The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 27, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, April 27, 1904
Uncle Sam Company Getting
in Shape to Resume
Tim stockholders of the Undo
Shim Oolil Miiiiuu i'(iiii)iniy held a
lilootl'iK ill llin ollloo or City ICooiiid
or Hlurl this alloiiioou iitnl elected
din following ollloeis mill diiccters:
J!. W. llnwloy. of Uotiolt, .Mlcliluiili,
Iiii'hIiIi'iiI ; K. I'. hawloy, of Surnptcr
vim picHiiliiul mid koiiciiiI imiuauci :
K.I Ilcimiiiui, tieusiircr: H. S.HInil,
hccrclniy ; Ilin illioctniH nn I he
iihimi nlllrciH mill, (iciuuo Hlioh, nnil
I). Tlioii. of DoltoU, mill II,. I. Lyon,
of Kiimptci.
'Mm IJiii'ln Hum iionirly Ih located
mi (ho miiilliwoHtciu hIiiid of llnlil
Mountain, iinliiiit dlntnuco f 1 dmi tlm
Willi known llnlil M01111I11I11 inllii),
Voil Ih In In) ichuiiiciI jiiHt iiri H01111
iih tlm snow mils nut of tho way
Alti'iiily coiiHldciahlo doiclopmcut
WOlk I'llH llOCII pel fill llll'll III tlm
pioinily. lli Ih lopiest-nts liter HIIO
loot In IiiiiiidIh mill shutls. II will
probably I111 nporacil on a luiuor sealo
lliuii iiiir IIiIh summer.
really lienri thought that the deposits
hi thin fuction hIoiik the John Duy
river uro extensions of tin iloppner
any coiil discovery In thu iukIoii lylnu
between t lie two places .will occasion
no surprise. In tact, thu only
wonder Ih tliut there Ih so little Inter
est in tlm mutter, which promises
such hluhly iinpoi tmit tlilnuH in tlm
way of ilciolnpluu Hid resources of
thu district. Thu news of the tooont
II111I wiih curried to Limit Creek hv I
Allies Harper. Ho stated that the J
llnd wiih on the riineh of Dillaid '
Hterrltt, wheto a force of men are
now at wink Hlnldim a tdiiift on thu'
pinspect. Tho cioppluitH found weie!
ol lair thickness anil mind ilinlity,
anil me thought to hu the ontcinp
pIliKH ol luijtoi bodies Jyliijt beneath
Has Rheumatism Rings
buckeyes And Raw Po
tatoes Faded to a
Claud liusclie, inaiiiiKcr of the
Hiih.iIio- Kiikii llnr.lwatii compiiny's
hilt store here, snyH Hint the poor
'Coiiililon of ioiiiIi) at this iiirtl('iilar
time lutitifeieH with business in IiIh
lino iih imii'h iih, If not more Hum,
any nthei, on account of tlm meat
wolulit nf Hid uouds hiinilleil. Not
withstanding thli fuel, he Ih oiy
optiiiilhtlo lemiliiiK tlm lliimeillntii
Iln liiiM'H IiIh Impi'liil lows on the
fact thai thu ntininu cmupmiicH nper
ut hit; in iIIhIiIi'Ih liilmtiiry tn
Suiiiplei mo much strouuci lluuucially
Hum they huve eei been liefnie,
anil mo npt'rutlnu on a luinoi mile,
cnntliirllliK foi oiy imii'h Kieatol
iiuntltloi ot uoiiiIh Hum heiettifnie.
Till) IIIIIHt Kiitt itylnu phllHO of tho
sltiiiiliiiu Ih tmiiiil in tho fai't that
t lit h dues nut 111111I v mil v to tlm new
C. ,M. Mel. men, munuuer of the
Ailelone, in lie- Ituok Cloek district, '
wiih hoic holucen Irullii .Momliiy. Hu
mrheil Hiitiinliiv at linker City from
Now I 'untie, Pennsylvania, ulmiu ho1
spent the winter. '
.Mr. McLnien e.peots to icsiiuic
tiernjiiu Lloyd Steamship company
offices in Baltimore, asking that
samples he forwarded provided the
coat ia uot too high. "I tiavo known
of many who carry the mineral In
their pookes. "salJ Dr. Hryaut today,
"and their faith in Its merits la ao
great that 1 decided to ascertain what
the stuff contained, so I auhmitted it
to eevcral local chemists and mineral j
ovists, aud when they -could uot
niiiilv7c it, just for curiosity. I for
warded a sample to Paris for the samo
purpoe and was surprised tc learn of
the notoriety It liHd caused. Some, of
thoee who carry the stuff for wardiuK
nlf disease swear hy its virtues, aud I
know of a miiuher who declare they
hare heeu cured of nervousness aud
stomach troubles through its iigeucy
They have the same faith in tho
mineral that iniinv have in tho rliou-
Dr. Iliyant did not (Uncover .ntitistn rinu and thn hnokovo. and
"riidliimitu, " neither Iiiih ho any 1 0ti.r SIII,i. 11L,(.,.i,.i,
to sell, hut it was nil owing to the' ''Whun I llrst examined the stutr
physician's curiosity concerning J ltVe it the name ot 'radlumite,' for
certalii mineral dlt-covered in Hutte ! tIL, (lck of ,,,. ,., ,t is l8
which Iiiih iiiiiiIu blH uuiiio uotlilwiilu (.Hlllei) fnr , ,,mt rheumatism, ia
mid famous, aud If he lives through l rt.adlly cured hy nlmply carryinK tho
hu ileltiuo of correspoudenco he will ; ,(,rll In nne'h pocket."
lime enjoyed a pleasant notoriety of lt ,H U1 kll()wl) fll.'t tll(t mally
which many illicit hu proud. eminent Kieiirl. chomlHts carry radium
home nionlliH an" I Jr. IJ rynnt h
iittelitinli wiih called hy miiieis to a
formation discovered in thu mines
of Unite in small uuautitlea which
In tlieli pockets and have (treat faith
in its cuiuthe properties. Jlutto
inter .Mountain.
woiamw.o .M.enmu jiwiiw hiiiiii mh, (hBy ,,,,, ,,,, t.rnr pouers Inr
cmiilitioiiH will penult. Snow ''' )l)J()ll,i tMI ken of the aven.Ku phy
.mors Hid property, hut iih mioii iih it lll,n yUT,n ,,,, w,,,0 )r
Iiiih Hiilllcleutly disappeared, opera- t,,ll(.L,,,t ,, , owllttrH (im.f weio kbIii. mill , ,,, Btl(ko t,1Lr Toa t,t a
vlttit iillul l' til iikiiiMlli,.! illltltlir t In, i . . . .....
'"""""' I "rliiMiiiiiillHin rlnu ." hiiekern nr run
poptato ill Hie pocket fades into
iliMiiftiilli'Hiii'o liimliln tliiu lieu
mul ho will mako his l.ead.U..rtors in (1,H,.virVt wllll!h ,8 00(, fr nnythlim
linker City. I (t ouo f ie uiouey-speudiuu i
summer. Mr. .McLmuii's family will
mrlc ft inn tlm eiiwt abou' .lune 1,
II. .M. Smith, who Iiiih heeu wmk
Iiik at tho C'alifoiuia tiuleli placers
for A. ). Ueliliey, leturned this
mm iiintt aud will look after his own
miulUK intoicftH.
Mr.Kmith Iiiih the lllack Cat tiiurt.
ptoporty, on Union cieek on which
ptoperty he propo-o to ntart work
at mice. IIchIiich Huh ho Iiiih taken
a Iciii-o on tho CleaMin placers Hear
llouiuo which he will operate m soon
iih the stiiiw will penult.
So ureut is thu confidence In the
new charm, or talisman, that thote
who poshOSH it will not deal with a
physician, no mutter what the ill.
The peculiar metal is found in
connection with -lne blende, and
when rubbed with a metallic mli
stance emi s sparks or rays of llKht
similar to the supposed radium ore
of .Mariposa county, California.
A late dispatch from Helena, Mon
tana, says: J. II. lJlnulcy, of Coeur
d'Aleue, arrived in Missoula with
67,000 in (, which hu deposited
in a lomil bank.
Last j car Plnlcy says he aud a
coiiipnniou were IiuiiHuk in Shosbono
county, Idaho, when his do started
a bear, which ran into a cave. DiiiK
Icy crawled into the hole aud killed
the hear.
Au inspection of thu cavo revealed
' that it was over the mouth of au old
When a specimen was exhibited to ( mine shaft, and in thu shaft was tho
chemists in this city they weru uualilo skeleton of u man, who had evidently
to auulyyo it, and for this icason been killed hy a fill linn rock.
Dr. Hryaut sent a sample to Purls to i DiuKley aud his partner relocated
lime au analysis made, aud is now I the mine, and last week sold it to H.
II. KiiiKsberry, of Spokane, for 814,-
awaitiiiK thu result of this test.
lt wiih this fact that caused Dr. ,000. Diuuley received as his
lirynut'x niiiiie to be spread hioadcast j half of the sum.
tliroiinhnut thu hind and called forth j
tho in.iuiies as to the new substance. , .. . , . . ,
o f ,, . ,, , Timber and Homestead Fillogs.
WAS IICAVY THIS YEAR flH'iulsts, while others come trom' Timber and home-tend HHiikh, as well
jthoso who hao faith in "IiooiIooh" .as lliml proofs, can hu imulu before
('. ,1 Millls, of Portland, live mi other clmiius. Some of thesu Clinrles II. Clinnre, United States Com
stock auent for tho Dickon Kulliond j,ittors have I ceil leeched fiom hiuh missioner, olllce in Kirst NationtU Hank
A Ninluiillun company, was ou tho mi olllclnls and peisons of pioml f umpter buildliiu', Sumpter, thun sav-
I'ompmiloH that lime lu tiiu npciatii iih' tiaiu 1 1 1 i alteiiiou letiiruiim fiom a nence throughout the couutiy, one of i applicants uxpeusu of a trip to 1.8
heio duiliiij tho punt low imiiilhs, wooks' dip I lii.iuyli (limit, Hie latest living fiom the North Grande.
mo about to luauurati) work on j lliunoy, Crook and Malhuiu counties
loconl y aciiulie.l pioiiei ties; but to lookluu up the stock sltuiitiou. There
Ibeoldei coiiipunles also. Some ot
I lii'so that liino stiiiKUlod HiioukIi
iiiouHih and j ems, handicapped foi
luck nt tun. Is, have staed with tho
liiuiii'. mo now a.leipiately llnunced
and will now oon up their prospeo
tho piopeitios on a lurno scale,
iiishliiK thoiu to tho stiiKu of produc
tion. These mo fuels that a business man
lenriiM from his deuliiiKH direct with
tho in iul iik companies, ami Is of
importmico liceuuso of its nuthorita
tivti imtiiro. It cuustltutes a cheerful
prospect for contemplation.
Coal In Northern Grant.
The LouK Creek paperi report the
oxiiiteuce of coal ou Cottnuwoon creek
near the town of Hamilton, iu north
eru (Irunt county. As it tiaa geii-
was a Kicatcr loss ou account of tho
feed shortage lust winter in this sec
tion lliiin ho Iiiih ecr known l.efoie.
To a Miner repieoeiituthe ho said.
"The cattle loss amounts to about
twenty per cent, tho horse to twenty
live while the sheep loxs is comparat
ively Unlit. The sheep, It seems, were
able to hustle for themselves aud very
few iu the counties 1 visited perished
for want of food. The rauites are unvv
iu Kood condition, and while stuck ia
exceeding weak, the uew iirHSS ia
furiilaliiiiK ample nourishment. There
will he uo further loss.
"A Ure number of cattle aud sheep
fioui tbia aectlnu of the state will be
marketed this year. The market,
however, ia juat a little wobbly at
present, but 1 expect it to regain
itreuth aud vigor before the season
advances much further.
Capital $250,000. The Coming Great Mine of the Cable
Cove District. Recent big; strikes show values of over $181
per ton. A sure Producer. An investment in Vallcv
Quceo will many times double your money. J J j
Capital 5500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It has
the ore bodies ol this famous property. Ao investment
la Buck Horn U like finding money j j j jt j Jt
rite today for Prospectus and full information. Men
tion No. 60 and we will mail you Ire six months the
WHEELER & CO. lukirs . 32 IRUIWAY, N. Y.