The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 20, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, April 20, 1904
Sumpter Man Has Invented Device For Which
a High Power Efficiency is
James Hudson has invented a
'wheel for tho application of water
power and mime time ago applied to
the government for a patent.
This morning Mr. Hudson and J. A.
.Johnson, the blacksmith, who Is in
with film on tho deal, constructed a
rough model In about au hour's time,
mid took It down to Powder river to
aliow their frleudH the working prill
olplos of the machiuo.
A Minor mini was present at the
exhibition, and while malting no
ulainiH as 11 nicclniuiciil expert, does
not sue why the invention will not
piovn a hiiccosh. To give u Lriuf do
tioilpllon. It consists of mi upright
shaft, to which mo attached four
small paddles, freely movable on
huri'nutiil rods, crossing each other
through tho sliaft at right angles.
These paddles am set at right angles to
each nt her on the rods. The mauliiuu
placed In the ciuront of a stieam, au
individual piiildlc dips into the
wiili'i, ciiIcIich on a noli piojectiug
fro 111 tlin shuff mid foices (lie shaft
liulf way 1 iii ml, when tlin opposing
piiilillu dips, iiiisiuu tho nl her audi
completing tho levolutiou. Tim four,
nf course, upoiulo iu conjunction on
tho hiiine piinciplc. Auy uuiiiliei can
Tim linker City coiieHpundout of
the I'oitliind Tclcgium mites:
.1. l'nllei'Hiiu is bieiikiug up ll'JO ucies
of I urn! uenr this city, which ho Is
going to iirignto by menus oi electri
city. Thoio Is no water UMiilnhlo
for iiiigutiug this IiiiiiI In tho null
111113' wuy. II is too high up on the.
bench (odivoit wntei (ruin the liver,
and thou theio would bo no wider
uuiippiopiliitcil tu tho liver if river
wntei could lie conveyed tu the IiiiiiI.
Tlimo Ih iiii iibuudnuco of water
flowing iiudnrneath this bind at a
depth of about twenty feet. Expert
incuts iniide tuts season demoiistialid
Hint this source of supply was coll
btnnt uud iiliiindiitit. The quest ion
wus how to niiso the wider to the
surtiice iu sufficient iiiuutity to Irri
gate the IiiiiiI, lit mi expellee tliut
would not lin prohibitive.
Thoie Is an electric transmission
lino which conveys electric power to
olio ot the mines which pushes over
this IiiiiiI. .Mr. Patterson lilt puou
the ideii of sinking lingo wells, and
lie has iniido arrangements to put iu a
number of these pumps. A live
horse power motor will rniso 320 gal
lons of water per minute, which is
sufficient for eighty ucies of land.
A largo well is put down on the
highest part of the tract to be Irri-
boused with a corresponding increase
of the power coefficient.
The points of superiority claimed
are cheapness, simplicity, lack of
friction or back action and the high
degree of efficiency developed. The
application of the power can be made
to auy style of machine. For instance,
for irrigation purposes, Mr. Hudson
claims at a cost of IGT he can con
struct n wheol which will raise 2,000
gallons 11 f water thirty-three and
oue-third feet a minute, with a utili
zation nf 05 per cent of the power
Involved. This comes fmni the lack
of back action. The instant the pad
dle passes beyond tho force of the
curiuut the opposite onu dips, and
raises its companion, thereby almost
completely eliminating auy conn
tcrntciug iuautlty. This, as is well
known among 11 feature
which it lias been long sought to
overcome. At the c.liililtlnli of the
IVIton wheel dining I lie Chicago fair,
Hi per colli ul tho pnwoi developed
huh utilized, which it is claimed,
was high, but Mr. Hudson snys IiIh,
wliuul will bent thN record. Ho lins
bud tho iileii iu Ills bend, he mijs, for
tlio Inst twenty .veins, but until ic-j
ceiilly Hind" no attempt to scenic u
patent. i
glued, mill Hie elecllic liiiitoi mid
pump dues the lest.
Mr. Patterson c.pccts to mine u
I ci op on the IiiiiiI this season Unit will
produce enough to pay u for all I in
piovcmuuts and Ic.ue a neat piotlt
Senator Hiiusbrougli's hill rolatiug
to the creation of finest resiirvutlnns,
on the public domain, us amended
.by the committee on public lauds,
1 1ms been favorably reported. The
committee adopted mi miicudmout
providing that all selections of laud
1 Hindu iu lieu of laud hereafter leliu
iiilshcd to the United States within
any forest reservation shnll he limit
ed to laud of tho Mime character uud
quality, both as to soil and timber, as
the laud relinquished.
t Senator Heyburu otfeied au amend
uient requiring that selections no tmulo
In the state and territory iu which
the laud relinquished is situated. This
amendment was rejected and au
exemption was made of the state of
Idaho so that no selections shall be
made iu that stale except for laud
relinquished iu the state.
The t-cctiou of the. bill relating to
railroad laud grtiuts was amended so
that it provides that no forest reser-
ratlou shall hereafter be created
covering any lieu land or any lauds
within the place or Indemnity limits
of any railroad land Kraut or auy
platted village, towu or city. The
secretary of tbn Interior is author
ized tu aecertain all lands within
such reservations which aro chiefly
valuable for agricultrue uud permit
thee to bo disposed of to actual sot
Mora under the homestead laws, in
tracts not exceeding 1(50 acres In area.
Bert Rusk, superintendent of the
Platts group, came in today on his
way to Baker to attend the demo
cratic convention. lie and bis brother
delegates, Anderson and Marcum left
at noou with Seymour Bell to drive
to the county scat.
Mr. Rusk says the road to Borune
Is in a frightful condition. It's
neither time for wheels nor runnors.
but the latter were used and the
passage was difficult. The passengers
bad to walk a big part of the way.
Work at tbe mine, Mr. Husk says,
is going right along undisturbed by
tbe floods below. He expects to cut
tbe ledge now iu a short time.
M. K. Ruiu, manager of tho Over
laud, returned this morning after a
somewhat slushy foot voyage from the
mine. Stage communication is at
tended witli more or less difficulty,
and so Mr. Hutu concluded to try thu
primitive mid time hoiioicd method
of foot locomotion.
Ho says us a gouiiial principle the
system still works all rigid, thuugli
ho observed little linprovemuuts, but
tlio chief difficulty iu this iiistauce
wus (lie in icci a Id e condition of the
rouds, espccinlly between Hanover
uud tho mine.
At tho property, Mr. Iluiii says,
things are going as usual and good
development lesults me being oil
Captain II, L, Davis has under
taken an oxletislvo painting contract
for the Columbia mid North Polo.
Captain Davis nod Theodore Hans
worth, who is to assist hi in iu the
work, left this morning for the former
mine to be begin operations. Tho
Columbia boarding house la to be
painted throughout, which will
require about thirty days to com
plete. The North Pole contract,
however, is still more extensive, and
includes practically all the build
ings collected with tlio mine. It will
take almost three mouths for the two
to tluisli tho job.
Back from Listen Lake.
J. N. Doaue returned last night
from tile Listeu Lake mine iu the
(Sreeuhorus, wuero he has been for
some time. He says tho shaft is now
dowu over eighty feet, but that siuk
lug is being interfered with by tbe
extra tlow of water. The shaft la to
be suuk to the 100 foot level, and
tbe veiu agaiu crosscut.
To the Honorable. County Court of
tho State of Oregon for fie County
of linker:
Wo the undersigned petitioners
being an actual majority of tbe whole
number of legal voters in the Green
born Precinct, liaker County, Oregon
hereby petition your honorable body
to grant a license to C. II. Scbepator
to sell spirituous, malt, aud vinous
liquors in less quantities tbau ouo
gallon at his place of business, for
tbe period of one year, which la
known as tbe Road House situate in
said precinct on tbe county road
running from the City of Sumpter to
Canyon City and being in Section
31 T. 10 S. R 35 E. V. M. And
that tbe same is not within one mile
of any mine, aud tbe place of loca
tion is known as "Tipton" and
your petitioners will ever pray.
C. S. Collins, T. E. Ollkey, Frank
McManus. J H. Pratt, U. S. Jackson,
S. J. Kersbaru, John Fogarty, F. E.
Herman, John Sutherland, W, A.
Sauuders, II. C. Seoul, Ueo. Ziill,
Root Preston, Fred Donaldson, Zitu
Dausou, Jack Millis, Tom Carney,
Jack Hughes, liob Moore, Tom Will
iams, L. Uillis, Billle Cole, Cbas.
Colmau, Cbas. Campbel, A. Branden
burg, Andy O'ilara, Roy Chittenden,
John Jas. Loy, U. S. Patterson, R
E. Driscoll, Mat Lamp!, Ed Borman,
Hnry Danes, Fred Danes, Ed Daus
Peter Brady, Otis Lapka, Jim Currie,
Tom Colbert, Jos. Bucannu, Pat
liucauou, West Hizor, All Sherrlll,
Frank Shaver, Wm. Brady, Cbas.
Moore, Pbll Murry, Cllf Stok.
Bailey Smith, Henry Smith, Hurley
Smith, W. II. Kclley, Bill Rodgers,
John Bouda, Ed (.'miner, Bert Coin
stock, Bert White, Morris Sullivan.
Sum Stott, Ed Sullivan, Will Sprin
ger, Joe Smith, II. P. Seniurd, Oco.
Unite, T. II. Murphy, John E.
Millard, Wm. Pe.irt, Douglas
Weaver, Adny Lurseu, Alfred Lufliuu,
II. Morgan, Jim Cunningham, T. E.
Sheu, Ed Cimliiu, (ius Laferty, Gcu.
Nelgauce, Sim Richardson, Tim Daw-t-cu,
O. Cox, Frank Huffman, (Jen.
Voting, Ed Billings, W. W. Smith,
John Hunter, Jabes Wlclts, Wm. Dun
can, Bert Rudder, lluriy Iliinby, Milo
Reunion, W. F. Draper. Tom Davis,
E. E. Carter, M. M. Ratdlu. T. F,
Hunker. M. D. McMulleu, C. T.
Carver, L. Phauor, W. A. Butler.
Robt. (tones, Jas. Muxzou, Frank Rob
erts, BcrtRobertB,J.()'Heran,(iu8 Mc
Culloch, Wm. Peterson, Jas. Uosheu,
Frank Kllue.O. E.Stonrns.TomFrazer,
L. Mctirvggor, Hairy Wilson, Jeff
Notice is hereby given that tho
undersigned will apply to the Hon
orable. County Court of Baker
county on the l'Jth day of May,
1004, or as soou thereafter as may
suit tho convenience of the Court
for a liconso In accordance with tbe
terms of tbe nbovo petition.
Nutico is hereby given that ou May
5, 1004. tho followiug articles,
which bavo remaiued unclaimed and
uncalled for iu tho office of tho Sum
pter Stage compauy for more than
ninety days, tbe limit preset i bed by
law, will be sold to the highest
bidder for cash, to pay storage
charges, said articles being marked
R. M. Co.
Oue bed spring and mattress.
. Two-tbirda ' of a keg of nails'-
One sack of boee.
Three tents.
Eleveu boxes of merchandise.
Five camp stools.
TWirnr "awsjgcs'.g;