The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 27, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, April 27, 1904
The Storm King Mines
Facts Facts
Why Mining is the Best Investment of Modern Times
How can tlm Banker guarantee you .'I or it,'; ur cent Interest on
your money? Does it not become apparent to you that ho must invest
your Money in an enterprise that will pay 111 lit not less than 10 per font
interest on Your Money in order to lie assured a Margin of prollt?
Husiness statistics of the entire world conclusively prove this fact,
That Your Money in the IuuiiIh of a Banker, is iH'iiif! placed in llrst class
mining stock, hh it in conceded by tlmihcicrs. that mining stock !h a louiti
mate company is now one of the First-Class securities of the day.
There in a method in the Banker's way of doing business. l.ook
at thu many thousands of dividend-paying mines; they were at one time
mere prospects, Home of them of uncertain future proHHrity, yet erse
veraucu, coupled with an economical uso of the stockholder' money,
brought their Golden Treasures to the light of day, to I hi distributed in
dividends to the patient shareholders.
The production of Gold is now the highest ever reached.
In 11)02 the production of Gould amounted to fLMM.OOO.OOO, and in
llt0:t the production amounted to 110,000,000.
And it Ih confidently computed by experts that the production will
reach the enormous sum of f'toO.OOO.Ol 0 during the present year 1IHM.
The alxive tluMtre are the Facts that determine the Banker in
placing Your Money where he will draw from -. to 1,000 per cent while
You are drawing your begrudged IP... percent on the sune money.
Now do you "till wonder why Bankers are so wealthy, while your
nose is ever on the grindstone'.'
l'riend, shake tiff your old Fogy ideas. Mining is as safe as bank
iug; if it were not, Bankers would not Invest Your Money in mining
You have as good judgment in money matters as the Banker; then
why not use your reason, ami place Your Money where it will bring ou
the greatest returns'.'
We ask you to thoroughly investigate thu Storm King group of
mines, owned by the Forest Mining Company. Send your own ex
Mrt, and If we cannot substantiate each and every statement, we will
cheerfully pay all of his expenses.
Bear in mind, th'ee of the most widely known Mining Engineers
and Mineralogists have examined thu Storm King Mines, and their
opinions and reports will he mailed to you upon receipt of name and
Forest Mining Company
Lock Box J 08, Rooms 5 and 7, Bank of Sumpter, Sumpter Oregon
Nuggets found This Morn
ing While Making Ex
cavation Under Amell
(instance plueer gold in varying ipum
titles, bus liooii brought to light. It
was to the end of operating it that
the Oregon Dine (Snivel company was
organized by (ienernl Wan en last
summer and options secured on
various towusito holdings. It sooiiih
altogether pinhuhlo that llniisor in
digging n icccptnulu for his wiuu and
other beveiages has stiricd up the
soil in the vicinity of the ancient
channel, believed to contain untold
wealth in thu yellow metal.
The finding of u gold nugget on
thu streets of Sumpter or in the crop
of u burn yard fowl ordinarily
excites but little Interest, since there
lb nothing unusual iu such mi occur
renco. lint here's just one moro
which perhaps is worthy of mention.
Tills morning while the force of
men employed liy I'M llnusor, was ex
cavatiug for u cellar under the Amell
building on .Mill street, where Mr.
Hiiuser is shortly to niovo the
Olyinplu saloon, u pretty little nugget,
wmth from llfty cents to u dollar, was
picked out of the dirt in tho lower
It id now a serious question with
Mr. Hunter whether ho will go on and
open the saloon, which iu itself will
doubtless possess many of tho feuluies
of a gold mine, 01 lease tho ground
and turn his attention to placer min
ing, if is a well known fact that
an iiucleut channel cuts across the
towuslto from northwest to southeast
and it is morn than likely that Mr.
Hansel's cellar h close to this old
channel. Several wells and collars
hove been dug along tho couiso of
this channel und in almost every
h. H. Ilulliunii, malinger of the
California, ititiirucd this morning
from a thieu week's visit to I'm t land
mid Hot Luke. Ho spent u week
of his iihsnucu lit thu latter place,
deriving great bouollt, ho says.
Mr. liulliniiti is ready o resume
operations at the California as soon
as conditions will permit, lie sought
Information regarding thu balloon
route to Cable Cove as soon as he
arrived, but was was tcld that this Is
slightly out of repair. He says,
however, that Just us soon as thu
roads are in shape for travel, that
supplies may bu sent in, operations
will be resumed.
1'ied Daltis, of linker City, sou of
Malinger Duliis of the lleluher, unlit
through on thu tiaiu this morning to
the propel ty. The machinery for
the twenty stamp mill to be Instill-'
oil nt once at the liolchtii, Mr. Diilns
says, is now ut Whitney, all ready to
bu trnnsterrid, us soon its the muds
are iu shape for travel. Ah stated Iu
Thu Miner some time nun, It. L. Mn
Lain, of Sumpter, tins been nwaided
the contract for installing the ma
chinery and building the mill.
Nothing can be done, however, until
the roads, get In shape for hauling.
, A ludiuitioii plant will probably
. also lie erected this season on the
lied Lion, a property opeiated by the
same people. Mr. Dniiis se.vs it has
not yet been decided what style of
mill will be placed there, but that
one will undoubtedly go iu some
time this summer
Cracker Highland.
Dan Cahill, superintendent of tho
Cracker 'Highland, stutes that work
Is to bu lesumed at this property
within tho near future. Ah soon us
tho snow gets olf tho ground ho in
tends beginning operations again.
Thu Cracker Highland is located In
tbo Cracker Creek district.
; New Vorl( lluauclers have leeched
many shocks iu the lust few years. but.
J perhaps nothing has surprised them
'more than the ollroutery of a western
banker who iccuully had the nerve
to take thu entire 8:1,1)00,000 issue
of Philippine certificates olfered to
tho public.
This western poacher was C. S.
Jobes, of Kansas City. Ho went east
Intending to net only 8100,000 of
tho now certificates, but whs coolly
told by the moneyed men of tho east,
that they didn't know him mid that
inasmuch as they proposed to tako
all of the ccrtillcutcs he might us well
pack his grip mid return home. This:
put Jobes on his metal and he did u
little western business hustling, so
that when the eastern llniir.clciH went
to Washington to get the entire Issuo
they found that .lubci hud not only
got IiIh 8100,000 but hail walked oil'
with thu "whole hutch."
This goes to show that the west Iiiih
plenty of money and that it is laying
up moio evety day. It does not luivo
to lely on the big custom centers iih
It did seveial years ago. Instead of
boirowlug, It is loaning a little, and,
as its available capital increases, It.
will bu less anil lesH dependent,
upon those to whom it has looked
for lliiauclal help iu the past. Of
cuorse, thu eatlerii tluancial cities
have tast amounts of money, hut tho
people theie hmo been recklesn and
miiiiv of them do mil know whero
they stand. The larger western citlcH
have not been touched by the speed
IiiMvu and piomotlon eraen that
nhvu wi ought such havoc iu recent
times mid the mnt of them aro
really in a better tluancial condition
than mo the big money centers.
Views Tor St. Louis.
.1. W. Cowtlcu.thc photi)ginpher,haH
completed n flue collection of mill
ing views of the Kumpter district for
the St Louis fair. The entire col
lection uumheis between sixty ami
seventy and takes iu the more Im
portant mines of the ciiiup. They wen
for win ded today lo l W. Mollis, at.
St. Louis, who bus charge of the Om
gon mineral exhibit. t