The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 06, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, April 6 'go 4
the Snow liird
Miucial Application -Jill.
United Stales Laud Olllce,
Lii (ramie, Oicgou,
.Mm iiih 2li. 1110 1.
Ill t hit matter of application for
patent of lliu California (iiiloh Con
milldiiti'il Placer ml lit'.
Xotleo Ih hereby given Unit Fred
). Smith, whoso post olllco address
Ih Sii uptnr, Raker county, Oregon, '
has miiilii appllctatlou lor United !
(illlcll Consolidated I'lllClT III I III',
i'J. page .'102; the Magpie, page .'100:
' tlicj Magpie Xo. -. page U2; the
.Jacksuipe, page :illO; tho Jacksuipe
Xn. 2, page :i(S:i; Cnmp Uiril, page
.'Kill; Camp Illrd Xn. '-, pagellTI;
llt'd liird, page :i:r; Red Ulrd No.
'J, page II" '2; Fnirvinw, page .'I0H;
r'alrvlnw X. 2, page IIO.'l; Hlue ,1ny,
page .'101 ; Robin, page lit!.'!; Rnliln
Xo. 2. 1171; lliild Kagle. page .'!G4 :
Raid Kagle Xo 2 , MOO; lliild EhkIo
Xo. II, :!(!(); lliild Kagle Xo. 4, .'100.
Any mid all pin-noun claiming iu -
vcrsely tliii mining ground, pictures,
patent for thu California "' "" !""" """ii. ' . .,,
.,... ....ii.i i mi hold, and owned, are hereby not i Mud
Ill pill'HlllllK'll Of I lilt SllltlltOS Of till)
United States; hiiIiI placer mini)
being situate in Sections 21-22 hi T.
10. S. It. :ir. E. W. M. in Raker co
unty, Oregon, and comprising tho
original placer locations located. held
mid known Iih thu FiinniT, Dead
Line. Partridge, Pioneer, Snow HI rd,
Know liird Xti. 2.
No. 2, ,lai!ktiiiipi),
Cnmp liird, Camp liird Xo. 'J, Red
liird. Rod liird Xn. 'J, (Unit .lay,
thai unless thulr adverse claims aie
duly filed according to law mid thu
regulations thereunder within thu lit)
days period of publication hereof,
bolug tln time proscribed by law, with
thu Register of tho United States
Lund olliro at La (Jrnndo, Oregon,
they will ho Imrrod hy virtue of the
2. Magpie, MHf.le i l,rOTlfel0" "' he'-'"- ,.
. .laeksuipo No 2. lw , W- AV'S, Regis er.
,"' !" X?:.: ""' .10 1001
mm, lieu iiiiii .ii, -, iiiiiii uiiji .
Falrvlow. Fulrviow Xo. 2, Robin, '.,", of
Rolilu Xo. 2, Raid Kagle, Raid Kagle, '' ,"01,
first publication, March
liiHt publication, June
ptibilic records of quartz mining
claim location notices, Unker county,
The adjoining claims to tho Aurora
quartz minim; cluini are as follews:
On the north, tho Last Chance, uu
Hiirroyed, on the northeast, the Eu
reka, ou the southeast, the Pboeulx,
on thu southwest, the Plymouth
Rock, quartz mining claims, all
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely any portion of said Aurora
Quart. Mining claim, or lode or sur
face ground are required to tile their
adverse claims with tho Register of
tnu United States Land Olllco at La
(irnude, Oregon, during tho sixty days
period of publication hereof of this
notice of application for patent, or
they will ho barred by virtue of tho
provisions of the Statutes.
E. W. DAVIS. Register.
First date of publication, March
.10. 11)01.
No. 2 Raid Kagle Xo. II, Raid Kaglo
No. I, placer mining tdaims, except- vryi'icK
lug therefrom the X. ' of the Dead I
Line location and the south ' of
the Pnitrlilgii locution.
Said California Oiilch Consull
dated Placer mini) ami thu locution
miiiiprlseil within the Mime, being
located and held by legal subdivis
ions iu acciiidiiiicii with the United
Stales government surveys, the
griiund embiiiced tlieieln being lies.
I'libeil us tiillows, to.vlt : -
Mineral Application, Xo.
.Mineral Survey 512.
United Stnels Lund Olllce,
Lii IJiaude, bio., .March 21,11)01.
Notice Is hereby given that
pursuance of Chapter t! of Title !I2 of
J.i and the south 'u of
east '. of thu northwest
houtheast '. ol tlie noil liwcst
soiilli !tf of the south west U of
west 'i
south '
mid south '.
the iiorthoiist
of the
and thu
ami the north
..r . I I. .. .. I
.. Ill IIII, HIIIII II 11 1,41
V -" ........
'.i ami northwest '. of thu
't of the northeast 'i
it I In, Miilll IiviuhI I
'i ami south '. of the
The southeast '. of the uorlhwest '. the Revised Statutes of thu United
of the imi'tliA'iHt '. mid northeast '. j States, Ira Lmiion, whote pnstolllce
ui inn suuinwesi m ui inn iiurinwesi i is ueisur, naKer uouuiy. ureuiiu. ami
the mirth- ,1. M. Warren, whose postolllcu ad
I and the diesH is Whitney, Raker county, Ore-
'.i and gnu, have made iippllciilion for patent
the fur Hill HI! feet on the Aurora Lode
ami X. Iu of Ihe south-I or Quartz mining claim, bearing
gold, silver and other precious metals
ami mlueials, with surface ground
about 2ii() feet iu width on thu linrtli
I'liitutly side of the center of said
I. ode ami about 200 feet ou thu
southwesterly side of said center of
said lode, said lode or quartz mining
claim being situate In no organized
mining district, in thn county of
Ibiker and stale of Oregon, said lode
being mu'ii! particularly described by
I lie plat heiewltli posted and desig
nated by the Held notes on tile In the
La (iriiule, Oregon, Laud Olllce, us
Mineral Survey Xo. ril2, thu magnet
le variation in said survey being
ami 21 degrees !I0 minutes east, said
ami Aurora lode or quaitz mining claim
of the being mine paiticularly describe, as
T. 10,, follows lo-wit: - ..
Ciitiimeiiiilg at oruer Xo 1. at a
until i,. point mure particularly deci'i ilnd iu
said Held note-, whence the southwest
suiitheast 4 of the multicast 't
uoi Ih '-.
uiiitli '...
uitlll tl 111 t '
:ir. i:. w
of the southeast 'i and
ol thu south '. ol Ihe
4 oi ncii. -i, i. i u, n, i.
M; Ami the S. '.. of the
south 'jof the southwest '. of the north
west '. mil uoitli 'j of thu southwest
I4 and iiurth
thu southwest
'...of thu south '! of
4 ami smith ' of the
nuitllAcst 'i of the southeast '4
southwest 't of the southeast '4
west 'uof the Miullieiist l4
soiitlitwint i of Secliuu 22,
S. R. :!.'. E. W. M.:
Incepting therefrmu the
'.. of the southeast l of Ihe iinrlli '
l4 of the uoithwc!t 1 and south
l4 of thu
oithwei-t '4 and the
'., of the
Ihwest l. ot
S R. :i,i E.
southwci.1 'i of the no
said suction 21, I'. 10;
W. M.
Tint there are 110 claims coullic
ting with this group so fur as known.
That the iiilglual ami amended
notice of location under which the
claims comprising said California
(iulch Consolidated Placer mine are
locnted and held, are recorded in thu
olllce of thu Recorder of Conveyances
of Raker county, Oiegoti, in the
book of placer locution Vol, "!" as
follow, tu-wit:
The Farmer, page IIOll; the Dead
Line, page :i02; the Purtrldie, page
:it!7; the Pioneer, XH; the Snow
of I lie southwest 'i of the unit Invest
S of Ihe uoilheast ami the uoilh I curlier ot Section 10, Township 10,
south, Kaugu :i.'i East of thu Wil
lamette Meridian bens south III! du
grees 21 miuutuH wust H77.2."i feet;
thence mirth 1(1 degrees 10 minutes
wot Si!2. 12 feet to Corner Xo. 2;
thence Xorlh 81 ilt-giccs 2 minutes
east .'il.'l.,VJ feel to Corner Xo. II;
thence south UI degrees "ill minuteH
east 710. il to Corner Xo. I; thence
south ."ill degrees 7 minutes west
'JUL lift feet to Corner No, A; thence
south SI degrees 2 minutes west
2:i:i. S2 feet to Comer Xo. 1, tho
place of beginning, containing an
area of 7.800 acres, and forming u
portou of Sectous !) and 10, Towon
ship 10 south, Range 115 east of the
Willamette Meridiati, iu Raker co
unty, state of Oregon.
The anieuded location notice of the
above described claim being recorded
at page M8 ot volume "Z" of the
John J. Hennessv,
Cracker Cradle Gold Min
ing Company, a Corpor- SUMMONS,
iitlou, and Walter 11.
Colburu and William S.
Peek, Defendants. ,
To Walter 11. Colburu ami William '
S. Peck, the above named defend
ants, I
In the name of thu State of Or-'
I'geu: 1011 ami each of you are
hereby required to iippei.r and answer
to thu compaliut filed against you
iu tin above entitled suit ou or be
fore the llth day or May, 11)01.
which is tho last day of the time pre
scribed iu tho order made by thu
Judge of thu Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Raker for thu publication of this sum
mons; ami if you, and each of you,
fail so to appear and answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to
said Court and ask that judgment
and deciui) issue lu said suit that thu
certain judgment obtained iu the
above named Court 011 he loth day of)
March. 1101, iu favor of said plain- I
tltr ami against thu said Cracker-J
Cradle Cold Mining company for the '
sum of Six Hundred and Eighty-Two
dollars and Forty-Six cents
(8082.40) Is and shall lie a first lien
upon tho "Dewey", thn "Lost
Lode" and thu "Molalla" quartz
claims, lu Raker Comity iu thu State
of Oregon, the property of the said
Cracker- Cradlu (Jold Mining Com
pany, and adjudging and declaring
that the cei tain morl(,age made and
executed ou the 'JMril day of Dec
ember lilOII, by (lie said Cracker
Cradle (iiild Mining Company to the
said Walter II. Colburu ami thu
said William S. Peck for thu sum uf
Nine Hundred mil l'oity Dollars
(010.00) be secondary to said judg
ment Hen of said plaintiff; and fur
such other and further lelief as to
the Court may seem just and proper.
And you and each of you aru heiu
by untitled that ou the 28th day of
March, 1001, the Hon. Robeit Eakiii,
Judge of thu Circuit Court of the
Statu of Oregon for the County of'
Raker, made an order that Service of
sunn. ions iu this suit be made upon1
said defendants Walter II. Colburu
and William S. Peck, hy publication j
of this summons, and that the date
of the first publication of this sum-1
innns Is March :10th, 11)04, and the.
uate 01 me last publication cuereor is 1
May llth, 1004.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Itabnr Pltr. (Imnnn
J Only transcontinental line
lapsing directly through
Salt Lake City
tColorado Springs
and Denver
Three splendidly equipped tra m
Throinrh Sleenine ami Dinlna Care
' 1 V.,if.-T-i.-t
ana iree necnning uuair iarn.
The most Magnificent scenery in
J America by daylight.
4 Stop overs allowed on all classes
' of tickets.
For cheapest rates and descriptive
literature, address
W. C. MoBRIDE, Centra! Agent
Port land,
and Union Pacific
Salt Lake,
Denver, Kansas City.
Ocean steamer lietircen Portland
ami Sun Francisco every live days,
low Rates !
Tickets to mill from all purls ol
the Uniteil State?, Canada anil
E iroH3.
Through I'ullmau Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping
ear daily to Kansas City; through
l'nllnmn tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kunsas City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to the East daily.
For particulars, call op jr addreaa
H. C. Bowuw,
Agent, Baker City, Ore.
.-,,..-. (