Wednesday, April 13, 1904 THE bUMPTER MINhR WONDERFUL :" CRATER LAKE Water Two Thousand Feet Deep in an Extinct Vol cano of The Gas cade Range. PETITION. Crater Luke is located on tbe sum mlt of tbe Cascade range of jiiuuu IhIiib iu southern OieRou, tbree mi lea from Jnckousville nud Fort Klamath wagou road, from which h road e. teuds to Its rim. It was discovered by Mr. V. A. Illllmau aud h party of prospectors, June 12th, 1853, aud named Deep Ulue Lake, although some of tbe pnrty preferred to call it Mysterious Lake. It wbs subse quently known as Lake Mystery, Lake Majesty, Hole in the Ground, ud, finally, ou August 4, 1800, a party from Jacksonville named it Crater Lakethe most natural name it could bear. It rests iu tbe ceuter of a great crater mountain, tbe top of which has disappeared, leaving a cauldron 4,000 feet deep aud Ave aud one-half miles Iu diameter. The lake Itself is 100(1 feet deep, this Alls the cauldrou about half full. Near shore ou tbe southwesterly side, is a cir cular land, or cinder conn, 840 feet high, knowu as Wizard Island, In tbe top of which is an extinct crater ninety feet deep aud 500 feet In diameter, called the Witch's Caul dron. Near shore on the south' easterly side, Is a jagged rock, knowu as Pbautuni Ship. These are tbe only islands in tbe lake. Tbe water is remarkably clear, a six-inch plate showing to a depth of ninety-two feet. When looked upon from tbe surrounding cliffs. it color is of the deepest possible blue, except close to ebore, where it blends iuto a rich turquoise. Seen from a boat, tbe blue remaius as deep as before, but Hssumes a brighter hue. In the ab sence of wiud, surrounding objects are reflected as iu a plato glass mirror. Tbe shell of a mountain iu which Crater Lake rests was uot always a shell, but once towered pioudly iu the heavens as a giant among moun tains. It belched forth fire and lava for u time, then settled within itself, and all that portion above timber lino, or 8,000 feet elevation, disap peared. Wheio it wont noliody knows, but it is estimated by men of science that seventeen cubic miles disappeared, leaving h vast smoking cauldron, 4.000 feet deep, and large enough lo hold Manhattan Isluud. The base of this great mountain remains, aud until 189U bore no name. Ou August 2 let of that year, with appropriate ceremonies, Miss Fay Fuller, on tbe part of tbe Ala zamas, christened it Mouut Mazama, which name has been accepted by tbe government, and appears ou all offi cial maps. Some Idea of the importance of Mount Mazama may be obtained by consideiing the extent of drainage radiating from it. In this region are tbe sources of the Willamette, Rogue, Umpqua, Deschutes and Klamath rivers, thus forming tbe greatest center for Important river sources on the PaciQo coast. Exchange. To the Honorable Couuty Court of tho State of Otcgnn for t'je Couuty of linker: We the undersigned petitioners being an actual majority of the whole number of legal voters in tbu Crecn horn Precinct, linker County, Oregon hereby petition your honorable body to graut a license to C. 11. Schepster to sell spirituous, malt, aud vinous li(unrs iu less (uantlties than one gallon at his place of business, for tbe period of one year, which Is known as tbe Road House situate iu said precinct on tbe couuty road ruuuing from the City of Sampler to Canyon City and being in Section IU T. 10 S. R IinU E. W. M. And that the same Is uot within ouo mile of any mine, aud the place of loca tion is known as "Tlptou" and your petitlouqrs will ever pray. C. S. Collins, T. E. (illkey, Frank McManus, J, II. Pratt, (J. S. Jackson, S. J. Kersbaru, John Fogarty, F. E. Harmau, John Sutherland, W. A. Saunders, II. C. Seoul, Ueo. all, Root Prestou, Fred Duualdson, Zliu Dausou, Jack Millls, Tom Carney, Jack Hughes, Rob Moore, Tom Will lams, L. Uillls, Uillle Cole, Chas. Column, Chas. Campbel, A. Urandeu burg, Audy O'Hara, Roy Chittenden, Jobu Jas. Loy, (1. S. Pattorsou, R, E. Driscoll, Mat Lampl, Ed iiormau, Hary Duties, Fre'd Danes. Ed Dauaa Peter Urady, (lus Lapku, Jim Currio, Tom Colbert, Jos. llucanou, Pat Bucauou, West Rizor, All Sherrlll, Frank Shaver, Win. Brady, Cbas. Moore, J?bil Murry, Cllf Stok. Bailey Smith, ileury Smith, Harloy Smith, W. II. Kelley, Bill Rndgers, John Bouda, Ed Uauuer, Bert Corn- stock, Bert White, Morris Sullivan, Sam Stott, Ed Sullivan, Will Sprin ger, Joe Smith, II. P. Semard, Ueo. Hulse, T. II. Murphy, John E. Millard, Wm. Peart, Douglas Weaver, Adny Larsen, Alfred Laflani, II. Morgau, Jim Cunningham, T. E. Shea, Ed Clmbiu, (Jus Laferty, (Jeo. Nelgauce, Sim Richardson, Tim Daw sen, O. Cox, Frank Huffman, Ueo. Vouug, Ed Billings, W. W. Smith, John Hunter, Jabei Wicks.Wm. Dun can, Bert Rudder, Hany Han by, Milo Reardou, W. F. Draper, Tom Davis. E. E. Carter, M. M. Rardin, T. F. Bunker, M. D. McMullen, C. T. Carver, L. Pbauer, W. A. Butler, Robt.Oeues, Jas. Maxzou, Frank Rob erts, BertRobert8,J.O'lleran,(luB Mc Cullocb, Wm. Peterson, Jas. (iosbon, Frauk Kline.O. E. Stearns, Tom Frazer, L. McGreggor, Hairy Wilson, Jeff Hoffman, Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply to the Hon orable Couuty Court of Baker couuty ou the 12th day of May, 1001, or as soon thereafter as may suit the convenience of the Court for a liceuse In accordance with tho terms of tho abovo petition. C. II. SCHEPSTER. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that on May G, 1001, tbe following articles, which have remained unclaimed and uncalled for iu tho office of tbe Sum pter Stage company for moro than ninety days, tbe limit preset I bed by law, will be sold to tbe highest bidder for cash, to pay storage charges, said articles being marked R. M. Co. One bed spring and mattress. Two-thirds of a keg of nails One sack ol hose. Tbree tents. Eleven boxes of merchandise. Five camp stools. TOM.McEWEN ESTATE. (14T kMVW -, W- Vv-SOik-- -vk.'k.lJ& ' OP SUNPTER Capital Stock Surplus, S1000 $25,000 officirsi J.W. SCRIBER i President ED. W. MUELLER, - Vloe President R. H. MILLER - . Cashier Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and ExchangelBusiness HOIFORST.LOUISANDTMEWORLD'SFAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? O Nature's Art Gallery oi the Rockle la addition to the wCC Attraction at St. Loui. Thli can only be done by going or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado' Famout Sight and Retort W. C McBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON Tourist , , ..; Cars East Many experienced travelers prefer tourist sleeping cars for the transcontinental journey. The Chicago. Milwaukee 8c St. Paul Railway t can ai range for your trip east in tourist cars, offer you J"- . , 1 choice of routes and save you money. h. s. ROWB General Agent 134 Third St., Portland, Ore.