The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 20, 1904, Image 12

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of the
Pay for
M. E. Bain Made The Trip Today
And Says it is Like Walking a
Greased Rope.
(Jeiieiul Manager M. E. Hutu, of
Hid Overland, returned this noon
from that property, where, ho has
ben for several days piiHt. Hn says
thorn Ih practically no road at all
from Caliln Cove llvit nr hIx miles
(IiIh way, and the Indications are that
huvcral weeks tiniut elapse before sup
plies can bit transported in. Ilu
thinks, however, that within a week
or ton days overlaiid navigation will
lie opened to the wood camp, from
which point broal human shoulders
iniiHt lie lined to pack in provisions.
Mr. ilaln came down afoot. For a
distance of live allien where the road
ought to he Ih a ridge of ice in the
center, on either side of which Ih
Conservatives Who Have
Opposed Every Move
And Foiled The
The Chicago Inter-Ocean, one of
the strong lepubllcan papers of the
w midiffiwrest, a few diiyf since pub-
Hbd(fiJfdiui: editorial on "the
Jl,'rtilffiHi; that in worth read-
l.iK'. ItM
That'wlngof the National dcmoo
rauv whloh' Ih called conservative.
In order that it may he dlstluguihcd
from the other wing, whiuu Ih called
uuteriitled, lb panic-stricken over
the e.pauflou of the Hon. William
It. Heard' presidential lioom.
This Ih the uiu; which he ween
IS(10 and lSii.'i woulil "let the err
lug sisters no" in the interest of
peace; which helleved the war for
the Union to he a falluie, hut (lid
not Insist too strongly on that ponlt;
which wan opposed to rccoustruc
tiou, but accepted IU results; which,
helleved that Tildeu wan
prefeied that the matter be settled
umicablv; which dreaded the re-
slush two foot deep. To travel one
must take the loo route, which Ih
like walking a t iht rope, greased.
He na.VH:
"I am now working all the men in
the Overland that can he employed to
advatuage. Say, that California
mountain Ih nothing hut a network
of highly mineralized ledge. A day
or two since we were dealing a place
at the mouth of the tunnel on which
to Ht an anvil block, and iu no doinK
uncovered still another vein. It Ih
literally a grass root proportion,
ahout. three feet wide and looku like
pretty ttood stuir. I haven't had auy
of it antiayed yet, (o can't nay how
much value it carries. "
'puhlicau resumption of specie pay-
inentH, hut at the hint moment con
cealed I(h apprehension.
J'IiIh Ih also the wIiik of the demo
cratic party which adored Wiulleld
Scott Hancock . hut could not. he
brought to trout him: which urged
(rover Cleveland to give the conn
try free trade, and afterwards de
nounced him; which abhorred the
I high protective doctrine of William
MnKluley, hot preferred him to
I llryan which Iihh been wavering
between devotion to principle and
1 regard for its own material interests
(for the last forty yearn, and which
Invariably wludit up its iudecitilou
by clinging fast to that which seems
to be the main chance.
! This Ih by no means an iusiguitl
1 cant wing of the national democracy.
J It wields a tremendous Influence,
and it usually has been able to con
trol tho national conventions. It
'failed iu 181)15, however, Mini again
iu 1000, and it Ih tilled with great
fear now lest it shall fall, and more
disastrously thau ever, Iu 11101.
I VVIu.n Mi.. linn VVillilllil It.
Hearst began to address himself ill
all the colors of the rainbow to the
unterritled wing of the party, the
conservative whig regarded the mat
ter In the light of a good joke. He
was simply appealing to the thought
less! The intelligent demoocrats would
not be carried away by pluk and
purple headlines, funny pictures and
poems of passion! When the proper
time should arrive, Mr. Cleveland,
Mr. Hill, Mr. Oluey. Judge Parker,
or some other leader of the conserva
tive element would speak the word, the
Intelligent democrats would tear
themselves from the war extta and
the seven o'clock sporting edition,
and align themselves once morn with
their traditional leaders, principles,
and issues.
But when the word was spoken the
intelligent demooratlo masses refused
to make the sacrifice expected of
them. They had become iufatuated
with their new idol. They stuck to
their choice for the presidency.
The Hearst boom was not a serious
matter a few months ago. Now It is
so serious that democratic leaders of
the old Hue who can ill afford It are
losing hair from anxiety lest It may
result regardless of the final contest
at the polls iu relegating them to
the rear for the next twenty years.
United States Leads The
World And Also in The
Amount Refined.
In F. 11. -Olipbaut's report on tho
production of petroleum iu 1002.
published by the United States (Seo
logical Survey as an extarct from its
auuual volume of Mineral Resources,
a comprehensive acoouut is given of
the progress made in 1002 iu all the
oil fields of the United States and
also of the year's development iu all
the other known fleldB of the world.
This means a statement of the dis
coveries of oil and prospects for its
development iu Canada, Mexico,
Cuba, Trinidad, the West Iudies.the
Ceutral Ameiicau States, Argentina,
Ilrazll, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru,
Venezuela, Rusiia, Austrla-Huugary,
ftoiunania, Germany, Italy, Great
Kritaln, New South Wales, New
Zealand, Algeria, Persia, the Dutch
East Indies, the Philippine Islands,
Japan, India, Chiua, Hawaii, and Ko
rea. The world's production of petro
leum iu 1002 amounted to 185, l.rl,
080 barrels. Of this the United
States aud Russia produced 01.44
pel cent. For years Russia has led iu
point of production, but au increase of
10,:i"7,722 barrels iu the production
of the United States iu 1002 and a
decrease amouutiug to 4,t!28,.ir bar
rels iu the production of Russia
caused these two countries to change
places, and put the. United States at
the head of the list. Our country
has, however, a still more important
advantage over its foremost petro
leum rival. More thau double the
quantity of the higher grades of re
filled products is obtained from the
average crude petroleum produced
in the Uuited States thau is obtained
from Russian oil. The Uuited States
produced nearly '2,0 bnrrelsjof refined
products iu 1002 for every barrel
produced by the rebt of the world.
IIih purest aud most valuable
grades of crude petroleum iu the
world are from the Appalachian aud
Lima-Indiana fleldB iu the United
States. A very fair grade of oil is
also produced in a comparatively
small way in Sumatra, Java, Galloia,
Roumauia, and India.
Within recent years ciude petro
leum of Inferior quality has bean
largely consumed as fuel oil. In
Russia petroleum has been distilled
only sufficiently to meet the govern
ment requirements as to the flash
test, and the remainder is marketed'
as fuel petroleum, under the head of
residuum. This Is also true, to a
certain extent, in our newly devel
oped fields In Texas, Louisiana, and
California. Cheap transportation
by pipe lines and tank ships has
made this variety of fuel marketable
in distaut quarters of the globe that
are destitute of coal.
Sump ter, Ore., April 20, 1004.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be reoeived at the office of
the recorder of tho City of Sumpter
for the furnishing of llhgt for the
City of Sumpter for the year oudiug
May :ird. 1005. Rids must be ad
dressed to the Committee on Fire,
Light, and Water and bo iu the hand
of the Recorder on or before the
hour of 8 o'clock p. m., May llrd,
Forms for blda may bn obtained by
appllyug to the City Recorder.
Committee on Fire, Light, and Water.
Sumpter, Ore., April 20, 1004.
Notice is heteby given that sealed
bids will bo received at the otllce of
the Recorder of tho City of Sumpter
for the furnishing of Water for the
City of Sumpter for the year ending
May :ird, 1004. Rids must be ad
dressed to tho Committee on Fire,
Light, and Water, aud be iu the
bauds of the Recuider ou or before
the hour of 8 o' clock p. m., May
3rd, 1004.
Forms for bids may be obtalued
by applylug to the City Recoider.
Committee ou Fire, Light aud Water.
Interest Paid on Time
Satety Deposit Vaults