The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 13, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, April ij, 1904
Additional Stamps at I.X.L.
Will 60 Into Commission
in Few Days.
(leorge Carter. consulting engineer
for Mie I. X. L. aud now in charge
of the cyanide plant, waa on tbe train
thin afternoon going to linker.
Mr. Carter aajr that the addi
tional batter of stamps hat been aet
nd tbe boiler U being placed. The
extra stamps will be ready to go into
commlMlou within tbe' next four or
live daya. Tbia will, aa previously
atatod, double tbe capacity of tbe
plant, euabllug it ,to handle about
twenty ton of ore a'day.
Mr. Carter plauned the cyanide
ayatam at tbe I. X. L., aud it la
giving eutire Hatlafaotlou. Theblgh
waving eHjoeiioy of tbe mill baa dem
onstrated Ha oompliete adaptability
to the treatment of tbe orea produced
by tbe mint.
It whm learned through reliable
eourcea today that T. W. Davidson,
who went east a abort time ago to
iralae money to pay off the indebted
neaa of thn Mornnig mine, baa sue
flooded, aud that tbe nmuey. 20,
000, la now oil the way. Tbe debts
against tbe property amount, II Is
tatwJ, to something over 17,000.
It was further learned that Mr.
Davidson in addition to raising
money to pay otf the indebtedness
ban Hiimivedml In providing au ainplo
development fund. This Infoi mutton
onme by wire, It la stated, aud while
it cannot be verified hero it is known
to lie thoroughly reliable.
It wan thought some time ago that
the Morning iuIiih was Hold to (I. W.
lingua for eastern cllou, and this
atatmueot was given out, but there
was a bitch for some reason or other,
and the deal wiih olf. Mr. Davidson,
who la a memliet of the Kasteru Ore
gon Development company, which
held au option on the property about
to expire, procured an extension and
went east to raise money, pay otf the
iudehtfdiicNH tif tbe old company mid
take over the mine for tbe develop
incut company. This It seems be
has succeeded In doing aud tbe pre
sumption la that operations are soon
to tie icHumod at the Morning under
tlio new order of things.
Primitive Melhobs In Korea.
In Korea most crude methods are
used lu mining. In vein mining
there is much dittlculty lu keeplug
dowii tbe wider. Tbe mluers simply
raise tbe water ill buckets, tbe ouet
Mow banding to those a few feet
above, aud ho ou until tbe surface is
reached, lu the absence of steel
tools aud explosives, tbe breaking of
rock la very alow. One of the meth
ods employed la to build tires lu tbe
different faces aud cool them sud
denly with water; tbe effect of this
Is that au amount of ore is luuseued,
but tbe encloalng walla are also dla-1
integrated, resulting id ion oanaiiug
of Ave toni of rock for one of ore,
and tbe banging wall becomes a
source of danger. The ore la crushed
between two stones, tbe upper one
having its bottom cut in tbe form of
an arc. A rocking motion la then
ImpHrted to these boulders, resting
upon a flat granite boulder, and a
pulp ecual to a thirty mesh screen is
tbe result.
Morria Sullivan, one of the owners
of the Lucy group lu tbe Mreenborn,
after a rough trip arrived last ulght
from the property. Tbe roada are
tbe worst ever, be says. He had to
walk to Tipton and leave bis team.
Work at tbe property, he sayt, la
progressing satisfactorily. Tbe Lucy
ledge, which was cut recently, shows
a width of eighteen feet with valuea
ruuuiug from 10 to 158. Tbe cross
cut will be continued for tbe O. K.
ledge, a distance of some 250 feet.
This is the main lead of tbe group
and thought to contain by far tbe
heavier valuea. The outrcop, Mr.
Sullivan says, has given assays as
bigb as 1150, while the Lucy ledge
never showed auy such auraface
M. T. Keogb, of Milwaukee, treas
urer of the company, is now at tbe
property, and Mr. Sullivan saya ia
highly pleased with tbe progress of
development work.
Ed C. Allen, superintendent of
the lllack Ilutte, was on tbe traiut
his a'teruoou golug to Portland to
attend the state republican conven
tion. Mr. Alleu has all his men
hired, his supplies lu, aud tbiuks he
will be ready to start up work ou
tbe lllack Ilutte lu about ten days.
He says the season is about a
week later there thau it is here and
work has beeu delayed on account
of tbe snow.
Tbe hoist to be installed on tbe Black
Ilutte has beeu ordered from Deliver,
but Is held for shipment until the
cnuditiuu of tbe roads will permit its
delivery at tbe property. It would
be next tu impossible to haul the
machinery lu ut this time. A big
season's wurk is contemplated, Mr.
Alleu bays.
V. C. Itaudall, who has teen con
ducting the development work at tbe
Le tbe lialsley-Klkborns, Is in
from tbe property. He reports ex
ceedingly bard rock aud consequently
small headway. The crosscut be
tbiuks will reach the ledge, however,
within the uext twenty-five or thirty
He saya the suow in that section is
the deepest iu the history of tbe
country, lu the gulches aud raviuea
It must be at least fifty feet deep.
However, he has beeu pegging away
steadily aud expects now to cut the
ledge iu a short time.
Once Lively Kerbyville is
Now an Entirely Desert
ed Village.
Nestling cosily at tbe foot of tbe
pine-clad hills, with its one long
street, and overlooking the valley
and the winding rievr of tbe Illinois,
is Kerby, the pioneer mining camp of
Oregon. It la but a few miles north
of tbe California liae, Josephine co
unty. Kerby today is aa quiet an
old country towu as oue would care
to see. But Kerby baa not always
slept. There was a time when Kerby,
then known as Kerbyville, was the
gayest and thriftiest and exchanged
more dust than any other camp north
of San Francisco. That was during
tbe palmy and gold-fevered days of
fifty yeara ago. Tben the streets of
Kerbyville seetbed with the restless
stampede of 2,000 excited gold hun
ters. And from a half dozen saloons
and 'dauclng halls issued, day and
nlgbt, the cliuk of glasses, tbe bois
terous merriment of reveling dai c-
era and tbe monotonous hubbub of
tbe faro tables.
Kerbyville waa iu fact but a Cali
fornia mining camp moved over the
Siakiyous. It was composed of tbe
same army of gold huntera that swept
the plains In '40. Therefore, Kerby
ville waa lively, alwaya perturbed,
for the greed of gold was manifest
there aud kept alive an atmosphere
ot restlessness and clamor.
It Is ouly a few miles below Kerby
ville that Josephine creek empties
Its turbulent waters into tbe Illinois.
It whs here that gold was first dis
covered iu the Oregon territory. That
was iu April, 1851. The news of this
discovery, exaggerated, distorted,
whispered fiom man to niau, from
claim to claim, found its way luto
camps of uortheru California, and iu
a tew days a long line of men made
ita way over tbe crags and dowu the.
steeps of the Siskiyous luto tbe 111!
uois Valley, of the "Oregon Coun
try," a land that bad hitherto beeu
left to tbe wild beasts and tbe red
meu. Along evety creek gold waa
discovered aud miners flocked by the
hundreds. With rocker aud pan,
millioua iu nuggets and dust were
cradled from the gravel of tbe creek
beds. Today iu passing along the oue
street of the old camp oue fluds but
a few scattered remaius ot tbe gay
Capital $250,000. The Coming Great Mine of the Cable
Cove District. Recent big strike show valuea of over $181
per ton. A sure Producer. An investment in Vallcv
Queen will many timet double your mooey. J J j jl
Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It has
the ore bodies of this famous property. An tavcttment
Is Buck Horn Is like finding money , J jt j jt Jt
rite today for Prospectus and full information. Men
tion No. 60 and we will mall you free six months the
WHEELER & CO. lukm 92 IIUIWAY, N. Y.
Kerbyville of fifty years ago. Tbe old
courthouse is gone, for Kerbyville
was once tbe county seat. But tbe
town hall remaius. Scarred and weather-beaten
by tbe winds and rains
of many winters, deserted save by the
rats, this old building stands. Tben,
also, there Is the jail, with the big
maple over it, whose spreading
branches served as the ever-ready gal
lows for tbe popular " hangiu'a" of
the rough-and-ready days.
Aa to tbe beginning of Kerbyville
there are conflicting stories. Thn
most Interesting of these is the one
that tells of a billiard table being
responsible for tbe establishment of
the old camp. Among the lemalnlng
pioneers some say it is true, while
others doubt it. But however that
may be, the story ia none tbe less In-
foresting. Tbe story goes that an old
! Spanish packer waa under contract to
deliver a billiard table to the owner
and proprietor of a aaloou at Alt
house, a camp lu tbe Illinois valley.
Martlnexz was the proud owner of a
pack mule that was known all aloug
tbe coast tor ber remarkable perse
verance aud strength. Anita was her
uame, and Anita was the pride of tba
old packer's heart. "Could Anita
bring tbe billiard table over the
mountains from Crescent City? Madre
de Cbiistoc, yest" said Martinez,
aud Martinez undertook the hercu
Uau.task with little ado. The big,
awkward package waa placed on tbe
back of Auita and she started on the
long trail over the mountains. Two
days she traveled, and on tbe third
she gave way beneath her great load,
aud nearly broke tbe heart of her
The saloonkeeper would not pay
Martinez because he bad not dell
vere tbe table. Then Martluez swore
Spanish oaths, and said be would
have revenge. Aud an enterprising
thought came iuto bis Spanish bead.
He would let the billiard table remaiu
where Anita fell with it. Moreover,
he would build a saloon around the
table and have a "grand opening;
Mardre! what a thought! "The saloon
was built, and with the only billiard
table north of San Francisco as a
diawiug card, Martinez got the whole
stampede beaded his way. Tents and
shacks aud cabins went up about tbe
saloon, and In a night grew iuto a
prosperoua mining camp. That camp
waa Kerbyville. Pacific Miner.
Imperil Reduction Works.
Captaiu A. M. Paul, superintend
ent of tbe imperial, lu the Cable
Core district, returned yesterday
from a visit at Baker City and La
(iraude. Captaiu Paul says that aa
soon as tbe pending litigation it set
tled, which he does not think will be
long, arrangements will be made for
the iustallatiou of teducMou worka
at the property.