The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 27, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, April 27, 1904
Mlueial Application 201.
United States Laud OHIce,
Lit Claude, Oregon,
Mutch 20, 1001.
lu tbu mutter of application fur
piitcut of the California Gulch Con
solidated Placer mine.
Notice Id hereby given that Fred
I). Smith, whose post otllce address
ia Sampler, (Inker county, Oregon,
has mado npplictatlon for United
Stated patent for thu California
tlnleh Consolidated Placer mine,
in pursuance of thu Statute- of'-flie
United States; said placer mine
bolug situuto in Sections 21-22 m T.
10, S. R. :iii E. W. M. iu linker en
unty, Oregon, and comprising the
original placer locations located, held
and known fs the Farmer, Dead
Lino, Partridge, Pioneer, Snow Hird,
Snow liird No. 2, Magpie, Magpie
No. 2, Jaeksulpo, Jnoksuipo No 2,
Camp liird, Camp lllrd No. 2, lied
Jlird, Red Hlrd No. 2, llluo Jay,
Fuirviow, Fuirviow No. 2, Roblti,
liobiu No. 2, 13a Id Eagle, llald Eagle
No. 2 Dald Engln No. 3, llald Eagle
No. 1, placer mining claims, except
ing therefrom the N. '. of tho Dead
Lino location and the south '. of
tho Partridge location.
Said California Ciulch Consoli
dated Placer mine and the locations
comprised within the t-umc, helug
located and held hy legal subdivis
ions in accordance with the United
States government surveys, t ho
ground embraced therein being des
crlbed us follows, tetvit:
Tho southeast,1. of tho northwest '4
of tho northwest '4 and northeast '.
of tho southwest '4 of tho northwest
U uud tho south ii of tho north
oast H of tho northwest J4 and tho
southeast .'4 of tho northwest ,'4 uud
south ,'u of tho south west .'4 of tho
northwest hi uud N. ' of tho south
west .'4 ami tho north ' of tho
eouth of tho southwest
uud tho
southwest '4
northeast '4
and south '
of the northwest '4 of
and northwest '4 of tho
l4 of the northeast '4
i of tho southwest '4 of
thu northeast '4 and south 'a of tho
north 't
north '-.
a: E. W.
4 of thu northeast '4 and
of tho southeast '4 and
of thu south '-j of the
'4 of Sec. 21. T. 10, S. R.
M: And thu S,
'... of the '
south 'sof thu southwest '40I thu uoitli
west '4 and north of thu southwest 1
hi uud north 'of thu south 's of
tho southwest '4 uud south '. of thu
west '. of
4 of the southeast
!.i of thu southeast
tho southeast '4
4 of Section 22,
and .
10., 1
s. r. a;
E. W. M.
Excepting therefrom tho north 'j
of thu southwest '4 of tho northwest ,
"-4 of the northeast '4' ""'1 tho uoitli
Bouthbiisi '4' of the ninth
oust J4 of tho notthwest '4 nud south 1
JC of thu northwest '4 of thu south
east I4 of tho northwest '4 uud tho
south ,' of tho uortbeust )i of tho
southwest '4 of the uorthwest '4' of
said sectiou 21, T. 10, S. R. 35 E.
W. M.
Tbat there are uo claims conflic
ting with this group so far aa known.
Tbat tbe original and amended
notice of locatlou under wbicb tbe
claims comprising said California
Uulcb Consolidated Placer mine are
located and held, are recorded iu tbe
office of tbe Recorder of Conveyances
of Baker county, OiegoD, in tbe
book of placer locations Vol. "('" as
follows, to wit:
Tbe Farmer, page 369; tbe Dead
Line, page 302; tbe Partridge, page
307; tbe Pioneer, 338; the Snow
liird, page HO"; the Snow liird No.
2. mmo 302: the Maunie. mine .'100;
the Magpie No. 2, page 1172; tho
lncksuipe, pnue 1)00; tho lacksiiipo
No. 2, page 303; Camp lllrd, page
300; Camp lllrd No. 2, page 1171;
Red liird, page HUT.; lied lllrd No.
2, page 1172; Falrview, page 308;
Falrvlew N. 2, page 303; Hlue .lay,
page 301; Kohiu, pnge 303; ltobiu
1 No. 2, 1)71; llald Eagle, page 301 ; j
llald Eagle No 2 , 1100 ; llald Eaglo
No. I), MOD; llald Eagle No. I, :I00.
Any and all rcisuus claiming ad
versely the mining ground, pi cm Ices,
or any poitlous thcicof, so described,
held, and owned, are hereby not Hied
that unless their adverse claims ate
duly tiled according to law and thu
regulations thereunder within the 00
days period of publication lieieof,
! being t lie time proseilhed by law, with
thu Register of thu United , Slates
, Lund otllce tit Lu (iraudc, Oregon,
they will be barred by virtuu of tho
'provisions of t lit statute.
I E. W. DAVIS, Register.
I Date of llrst publication, Match
ao, 1001.
I Date of of lust publication, Juno
I 1, 1001.
Mineral Application, No. 200.
Mlnetal Survey 512.
United Staots Laud Otllce,
La Craude, Ore., March 21, IDOL
Notice is hereby given Unit in
pursuance of Chapter (i of Title 112 of
the Revised Statutes of thu United
States, Ira Lemon, whoso postofllco
is Golser, linker County, Oregon, uud
J. M. Warren, whoso postolllco ml
dress is Whitney, ilakor county, Ore
gon, have made application for patent
for 810.80 feet 011 tho Aurora Lode
or Quartz mining claim, bearing
gold, silver uud other precious iiioIuIh
and minerals, with surface ground
about 2.'0 feet iu width 011 thu north
easterly side of tho center of said
Lodo and about 200 feet on tho
southwesterly sido of said center of
said lode, said lode or quartz mining
claim being situate in no organized
mining district, iu the county of
linker and state of Oregon, said Jodo
being more particularly described bv
the plat herewith posted and desig
tutted by thu Held notes 011 lllu in the
Lu Grniide, Oregon, Laud ' Olllce, us
Mineral Survey No. 512, tho magnet
vuilutioii iu tnld survey being
21 degrees 30 minutes east, said
Aurora lode or quartz mining claim
being mote pnrtlc'iluily desciibed as
follows to-wit:
Coiumuiicig ut oruer No 1. at a
'point iniiru particularly described iu
said Held notes, wlionco lliu eoutliwesl
comer of Sectiou 10, Township 10,
south, Ruiigu :i. hast of UiuNll
Meridian hunts south ait do
grees 21 minutes west :i i.j.i lout;
thuiico north 10 degrees 10 minutes
west 802. 12 feot to Corner No. 2;
theuce North 81 degrees 2 minutes
oast 503.52 foet to Corner No. a;
theuce south ia degrees 50 minutes
east 710.0 to Corner No. 1; theuce
south 50 degrees 7 minutes west
2ai.a5 feet to Corner No. 0; theuce
south 81 degrees 2 minutes west
23a. 82 feet to Corner No. 1, the
place of beginniug, containing au
area of 7. 800 acres, and formiug a
portoD of Seotooa 0 and 10, To won
ship 10 south, Range 35 east of tbe
Willamette Meridian, In Baker co
uuty, state of Oregoo.
Tbe amended location notice of tbe
above described claim belDg recorded
at page 518 of volume "'," of tbe
puhilic records of quartz milling
claim location notices, linker county,
The adjoining claims to the Aurora
quartz mining claim are us follews:
On thu north, tho Lust Chance, tin
surveyed, on the 1101 1 beast, thu En
icka, on tho southeast, the Phoenix,
011 thu southwest, the Plymouth
Rock, quartz mining claims, all
Any and all persons claiming ml
veisely any portion of suid Allium
Quartz Mining claim, or lode or sur
face ground aru requited to II 1 0 their
adverse claims with the Register of
too United States Laud Olllce at La
(Irnnde, Oiegon, during the sixty days
period of publication heteof of this
notice of application for patent, or
they will bo burred by virtue of thu
provisions of the Statutes.
E. W. DAVIS. Register.
Fit st date of publication, Match
ao. 1001.
.I0I111 .1. IlennesHV,
Cracker Cradle Gold .Min
ing Company, 11 Corpnr i-SUMMoNS,
titluii, and "alter 11.
Colbtirn and William S.
I'eek, Defendants.
To Walter II. Colbiiin and William
S. Peck, the above named defend
ants, In the name of thu Statu of Or
egeu: You and each of you mo
hereby required to appear uud answer
to thu coinpalint tiled against you
in the above untitled suit on or be
fore tho 1 1th day or May, 1001,
which is tho last day of the time pro
scribed in (ho order mado by thu
Judge of thu Circuit Court of thu
Statu of Oregon for tho Comity of
ilakor for tho publication of this sum
mons; and if you, and each of you,
fall so to appear uud answer, for want
thereof tho plaiutilf will apply to
said Court and ask that judgment
and decreu Issue iu said suit that tho
certain jiidgmunt obtained iu thu
above named Coin t 011 ho 15th day of
Match. ll'Ol, in favor of said plaiu
tilf uud against thu said Cracker
Cradle (iold Mining company for the
sum of Six Hundred and Eighty-Two
dollars uud Forty-Six cents
($082.10 is and shall 110 a Hist lien
upon the "Dewey", tho "Lost
Lodo" and the "Molalla" quint,
claims, iu linker County iu tho Stutu
of Oregon, thu property of thu said
Cracker- Cradle (iold Mining Com
puny, mid adjudging and declining
thut tho cuitaiu uioiluigc made and
executed on the 2aid day of Dec
ember 100a, by the said Ct acker
Ctadle tiold Mining Company to tint
said Walter II. Col hum and thu
said William S. Peck for thu sum of
Nine Hundred mil Foity Dollars
(8010.00) bo secondary to said judg
ment lieu of said plaiutilf; and fur
such other ami further icllef as to
tho Court may seem just and proper.
And you and each of you aru heie
by notified that on tho 28th day of
March, 1001, tho H011. Robert Kukiu,
Judge of tbe Circuit Court of tho
State of Oregon for the County of
Baker, made an order tbat service of
suuunouB iu this suit be mado upon
said defendants Walter II. Col burn
aud William 8. Peck, hy publication
of this summons, aud tbat tbe date
of the first publication of this sum
mons ia March 30tb, 1904, aud tbe
date of tbe laat publication thereof la
May lltb, 1904.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Baker City, Oregon.
Mineral Application No. 287.
United States Lund Olllce.
La Ornitde, Ore , Muich II. 1001.
Notice is heieby given, that Fran
cis S. Slater, of Canyon City, Grunt
county. Oregon, has itiadu application
for patent to what aie known us the
llinditiaii ,V Slater Placer Mining
Claims, the same coveting uud being
as follows, to-wit :
S. . of S. E. '4
of N. E. '4 A- E. .
Sec. 8, & E.
of E. -a of
E. . of E.
'4 A N. E.
W. '4 of N. E. '4 A
of S.
of S.
4 of N. E
4 A-E.
W. 4 of S. E. '4 of Sec. 17, l'p.,
10. S. It. ao. E. W. M., aecoidiitg to
tliu United States surveys, iu linker
county, Oiegon, uud lu no organized
1111111111 district. Thu said applicant
applies for patent for tho miiiio as
Placet Alining laud under the laws
of the United States, uud under uud
by virtuu of 11 local Ion made by up
iiillcuut. under thu tiunio ot F. S.
Sinter, nud E. ilindiiiuu of date April
22, 1808, uud lecoideil Mny a, 180H,
ill book E, puge tat Recoid of Placer
Mining locutions of linker County,
Oiegen: Also 11 lelocatlon by said
pintles of dutu October 0, 1001, and
lecoided October 10. 1001, iu book
G. Recoid ot Placer Mining Loca
tions ot linker County, Oiegon, at
page 101: Also 11 locution by appli
cant of dutu June 17, 1805, and in
cluded July 3. 1805, iu book E,
pago 355 Reeotil of Placer .Milling
Locations of linker County, Oregen:
Also 11 locution of date November 17,
1001. bv J. 1). Slater uud lecoided
November 21, 1001, in book (I, pago
171 Record of Placer Mining Locu
tions of linker County, Oiegen:
Also a location dale.) July 8, 1002,
by J. W. Sol by and T. K. t'liruce,
mid lecordeil August 1, 1002, 1 11
book G, pago 230. Recoid of Plucur
Mining Locutions of linker County,
Oiegen: Also a location dated .Inly
8, 1002, mado by J. L. Sinter, Olive
A. Sinter, W. T. Sinter, R. J. Sinter
W. N. Proubstul, J. C Young. Emory
Proebstul uud C. M. Iliiiilmuii, of
dutu July 8, 1002, uud refolded
August, 1002, iu bunk (!, page 230,
Record of Pl-icer Mining Locutions
of linker County, Oiegon, thu appli
cant being now the owner uud iu
possession ol said claims by viituu of
said locution uud thu conveyance to
him by thu said IociiIoih and co-
locatois of all their iuteiest II fin.
Thcio aie 110 adjoining claims.
All prisons having ndveisu cliihiH
theieto are ifiiutiril to piesulit thu
miiiiu befoiu this otllco within sixty
days ft om the Hist publication of
this not leu, or they will bo lamed by
thu piovlsious of thu statute.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
Fiist dale of publication March 0,
Lust dutu of publication Mny 11,
Notlco is hereby given thut ou Muy
5, 1001, thu following articles,
which have remained unclaimed nud
uncalled for iu thu otllco of tbu Sum
pter Stage company for more tbau
ninety days, Hie limit presuiihed by
law, will be sold to the highest
bidder for cash, to pay storage
charges, said articles bciug marked
R. M. Co.
One bed spring and mattress.
Two-thirds of a keg of uallsj
Oue sack of boae.
Tbree tents.
Eleven boxes of merchandise.
Five cauip stools.