V :9U1LU.!MUUUUMUI!U Wednesday, April 20. 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER WORDS OF PRAISE FOR OUR MINES ores nre shipped tn Holee. Jlolomt, nud Sim Friinaisco. We iiro entitled to nil assay olllno mid we should, must nud will huvo ono soon. Eastern Oregon One of The Richest Fields in The En tire Northwest. VAGARIES OF FORTUNE AMONG MINING MEN Ralph Royer, uow iu Portland, after a trip troubgh Idaho, Utah and motions of Oregou, has Riven the Telegram the following interview oonorernlng his opinion of the mln lug wealth of this state as compared with ethers: "It would take a whole issue of any paper in the Northwest to write up the mining interests of the east ern seotiou of this great state and do the job thoroughly and well. "We owe a larger proportion of our success in business to tho min eral resources of this stato than to any other resource, business or in dustry, and it Is uow time to come tu the front in support of auy uud all legitimate meusnros aud menus which are now beiug inaugurated for the purpose of fostering Oiegou's niln ernl interests, encouraging our homo investors nud iuvitiug euatrti capital into our country. It is nothing more than a statistical fact Unit over 83,500,000 is spent by prospectors, miners and miumgers nud owners iu this state every year, and that over 00 per cent of this immeiiHo sum Is expended iu the purchase of goods which are shipped from Portland, tho business uud supply center. In ex thaugo for this the cash returns to bis city. In view of the magnitude of these figures and the truth of these statements, I do not believe that there 1h u morchniit in auy line of hus. 11 ess iu the city who will disagree with me when 1 say tbut wore every mine iu tho state to oIomo dowtr to night for an Indefinite period, within throe months every uiorcbunt would miller aud some would go nut of business. "How about Sampler aud Dourue, aud tho Ureeuborus and Cableville, and Cornucopia aud Rastus, and the Mormon Uasiu, etc., etc "Well, as you know, when I was there it was undor great difficulties. Of course in jumping around over the country I want to get a look at the lay of tho land aud then go un derground aud pass upou the forma tion, development, etc., but up iu that country a mouth ago there was no land lay, at least I could not fceo auy. There was nothing but suow, and snow, uud on top of that was more snow. But I got around pretty well, enough to get a good start foi my trip next July, aud I call sny that eastern Oregou is one of the richest tlelds for mining iu the entire North west country. "I cannot uow enumerate nil of the mines, operating or developing, and prospects iu that VHst territory, about which you ask, but 1 may sny brielly und approximately that hero are probably ten properties and plants in the several counties east of inert dlau 119 and south of Suako river which aie producing annually an average of 8300,000. Without u thorough investigation I Mould not attempt to euumerate the prospects and the mines under development. You must understand that it is well, nigh impossible to get data ou the output of the mines of Oregon, be cause we have no assay office and our A Short time ago some parties sent I out a prospecting outfit into Snnorn, Mexico, searching for gold and nolh ' ing else One of the prospectors, In 1 particular, was a gold bug, and auy ' thing but gold was so much country I ock iu his estimation. I After knockiug around the country I for a few days these gold hunters struck a country that was particularly promising iu copper anJ silver. A good ledge of silver bear lug rock was struck and the two prospectors chip ped off a few p locos with their pros pector's picks, just enough to boo that the rook carried silver, but was note very promising as a gold propo sition. They turned this down and left for parts where the yellow metal might be found. In their hunt for the gold they ran across an old pro spector and mining man named Magnrell, to whom tho prospectors told tho story or the silver ledge which they hud truued down, because It carried uo gold. Magnrell went to the place und located and pros pected it thoroughly uud provol to his own satisfaction that tho dis covery wns h valuable one. After doing a little work ou it he met parties who wero looking for a silver proposition. Ho had just what thoy wanted. Thirty-five thousand dollars was offered. Mugnrell accepted the olfer and a bond deal was made. Five thousand dollars waspaid down to .Magnrell In nuglnss, Arizona, within the last foiv days and the buyers will begin opening up the silver ledge at once. Tho two prospectors, who had turned down this silver mlno have returned to Douglass. Tholr search for gold hud proved fruitless. In tho meantime tho silver ledgo that thoy hud not thought worth taking hud been bonded for 8115,000 uud u poor prospector mduu a fortune. Mining and Kuglneorlng Journal, (M4T OF SUMPTER Capital Stock - $25,000 Surplus. S1000 orriccRa J. W. SCRIBER . . President ED. W. MUELLER, - Vlea-Prealdant R. H. MILLER - Cashier Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business Queer Things In Concentrates. J. L. Salford, has for some time been working a Cornish jig ou Milo creek, Idaho, with excellout results, having recovered a large quantity of conoeutratos from the creek, lieforo the Empire State-Idaho Mining com pauy built its new mill at Sweeney the old concentrator, which was situated iu the upper part of the town, dumped its slime and talliugs iuto Milo creek. Mr. Safford con ceived tho idea of sluicing the creek aud treating the tellings with the Cnrulsh jig. A Hume wns constructed along the creek through the center of town and tho jig erected nenr the Amerirau house. The talliugs are then sluiced down In tho jig and there tieuted. Silver aud lend con cent rntes are not tho only valuables saved from the bottom of the creek. Thus far Mr. Sufford has taken out three watches, two of them gold, four revolvors, axes, hutchest, chisels, hammers und hypodermic needles. Timber and Homestead Filings. Timber and homestead filings, as well as final proofs, can lie made before Charles H. Chance, United States Com missiouer, office in First National Bank of Humpter building, Humpter, thus sav inic applicants expense of a trip to La Grande. HOIFORST.LOUISANDTHEWORLD'SFAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? Q Nature's Art Gallery of the Rocklts In addition to the UCC Attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON I Tourist Cars East Many experienced travelers f prefer tourist sleeping cars for the transcontinental journey. The Chicago, Milwaukee 8c St. Paul Railway can ai range for your trip east in tourist cars, offer you '-choice of routes and save you money. H. S. ROWE General ZL 134 Third St., Portland. Ore.