The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 06, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, April 6 1904
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State
of Orcgou for tlio County of Unker.
The Sumptcr Light A Water Co.,
A corporation, I'Jiiiutiff
A. J. Stiusnu uud
Jntnea A. Ciralnuer. llofenrlnnt.).
To the above named defoudaut, James
A. Uraluaer'
Iu the uauie of tbe State of Oregon
you are hereby tequired to appear
and answer to the complaint filed
against you iu the above entitled suit
on or beforo the 1'lth day of April,
1001, which Is tbu last day of tho
timo prescribed in tbe order made by
the Couuty Judgo of linker Couuty,
Oregon, for tho publication of this
summons; aud if you, fail so to
appear aud answer, for waut thereof,
the plalutilf will tako judgment
against said defendant, James A.
(Jralngor for the relief prayed for iu
tho complaint, to-wlt:
That a decree nt the above entitled
court bo entered adjudging and de
creeing that said plaintiff, aud its
successors, have aud are entitled to
a porpetual right of way fur a plpo
lino across tho lauds of the wild do-
fondants, described and set forth iu
the complaint herein, as the lino of J
said pipo lino Is now constructed
tioruin said lauds.
That tho plaiutifr, and its 'suc
cessors, and it aud its olllcers, ser
vants, agouts, aud employees have
the right to cuter upon
said laud, i
aud construct aud niaiutain said plpo
lino across the same, aud have tho
right at all times iu the future while
said pipo lino Is malutaiued across
said lauds, to enter upon said lands
for tbo purpose of repairing, renew
ing, ropluciug, uiaintaiug uud cariug
for tbe same, and for that purpose
to dig up tho surface of such laud
to such au oxteut as may be neces
sary. That it bo furtuor deoreed that the
defeudata aud each of thou aud any
uud nil persous acting by, through,
or uuder them aud each aud every
persou be forever restrained and en
joined from iu any manner interfer
ing with said plalutirT, Its officors,
ageuts, servants and employes Iu tbo
construction, laying, aud establish
ment of said pipo line across tbe said
lauds of said defendants, as now laid
out aud partially constructed there
ou, aud that said defendants aud
eaob aud evory persou acting by,
through, or uuder thorn be foiever
restrained aud enjolued from iu any
manner Interfering with said pipe
line, after tbo same is constructed as
uow laid out, or obstructing, or de
stroying the same, or doing auy act
or thing that may Interfere with tbu
free use aud eujoymeut thereof by
said plaintiff aud its successors.
That plaintiff bavo judgment
agaolst said defendants for tbe sum
of 8000 damages for heretofore ob
structing said uoik aud for its costs
aud disbursements herein, and that it
have such other relief as to the Court
may seem meet with justice and
And you are hereby notified that
ou tho'20th day of February, 1004.
tbo Hon. W. W. Travilliou, Couuty
Judge of Ilaker Couuty, Oregou made
an older that service of summous iu
this suit be made upon said defend
aut by publicatiou of this summons,
aud that tbe date of the first
publication thereof la March 2nd and
the date of the last publication
thereof is April 13th, 1004.
Attorney for PlalutirT.
Notioe la hereby given that the
undersigned baa been duly apponlted
by the County Court of the State of
j Oregon, for tbe Couuty of linker,
j administrator of the estate of Samuel
1 1 Jones, deceased. All persons hav
ing clhliin against said estate are
hereby required to present the same
I to me, properly veritled, as by law
required, at the olllce of Chas. 11
utturuoy-at-law, First Xu-
I1 0UI" l,ll,,K uuildlug, sumpter, linker
c""uty- Oregon, within six months
from tbo date hereof
Dated this 24tb day of February,
11101. ALVIX P. JOXES,
Administrator of the Estate of
Samuel I. Junes, deceased.
Mineral Application Xo. 287.
United States Laud Office.
La Urn ndo, Ore., March It, 1001.
Notice is hereby given, that Fran
cis S. Slater, of Canyon City, Grant
county, Oregon, has inndo application
for patent to what aro known as the
JHIndiiian & Slater Placer Mining
Claims, the same covering and being
as follows, to-wlt:
S. 'tt
S. K. "j
Sec. 8, A E.
of X. E.
W. '4 of
4 A E. 'a of
X. E. '4 A K,
!4' "f X. E. J.
E. of
'e of K.
A X. K.
of S. W.
of S.
E. 'i AE. ,'.. of X. E. lS of X
IV i
4 iu a. r,. .'4 oi see. j, in.,
r. . I. r- .m
10, S. I!. :i(i, E. W. M., according to
the United States surreys, in linker
couuty, Orcgou, and in no organised
mining district. The said applicant
applies for patout for tho same as
Placer Mining land uuder tbu laws
of the United States, aud uuder and
by virtue of a locution made by ap
plicant, uuder tbe uame of F. H.
Slater, aud E. Hlndniau of date April
22, 1808, aud recorded May II, 1808,
iu book E, page I'll Record of Placer
Miuiug locatious of Ilaker County,
Oregeu: Also a relocation by said
parties of date October 0, 1001, aud
recorded October 10, 1001, iu book
G, Record of Placer Mining Loca
tious of Ilaker Couuty, Oregou, at
page 104: Also a location by appli
cant of dnto Juue 17, 1800, aud re
corded July .'I, 180H, iu book E,
page .105 Record of Placer Miuiug
Locatious of Ilaker Couuty, Oregen:
Also a location of date November 17,
1001, by J. D. Slater aud recorded
November 21, 1001, iu book U, page
171 Record, of Placer Mining Loca
tions of Ilaker County, Oregeu:
Also a locatiou dated July 8, 1002,
by J. W. Selby and T. K. Uuruee,
and recorded August 1, 1002, iu
book O, page 2.10, Record of Placer
Miuiug Locations of Raker Couuty,
Oregen: Also a locatiou dated July
8, 1002, made by J. L. Slater, Olive
A. Slater, W. T. Slater, R. J. Slater
W. X. Proebstel, J. (J. Vouug. Emory
Proebstel and C. M. Hindiuau, of
date July 8, 1002, and recorded
August, 1002, iu book (J, page 2.10,
Record of Phcer Miuiug Locution
of linker Couuty, Oregou, the appli
caut being now tbe owner and iu
possession of said claims by virtue of
said location and tbo couveyanco to
him by tbe said locators aud co
locators of all their interest therein.
There are no adjoining claims.
All persons haviug adverse claims
thereto are required to presout tho
same before this oftlco within alxty
days from the first publicatiou of
tbia notice, or they will be barred by
the provisions of tbe statute.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
First date of publication March 0,
Last date of publication May 11,
An ordluiiiice touinend OrdiuauceXo.
100, entitled "An ordinance to
dellno tbe lire limits of the City of
Sumpter, prohibit tho erectiou or
repair of wooden buildings within
such limits, toprovldu ior uud de
termine tbe mi in tier and size of
places of entiiinceiind exit from all
public hulls, churches, and other
buildings used for public gather
iugs.aud tbu modes of hanging doors
thereat, and to provide generally
for tbe protection against llres and
tho spread thereof."
Tbe City of Similiter does ordain as
follows :
Section 1. That Ordinance Xo.
100. ontlltlcd "An ordinance to
dellno tbe fire limits of the City of
Similiter, proibit tbo election or
repair of wooden bulldiiigs wlthiu
suetli limits, to provide for ami de
termine tlio number aud size of places
of entrance and 'exit from all public
halls, churches, and other building
titcd for public gatherings, ami the
mod es of hanging doom thereat, and
to provide generally for the protec
tion against fires and the t-pri'iid
thereof,' be amended by striking
from Section 1 of said Ordinance,
tlio woid "six" and eliminating from
tbo provisions thereof, lllnck Six iu
the original tnwuslto of the town
(now city) of Similiter, niuk tug Sec
tion 1 of said lire ordinance rend:
Said lire limits shall comprli-c and
include tho South half of Mocks 1
aud 2, all of blocks three aud four
iu the original towusite of the town,
(now city) of Supmtei, as shown ou
tho revised plan of tho town of Sump
tor, of record in tho olllce of the Ito
corder of Couveyauccs of ilaker Co
unty, Oregou; aud the west half of
lllock 11 as shown on tho plat of
Sumpter Height's McEmpu'h addi
tion to tbo towu, uow city, of Sump
ter, of record in the oillce of tbo Ro
cordor of Conveyances of suid linker.
Couuty, Oregon.
Section, 2. That from aud after
tbo passage and approval of this ordi
nance, said iilock Six iu the original
towusite of tbe town of Sumpter,
llakor County, Orcgou, sbull not be
subject to tho provisions of said ordi
nance No. 100.
Passed the council this 2 1Mb day
of March, 1004.
S. 8. START,
Approved March 20, 1004.,
Au ordinance to provide for the
conipeutialiou of the members of
the Sumpter Volunteer Fire De
partment for attendance upon
meetitigs aud drills of said depart
muut. The City of Sumpter dues ordain as
Soctiou 1. That from aud after
tbo first day of April. 1004, auy and
all persons who are members of tho
Sumpter Volunteer Fire Department
shall receive tho sum of Fifty cents
(80.00) for evory regular moetlug of
such department which ho shall
attend for tbo transaction of business,
or drill, provided however that they
shall uot be' allowed compensation
for more tbau one meeting iu auy
month from tbe first day of November
to tbe first day of May, nor more tbau
two meetings from the first day of
May to tbe first day of November for
each year: provided further that no
persou shall be entitled to compensa
tion under this ordluancce unless he
be a member of said department Iu
good standing, aud idiall le piepent
during the entire meeting nrdilll
fur which oompenntlnn I- allowed,
and shall be present and answer to
his uame at the beginning and ending
of Mich moot I iiu or d t ill.
Section 2. The chief of tho Simili
ter Volunteer Fire1 Department la
hereby directed to keep a list of all
inoinheis of tbo depart iiieut in good
standing and notify all members of
liny meeting to be hold, except iu caso
such meeting Is a regular mcctiiik to be
held ou a fixed day which is known
to the members of tbe department.
That at the hour for which auy
meetlug or drill is fixed or called, If
the same be a general meeting, the
Chief of the Fire Department shall
call the mil and all present and an
swering shall be so marked, on a
lecotd kept for that purpose. At tlio
close of the meeting he shall again'
call the toll and all persons present
aud answering shall be again so
marked on mild record, Mild record
to bo preMjived by the Chief of the
File Department and i-hall be sub
mitted wl'h III lepoit tn the Com
mon Council of tbe City of Sumpter,
Oregon, on the Hint day ot each
mouth, provided that when a meeting
Is called for ill III and members meet
at the vaiioiiH Iioiim'h or stations of
their lespectivu companies, and not
iu geueial meeting, then (he i oil
shall lie called as alune pioviiled by
the foiemaii ol each company, who
hlnill llle with the Chlel the wiltten
evidence of said toll cull show lug tho
meml.eiH present a the beginning
and close nf tbe meeting and sail
Chief shall embody the same iu bis
Section :i. Tbu payment of tho
compensation heielu provided for
members of tbe Sumpter Volunteer
Fire l)epnrtment,shall be niadu each
mouth by u warrant drawn ou tbo
City Treasurer in favor of tbo Treas
urer of tho I'iro Department for an
amount aggregating tho total amount
duo the mumbers of the department
for attendance upon meetings or drills
during tho preceding month, which
am omit shall be paid to tho individ
ual members of tbe Department by
tbu Treasurer, either directly or
through the foreman of tho respective
companies at the next monthly meet
lug. Sectiou 4. The provisions of
this ordinance shall uot apply to tho
Chief of the Department, or auy
official who draws a regular salary
from tbo City of Sumpter, nor shall
It bo deducted from compensation
allowed auy monitor of tho depart
ment by said city for attendance upuu
Pussed the council this 20th duy
of .March, 1001.
Recorder of tlio City of Sumpter.
Approved March 20,1004.
Iu the Circuit Couit of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Ilaker.
In the matter nf tho assignment of
David A. Edliu. au Insolvent
To the Creditors of
Entitled Estatu:
You aud each of you are hereby
notified that tbe uudurslgued has
filed his dual report as assignee of
the above entitled estate, and the
same will bo heard by the Judge of
the abovo entitled court ou April
28tb, 1004, or as soou thereafter
as tbe matter cau be beard