The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 27, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, April 27 1904
IINIlFn TATFIRrHphH of their Hl,ur"torleH hd(1
Ulll I LI O I f I LO Upparntus, 11111 autograph letters from
The United States O'eoloKical Sur
vey Ih collectltiK liifornmlloii concern
iiiK the occurence of nidio-nctlvo
minerals in the United States mid
would lie pleased to have the
coopciatlou of the public) in thlH
1 1. rout l.iitf I iit. lliifllfi iii.llt'ltt Iiiiu linitii
,.i,u ..,!.. IM.....I ..!..
"" " .. .................. ..
lu tunny other substances, such iih
hIiiuh, tnlllui: from couciiutriitoi'H, (
slime-, chemical wastes, water friini
mluciiil ipiliiK, deep "'ill waters, and
pctmlciims, mill it Ih pic-dhle that I lie
niiinber or known tiiillti-iictlvu iniii
emlH may be greatly Increased. Any ,
one who has toiiud such minerals or I
has nh-iervod radio- activity in any
other substances Ih iiujciI to kIvo the
Survey full details rcumdlnu them
and the localities fiom which they
eie obtained. All Information per
liiinliik' to the subjiet will be welcome
and any advice which the Survey may
I.... .1.1.. m .,),.. I.. ...(... will N,
cheerttilly fiirnlslied.
For the guidance
of those who
believe that they ihihmhh specimens ol
miueials containing iiidlo - active
elements it may be said that ,,,,,
uI.m f m f ,1I,.H.... r,ll.
activity ill a suspected substance is
by the use of a plintnKiiiplilu plate
Hid mote sensitive (lie better. The
plate should not bo removed from its
enclosing black paper. The specimen
to be tested should bit laid upon tills
black paper in a daik room, ami left
there 1 1 11111 two to tlfteeii limns, a
small metal object, having llrst been
placed between tint specimen and the
lilack paper 011 the plate. Instead of
the metal object, a few small nails
may be anaimed so as In foiiii the
initial ol the niMier and left on the
paper-coveied plain below the speei
inen. Alter thus lemaiiiluu in the
daik loom the plate should be ilcwlo
ped in I lie usual milliner. If the
specimen tested has ladlo-active pow
ers, a photograph ol the metal initial
will be produced on the plate exactly (
as If the plate had been uMioseil to
the sun's lays The test should be
n""1"' ' ' "''", V"! fr,,IH ,1",!f'
" l;)"m"1 "' " ,""1V"1 '". UW """l"1"1- I
l'eisons stfiidlUK lu specimens
should be caielul that each specimen
is piopcily labeled with the tniine mid
pn-tiilllce addle'", of the sender, le
name ut the mine or claim I10111 wnich
It came, anil the state, county, oily.
villnue, mountain, or t'lsirlet in
which the depo-slt is located. If it '
should be letuined, a leipiest to that ;
ellect hhnulil lie made, Tn tlio-e.
ilesiilliK' them, Hie Silivey ulll mall
puslal liauks, which enable anv one to I
send tien nt piii-liiye a bo of spec!
mens weiKhiiiK not mote tliau tour
Intel esliin: specimens are especially
desiied for the Suney's two exhibits
at the Louisiana Puichase Imposi
tion, to be held in St. Louis I10111
April HO to November III) ot th i
present year. These exhibits will be j
ueneial and varied lu character.
They will Include specimens ol eciy
known ladlo-active substance, whether '
obtained (nun minerals or oies, from 1
mineral wateisor f 1 (tin petiiileum:
wells. Autheullc speclmiis ofe j
indium compounds will 11N0 bej
shown. KverylhiUK lelatlnj: t'j the,
source, miinufactuie, and application '
of 1 ml i 11 tn will be exhibited, includlnu
all chemicals obtained from the sepn-
ration of Mil Inns nullum compounds
ami all Instruments aud devices by 1
which it is proposed lo apply iiidlo
activity in medicine, science, ami
the nils, An Interest I uk feature will
be tho portraits nud the publicutioDH
I of celebrated milium discoverer and
1 tnvestiuutors. together with nholo-
j some of them. Two convenient
halls will be nut iinidu for demonstrn-
' tion of the wonders of riidinni. In
one will bo Krouped tho specimens of
J ores mid minerals cnutaiuinu riidlurn,
' mid ciiroful note will be mado of
1 their elfeots upon various substances.
In tliu other hull illustrated leot.-
I "' will heaven twlc.o daily
on n
1 vnrioty of subjects relating to the
history of the discovery of radium, its
natiiie, aud its possibilities. Its
111111I11 nf iiei tint mot limit, iiuiwl
none or oiuirreni e. 1110 memous useu
lu separating it from radium oies.tho
eniiceiitiiitliiii of its activities, aud
1 thu 111 11 tii fold list's to which these
j lemarkable radio- active substances
may be put will all be described.
; Clucinatngiapli Hall will be so
'arranged that It can be easily darken-
wl, and dllfereut hluhly active
I specimens of radium compounds will
I be exhibited in It as affecting tho
'""; ,.,.,.,. ..,..,, ......
"ther rndlu-respnnslvo substances.
j All coiniiitinicatlouH regarding tho
1 colleiitiou and examination of
i II .1- 1 I 41
.in...iUui ..biiii..iw "j- ""y
md concerning ts radium exhibit at
br. I.ot, s should la. a.ldresH.l to Mr.
'" " iiiu, raiM -i" nuuui,
New Vork City.
KlTiuptor, Ore., April 'JO, 11)0 1.
Nollce is hereby kIvoii that, sealed
bids will be tecelved at the otllce of
the recorder of the City of Sumpler
for Hie rurnlshliiK' of HliKt for the
Cltv of Sumpler for the year euilluK
May iliil. HIO'i, Illds must be ad
iliessed to the Committee 011 Fire,
l.llit. and Water anil be in the hands
of the li'cimiilor 011 or lief in e the J
hour of S o'clock p. m., May Ittd,
I'oriUH for bids may be obtained by
uppliyiiK to the City itecorder.
Committee 011 I'lte,,ht. ami U'nter.
CAU. K)K IIIDS. On... April -JO. 1J10I.
Notice Is heieby Kivmi that sealed
,...,.., , . ,.
the l.'ecotder of the City of Sumpler
tor the furulshiiiK of Water for the
.City of Siiinpter for (he year ciiiIIiik
I May :iitl, UKI.'i. Illds must lie ad-
iliessed to the Committee on Kite,
l.ic.!it, aud Wnter, and be in the
bunds of the Kccotilcr on or before
the hour of 8 o' clock p. m,, May
:inl. UK) I.
I'nriiis for bids may be obtained
h applying to the City licconler.
K. A. (!.SK.
Committee 011 Fire, hiuht and Water.
In the Clicult Court of Ihe State of
OrcKou, for the County or linker,
1 11 the matter of the nsslnniiii'ut of
David A. Kdliu. an in-nlveiit
To the Credltois of the Above
Kntitleil IMate:
j'ou and each of you are heieby
uotlllcd that the tinders lulled has
tiled his Him! report as assignee of
(lie above entitled estate, and the
same will lie heiitd by the .Indue of
the above entitled court on April
-HIli, 100 1, or as soon thereafter
as the matter can bu heard
To the Honorable Couuty Court of
the Htutn nf Oreo-mi fnr f hn Pnmitv
Hie HlHie 01 UregOU lor tie UOUUty
of Linker :
... .. fii .111
Wo the undersigned petitioners
bebiK an actual majority of the wholo
i , 1 . . .. ,,
number of legal voters in the Green-
hori) Precinct, linker CoUUtr, OreUOU
11 .... , 1 1 1 1
hereby petition your honorable body
tn irnlit Itnnnsn tn (5 II R.ri.mof nr
10 Kraill II license 10 . II. ncnepRier
to sell spirituous, malt, aud vinous
liquors in less uautitics than uue
gallon at his place of business, for
tho period of one year, which is
known as the Itoad limine situate in
. " " " '
, ,.n,minK from t, Clty ,)f smn,,tur lo
nild precinct on the county road
Canyon City and beiiiK in Section
III T. 10 S. it :iii '... K. W. M. And
that the same is not within ouo mile
of any mine, anil the place of loca
tion is known as "Tipton" aud
your petitioners will ever pi ay.
C. 8. Collins, T. K. (iilkey, Frank
.MOiailUS. J. II. I'ralt. U. S. .IllCKSOII.
. .. .. . .. ..-.. .
H. h Kcrshnrn, .John Fomirty, F. E.
Ilarman, John Sutherland, W. A.
Saunders, II. C. Seoul, Ceo. tall,
Hoot Preston, Fred Donaldson, Zlm
li. ....... 1. itnii. fii -, ,11. 10 simin, range. -.u idli n.anjwiiiDiirrriuDi
OatlSOII. Jack Mlllis, Tom Carney. ' t0 ,10w that tne land sought Is more aluable tor Its
.luck llnuhoH llnli Mnnria Trim Will. ' timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to
JIICK IIUKIILS, IJ00 .MUorv, J.OUI tt '; mi, his claim to said land before Charles II.
laillS, L. (illlls, liillio Cole, CIlllS. Chance, U.S. commissioner, at his otnee at Sump
ft........ n... . 1 . . 1 1 n 1 ter, Oregon, on Thursday, the 19th day of May, 1904.
Column, Chas. Campbol, A. Uraildeil- e names as witnesses: Van Mead.
lairL'. O'llnrn. Un- niitllnnilxn. Ra'rh Mead. William A. Green and Charles L.
" ' ' '
John .las. Loy, (S. S. Patterson, It
i'j. Drlscoll, Mat Lamp!, Ed liormau,
llary Danes, Fred Danes. Kd Danes
Peter llnidy, (lua Lapka, .lltn Currle,
Tom Colbert, Jos. Jlucauou, Pat
lliicanon, West Hbor, All Sherrlll,
Frank Shaver, Wm. Ilrady, Chas.
Moore, Phil Murry, Clif Stok.
Ilalley Smith, Henry Smith, Hurley
Smith, W. II. Kelley, Hill HoilKers,
John Honda, Kd tianner. Hurt Corn
stock, llert White, Morris Sullivan,
Sam Stott, Kd Sullivan, Will Sprin
ger, Joe Smith. II. P. Seniiird, (ieo.
lltllse, T. II. Murphy, John K.
Mi 1 i,,,i i. ti...... i-j,,.,,,!,
lllard, Will. Pe.irt, DoilKlas
Weaver, Allliy Lnrseil, Alfred Llltlam,
., ,, ;, , , ,
II. Morjjan, Jim CuuniiiK'hain, T. K.
c. I.M ii,i,i., r:..u I ,.f..rt.. r:.,..
hliea, hit Umnlll, litis l.llterty, lieu,
.NeiUIIUCe. Silll KiCliardbOII. Tim Daw-
sen, O. Co, Frank Huffman, (ieo.
Voiiuk. Kd HillliiKs, W. W. Smith,
John Hunter, Jabes Wicks, Win. Dun
can, licit lluddcr, llnrty llanby. Milo
itear.lou, W. F. Draper. Tom Davis,
K. K. Curler. M. M. Hardin. T. F,
Hunker, -M. D. Mc.Mulleu, C. T.
Carver. L. Pliauor, W. A. llutler.
Itobt.tieiies, Jus, Maxzon, Flunk l!ob
erts, Hertl!oberts,.I.O'llerau,t!us .Me-
Culloch, Win. Peterson, .las. Uoslien,
lriniK Ivtlne.iJ. Ij. hlearns. Joint' rnzer.
L. Mctireumir, Hairy Wilson, Jell
Notice is hereby kIvcii that the
undersigned will apply to the Hon
orable County Court of linker
couuty 011 the l'Jth day of May,
l!Kll, ores soon theieafter as may
suit the convenience of the Court
for a license in accordance with the
terms of the above petition.
Sumpter, Ore., April 13. IDOL
Notice is hereby uiveu that sealed
bids will be received at the otllce of
the hecorder Of the City Of Sumpter
for the furuishliis! of linht and water
for the city of Sumpter fur the year
eutliiiK May .'Ird, lllUn. Illds must
tie addressed to the committee 011
Fire, Litiht and Water and be In
hands of the Itecorder of the City of
Sumpter by 8 o'clock p. m. May llrd.
Forms for bids may be obtained by
applying to I ho City Keeorder.
Committee on Fire, Light and Water '
United Stales Land Office.
L Grande. Oregon, March , 1904.1
Nollce l hereby given that In compliance with the
prov,lons of the act ot congress of June 1.1878. en-
titled "An act for the sile of timber lands In the statet
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter-
,torv," as extended to all the Public Land Hates by
act of August 4. 189..
0( Sump(erf o( ,,,. s,. of Oregon, ha,
thlsdav filed In thlsoftice his sworn statement
No EP, for the purchase of the N!i NEK. NEi
fjwjf ,d Lot t of Section No. jo In Township No.
S Range No. 18 li. W. At., and Mill offer proof
. ....'...j MUPhi Is more valuable
tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Com
missioner, at his oflice at Sumpler, Oregon, on
Tli.irjJ.iv, the iQtti day of May 1004.
He names as witnesses- Ralph Mead, Van Ren-
alaer Mead, Andrew J. Denny, and Stephen
Jacltson, all "I Sumpler Oregon.
descrlled lands are requested to file their claims In
,hS 0(hce on or te,sor(. u I0.i. d?v ..f May.
Anvjnd all persons claiming adversely tne arove
E. W. DAVIS Register.
United States Land Office, j
La (irande, Oregon, .March , 1004. i
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
rrolslons of the act of Congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for the sate of timber lands In the
Stat nf f"illfnrnl4. Or,ton. NVi'aJ.1. anj Wlihlnp-
.-.- -...... ..-..,.-.. , -..-. .. :-.
ton lerrltory, as extended loan tne I'ubiic
States by act of August 4, 1891,
of Sumpler, cnuntv nf Baker, state of Oregon, has
this da tiled In this oflice hl sworn stalement No.
aE86 fur the purcliase of the W Jj N U , N W l S
I: !,' andNEU S W ( of section No. ij In township
I erry, all ol Sumpler, Oregon.
Anvanj an persons claiming adversely the above
decrlbed lands are requested to file their claims in
this ofliceon or before said 19th dav of Mav, .904.
E. W Davis, Register.
United Stales. Land Oflice, )
La (irande, Oregon, I'ebruar) v6, 1004 f
Notice Is hereb) given that In compliance with the
ptovlsluns of the act of Congress ol June 1. 18?8 en
titled "An act fur the sale of timber lands In the
States ol California, Oregun, Nevada and Washing
ton Teirllory," as extended lo all the Public Land
Slates by act ol August 4, i8u,
otOiPwm City! County of State of Oregon.
11.1s tins jav hum in tins otnee
his sworn state'
ment o ?ou8. tor the purchase of the S W If S 11 (
section No. b; NKjf NWJf and N!5 N E i( of section
Kit m Tn. V11 tomtit J Vn m t-' mm I si III nll
ipruottu show that the land sought Is more valuable
, lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes,
nnJ ,0WHlsh his claim to said land before Chas.
' Chance, U. S. Commissioner at Ms otlice at
1 Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the 9th day of May,
' w,
! "' names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer Mead,
j ,,,,,, ,Mraj( , Sumpter. Oregon; Lemuel King.
. Lemuel Harriett -ot AUJres.uregon.
Anv and all persons clalmlne .idserselv the above-
described lands are requested lu tile Ihelr claims In
this uttice on or before said ith day of May. 1904.
E. W. DAVIS. Register.
Timber land, act junc s. ib7. notice tor
United States Land Office,
La (irante, Oregon,
februiry 15th, 1004 )
Notice ts hereby gl en that in cumpllance wlih the
riovlslnns ol the act ot cungitss of June , .878, en
titled "An act lor the sale ot timber lands In the states
ot California. Orecon. Nevada and Washington ler-
rltor ." as extended to all the I'utllc Land states by
ctot AugLst 4,1694
Sumrter, county of llaker. stale of Oregon, has
tins jav inc.! in tins omce tils sworn statement Mo.
99S. for the purcliase of the S4 Sw'i, Ne! Swlf
. and Sejj Nw!,' of section No. 35 In township
I No. 11 south, range No. 1; iwn, and will
ofler riont to shuw that the land sought Is mora
saluabte for Its timber or stone than tor agricultural
purposes, and 10 establish his claim to said land be
fore Chas tl. Chance. I', b. Commissioner, at
1 Sumpler, Oregon, on Tuesday, the rtth day of
, April 1904.
He names as witnesses. I'eter J. Soards,
William Keely, Robert I'ali.rson, Robert W. Riley,
' all ot Sumpler, Oregon.
, An and all persons claiming adversely the above-
1 desstilrd lands are leguested to file ihelr claims In
ih s uttice on or belore said arth dav of April, 1904.
. E. W. DAVIS Register
United States Land office, (
La Grande. Oregon, March is, 1904. 1
Nollce Is hereby glsen that In compliance with the
pios Islnns ol the act ot rongieis of June 1, I818, en
titled "An act lor the sale 01 timber lands In the states
ol California. Oregon. Nesada and Washington Ter
niory, as exienjea 10 all me runic Lanj Mates
ry aci 01 August 4, i&)7,
of Sumpter, county ot llaker, state of Oregon, has
mis ja ruej in inisuince His sworn statement no.
, 1
lor tliepunliaseol the W 'j b w Ji. rc. at.
N W '; ot Sec. No. 28 In Tr. No. 10 b.
range No. 16 W, and will offer rroot to show that
the land sought Is more valuable lor its t'mber or
stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Charles H.
Chance, I', b. Commissioner, at lilt ottice it
Sumpler, Oregon.on Thursdav, the nd day ot June.
' 1901.
He names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer Mead,
Ralph .Mead. Nicholas T. Tallalero, James W Con
I nell, all of Sumpler, Oregon.
1 Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
' descilbed lands are lequesied to Me their claims In
J this office on or lefoie said nd dav ot June, 1904.
t. w. imvk, Register.