Wednesday, April2o, 1904 THb bUMPTER MINhR 11 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR UNITED STATES PATENT. Mineral Application 201. Uuited States Laud Office, Lh Graude, Oregon, March 20, 1004. Iu the matter of application for pateut of the California Gulch Con aolidated Placer nilue. Notice is hereby filveu that Fred D. Smith, whose post office address is Sumpter, linker county, Oregon, has made applictatlou for Uuited States pateut for the California Gulch Consolidated Placer mine, in pursuance of the Statutes of the United States; said placer mine being situate In Sections 21-22 in T. 10, S. R. 35 E. W. M. In Baker co unty, Oregon, and comprising the original placer locations located, held and known as the Farmer, Dead Line,Partridge, Pioneer, Snow fii rd, Snow Bird No. 2. Magpie, Magpie No. 2, Jacksnlpe, Jaoksnipe No 2, Camp Bird, Camp Bird No. 2, Red Bird, Red Bird No. 2, Blue Jay, Falrview, Fairriew No. 2, Robin, Robin No. 2, Bald Eagle, Bald Eagle No. 2 Bald Rag In No. 3, Bald Eagle No. 4, placer mining claims, except ing therefrom the N. li of the Dead Line locatiou and the south i of the Partridge location. Said California Gulch Consoli dated Placer mine and the locations comprised within the same, being located aud held by legal subdivis ions iu accordance with the United States government surveys, the ground embraced therein being des cribed as follows, tewit: The southeast H of the northwest M of the northwest ii and uortheast ? of the southwest ii of the northwest ii aud the south ,L of the uortb- east H of tbo northwest ii and thn southeast X of the northwest ii aud south ii of the south west U of the northwest H aud N. ii of the south west ,l4 and the north ii of tbo south l- of the southwest ii aud the Hniithwoat ii of the northwest 4 of northeast '4 aud northwest .'4 of the southhwnst l4" of the northeast '4 and south .'j of the southwest '4 of the northeast .'4 aud south ' of tbo southeast xi of the uortheaat '4 and north ,'i of the soutbewst U aud uortb i of tbo south ' of the southeast .l4" of Sec. 21, T. 10, fl. R. .'15 E. W. M: And tho S. S of the south, 'a of the southwest '4 of the uortb west M aud north H of the southwest 4 aud north ,'gof the south ' of the southwest li aud south l of the northwest '4 of the southeast .'4 aud southwest ii of tbo southeast H and west iyof the southeast l of the southeast li of Sectiou 22, T. 10., S. R. 35 E. W. M.: Excepting therefrom the north xi of the soutbwofit ii of tbo northwest ii of the northeast '4' aud the uortb ii of the southeast '4' of the uortb east xi of tbo northwest li and south ii of tho northwest l4 of the south east ii of the northwest '4' aud the south ii uf tho northeast ii of the southwest '4' of the northwest xi of said sectiou 21, T. 10, S. It. 33 E. W. M. That thero aro uo claims conflic tiug with this group so far as known. Thiit tho origiual and ameuded notice of locatiou under which the claims comprising en Id California Gulch Consolidated Placer mino aro located aud hold, are recorded in tho office of tho Recorder of Conveyances of Baker couuty, Oiegou, in the book of placer locatiou Vol. "G" as follows, to-wlt: The Farmer, pago 309; the Doad Liue. page 3G2; the Partridge, page 307; the Pioneer, 338; ttho Suow Blrd, page 307; the Snow Bird No. 2, page 302; the Magpie, page 300; the Magpie No. 2, page 372; the ilackauipe, page 300; the Jacksulpe No. 2, page 303; Catnp Bird, page 300; Camp Bird No. 2, page 371; Red Bird, page 305 : Red Bird No. 2. page 372; Falrview, page 308; Falrview N. 2, page 303; Blue Jay, page 304; Robin, page 303; Robin No. 2, 371; Bald Eagle, page 304 ; Bald Eagle No 2., 300; Bald Eagle No. 3, 300; Bald Eagle No. 4, 300. Auy aud all persons claiming ad versely the mining ground, premises, or auy portious thereof, so described, held, and owned, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law and the regulations thereunder within the 00 days period of publication hereof, being the time prescribed by law, with the Register of the United States Land office at La Grande, Oregon, they will he barred by virtue of the provliions of the statute. E. W. DAVIS, Register. Date of first publication, March 30, 1004. Date of of last publication, June 1, 1004. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR UNITED STATES PATENT. Mineral Application, No. 200. Mineral Survey 542. Uuited Staets Land Office, La Graude, Ore., March 24,1004. Notice is hereby given that iu pursuance of Chapter 0 of Title 32 of the Revised Statutes of tbo United States, Ira Lemon, whoso postolilce is Gelser, Baker County, Oregon, aud J. M. Warreu, whoso postolilce ad dress is Wfaituey, Baker couuty, Ore gou, have made application for patent for 840.80 feot ou the Aurora Lodo or Quartz mining claim, hearing gold, silver aud other precious metals aud minerals, with surfaco ground about 250 feet iu width ou the north easterly sido of the center of said Lode aud about 200 feet on tho southwesterly side of said center of an id lode, said lode or quartz mining claim beiug situate In uo organized mining district, in the couuty of Baker aud state of Oregon, said lodo being more particularly described by the plat herewith posted aud desig nated by the field notes ou tile in tbo La Graude, Oregon, Land Office, as Mineral Survey No. 542, tbo maguot ic variation iu said survey being 21 degrees 30 minutes east, said Aurora lodo or quartz inlnlug claim beiug more particularly described an follows to. wit: Commeucig at oruer No 1. at h point more particularly described in said field notes, whence the southwest corner of Sectiou 10, Township 10, south, Raugo 35 East of tho Wil lamette Merldiau beaia south 30 do grees 21 minutes west 077.25 feet; thence north 4(i degrees 10 minutes west 802. 12 feet to Corner No. 2; tiieuce North 84 degrees 2 minutes cast 503.52 foot to Corner No. 3; tbeuce south 43 degrees 50 minutes east 710.0 to Corner No. 4; tbeuce south 50 degrees 7 minutes west 231.35 feet to Corner No. 5; tbeuce south 84 degrees 2 minutes west 233. 82 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of begiuuiug, containing au area of 7.800 acres, and forming a porton of Seotous 0 aud 10, Tnwou ship 10 south, Range 35 east of tbo Willamette Meridian, in Baker co uuty, state of Oregon. The amended locatiou uotico of tho above described claim beiug recorded at page 548 of volume "Z" of tho pubillc records of quartz mining claim locatiou notices, Baker county, Oiegou. The adjoining claims to tho Aurora quartz mining claim aro as follews: On tho north, the Last Chance, un- surveyed, on the northeast, tho Eu reka, ou tho southeast, tho Phncuix, ou tho southwest, the Plymouth Rock, quartz mining claims, all uusurveyed. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portlou of said Aurora Quartz Miulug claim, or lode or sur face ground are required to tile their adverse claims with tho Register of tne Uuited States Laud Office at La Graude.Oregon, during the sixty days period of publication hereof of this notice of application for pateut, or they wlll'be barred by virtue of the provisions of the Statutes. E. V. DAVIS, Register. Fiist date of publication, March 30, 1004. SUMMONS. John J. Hennessy, riaintni. VS. Cracker Cradle Gold Min ing Company, a Corpor ation, and Walter H. Colburn aud William S. Peck, Defendants. SUMMONS. To Walter II. Colburn aud William S. Peck, tho abovo named defend ants, ' In the uame of the State of Or Or eeon: You aud each of you aro hereby required to appear and answer to the compalint tiled against you in tho above entitled suit on or bo foro tho 11th day of May, 1004, which is tho last day of the time pro scribed in tbo order made by the Judge of tho Circuit Court of tbo Stato of Oregon for tho Couuty of Baker for the publication of this sum muus; aud if you, aud each of you, fall so to appear and auswer, for want thereof tho plaiutllf will apply to said Court and ask that judgment I and decree Issue in said suit that the certain judgment obtained In the 'abovo named Court ou he 15th day of March, 1!04, in favor of said plaiu tllf aud against the said Cracker Cradle Gold Mining company for the sum of Six iluudred aud Eighty-Two dollars aud Forty-Six cents (8082.40) is aud shall no a Hist lieu upou the "Dewey", thn "Lost Lode" aud tbo "Molalla" quartz claims, iu Baker Couuty iu tho State of Oregon, tho property of the said Cracker- Cradle Gold Milling Com pany, aud adjudging aud declaring that tho certain mortgage made aud executed on the 23id day of Dec ember 1003, by the mid Cracker Cradle Gold Mining Company to the said Walter II. Collinrn and (lie wild William S. Peck for the sum of Nino Hundred an I Forty Dollars (8040.00) lie secondary to said judg ment lieu of said plalutilf; aud for such other aud further relief as to the Court may seem just and proper. And you aud each of you are here by untilled that on tho 28th day of March, 1001, tho lion. Robert Eaklu, Judge of tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for the Couuty of 1 Baker, made an order that service of suminnuH in this suit be made upon said defendants Walter II. Colburn aud William S. Peck, by publication of this summons, aud that the dato of tho first publication of this sum nious is March 30th, 1004, and tho date of the last publication thereof Is May 11th, 1004. CHAS. P . MURPHY. Attorney for Plaintiff, Baker City, Oregon. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR UNITED STATES PATKNT. Miueral Application No. 287. United States Laud Office. La Grande, Ore., March 3, 1004. Notice is hereby given, that Fran cis S. Slater, of Canyon City, Grunt couuty, Oregon, has made application for pateut to what are known as tho llludman & Slater Placer Mluiug Claims, the same covering and beiug as follows, to-wlt: S. ' of S. E. 4 Sec. 8, & E. 4 of N. E. 4 Jt E. of E. ' of N. W. 4 of N. E. ii & E. . of E. )i of,S. W. 14 of N. E. l4 A N- K- U' of S. K. 4 AE. of N. E. '4' of N. W. ii of S. K. ii of Sec. 17, Tp., 10, S. R. 30, E. W. M., accntdlng to the Uuited States survoys, iu Baker couuty, Oregon, aud iu uo organized, mining district. The said applicant applies for pateut for tho samo as Placet Mining laud under tho lawn of the Uuited States, and undor aud by virtue of a location made by ap plicant, under the name of F. H. Slater, aud K. illudmau of dato April 22, 1808, aud recorded May 3, 1808, In book E, pago 431 Record of Placer Mining locations of llaker Couuty, Oregen: Also a relocation by said parties of date October 0, 1001, aud recorded October 10, 1001, Iu bonk G, Record of Placer Milling Loca tions of Baker County, Oregon, at page 104: Also a location by appli cant of dato Juno 17, 1805, and re corded July 3. 1805, in bonk E, page 355 Record of Placer Mining Locations of linker Couuty, Oregen: Also a location of dato November 17, 1001, by J. I). Slater and recorded November 21, 1001, in book G, pago 171 Record of Placer Mining Loca tions of Baker Count', Oiegeu: Also n location dated July 8, 1002, by J. W. Solby and T. K. Gurtieu, and recorded August 1, 1002, iu book G, page 230, Record of Placer Mining Locations of Baker County, Oregen: Also a locatiou dated July 8, 1002, mado by J. L. Slater, Olivo A. Slater, W. T. Slater, It. J. Slatnr W. N. Pmohatel, J. G. Young, Emory Proohstol and C. M. illudmau, of date July 8, 1002, and recorded AugUHt, 1002, III book G, pago 230, Record of PI'icer Mining LocatiniiH of Baker Couuty, Oiegou, the appli cant beiug now the owner and in possession of said claims by virtue of said location and the conveyance to him by tbo said locators and co locators of all their Interest therein. Thero are uo adjoining claiuiH. All persons having adverse claiuiH thereto aro required to present tho same before this office within sixty days from the first publication uf this notice, or they will be barred by the provisions of the statute. E. W. DAVIS, Register. FRANCIS S. SLATER, Applicant. First dato of publication March 0, 1004. Last date of publication May 11, 1001. F. A. E. STARK. MININU INVESTMENTS Over Austin Med AWrktt Surac'tr, Ortgon CHAS. H. CHANCE .T ORNEY AT LAW ClMMMlMir ' Rooms 2 and 3, First National Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER. OREGON