Wednesday, April 6 1904 THh bUMPTER MINbR SOME HISTORIC FINANCIAL MANIAS Potatoes of Fabulous Value The Latest Graze in England. Many of our readers doubtless remember reading of the famous "Tulip Mnhi" which prevailed for uwbllu in Holland about the middle of tliu Soreutli ceutury, aud which drove many of ttio usually phlegmatic Dtitelimen wild. Whether it was a genuine delusion or a species of gambling maters not, but It seems to tmvu bcou somewhat akin to tbu boonia in real estate or mining prop erty, which sometimes strike a com muulty aud apparently cause people to take leave of tlicii senses. In tills cuso it was perhaps a geuulue craze for especially valuable bulbs, mid such was the. competition that one bulb of an unusually valuable tulip sold for lll.OOO llorlns. Of course this couldn't last, but many persons were ruined, on the sumo principles that dealers in cotton futures are sometimes caught aud ruined because .of the Impossibility of delivering what tboy have sold. The tulip craze bad the aamo elfeot; though it was yours boforo the excitement entirely subsided. There are many who remember the "Morua Multlcalus" mulberry craze, which caught some parts of the south in the ilrst half of the century. People were going to get rich raising silk worms, aud to do this they must have this peculiar species of mul berry. The resutl was that many people became silk-worm and mul berry mud, but the crazo was not as extensive or enduring us the tulip frouzy. Lately tbey buve bad a potato mania iu England, aud it is still going on. We refer to Irish potatoes, of course, for our sweet potatoes are not so much iu evidence over there us here. Iu order to get at it iu a few words, we copy this from The Port land Oregeuiau: "Radium has of lato become a byword on accouu of its fabulous price, but potatoes at 81,0:10,144 a ton are not to bn despised. Accord lug to the Sheffield Daily Telegraph, a Aim of potato-growers, exhibiting at the Royal Agricultural society's Smltblleld show sold four pounds of "Eldorado" potatoes at 728 a pouud. Resides these figures the purchase of a quantity fo "Sutton's New Discovery" potatoes at 31.20 a pound is hardly worthy of meutiou, especially us the vender refused 9140 for a single potato of the "Eldroado' species, aud a Vorksbire man would not part with one of these 8Hme pre cious potatoes, although offered i'Ml for a single specimen. Just what prices the new liurbauk potato is likely tn command is a question of interest. In view of these ' figures. The Rurkbank creation has been pictured to the public by enthusias tic correspondents as a tuber of blushing pink, with a flavor more de licious than stiawberries, and a de licate odor of musk. The bloossoms are the same as roses, and the stalks, it is expected, will make good hay. Even without the wonderful qualities In the new potato, it Is interesting to note that such efforts are being made to improve the bumble spud." Not professlug to expertuess iu the scieuce of pntatology, who shall not venture an opinion on the relative merits of these varieties, but when tbey get to telling at 8140 eiich and at 67'JS a pound, we must admit that thero is something cxtraoidinary In them, or that the Hi I tons have got a craze good aud hard. It must be acknowledged, though, that a potato which combines strawberries, roses, musk and good bay, must lie a wonderful variety of oue of our most common vegetables. We grow a nuin ber of varieties iu this country aud Unci them quite a weolomo addition to bills of fare, but uoue of them has occupied a place among toilet ac cessories or us parlor ornaments. Like as not this will go like the other crazes, aud our Eugllsli cousins will get down to the ordinary tubers aud will wonder what possesed them tn nay such extravagant prices for a newly exploited variety. Montgomery, Aalbauia, Advertiser. OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments were tiled at the lluki-r county court bouse during the week ending April 4, 1001. UKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKKII Fell. 'JO Elizabeth Pointer and husband to Jessie Whlttler, 100 acrcB Iu Sees. -Jf. aud U0, Tp. 10 R. 40 E; 8500. Sept. 11 R. J. Pavert aud wifo to Raker City R. E. and Home com pany, lots 7 aud 8 block 1-, Ken nedy's addition to Raker City: 8400. March 28 R. P. Rehreudt aud wife to Olivet Rurroughs, lot 0 block It, Rowdeu's addition to Raker City; 8100. March 28 W. E. Summers aud wifo to John Raker. S. E. ii S. W. H Sec. 10 Tp. I) U. 45 E; 82,000. March 20 Jus. York aud wifo to D. II. Phillips, 50x200 feet near Campbell laud in N. W. H S. W. ii Sec. 10 Tp. 0 R. 40 E; 8050. March 4 Receiver to Eugeuo A. Case, 100 acres iu Socs. 22 and 27 T 10 R. .17 E. ; 8100. March .'11 Rurbara A. Stewart to Frauk L. Moore, ,'j interest in 40x740 feet along east side O. R. is, N. R. R. aud between Depot grounds and Campbell street, Raker City; 81. March 29 C. E. ilolcomh tn W. L. Viusou, 18 acres In N. ,' N. E. ii Sec. 10 T. R. 45 E ; 8:,750. Dee. 20 Richard Woods aud wifo to Wm. J. Woods, lot 7 block I, M. E. Place's ndn to Raker City; 8500. March 30 linker City R . E. A Home Co., to (!eo. II. Wear and wife, 50x100 teet iu block 0,Atwood's adn; 81,800 . April 2 Mrs. C. Kppluger to F. W. Eppiuger, south )-i lot 2 block 4, RukerClty; 85,000. April 1 Leonaid II. (loss and wife to F. M'Collough, N. ii N. W. ii Sec. CT.8 R. 0 E. : 84,000. March .'11 State of Oregon to R.W. Hoyt, S. l S.W.ii Sec. 10 T. 0 11. 41 E.; 8100. Jun. 12, '0:i J. II. Stoddurd and wifo to C. M. Pearce & E. M. Ander son, lot 4 block II, Sumpter Heights; 82,000. March !1 F. McCullough aud wife to Ed aud S. C. McCullough, 80 acres in Sec. 31 T. 7 R. 30 E. : 83,000. March 23 Charlie Long and wife to E. Eilertson, lots 1 to 4 block F, Haines; 1800. April 2 J.S . Culbertson and wife to E. Y. McFarUnd, N. ii lot 12 block E, Rallies; 8450. March 11 Receiver to Samuel II. Rlshel, X. tf S. W. .'4 Sec. 7 T. 10 R. 3(1 E. ; 8200. Match 20 State of Oregon tn R. H. Kutght, S. tt S. W. '., Sec. 33 T. R. 40 E; 8100. MINING MATTERS. IlKKIIS March 11 -Wm. Kitchen to C. II. Ilarnard aud F Flattery, 0-8 Inteiest iu Eagle Consolidated quartz claim; 81. March 30 Samuel Toft, to J. II. Parker and P. Rascbe, interest In Kelly gruup of I quartz claims; 81. ' Immunity Fur Wildcatters. The results of the recent trials of j swindlers who have been rubbing the public all over America, show very , clearly that the sufferers by uilsrep-1 rcscutatiou and fraud need not look i to the courts for redress. Aprnml- ueut juuianl, iu commenting upon the recent Wright tragedy in London, remarked that "had ho been tried iu i this country ho would never havei been convicted," aud the same' might lie applied to every similar case of the kind which has cropped j up tn our courts of late. This iiu inunity has mudo Individuals of the , class daring, aud instead of ptolltltig by their escape through the laxity, not of the law itself, lint iu its execu tion, tbey have at times the audacity to air themselves before an outiaged community iu an attempt to make themselves out the Injuied parties. The failures of the courts to dli Jus tlce aud the recognition that they are rapidly becoming tho safeguards of tho crlmiuul classes will lead to trouble eventually, when people tlud they have no otbor recourse but to protrot themsolves against outrage and robbery. Pacific Coast Miuer. NOTICE. UnlteJ Slates lanJOfhce. I ' t..i (iranJe, Oregon, J March I. ttx4.) I Notice Ii hereby given lliat E. II. I'etr'n, whose i postottice aJJress is Williams, Arlrona, bv Henry Hew Hi, Jr.. whose I'osiolfre .iJJie U Tatoma, Washing!!"-, JIJ, tin Hie M Jav ot A arch, 1404, make application to select, nnJer tin- Act nl June i 4, 1'df (iikUt., to), the following Jesctlt-eJ tracts: I The S I: i ol section i anJ the Ms of the N I: !; an J I iil i .mJ ot secilon . Tp. io south, range I jSi' w M., In llaker count), Oiegon. i That the purpose ot this notlct Is Mallow all per sons claiming the selecieJ lanJs unJer the mining 1 taws, or Retiring to show It to te mineral In charac- ' ter, an opporiunlt to hie objections its such selection with the nfllcers ot the U. N I an J Ultlce at l.i (iranJe Oregon, within thlrtv Javs aller ihe first J ty I ol publlcallou hereol, so as to establish their Inteiest therein or the mineral character thereof. Ii. W. DAVIS. Register l I'lrst publication JaleJ Match g, 1004. I TIMUER LAND. ACT JUNE j, iSrS.-NotlCH ion UIIUCATION. UnlleJ Stales LanJ Oltice, I a (itanJe, Oregon, March 1, 1904, 1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol Ihe act of congress of June 1. 1878, en WleJ "An act lor the ssle ol timber lanJs In the stales of California, Oregon, Nevaja anJ Washington Ter ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ states by act of August 4, 184s, WILLIAM A. (iRLLN. of Sumpter, County of Hakei, Stale nl Oregon, has this Jay fileJ In this office his sworn statement No s88, lor the purchase ol the N) NL'tf , Nl:( NW( anJ lot t ol Section No. )o In township No. 11 S Range No. )8 t.:. W. M.. anJ will oiler proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or slone than tor agricultural purposes, an J to establish his claim to s.ilj l.inj belore Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Com missioner, at his othce at Sumpler, Oiegon, on TliutsJ.ty, the lulh Jav of Mav 1904. He names as witnesses: Ralph MeaJ, Van Ren lat.ier AleaJ, Anjtew J. Denny, anJ Stephen Jackson, all "I bumpier. Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are ieo,uesteJ to tile their claims In this othce on or' before salJ iglh Jav ot May, 1404. L. W. DAVIS Register. Diamonds found In California. Cousldernblo excitement has been oocasloued by tho reported discovery ot diamonds iu the northern part of California, says an exchange. While digging a well ut Sissoii, Siskiyou county, thero wero scut up some stones of surpassing brilliancy. These have been sent to 11 lapidary in San Fruucisco to bo cut and polished aud we will soon learn whether or not California will add diamonds tn the list of precious metals aud stones profitably mined iu that state. Hlsson stands upon a lava formation, thus making It possible for such a dis covery. This is, however, not tho first discovery of this natuio made iu California. Diamonds have been peri odically found in Placer county, which, though small, are very bril liant. A tray of ther-o Placer county diamonds Is on exhibition at the pre sent time iu ColJeii (late Park, San Francisco. riMitR lino, act Jinn t. im.-sotiu ron ruiiiMTion. UnlteJ States LanJ olfice, La (iranJe, Oregon, March is, 1904. i Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of Hit act ot congress of June 1, 1878, en titleJ "An acl for the sale ot timber lanJsIn Ihe states of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Slates by by aclotAukust 4,184s, THOMAS O, GWYNNF. of Sumpter, county of Hiker, stale of Oregon, has this Jay fileJ in this olfice his sworn statement No. tote, lor the purchase ol Ihe W K S W K. Sec. at. NWXNWKol Sec. No. 8 in Tp. No. 10 5, range No. 16 RWM, anJ will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its t'mber or itont than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to estab lish hit claim to talj lanJ before Charles II. Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at hit office at Sumpter, Oregon.on ThursJay, the anJ Jay ot June, 1904. He names at witnesses: Van Rensselaer MeaJ, Ralph MeaJ. Nicholas T. Tallafero, James W Con nella, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ all person claiming Jverscly the above JescrlbeJ lanJs ar requtsteJ to hie their claims In this oHce on or before salJ sit J Jay of June, 404. E. W. Davis, Register. riA.HhK LAM), ACT JUNK 3, 1878 NOTICU FOR I'UHI.ICATION. UnlteJ Slates LanJ Onice, La liranJe, Oregon, March , luo,. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions nl the act ot Congress ot June 1, 1878, en titleJ "An acl lor Ihe sale ot timber lanJs in the States of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing ton Territory," asextenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Mates by act ol August 4, Hk WALTLR I., SPARKS, ol Sumpter, county ol llaker. state ot Oregon, his this Jay fileJ In this tillice Ills sworn statement No. 3886 lor Ihe purchase ot Ihe WJjNtM.NWifS Ii K anJ Nl:!( SW ot section No. 1 1 in township no. 10 soutn, range mi. uw n, ana win oner prooi to show that me lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to sali lanJ before Chailes II, Chance, U, S. commissioner, at his oltice at Sump ter, Oregon, on ThursJay, ihe 141I1 Jay of May, 1404. He names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer MeaJ, Ralph MeaJ, William A. (ireen anJ Charles L. Ferry, all of Sumpler, Oregon. Any an J all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ Ian is are requeue J to file their claims In this office on or before sal J 19th Jav of May, 1404. ll W. Davis, Register. TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNfi 1. iBrB-MOtlCH row. i'uhlic.stion. UnlieJ States LanJ Office, f La (JranJe, Oregon, lebruary 0, 1404 t Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of Ihe act ot Congress of June 1. 1878 en titleJ "An act lor the sale ot timber lanJs In the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevaja anJ Washing ton Territory," as exienJeJ 10 all the Public LanJ Slates by act of August 4, 184s, HENRY A. CARRIS of Canyon City; County of Crant Slate of Oregon, lias tins day ruea in mis ornce ins sworn state ment s.o oo8. for the purchase ol the SWK SUM section No. (.; NEK N Wtf anJ N). N E H of section No, 7 I p. no. snum k. no. 17 i. ana win oner proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable Inr lit tlmher or stone than for aericullural purposes. anJ to establish his claim to sail lanJ before Chas. II. Chance, U. Js. Commissioner at nil nnice at Sumpler, Oregon, on MonJay, the 4th Jay of May, 1404, He names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer MeaJ, Ralph MeaJ, of Sumpter, Oregen: Lemuel King, Lemuel Harnett' ot Aujrey, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requeslej to hie their claims In this office on or before salJ nrt Jay ot May. 1404. I!. W. DAVIS, Register. TIMICt UNO. aCT JUNI J. llll.-NOTICt fO PUILICAflON. UnlteJ States LanJ Oltice, Lai ates LanJ Oltice, a (iranJe, Oregon, February nth, 1404 ' Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot Ihe acl ot congress ol June t, 1878, en titleJ "An acl for the sale 01 limber lanJs In the states ot Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ slates by acl ol August 4. 184', ARCHI1IALD T. VEDDER. of Sumpler, county of llaker, state of Oregon, has this Jay fileJ In this oltice his sworn statement No. S44S, lor the purchase ol Ihe SH SwK, NeX Swtf anJ SeK N! ol section No. s In township No. 11 south, range No. w fWvt, anJ will oiler proof to show that the lanJ sought is mora valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim Io sal J Ian J be fore Chas. II. Chance. U. S. Commissioner, ai Sumpter, Oregon, on TuesJay, Ihe aoth Jay of April 1404. .,?. He names as witnesses: Peter J. SoarJ. William Ketly, Robert Patterson, Robert W. Riley, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requeslej 10 hie their claims uj th othce on or before sal J th Jay of April, 1904. E. W, DAVIS, Register. II I II