The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 06, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, April 6, 1904
The Sumpter Miner if;:
T. (i. C-iWVNNI:,
knlrtn at ihf pnkioltlcii In Sumpter, Oregon, lor
irantmlsslon through Ihe mills at trciuiJ clafi
nr Vi-lf ..,
The unexpected intensity of
in the lower workings unci
the Inflow of subterranean streams
have, however, ho retarded the work
'Unit ii. delay of illicit Iji.t year in ex
, pected liufnre It can lie llinilly com
pleted. Tim Slmploti tunnel in the
IniiKost bore Unit has. yet been at
tempted. It will he twenty kilo
inetics, 01 nenrly thiiteeti miles in
length, it nil the workings weru cum
incuccd from lioth the Suite mid the
Itiillnn sides. The work was Iji-iiiii
In 1H08 mid will cost nhout fourteen
mid 11 Imlf million dollars. The St.
(othmd tunnel, which Ih uol iiiite
nine lulled in length, cost more
fir.. 000. 000; the Ml. Cenls tunnel
(IjiiIH hetweeu 1857 mid 1871,. which
Ih eight miles In length, cost thirteen
mid ii hull mi I i Ion dollars. The Long
IhIihiiI tunnel, howevet, when com
pleted, will he the lonycnt in the
world, mid will cost in the neigh
liorhnd of eTiO 0(10,000.
Mining Win Id oxpiesHcs the opin
ion Unit no new legislation, or Iiiwh,
ontild ho pinsud or enucted, Unit
would hit ol the leiint heuellt to ln
vcstura In mining hIikii'h. The chap
ters of iiveiy Hliitute of eveiy state,
ilnvoted to the Iiiwh of fimid, of
obtaining money under lalsc lepro
hoiiIiiUoii, run hmilly he Improved
upon. 'J'hey cover every point hitch
Hiiry to oiiiivlct iiuyoue friiiiduleutly
opoiatiug. The (inutile Ih not with
the Iiiwh, hut Hither the InvcHtnr, i (Ills time liy American
mid especially lln small investor, gen- cugiuccis The hurled
onillly on the lonkoiil for Hiimiilhiiig
for nothing. Those who Inlce n
"llyer. " iih they term it, in mining
HloitkH. inn foul I hIi to expect any good
i'iihiiIIh. Sharks lire ever nller Easy
vertiaiiiK aud circularizing through
the uto of tho United States mulle
mid to iniike mi 'early report of the
findings accoidlng to' tho law, to this
house. "
Once huh i ll
IN; 1 1 1 v tit li Iiiciih
Measure of the
heeii found mid
mid English
tieiiHiire of
the Iiiciih lint tieeu vnrl nilnly est I in
iiled t nun a lew million to several
hiiudied (ii i 1 1 fun dollar, and the
piesent icported llnl iiiniiiints to
Imt 81(1.000, 000. Search for thin
.Minks, mid it docH hcem tine that a I IreiiHtiie Iiiih extended through
Hiiclmr Ih hum every minute and .'100 years. Tho legend in that about
iioiiii of Iheiii iiver die. :i7() yeaiH ago, at tho time of the
J Spanish couiiicHt, t heboid uiih Inn led
Tho two gicnt moiiutaiii iiiiiuch uf ' (he Indians for the I'eiiirlnii
the uni lil eiiiitiiitilng no pifuluiiH ' Iiiciih, In he paid over to the Span-
iiietalH, ho far iih in known, ara the ' lards iih a imisnin for thu liheration
.SwIhh AlpH mid thu lllmllayii iiioiiii
till iih. Tho HwIhh AIih have inituiiilly
Iiiiiiii very thin ounlily proHpected for
of Kmpcinr Atliunlpa, hut that the
money wiih refused hy the Spiiuiardri,
who killed the I'eriivimi emperor.
the thousands
iniiieralH dm Inn
yeara they have lieeu occupied by
civilized iiicch, Imt It limit result,
ill Im Htated hy Mime geologists Unit
there Ih a possibility of finding pro
uloilH metiilH In the lllmllayii iiioiiii-
I a I iih, although, hy reason of their
liiiiiciiHHllillity and theli occupation
hy savage til lien, Hioiough lesearch
'Iiiih not lieeu linide. It Ih possible
'Unit hIiico the llrllish have completely
nf J. he treiiHiiru reiiuilueil litdiluli. nlticu
then luiiuiiieriilile exploring parties,
native ami foreign, have made
fruit lecH search lor the gold. It wiih
hy meiu aculdeut Unit the lucky Hud
em came upon the undent tiosaure.
While making survey and driving
slakes they dlHCovered the fortune. A
dispute Iiiih iiiiiv arisen among them
iih to IIh iIIvIhIoii, in which the Moll
vlmi government Iiiih almi iutercHted
occluded tho ninth and south ItniikH ' itself Tho government Iiiih taken
of Ilia lliiuilayiiri that imueral may holi'liargo or the llnd, miuoiiiiciUK that
finiuil In Unite mountains. The ! ' account of the tlillcrcuco hi tho
highest elevation in the world occurs' UHlliiniilltlua of the engineers It will
in Urn Himalaya ranges, Mount i'"-1' s gumdlan and supervise Its ills
Everest having an altitude or 'JO, 000
When Hie piihlio rends that
100,000,000 yen Iiiih lieen provis
ionally t-et apart hy .liipuii for
war piu pines, It may perhaps put mi
oxeggoratcd estimate on Unit amount,
hiivh the New York Comiueruliil.
Although liipmi Iiiih ii gold stiindiird
(he yen Ih of silver cuneiicy, and
tliiutuatcH with the price of silver, mi
(Imt at the mill t 100 0011,000 of
them iiii'ihih M'nicely mole limn
10,000,(1(10, pouiiiIh. Hut even this
Ih mi iniiiiciifc iimoiiut In a country
in which the wnues of a skillful
ltcprcsoiitatlvc Van Diiseu, of Nov
adii, Saturday intioduced a iesolutioii
in the house which Ih In the Inteiest
of all lenltluiuto miniiiK ventures in
tho United Slates.
i The recent epecch miide hy Mr.
Van Duseu III the house Iiiih hrounht
him UiousiiiiiIh of letters asking him
4irtlHiiu are often not mote than three' ,0 ,n"kl' " l1"''1 HH,l,Ht u' ,,ri.)mo
yen a week. The ,lapnuee currency ! " ll,,,fl wunuwa. il.o rnllnw.
-VKti.m lu .i, 'I'liii- ii... v..ii ,,i.ll"K I" "I" rcseliitlun:
- ....... .... ,...., ...
-ilolliir, Ih divided Into 100 sen or
cents, the sen into 10 rlu, the rill
into 10 mo. the mo Into 10 sliu, and
Hie Klin, llinilly, into 10 kotiiusu,
(iiiveinineiit iicciiiints do not take ac
ooiiiit uf any value smaller than a
riti, Imt estliiniteri hy private triules
men often descend to mo and uliu,
which ate Incredibly minute fractions
of a faithliiK. No coin exists, how
over, lo represent tlicfo lillputlau
Tim coinpletlon of the Sllpmou
tunnel through the Alps, which Is to
ionueet Italy and Switzerland, say
(he New York Commercial, whu an
ticipated for tho early mrt of tbo
"Itesolved, That tho secretary of
coiumeice mid labor he aud Ih heieby
reiiuested to Inveslluiite the dlsliunest
and fraudulent inlnliiy coiiipiinies
coudiictiuu their operations and
sales of stock hy advrtisiiiK ami send
liiK clri'iilius tlirouKh tho United
States in n I Is, whereby thousands .of
Investors have been defrauded through
misrepresentation in circulars aud
printed mutter containing e.VHtiKerated
statements, and to lnvesiatte the
orKHiilzatolu, capitiili7.atioii, protlts
aud sources from which dividends are
paid; also the conduct, waUHiienieut,
promotiou aud methods of Hie diIuIuk
corpoiations iu Keueral who conduct
their sale of stocks hy means of ad-
The .Miner Ih In receipt of a pam
phlet on mitiiiiK. treating of tho
subject iuterestliiKly from many
standpoints, written hy Almiirln H.
l'mil, M. K., of California. Under
the head of "Opposition to MIiiIuk
Knterprltes, " he hiivh:
Hut in opposition there Is a Rreat
deal of senseless deprecatiuK of miu
Iiik under the Kiilse nl couscrvluu
the public Kood. MlniliK is a pursuit
fostered as any other. Any undue
excitement Which is Konernlly caused
hy the iiuearthitiK of millions of new
money Ih called a "craze" simply
because many strive to break through
the do-nothinu lines iu to doitiK some
thi ok.
To my mind there Ih a Kcucral Reed
iu it all. The blood of the business
I world hfcmucH warmed, mid the hid
den dollaiH net into circulation. To
be sine, iu the nenenil shullliuK of
treasury some will become wrecked,
hut iu all such lliuiiiclnl uplieiiviils
the country moves upward aud un
wind. The war nninsl silver Ih not
called a "ciaze, " aud yet it has pro
duced more widespread misery than
all the minion "crazes" of a century
combined. Hank failures and real
estate "booms" are not "crazes, " '
yet they spreud mill broadcast. '
Within my period of business life
and experience I ran call to mind
various "crazes," where all tbo
wonders aud wiirnliiKs as to tho "com
ilia crash" were heralded hy tho
press, as was In regard to that of
South African aud our homo specula
tions. I can call to mind the copper
"craze" of Lake Superior, of 1840-7-8,
yet it opened up, for that per
iod, the Kreatest copper mines of the
world, aud made tho irou industry
of the United States tho peer of Eng
land. Also California iu Mi) aud 'CO,
which caused 00.000 people iu 1800
to traverse il.OOO miles of desert, to
say uoUiiiIk of the 4,000 people who
came hy sea to reach this Roldeu
shore. Aud what was tbo result? The
state was horn in about one year and
.'12,000,000 of Kold was tho pro
duct of tbo tlrst teu years, mid tho
business world saved a llnuuelal
Nevada, iu 1800, and tbo "bona
nza" (Ihjh of the Comstockl All
were "crazes ", all wrought wealth
and ruin, hut 8400,0000,000 of old
and silver was the reward. When wo
analyze all, we tlud that when
there Is a substautial output back of
the speculation, as iu South Africa,
with its 8140, 000,000 of uold pro
duct in nine years, more heuellt is
the result than evil.
Our dislike of this furor arises
more from jealousy thau distrust,
and would lo (Sod we had a little of,
it iu California, with all Us evils.
There is more lire, wealth aud pros-J
perity iu a uiiniuK epidemic thau iij I
all (be staid baukinit, mercautilo
aud commercial busiuess pursuits.
Husiuess bouses play ou tbe money
iu cliculatiou aud 00 per ceut are
tbe records ot failure,
MiuluK furors briUH foith new
money, more of it, life to every com
munity, aud their record of failures
for tbe future will sbow tbat legiti
mate, skillful uiiuiuK is not' us
If you want to read a free and inde
pendent paper, devoted to the inter
est of mining aud current events,
which is not controlled by any pro
moting concern, such iih most of the
papers iu the eust are, send for a free
sample copy of
85.00 Certificate of the best
Oil .Stock absolutely given awuy.
Write at once for plan how lo
secure Five Dollars' wortli ol"
fully pniil anil hoi)-iismmi1Ic
Oil Stock without cash.
Itootii 7211 Park Itow lMil-.
B4 88 li SilltSt.
A journal of National circulation.
Ih read by bankers, capitalists, in
"estorn, retired merchants. If you
want to reach a jjooil class of buyers
and the m-nii-x -! and Investing pub
lic, advertise in the National Hanker.
Thousands of copies of each issue of
the National Hunker uoes to investors
throughout the Middle West. Eastern
and New England states. The best
journal in the country in which to
reach investors. Sample copies free
Advertising rates on application.
F. O. BKODIK, President
M. F. MUZZY, Vice President
F. O. BUCK NUM. - Sec. and Trens
C. II. CHANCK, Attorney
C. II. FKNNEK, - Knginetr
Sumpter, Qngoi
Do you desire to bell stock in your
Gold, Copper, Mining or other In
dustrial companies? If so, you cannot-
find a better advertising medium
It is the leading industrial and
tinnnclal paper published in tbe
South. It reaches tbat class of read
ers who are interested in financial
and industrial affairs. It is old and
established. I'nblisbed semi-monthly.
Guaranteed circulation 10,000.
Subscription price 2.00 per year.
Advertising rate reasonable. Send
for sample copy and advertising
rates. Address,
Ruitrtt Pnitiskii Cmm uy