The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 20, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, April 20, 1904
The Sumoter Miner
throw the the gaff Into him h plenty.
The whole H.VHtcrn Ih of I lie cheap
Inhii, shoddy variety mid should ho
T. (i. iWYNNI.'.
hnttred at thr pcistofflc In Sumptrr. Oregon, tor
Irantmlttlun lliruueti the mallt at teconj cIjm
Onr Yr...
al Month
. i.jj
Roporla nay Unit the skeleton of a
hiiniiin being supposed to lit) between
'.!)() to :il)() years old, Iiiih Iiuuii found
under 11 giant fir on the grounds of
A. M. Hunt Ht (lln Harbor, near
Tacunia. 'I'lio troo Ih three fet In
diameter mid the skeleton Ih believed
to have beau liuried centuries ago
mid tlio truii plnnted on the grave.
A bimetallic dollar Ih now being
discussed in print throughout the
country. It Ih proponed to mint h
coin of that value, composed of fifteen
onta worth of allvor Mini eightytlvo
oonta worth of old. In size it would
lie between thiit of a Hilvur iiiarter
nnd 11 tut If. All klndH of advantages
urn claimed for hiicIi ii piece of inonoy ;
the 11111I11 0110 heng its Himltnry vuluu,
the genua (lint oro Hit 111 to lurk in
paper currency IjmIiik thus elimi
nated. Tlio matter wan otice brought
to tlio nteiitlou of uougtcss by Alex
under H. HtophetiH when he was ii
luemlier of that Imdy, hut the civil
war camo on and It was dropped.
Says the UiikMr City Herald: "The
EDITOK periodically recurrent reports thut
the Sumpter smelter will Htart up in
a few days are not at all warranted liv
the fact that all the former officials
of the smelter company ate leaving
Ilaker county for other fields.
Yesterday J. P. Richards, who for a
long time has been head carpenter of
the smelter, passed through Uaker
City en route to (Jraud Encampment,
Wyoming, to accept a position with
a smelter plaut there, of which Carr
li. Neel, formerly superintendent of
tlio smelter at Sumpter, is general
The Herald la ill advised in the
premises. The fact that Mr. Neel aud
Mr. Itlchards hare found employment
elsewhere has nothing whatever to do
with the smelter's starting up. The
matter or operation binges on an ore
ptiichasltig fund sufficiently large
to warrant a continuous supply. The
local management asked for this.
The easteru stockholders sent a smel
ter expert here to see if conditions
justified the granting of such re
quest, aud it is understood that this
fund has been recommended. The
leaving of a couple of employes
when the plaut was idle aud their
services not required, iti no way
figures lu tlio situation. The smolter !
will undeniably run this summer
wisdom, the bungling incompetence
of governmental officialdom. The
more fact that private corporations
are allowed to abuso government
granted privileges, to Impose hard
ships aud extortions upon the public,
from which they derive their fran
chises, is proof of this statement.
During tlm 111 Ht three mouths of
the current calendar year, according
to Dunn'ti Itoview, the number of
liUHiiloHH falliuoH In this country was
:i.:ill, with llahillliori amounting to
SIH, 000,11(1(1. agaliiHt .'l.'JOO failures
with liabilities aggregating $!ll,
000,000 for the corresponding period
fo ImhI your. Kg.xaliniiatnlit of these
figures in detail hIiowh, however, that
the hI t nut Inn Ih not iih had as it looks
on its face. The increase lu the
number of of fill lures and the atuout
of liabilltii'H Ih duo chletly to the
suspension of tiro insurance com
panies, cotton brokers and kiudred
ooiiceniH. Among the manufacturers
there whh scarcely any Increase iu the
number of failures, or lu liabilities,
nnd the same Ih substantially true of
inerchautH Considering the recent
fulliug olf lu business, the preva
lence of strikes and the frenzied spec
ulation in cotton, coffee and wheat,
lu which a multitude of business meu
other than brokers joined, this show
lug Is far from discouraging.
The iiieicantile agencies of Port
laud have during recent mouths
adopted the plan of sending circulars
of inquiry to a half dozen or moie
people lu 11 town, asking about the
oomuieiclal standing of come bills
noss man there. The Information re
quested in of a detailed nature and
I'liuuot be secured without going to
oooslderahle trouble, and much of it
can only bo supplied, by the lit ih 1
iiessmau himself. No remuneration
Is tillered or paid for this work,
and it is a sure thing that it is woith
no mote than It cokIh. A rating biitied
on Information acquired in this way
is necessarily of no value. It is a
bud practice lu other ways; a knock
er can thus tlo a personal enemy an
irreparable wrong, and on the other
liund, a partisan of the business man
could easily get up a report that
would dcceiwi II. e wlohtaltt fo
who m the tatl L'g is 1 1 1 1 1 ti, in
Cautiously the Portland Journal
advocates the govroument ownership
of public utilities; cautiously evi
dently because it has not the courage
of its conviction. Its superficial
thought on the subject has led It to
bolieve tint suuli a system would bo
advantageous to the public at large,
but it does not care to antagonize
the powerful corporations that now
control these utilities.
Doubtless some benefits would
result were thoy transferred from
private to government ownership;
but one great Injury would be Inflict
ed that would mure than offset all
the gootl which could possibly bo
accomplished. This lias bten con
cisely stated lu this way: "It would
euable au administration to per-
petuato itself." Should our federal
government, for instance, take charge
of the railroad! aud other trausporta
tlou facilities; municipal authorities
get coutrol of street car Hues, water,
light aud telephone companies, the
great uumbera of meu uecessary to
operate these concerns, all voters
under the constitution, added to the
thousands of appointive officers iu
the already exlstlug governmental
departments, would he sufficient to
decide any election, aud it would be
Impossible for any opposition to dis
lodge the administration lu control.
This would effectually end our re
publican form of government. To
argue that these employees would not
necessarily vote for the party thiough
which they bold their biead winning
llfldl I I lllltl ttf.ltlil It., f. fl.llll. U ..liul.
acteiistlc of human nature that the ! Coum- ! f 3.
ages have not nor cannot change. I
This objection titles not, of course,
apply to European monarchies. j
Another reason mjelust the system
Is that the public, is better herved
through private companies than it
Mould be by the government. Your
advocates of the plau will deny this
assertion, anil cite a few- isolated
Instances to piove their case; but the
piepouderauce of evidence is all the
other way. As a matter of fact . the
history of the civilized word is very
largely a series of proofs of the nil-
The following instruments were filed
at the linker countv court house during
the week ending April 10, 1UU4.
April 81. K. Clark et al to Mrs.
S. M. Woodford, lot 15 block 1, Mill
aud to Sumpter; 8500.
March G. 01 Juo. Clement and
wife to P. F. Shaw, 83 acres hi X.
W. ii Sec. 17 T. 10 R. 40 E. ;
April 14 Isldor Fuchs to Alex
ander Clo. Co.. bill of sale to all
chattels in "Toggery". Baker City;
April 8 D. S. Morrison to C.
II. McCollocb, all property for
benefit of creditors; 81.
April C V. II. White and wife to
E. Hammel. 370 acres iu Sees. i!7
and 34 T. 10 R. 41 E. ; 81.250.
April 5 Ira ii. Sturges and wife
I to Mary A. Uaylles, Iota 22 aud 23
j block 3 Stewart's adu to Baker City;
Oct. 30, '01 V. A. Usher and
husband to Jas. P. Wilson, lota 4 aud
5, Usher's South adu to Rcbland ;
Arpll 0, Jas. P. Wilson aud wife
to O. Kendall, same aa last above,
Sept. 3. '02 Fanuy 0' Rourko
aud husband to Agues Foster, lota 1
aud 2 block I), syndicate's 1st adu to
Sumpter; 8125.
April 12 Harry (J. Nelson and
wife to Amelia Smith, 88x247 feot iu
S. E. 'j Sec. 20 T. t) R. 40 E. ;
April 14 Juo. Wilson aud wife
and Emma Case and husband to Mrs.
A. Meade aud M. Lynch, 320 nrces
in Sees. 2t, aud 27, T. 10 R. 37 E. ;
March 10 J. II. Fryer aud wife to
M. Lynch, 1G0 acrea in Sees. 22 aud
27 T. 10 R. 37 E.; 81,000.
March 23 Eugene A. Case and
wife to Mrs. A. Mead, 1G0 acrea in
Sec. 28 T. 10 R. 37 E. ; 81,000.
May 7, '03 Receiver to P. J.
Soarda, S. E. U Sec. 13 Tp. 11 R.
38 E. ; 8400.
April 4 P. J. Soarda to Win.
Kelly, W. . S. E. ii Sec. 13 Tp. 11
R. 38 E; 81.
March 3 F. S. Lack aud wife to
Wm. S. Blackmail, block 40, Liu
ulugtou addition to Baker City; 81.
March 15 M. Hoff aud wife to J.
N. II. Eicbner, lost 0 aud 10 block
37, Pacific adu to Baker City; 850.
March 10 R. P. Audersou et al
to S. E. Rhlue, lota 4 to 0 block 1,
D.i m In to II ilim; 800.
July 3, '02 U. S. to Rudolf
Ciuyor, W. .. N. W. i Sec. 20 T. 0
R. 45 E.
April 7 Perry Lewis aud wife to
K. 11. Heuett, lot 1 block 18 B &
March 10 Jas. F.
to Cracker Eagle Ci.
quartz claim; 81.
Lauo aud wife
M. Co., Pearl
An attempt will be mado mado to
rn tu row to got the (irauito road lu
shape for travel. Seveu spau of
horses with wagons will leave (Jrauite
early iu he morning headed iu this
directiou. It will probably take two
days to make the trip.
If you want to read a free aud inde
pendent paper, devoted to the inter
est of mining and current events,
which is not controlled by any pro
moting concern, such as most of the
papers in the east are, Bend for a free
sample copy of
85.00 Certificate nf the best
Oil .Stock absolutely given nway.
Write nt once for plan how to
secure Five IXilIurs' wortli of
fully paid and Moii-iissessuble
Oil .Stock without cash.
linoin 721 Park Row Bldg.
I It li Silli St.
A journal of National circulation.
Is read by bankers, capitalists, in
vestors, retired merchants. If you
Aunt to reacli a good class of buyers
and tiie moneyed and investing pub
lic, advertise iu the National Hanker.
Thousands of copies of each issue of
the National Ranker goes to investors
throughout the Middle West. Easteru
and New England states. The ber-t
journal in the country in which to
reacli investors. Sample copies free
Advertising rates on application.
F. C. BRODIE, President
M. F. MUZZY, Vice President
F. O. BUCKNUM, Sec. and Treaa
C. II. CHANCE, Attorney
C. II. FENNER, Engineer
Smnpttr, OrifiR
Do you desire to sell stock in your
Gold, Copper, Mining or other In
dustrial companies? If so, you can
not find a better advertising medium
It is the leading industrial and
financial paper published in the
.South. It readies that cIhss of read
ers who are interested in financial
and industrial affairs. It is old and
established. Published semi-monthly.
Guaranteed circulation 10,000.
Subscription price tU.OO per year.
Advertising rate reasonable. Send
for sample copy and advertising
rates. Address,
Rimtrii Publishing Company
liraifltliii, Alabama.