COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT r I. X. L. TO DOUBLE ITS MILLING CAPACITY Will Add Another Battery of Stamps at Once, Says Superintendent Kelly. Fred Kelly, Huporl'itcudout of tho I. X. L., Iiiim made arrangements to double tho capacity of thn mill at once. Mr. Kully was nn tho train this morning returning from linker City, lie will mill another battery of two steam HtuiiiiH, Increasing tho ca pacity of tho plant to almnt twenty tmiH a diiy. Ho Iiiih arranged with tho owners of tho Now York to iiho a couple of tholr stumps ami with tho Don Inan ponplo to iiho a boiler from that pro perly until tils own machinery anil equipment atrivoH, which will lio nlmiit tho first of .Juno. Tho Now Vork machinery In now tin tho ground, lint tint company will nmko no at toiniit to plauo It until tho snow leaves, anil tho use of tho stumps havo lii'on tendered tho I.X . L. Tho present riilpim'it at tho I. X. L., Mr. Kolly says. 1h effecting a high degree of saving, ulnoty per cent of tho valui'H being caught, which ho consider excellent otll- oienoy. "Some of the miutig people." declares Mr. Kolly. "lauhged at me whon I Installed a cyanide plant, re gardiug it hh a usoIosh expoudittiro, hut they see now the wisdom of it. K'h only a iiostiou of time until thoy will all lio forced to tho cyauide process. Our mill and plant hare given saisfaotion in every respect." Itcgardlug devolopinont work. Mr. Kelly nays that drifting Iiiih boon started on tho eross vein between the I. X. L. and Hidden Treasure claims. Ho had a telephone message yesterday at linker from tlio properly stating that the average across tho face of the drift went 8:14.(10. On both tho north and south drifts on the 1. X.L. vein from the 'JOO-foot level good oro Ih being encountered. The south drift Iiiih about four feet and tho north two of characteristic high grade I. X. L. oro. With the Installation of add I tioual power, Mr. Kolly says he will sink 'ill (I foot deeper on tho I. X. L. vein during the coming season. OVERLAND TO BECOME SHIPPER THIS SUMMER YV. K. Iliilloy, foreman of tho Over land property in the Cable Core dis trict, win In yesterday to cooler with M. K. Main, kciipiiiI manager of the company. Ho coiillrtns the report heretofore published Hint a now vein has been cut at tho property. Tho new lodge is three feet in width and shows heavy gold sulphide values. This makes the third vein out In the prcMNit ciiifM'Ut. which Is helm: dllven to tup nil the veins of the piopeitv. The cm dice ore show heavy oxida tion, but with depth, and heluw the water levels, sulphides appear, which is indicative of permanency. The character of tho 010 in the vein 10 centlv out is strikingly similar to that found hi the lower levels of the California, which well known prop erly the Overland adjoins. Mr. Halo's company is in most ex cellent shape and ill a position to prosecute woik uuremlttiuuly. Ar laugemouts hare been made to In crease the force at once, and develop the property as rapidly as possible. It is thought now by the management that the company will U-iilu hip plug ore early thin season. Since Mr. llaln's return from the east last summer no time has been lost in furtherltiK development opera tions. Work has been carried on with out cessation. His recent visit vast has been productlTo of good results, ami nn obstacle appears In the way at tho present time toward placing the Overland on the basis of a pro ducer at an early day. 100-TON GYANIDt PLANT FOR E. & E. COMPANY J.S.l.uldluw, of the millwright and contiuctlng llrm of l.aidlaw ,v Stead iiiiiii, has completed the drawings of the plan for the 100 ton cyiiiiidlng plant that the II. ami K. will install this season, work on which will bo commenced as soon as tho roads are in cuiiditlou for tiatisportliiK uui terlal. The plant was devit-cd by Superintendent Wyutt, and is similar to one he constructed at iteputihc. Tho Iml Id I uk will be 'J 10 feet in length and vary lu width from 'J8 to 1'JO feet iu width. There will bo nine (liter and six u'gitatlug tanks. The hydraulic system of agitation will be employed, the pulp beiuK pumped from one tank to the other. Water will be used for motive power. Tho E. and E. mill is now being repaired and slightly remodeled, lu that tho concentrators are being low ered eight feet. As soon as this work is completed, the stamps will begin dropping again, The underground minors have all returned to work and development is progressing satisfactorily. HURT AT GOLGONDA Meadows. They report six feet eight inches of snow at the camp. This property is an extension of tho fa- I moils Dixie Meadows Gold Mining company's rein. The boys havo been running a orosacmt tniuuol for the purpose of striking this vein at the gieatest depth. They am now iu 10i feet, all done in a period of ninety days, and are nowuearing tho ledge, and expected to strike it in about ten feet. Prairie City Miner. MILL SATURDAY NIGHT J. C. Da vies met with a somewhat painful accident at the (iolconda mill Saturday night about 9 o'clook, while adjusting a belt to h pulley Ilia clothing was caught on a set screw, and he was thrashed around the shaft, breaking his right wrist and bruising him about tho body generally. Mr. Davles whh brought to the Sumpter Hostpltal yoster.lay. ills wounds, while painful, are not of a sorlous nature. At California Gulch Placers. Roy Wenceslaw, who has charge of the work ut the California Gulch I placers for A. J. Denny, came in to day from the propeity uud report, that washing has been started. Ev erything is now iu shape for sys tematic work. 195 Foot Tunnel In 90 Days. Chris Cohrs an.l John Campbell came in on Tuesday from tho Sager ,fc Campbell mining camp at Dixie May Purchase Placers. P. D. Healey will leave tomorrow for h is Pine Creek placers iu Mor mon Husin. Mr. Hcitly will meet n party of capitalists in Maker and tako them nut with him. It is understood there is a deal on for tb purchat-o of tho property. WORTH READING YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IF YOU BUY THESE STOCKS VALLEY QUEEN-PRICE 9 CENTS Capital 5250,000 The Coming Great Mine of the Cable . Cove District. Receot big strikes show values of over $181 Sr ton. A sure Producer. An investment In Vallev ueen will many times double your money. J J J J BUCK HORN-PRICE 10 CENTS Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It has the ore bodies oi this famous property. An investment In Buck Horn Is like finding money J J j j Jt j Jt Write today for Prospectus and full information. Men tion No. 60 and we will mail you free sis months the NORTH AMERICAN MINER WHEELER & CO. Bukirs 32 MIDWAY, N. Y. HOIFORST.LOUISANDTHEWORLD'SFAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? O Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies In addition to the kJvV Attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by 'going or returning via the "iCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet ol Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts W. C McBRIDE, Gioeral Agent 124 Third Stitet PORTLAND, OREGON