U,&
McComas tulil i t ion to linker City;87ri
April 1 Harry I'hutoher aud wife
lo lieucslc Exchange hunk, lt!0 acies
S. 22 T. 7 R. HI E: 81,fi4ii.
Maich HO Cllll Stock to W. J.
Pattersuu et al, 1-1! interest in"J. ,1.
ami C. C. group" placer claims;
A pi II 7- W. II. Mead to 1'. A.
Inn 1 7, "King" group of qiiurtz
claims comprising 0 claims; 8100.
April 10 Justice G. M. Co. to
Illue Mountain (!. M. Co., Justice
and Rambler aud Trail quartz
cliiims; 81.
April 14 Crucker King (i. M. Co.
to Illuo Moiintuln U. M. Co., Run
shoe uud Cupid aud Captain quartz
claims; 81.
Sept. 1 A. M. Rouiig aud bus
baud to Pierce CI. M.Co., Sure Thing
quartz claim; 8110.
March HI, '03 Chaa. M. Pierce
aud wife to Pierce G. M.Co., Klondike
quartz claim; ?.r,000.