The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 30, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, March 30, 1904
Mluerai Application 201.
Uuited States Land Office,
La lirnnde, Oregon,
March "JO, 1001.
In tbo mutter nf application for
pnteut of t lie California Guleli Con
solidated Placer mine.
Notice is hereby glveu Unit Fred
D. Smith, whoso post oillre addreta
is Sumpter, Haker county, Oregon,
haa made application for Uuited
States patent for the California
(Julcb Consolidated Placer mine,
in pursuance, of tbe Statutes of tbe
Uuited States; said placer initio
belug aituato in Sections 21.22 iu T.
10, S. H. .15 E. VV. M. iu linker co
unty, Oregon, and comprising tbe
original placer locations located, beld
and known ta tbe Farmer, Dead
Line, Partridge, Pioneer, Snow Hi rd,
Suow Hlid No. 2, Magpie, Magpio
No. 2, lauksuipe, Jacksuipe No 2,
Camp Dird. Camp llird No. 2, Red
Hlrd, Red llird No. 2, llluo Jay,
Fairview, Fairview No. 'J, Robin,
Robin No. 2, Hald Eagle, Haiti Eaglo
No. 2 lluld Eagle No. II, Ilnld Eaglo
No. 1, placer nilnliiR claims, except
InR therefrom the N. la of the Dead
Lino location and the south x of
tbo Partridge location.
Said California llulch Consoli
dated Placer mine and the lucatious
comprised within the same, being
located and bold by k'Riil suLdlvls
lous in accordance with the Uuited
States government surreys, tbo
ground embraced therein bolu-g des
cribed as follows, teA'it:
Tbe southeast .'4 of tbo northwest I4
of tbe northwest '4 and northeast '4
of tbe southwest .'4 of the northwest
ii aud tbo south ) of tbo north
east H of the northwest '4 aud tbe
southeast li oi the northwest ,'4' uud
south Ju of the south west li of the
northwest hi aud N. li of tbe south
west li and the north -j at the
south '; of tbo southwest .'4 aud the
aniithwest l4 of tbe northwest '4 of
northeast .'4 aud northwest H of tbe
soutbhwest li of the northeast li
and south lj of tbe southwest '4 of
tbo northeast L4 aud south ' of the
southeast '4 of tbe uortbeast '4 and
north It of the southeast '4 and
of tbo south ' of tbe
southeast i of Sec. 21, T. 10, S. R.
35 E. V. M : Aud tho S. . of tho
south l5 of tint southwest '4 of tho north
west li aud uorth ,' of tho southwest
hi aud north Cof tbe south ' of
tho southwest '4 nud south ! of tho
uortbwest '4 of tbe southeast '4 aud
southwest i of the southeast 'j and
west jij of tho southeast .'4' of tbo
southeast xi of Section 22, T. 10.,
S. R. 3fi E. W. M. :
Exceptiug therefrom the north '
of the south'icfct li of tbo uortbwest
ii of the northeast l4" aud tho uorth
li of tbe southeast .'4 of tbo uortb
east hi of tho uortbwest li aud south
li of tbo uortbwest li of tho south
oast li of the northwest hi and tbo
south H uf the uortbeast li of the
southwest J'4 of tbe uortbwest li of
said section 21, T. 10, S. R. 35 E.
W. M.
That there are no claims conflic
ting with this group so far as kuowu.
That tho . original and amended
notice of location uuder which tbe
claims comprising said California
Uulcb Consolidated Placer mine are
located aud held, are recorded In tbe
office of tbe Recorder of Conveyances
of Baker county, Otegon, Id tbe
book of placer locations Vol. "()" as
follows, to-wit:
Tbe Farmer, page 309; the Dead
Line, page 302; tbe (Partridge, page
367; Vie Pioneer, 338; tbe Snow
Bird, page 1167; the Snow Hlrd No.
2, page 302; the Magpie, pbro :il!0;
the Magpie No. 2, page 372; tbe
Jacksuipe, page .'100; tbe Jacksuipe
No. 2, pbro HO 3; Camp Hlrd, pbro
300; Camp Hlrd No. 2, page 371;
Red llird, page 3Ur; Red Hlrd No.
2. pane 372; Fairview, page 308;
Fairview N. 2, page 303; lllue Jay.
page 301; Robin, page 303; Robin
No. 2, 371; Hald Eagle, page 301;
Hald Eaglo No 2 , 300; Hald Kaglo
No. 3, 300; Hald Eaglo No. 1, 300.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the miuiug ground, piemises,
or any portious thereof, so described,
held, aud owned, aro hcroby not Hied
that unless their adverse claims aro
duly filed acenrdiug to law aud tbo
regulations thereunder within the 00
days period of publication hereof,
belug tbe time prescribed by law, with
the Register of tho Uuited States
Laud uttice at La Cin.udo, Oregon,
they will bo barred by virtue of tho
provisions of tho statute.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
Datn of II rat publication. Match
30, 1001.
Date of of last publication, Juno
1, 1001.
Mineral Application, No. 200.
Mineral Survey 012.
Uuitcd Staots Land OHIce,
La tlraude, Ore., March 21. 1001.
Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance nf Chapter 0 nf Tit In 32 of
the Revised Statutes of tbo United
States, Ira Lemon, whoso postolllce
I lo f 'nlia. Ilubu. f-.w .....1
o u,r;., anci vum.iij, wtvKl'11, null
J. M. Warren, whose poslottlco ad
dress is Whitney, Haker county, Oro
gou, have made application for patent
for 810.80 feet ou the Aurorn Lodo
or Quartz mining claim, hearing
gold, silver and other precious metals
aud minerals, with surface ground
about 250 feet iu width on tbo north
easterly sido of tho center of said
Lodo aud about 200 feet on tho
southwesterly side of said center of
said lode, said lode or quartz mining
claim being situato iu no organized
mining district, In the county nf
Haker aud state of Oregon, said lodo
heiug moro particularly described by
tbe plat herewith posted aud desig
nated by tbo Hold notes ou lllo iu tbo
La Grande, Oregon, Laud Olilco, as
Mineral Survey No. 512, tho magnet
ic variation in said survey being
21 degrees 30 minutes cast, said
Aurora lode or quartz mining claim
being more particularly described as
follows to-wit: B
Commeucig at ornor No 1. at u
point more particularly described in
said Held uotes, whouco tbo southwest
coruer of Scctiou 10, Township 10,
soutb, Range 35 East of tho Wil
lamette Meridiau heats soutb 30 do
grees 21 minutes west 077.25 fcot;
thence north 10 degrees 10 minutes
west 802. 12 feet to Coruor No. 2;
thence North 81 degrees 2 minutes
east 503.52 feet to Coruer No. 3;
tbouce south 13 degrees 50 minutes
east 710.0 to Coruer No. 1 ; thence
soutb 59 degrees 7 minutes west
231.35 feet to Corner No. 5; tbouce
south 81 degrees 2 minutes west
233. 82 feet to Corner No. 1, tbe
place of beginning, containing an
area of 7.860 acres, and forming a
porton of Seotons 9 and 10, Tnwon
ship 10 soutb, Range 35 east of tbe
Willamette Meridian, In Baker co
unty, state of Oregon.
Tbe amended looation notice of tbe
above described claim being recorded
at page 518 ot volume "7," of tbe
publllc records uf quartz mining
claim location notices, Haker county,
Tbe adjolniug claims to the Aurora
quartz miuiug claim aro as follews:
On tho north, the Last Chance, mi
surveyed, on the uortbeast, tbe Eu
reka, ou the southeast, the Phoenix,
on tho southwest, tbo Plymouth
Ruck, quartz mining claims, all
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely any portion of said Aurora
Quartz Mining claim, or lode or sur
face ground are ret) til red to lllo their
adverse claims with the Registor of
too Uuited States Laud Oltlce at Lit
Grande, Orogon, during tho sixty days
period of publication hereof of this
notice of application for patent, or
they will bo barred by virtue of tbo
provisions of the Statutes.
E. V. DAVIS. Register.
Flist date of publication, March
30. 1001.
John J. Ilennessv,
. l'lamtiff.
Cracker Cradle Gold Min
ing Company, a Corpor- SUMMONS.
atiiin, and Walter II.
Colhtirn and William S.
IVck, Defendants.
To Walter II. Colburn nud William
S, Peck, tho above named defend
ants, In the name of tho State of Or
egou: Von and each of you aro
hereby required to appear and answer
to the compaliut Hied against you
in tho nbovo entitled suit on or be
fore tho 11th day of May, 1001.
which la tho last day of tbo time pro
scribed In the order made by tho
Judge of tho Circuit Court uf tbo
Stato of Oregon for tbo County of
Haker for tbo publication of this mini
nious; and if you, aud each nf you,
fail so to appear and answer, for want
thereof tbo plaintiff will apply to
said Court and ask that judgment
aud decree Isstio in said suit that tho
certain judgment obtained In tho
above named Court on be 15th day of
March, 1001, in favor of said plain
tiff aud agaiust tho said Cracker
Cradle Gold Mining company for tho
sum of Six Hundred and Eighty-Two
dollars and Forty-Six cents
(8082.10) is aud shall no it first Hen
upon tbo "Dewey", tint "Lost
Lodo" and tbo "Molnlla" quartz
claims, In Haker County In tho Hlnto
of Oregon, tbo property of tbo said
Cracker- Cradle Gold Miuiug Com
pany, anil adjudging and declaring
that tho ceilaln mortgage made and
executed ou the 23rd day uf Dec
ember 1003, by the t-ald Cracker
Cradle Gold Mining Company to tho
said Walter II. Colburn aud I ho
said William S. Peck for tho sum of
Nino Hundred an I Forty Dollars
(6010.00) ho secondary to said judg
ment Hon of said plaintiff ; and for
Hitch other und further relief as to
tbe Court may seem just and proper.
And you aud each of you are hero
by notified that on tho 28th day of
March, 1001, tho Hon. Robert Euklr,
Judge of tbo Circuit Court of tho
State of Oregon for the Couuty of
Haker, made an order that sorvico of
summons iu this suit be made upon
said defendants Walter II. Colburn
and William S. Peck, by publication
of this summons, aud that tbe date
of the first publication of this sum
mons is Marob 30tb, 1904, and tbe
date of tbe last publication thereof 'a
May lltb, 1001.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Baker City, Oregon.
J Only transcontinental line
.(tanning directly through
Salt Lake City
jColorado Springs
arid Denver
Three splendidly equipped tra n1
Through Sleeping and DinlngCarsl
land free Kcclining (Jlmlr liars.
The most Magnificent scenery in
America by daylight.
i Stop overs allowed on all classes
of tickets.
For c homiest rates and descriptive
4 literature, address
W. G. MoBRIDE, .Mini ftiit
' Portland, On coon
imiim tonii ft
and union Pacific
Salt Lake,
Demur, Kidsis City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
and Ban Francisco every five tlajra.
low Rati
Tickets to and from all parta of
the United Statee, Canada ud
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars dally to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping
car daily to Kansas City ; through
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to the Kast dally.
For pajrticulan, call op ur addraa
H. O. Bowaw,
Agent, flaker City, Ore.