The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 20, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, April 20, 1904
Discovery of a Mine The;
Merest Surface Indica
tions of Ore Bodies
I am a (treat believer In tbe pros
pect mining proposition and strong
ly advise investment iu tbe stocks of
those that are well cbnsen and will
stand tbe strictest investigation in
every particular. I believe tbat every
sane mining man argees with me in
this matter; in fact, I dout' see bow
lie could logically take auy otber
position. It is a truism tbat every
one of tbe greatest mines in the
world were bumble prospects once
and It will probably be found tbat a
majority of them caused their own
era to struggle Iu their early history.
The actual discovery of a mine is but
tbe merest surface indications of ore
bodies below, but tbe development
of a mine is a very different propo
sition, requiring sometimes years to
accomplish uud often tbe expenditure
of considerable capital.
And yet 1 have seen men, even in
the broad minted west, who, baviug
developed from prospector to mining
magnate, and now at tbe bead of an
oxteusively devolopod and profit
earuuig mine, turn their nose up at
tbe prospect which is being worked
upou exactly the same principles
which he fouud necessary arid expe
dient only a few years previous. It
is "wild-catting," ho will declare
uud he assumse tbat tbe only legiti
mate thing iu mining is tbe conduct
of a great enterprise such as be ha? so
fortunately become associated with.
He is forgetful of the fact that others
equally as illogical probably called
tils proposition "wild-catting, 'wheu
it was in its swaddliug clothes aud
tbat such a designation is as unjust
now as It was then.
flbcaue some new proposition is
put on tbe market at a few cents per
share they sneer and declare tbat with
tbe capital obtainable it Is impos
sible to develop a mine sufficiently
to earn profits for tbe purchasers of
these shares. They are evidently for
getful of tbe scores of instances where
bonanza properties have been opened
up without tbe aid of any capital
at all. Fairly recent instances are
tbe Portlaud mine, to tbe stockhold
ers in which between four aud Ave
million dollars iu dividends bave
been paid, tbe Independence mine,
which has earned a profit of nearly
eeven million dollars, aud many
otber properties which wero dis
covered aud devloped by meu who
wore origiually without mcuus. Hut
the disoovery of fliicn great mines as
the Portlaud and Independence are
not of every day ocureiico aud I refer
to them ouly to show what is oc
casionally possible.
The average legitimate mining prop
osition may not be in tbe houauza
class, but nevertheless many of tbem
will aud actually do develop into
miues which will yield very large
profits aud pay enormous dlvieuds, as
compared to tho comparatively small
mount of capital invested. Hut to
meet tbe argument of the sneering
critic I would point out that youi
prospect which starts Ht a minimum
price of ii few cents per thote docs
not always remain at that figure.
The first allotment nf stock brings
In sutilcleut capital fur the important
preliminary development work, mid
this very investment will, likely as
uot, so enhance the value of tho
entire proposition as to make a
material adviiuce in the price of
the shares fully warranted. This Is'
hut tbe ttiuuiug history of the cor-1
porate existence of many a mining j
company. 1 have seen mauy a pros-1
pect mluulg stock startd at a few
ceuta per share gradually advanced to '
several dollars, because of the in
trinsic values developed with tbe
fuuds supplied by those who early
Invested iu It. Today, as In the
past, many good mining stocks are
being offered at what must be con
sidered a trifling figure as compared
with their future possible aud prob
able worth. So 1 do not doubt for
a moment but what I shall see mauy.
many more stocks advance from cents
to dollars per share, fortunes made,
aud out of prospects bouanaz mines
Out tbe public must, of course,
use discretion iu making its Invest
ments. We appreciate fully that
there are in this broad laud armies
of people wbo would invest their
capital in the enormous resources
and opportunities of tbe west, did
tbey but have the proper knowledge
to do so. We appreciate, too, that
miulug is au industry of itself, which
overy mau has not tbe opportunity to
master the details of, aud so tbeso
armies of investors, who are willing
but do uot know bow, hesitate. Aud
there's the rub I
We recognize iu miulng Investment
a veblclo for the accruement of large
profits and so loug as honesty and
intelligence are combined, we stroug-
ly urge such Investment, as being tho
most likely industry iu which Mod
returns upou large aud small Invest
meuts may bo obtaiued. Uut wo re
cognize also tbe existence of tbe
ever ready fakir wbo Intrudes himself
with bis vvildcat stocks iu mining
circles, hs he does every important,
legitimate industry. Further still,
we recogulze tbe dauger be is, not
only to tbe public whom bo manages
to inveigle by bis misrepresentations
aud lies, but to tho industry Itself,
which is lastingly Injured because of
the bad repute into which it falls
because ot these sharpers' operations.
"Critic" iu Mining Investor.
Via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
Louis, Is the one that gives you tbe
most for your mouey and tbe fact
that tbe Illiuois Central offers tin
surpassed service via those points to
the World's fair, and in this con
nection to all points beyuud. makes
it to your advauatage, iu tiase you
contemlpate a trip to auy point east,
to write us before making final ar
rangements. . We can offer the choice of at least
a dozen different routes.
Commercial Agent,
112 Third street, Portland, Oro.
J. C. Liuihey, T F. & P. A.,
14 'J Third st., Portlaud, Oro.
P. 11. Thompson, F. i P. A.,
Rooui 1, Colmau lildg.,
Seattlo, Wash.
Dr. N. Newman, tho European eye
specialist of Pocatello, Idaho, will be
here at Hotel Sumpter, April lift and
'20. Those with imperfect vision
should not miss this opportunity.
Tbe doctor also tits glasoes for head
aches aud uervousuesa, old age aud
weak eyes. Examination free.
For Sale
Six Placer Claims, covering nearly all the 8
ground on a creek emptying into Burnt River.
This properly is near to and parallel with the
noted placer grounds of Pine and Cow Creeks in
Baker County. All equipped for work, with reser
voirs, ditches, flumes, pipe and Giant. For particu
lars see the undersigned.
Buys the most sightly ten roomed residence!
and ground in the city. Nicely finished inside and
out. An ideal location. This property will readily
bring a rental of 1 5 per cent on the investment. I
Will buy one of the most desirable Homes in
Sumpter, consisting of an exceptionally desirable
lot qo by 150 feet, nicely improved, barn, and
house of six rooms with the complete furnishings.
A Piano, and other choice pieces of furniture goes
with this. This property will bring 20 per cent
on the investment.
Will buy another six room house and lot de.
sirably located. This propeity is now bringing 18
per cent as rental on the above price.
A choice resident lot near the center ot town
For a desirable building lot on the hill.
If you are seeking safe and remunerative in
vestments call and see us, as we have some snaps
in the way of Business opportunities, Mines and
also mine prospects, on which considerable work
has been done, Houses and lots, and also
vacant lots, on whicn good money can be made
Dy improving the same. If you have not money!
enough to build you a home, we will help you, I
and put you in a position, to put the rent you are J
paying others in your own purse.
Inland Empire
Investment Co.
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