The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 13, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, April n, 1904
in the Circuit Court of the Stale
of Oregou for the County of Baker.
The Sumpter Light Jfc Water Co.,
A corporation, Plaiutiff
A. J. Stinson and
Jatnea A. Grainger. Defanilnnta
To the above named defendant, James
A. Grainger:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby uquired to appear
and answer to the complaint filed
against you lu the above eutitled suit
on or before the 13tb day of April,
1004, which is the last day of the
time prescribed in the order made by
the County Judge of Baker County,
Oregoa, for the publication of thin
summons; and if you fall so to
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will take judgment
against said defendant,, James A.
Grainger for the relief prayed for in
the complaint, to-wit:
That a decree ot the above entitled
court be entered adjudging and de
creeing that said plaintiff, and its
successors, have and are entitled to
a perpetual right of way for a pipe
line across the lands of the said de
fendants, described and set forth in
the complaint herein, as the line of
said pipe line Is now constructed
across said lands.
That the plaintiff, and Its suc
cessors, and-it and its officers, ser
vants, agents, and employees have
the right to enter upon said land,
and construct and maintain said pipe
line across the same, and have the
right at all times in the future while
said pipe line is maintained across
said lands, to enter upon said lands
for the purpose -of repairing, renew
ing, roplaoing, malntaing and caring
for the same, and for that purpose
to dig up the surface of such land
to such an extent as may be neces
sary. That it be further decreed that the
defendats and each of them and any
and all persons acting by, through,
or under them and each and every
person be forever restrained and en
joined from in any manner interfer
ing with said plaintiff. Ita officers.
agents, servants and employes In (be
construction, laying, and establish
ment of said pipe line across the said
lands of said defendants, as now laid
out and partially constructed there
on, and that said defendants and
eaob and every persou aotlug by,
through, or under them be fotever
restrained and enjoined from in any
manner interfering with said pipe
line, after the same Is constructed as
now laid out, or obstructing, or de
stroying the same, or doing any act
or thing that may interfere with the
free use and enjoyment thereof by
said plaintiff and its successors.
That plaintiff have judgment
aganist said defendants for the sum
of 8Q00 damages for heretofore ob
structing said work and for its coats
and disbursements herein, and that it
have such other relief as to the Court
may seem meet with justice aud
'And you are hereby notified that
on the 20th day of February, 1004.
the Hon. VV. VV. Travlllion, County
Judge of Baker County, Oregon made
an older that service of summons in
this suit be made upon said defend
ant by publication of this summons,
and that the date of the first
publication thereof is March 2nd and
the date of the last publication
thereof Is April 13th, 1904.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
by the County Court ot the State of
Oregon, for the County of Baker,
administrator of the estate of Samuel
I Jones, deceased. All persons bav
lug clhltlU anallist said estate nrn
hereby required to preseut tho Bame
to me, properly verified, as hv law
required, at the office of Chit. II
Chance, attorney-at-law, First Na-
t oual bank building, Sumpter, Baker
County, Oregon, wltblu six mouths
from the date hereof.
Dated this 24tb day of February,
Administrator of the Estate of
Samuel I. Jones, deceased.
Mineral Application No. 287.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned baa been duly apponlted
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Ore., March 3, 1004.
Notice is hereby given, that Fran
cis S. Slater, of Cauvou Cltv. Grant
county, Oregon, has made application
for patent to what are known as the
Hindman 4 Slater Placer Minimi
Claims, the same covering and belnn
as follows, to-wlt:
8. i of S. E. i Sec. H. St K. l.
of N. E. U A E. & of E. i of N.
W. X of Si E. M Jk E. of E. M.
of 8. VV. M of N. E. ii & N. E. U
of 8. E. U JtE. i of N. E. H of N.
W. H of VS, E. M of Sec. 17, Tp.,
10, S. R. 30, E. W. M., accordlug to
the United States surveys, in Baker
county, Oregon, and In uo organized
mining district. The said applicant
applies for patent for the same as
Placer Mining land under the laws
of the United States, and under and
by virtue of a location made by ap
plicant, under the name of F. H.
8later, and E. Hindman of date April
22, 1808, and recorded May 3, 1808,
In book E, page 431 Record of Plaear
Mining locations of Baker County,
Oregen: Also a relocation by said
parties of date October 0. 11101. and
recorded Ootober 10. 1001, iu book
U, Record of Placer Mlnlug Loca
tions of Baker County. Oregon, at
page 104: Also a location br annll.
caut of date Juue 17, 1805, aud re-
nnrvlAil 1 tanr? I.. I. n
v..ueu vu.J . ID17U, IU uuiik r,
page 305 Record of Placer Mining
Locations of Baker County, Oregen:
Also a location of date November 17,
1001, by J. D. Slater and recorded
November 21, 1001, in book O, page
1 1 1 Record of Placer Mining Loca
tions of Baker County. Oreaen:
Also a location dated July 8, 1002,
by J. VV. Selby and T. K. Gurnee.
aud recorded August 1, 1002, In
book O, page 230, Record of Placer
Mlulug Locatlous of Baker County,
Oregen: Ainu a location dated July
8, 1002, made by J. L. Slater, Olive
A. Hlater, VV. T. Slater, R. J. Slater
VV . N. Proebstel, J. O. Young, Emory
Proebstel aud C. M. illmliiiuii, of
date July 8, 1002, and recordeil
August, 1002, lu book G, pago 230,
Record of Phccr Mining Locations
of Baker Cotiuty. Oregon, the annll.
caut being now the owner aud iu
possession of said claims by virtue of
said location and the conveyance to
bim by tbe said locators and on.
locators of all their interest therein.
There are no adjoining claims.
All persons baviug adverse claims
thereto are required to nresent the
same before this ottlce within sixty
days from tbe first publicatlou of
this notice, or they will be barred by
the provisions of the statute.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
First date of publication March 0,
Last date of publication Mar 11.
1 1901.
Au ordluaucetoumeud Ordinance No.
100. eutitled "An ordinance to
define the fire limits of the City of
Sumpter, prohibit tho erectlou or
repair of wooden buildings within
sticb limits, to provide for aud de
termine tbe number aud size of
places of entrance aud exit from all
public halls, churches, aud other
buildings used for public gather
iuga,aud the modes of hanglug doors
thereat, and to provide generally
for the protection agaiust fires aud
tbe spread thereof."
Tbe City of Sumpter dues ordain as
follows :
..Sectlou 1. That Ordinance No.
100, entlltled "Au ordinance to
define the fire limits of the City of
Sumpter, proiblt tbe erection or
repair of wooden buildings within
auctb limits, to provide for and de
termine tbe number aud size of nlacea
of eutrauce aud exit from all publlo
halls, churches, and other bulldlnas
used for public gatherings, and the
modes of hanging doors thereat, and
to provide generally for the protec
tion agaiust fires and the spread
thereof," be amended by striking
from Sectlou 1 of said Ordinance,
tbe word "six" and eliminating from
tbe provisions thereof, Block Six iu
tbe original towualte of tbe town
(now city) of Sumpter, making Sec
tion 1 of said fire ordinance read :
Said fire limits shall comprise aud
Include the South half of Blocks 1
and 2, all of blocks three and four
in tbe original townslte of the town,
(now city) of 8upmter. aa showu nn
tbe revised plan of tho town of Sump
ter, of record lu the office of the Re.
corder of Conveyances of Baker Co
unty, Oregon; and the nest half of
Ulock 1 1 aa shown on the nlat of
Sumpter Height's McEweu's add!-
tlon to the town, uow city, of Sump
ter, of record iu tbe ottlce of the Re
corder of Conveyances of said Baker
County, Oregou.
Section, 2. That from and after
tbe passage aud annroval of this nr.ll.
nance, said Block Six in the origlual
townslte of tbe town of Sumpter,
Baker County, Oregon, shall uot be
subject to the provisions of said ordi
nance No. 100.
Passed tho council this 20tb day
of March, 1004.
S. 8. START,
Approved March 20, 1004.,
An orriiuaiicn to nrorlilu for tli
couipoiiKallou of the members of
the bumpier Volunteer Fire Do
uu tiiiont for attendance upou
meetings and drills ot hiiIiI department.
Tho City of Sumpter dues ordain as
Sectlou 1. That from aud after
tbe first day of April. 1004. nnr nri
all persona who are members of tbe
Sumpter Volunteer Fire Denartmeiit
snail receive tbe sum of Fifty rents
(80.D0) for every regular meetlua of
snob department wblcb be shall
attend for the transaction of business,
or drill, provided however that they
shall not be allowed compensation
for more than one meetlua in au
month from tbe first day of November
to toenrst day of May, nor more than
two meetings from the first day of
May to tbe first dar of Novambar fr
each year: provided further that uo
persou shall be entitled to comnanaa.
tlon under this ordluancce unless be
be ajuember of salddepartmeut in
good standing, aud sball l.e preseut
duriug tbe entire meeting or drill
for which compeuatiou I allowed,
aud shall be present aud answer to
bis name at the beginning aud ending
of such meet Inn or drill.
Sectlou 2. The chief of the Sumpr
ter Volunteer Flro. Dcnartmeut la
hereby directed to keep a list of all
I IIIAhlliA.d Hi. .I... ..... . ... . a
i uiv.i.uoin ui ,uu ui-inrilliuill iu gooil
standing aud notify all mem bora nf
but meeting to bo held, except lu case
sucn moeting Is a regular meeting to he
held on a fixed day which Is known
to the members of the department.
That at the hour for which any
meetlug or drill Is fixed or called, If
the same be a geueral meeting, the
Chief of the Fire Department sball
call th roll and all present aud an
aweriug. shall be so marked, on a
record kept for that purpose. At tha
close of the meeting he shall again
call tbe roll and all persona nresent
and answering shall be again so
marked on said record, said record
to be preserved by the Chief of the
fire Department aud sball be sub
mitted with bis report tn tbe Com
mon Couucll of the City of Sumpter,
Oregou, on the first day of each
mouth, provided that when a meeting
Is called for drill and members meet
at tbe various houses or stations of
their respective companies, aud not
in geueral meeting, then the roll
shall be called aa above provided by
tbe foreman of each comnaur. who
shall file with the Chief tbe wrltteu
evidence of said roll call showlns ih
memlers preseut a' tbe beginning
and close or tbe meeting aud sail
Chief shall embody tbe same In bla
Sectlou 3. The payment of the
compensation herein nrovlded for
members of tbe Sumpter Voluuteer
Fire Department shall be made eaob
mouth by a warrant drawn mi Ihn
City Treasurer lu favor of the Treas
urer of the fire Department for au
amouut aggregating the total amount
due tbe members of the department
for attendauce upon meetings or drills
duriug tbe ptecediug mouth, which
amouut shall be naid to the Individ.
ual membera ot the Department by
tbe Treasurer, either directly or
through tbe foreman of the respective
compaules at the next monthly meet
ing. Section 4. The provisions of
this ordinance shall uot apply to the
Chief of the Department, or any
official who draws a regular salary
from tho City of Sumpter, nor sball
It le deducted from compeusatlou
allowed auy mombr of tbe depart
ment by said city for attendance upou
Passed the council this 20th day
of March, 1001.
S. 8. START,
Recordor of tbe City of Sumpter.
Approved March 20,1004,
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregou, for the County of Baker.
In tbe matter of the assigumeut of
David A. Edliii, au insolvent
To tbe Creditors of the Above
Entitled Estate:
You aud each of you are hereby
notified that the uudersigued has
Hied his final report as assignee of
tbe above eutitled estate, and tba
same will be heard by the Judge of
tbe above entitled court on April
28tb, 1004, or as soon thereafter
as tbe matter can be heard