The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 06, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, April 6 1904
It is Understood Through Eastern Stockhold
ers That Mr. Fuller's Report Was
It has been learned through tbe
correspondence of eastern stockhold
ers of tbo Oregou Smelting nud He
ilnlng company, with local people
interested iu tbo proposition, that
tbe report of F. 1). Fullei, who was
sent bore froui New York in I be nmt
tor of recommend i n an ore purchas
ing and operating fund, is as tavor
blo us whs expected. Mr. Fuller
canio here, made 11 thorough culmi
nation of t ho various mines of tbe dis
trict, with a view to determining the
adaptability of tbe smelter plant tn
tbe treatment of tbo ores. He spent
several weeks iu Sumpter and at trib
utary properties, gathering data ou
which to base bis report. From non
oral statements upon leaviug it was
inferred that bis conclusions were
favorable to tbe recommendation of
tbo fuudB asked for by tbo local man
ageniout, but Mr. Fuller was not lu a
position to make a public declaration
one way or tbe otber, el nee tbe infor
mation was for the stockholders alone,
until such time as they should deem
fit to make it public. It Is stated
further that the actiou of tbe stock
holders lu the matter hinged solely
on Mr. Fuller's report being favor
able, and that they bad Anally passed
on allowing tbe fund requested, if tbe
conditions surrounding tbe enterprise
justified such expenditure.
It is understood that tbo local
mauiigemeut asked for an ore pur
chasing fund of 100,000 mid an op
erating fund of g'Jfi,000. Instead
of this, through tbe sources men
tioned above, it Is learned that Mr.
Fuller recommended a larger ore pur
chasing and operating fund than
asked for. This Information comes
straight from eastern stockholders to
local people interested, and can be
depended upon, though The Miner is
not now iu a position tn make known
its iuforinaut. It is stated further
that Mr. Fuller's report is as favor
able as any which this district has
Dr. Kd W. Mueller, general man
ager of the Oregon Smelting and Re
fining company, whou asked as to tbe
truth of tbe report, stated that ho
was not iu a positinu to conllrm or
deny, but said the smelter would
soou again be ready for business. It
looks good, however, and putting
two and two together there Is little
room for doubt. It may be expected
before long to see ores coming iu by
tbe car load and the black smoke
from the smelter again sottllug over
the valley. This is auother Instance
of eucouraglug intelligence leading
to tbe belief that the coming season
iu Sumpter will bo the most prosper
ous iu its history.
The state of Oregon owns and op
erates tbe largest (Mi hatchery iu tho
world. It is located at Ontario,
Malheur county, ou the Snake river,
and is now turning out its tlrst batch
of youug salmon.
About -2.-1,000,000 youug Royal
Chinook salmon, or sixteen times as
many as are auuually caught in tho
Columbia river, will he turned loose
at Ontario this spring. Tbo fish are
now scarcely more tbau au iuch long
and tbey will go down tbe Snake and
Columbia rivers and out into the Pa
ciflo ocean, where tbey will grow to
maturity. Four or Ave years bonce
many of them will return, weighing
on an average thirty pounds each aud
worth to the fishermeu fire cents a
pound. If only one of every twenty
return, tbe hatchery will more than
keep up the supply of salmon.
Last Saturday evening the state
fish commissioners, accompanied by
Governor Chamberlain, Secretary of
State Dunbar and State Treasurer
Mooie, went to Ontario to make an
inspection of this important institu
tion. Tbey were accompanied by
Master Fish Warden II. CI. Van
Duseu, aud ouo or two others. They
found tbe hatchery plant iu excellent
working coudltiou, aud worn much
gratified to learu that tbo first sea
sou's operations bad proven tbo wis
dom of the selection of that site for a
The eggs takou at Ontario arc from
the best specimeus of Royal Chinook
salmon, thus lucreaisug tbo number
of llsh that make tho best canned
product. Tho reputation of Colum
bia river salmon, already tbo best lu
the world, will be further strength
ened by this artitlcial propagation of
the best variety.
Tbe site at Ontario has the advan
tage of a never failing water supply
aud dlstauce from tho ocean. Tho
Ash that ascends tbe stroams tbe far
thest are tbe ones that come into the
river earliest aud have flesh of the
best Aavor. Democrat.
Ozocerite or Mineral Wax.
Ozocerite, a mineral wax, dug
from tbe bowels of tbe earth atjdeptbs
varying from 400 to GOO feet, la tbe
substance out of which most candlea
are now made. In America tbe
mineral is mined in Utah aud iu Cal
ifornia, tbe European beds being
located in Wales, In Oailcla and in
Roumanla. When found injits natu
ral atate ozocerite appears in translu
cent, dark brown, thin Alms, which,
upon being refined, resembles bees
wax. The vax mines of eastern
dalicia, leased and operated by a
syndicate of American capitalists,
form one of the most curious fields
of Industry imaginable. Tbey are
located around lloryslav, which Is
also the center of the eastern oil
district of that part of the Austrn
Huugariau empire. The entire was
Acids are but fifty acres lu extent,
but more than 1,000 shafts have been
sunk iu that limited area, and almost
10,000 men ate at work. The veins
of the mineral are frequently sixteen
inches thick, and It is dug with
shovels aud hoisted from the shafts
by windlasses. Many uses are made
of this wax besides moulding it Into
caudles, and fortunes have been made
by tbe mcu interested lu fcthese
curious mines, the value of tbo
crude product being eight cents a
pound at the mouth of the shaft.
A Business Prooosition.
if you are going east a careful so
lection of your route is essential to
the enjoyment of your trip, if it is
a business trip time is the main con
sideration; if a pleasuie trip, seen
cry aud .the conveniences and com
forts of a modem railroad. W.'iy
not combine all by inlng the Illinois
Central, the up-to-date road, run
ning two trains daily from St.
Paul and Minneapolis, aud from
Omaha to Chicago. Free lecllniug
chair cars, tbe famous Mullet-Library-Smoking
cars, all trains vest I lulled.
Iu short thoroughly modern through
out. All tickets reading via tbo
Illinois Central will be honored on
these trains and no extra faro
charged. Our rates aie tbe same as
those of Inferior roads why not get
your money's worth? Writo for
full particulars.
1). II. TRUM11ULL, Commercial
Agent, Portland, Oregon.
.1, C. LINDSKV, T. F. Jfc P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
A.. Seattle Washington.
Timber and Homnltid Filing.
Titntarnnd homestead tilings, as well
as final proofs, can be made before
Charles II. Chance, United States Com
missloiier, olllce lu First National Hank
of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav
ing applicants expense of a trip to La
Capital Stock
Surplus, $1000
R. H. MILLER ... Caahl.r
Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought
Does a General Banking and Exchange Business
Cars East
Many experienced travelers
prefer tourist sleeping cars
for the transcontinental
journey. The
Chicago. Milwaukee 5c St.
Paul Railway
can ai range for your trip
east in tourist cars, offer you
choice of routes and save j
you money. '
SJ2KE. l34ThirdlSt., Portland, Ore.
. x .