The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 30, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, March jo. 190$
Latch String of This Crude
Slructure of The Hills
Always Out,
Down on tlin crook iinri hi
shadows of tlin grout inoiiiitiiliiH, no
uiHttor whore (for thoro uro miiny of
tliitin all JiihI alike in tliu minoriil
WihI) Ih tint lioiiiii of thu Old Timor.
It Ih not 11 piili.eo or 11 mansion, lint
it Ih ho full or hospitality Unit It JiiIh
out through tlin nraoks iiuil keeps tho
door open diiy mid night. It nestles
cosily in tlm canyon iiud on u iiliiim
tlmt ha been tlm foundation formoro
hopes iiud aspirations tlniii any Wall
street liiinkor over know. Croat piuoH
stand sentinel over it, and through
their green needled houghs tlm wind;
whispers dreams of fortunu In tlm
hIIII night, wliiiu iiouu hut tlio wood
owl Ih awake, and uvnu tlm bullfrog
Hloopn In tint pollywog hole liidow tlm
spring. In tliu day tiinu tlin winds
low sigh gives way lo tint harking of
Hiilrrels and tlm noisy chatter of a
blue jay.
It Ih 11 niio-room airalr, Unit
homo of tlm Old Timor, witli a
"loan-to" on tlm uphill hIiIo, whoro
tlm pitch ami pluii aro kept. Tlm big
mud llroplimo IIIIh iiiio mid of tlm
cabin. Tlmu thorn Ih tlm hunk jiuil
Itn hli.ukotH, tlm rough table, tlm
colfou pulH and tlm frying pan and a
hIiId of hacnu hanging hv a Hiring lo
a peg on I ho wall. Thorn Ih iiIho, a
door and tlm liitoh-Hlrlng Ih on tho
outside, ulwiiyx on (ho outHido.
If you pass li Ih way you iiiiihI
stop,- stop for dinner, or ovor nigh',
for II would ho ungrateful of you mil
to share tho Old Timor'H hospitality.
and instills now vigor In your veins.
At oveiy turn fcHtoouH of foru greet
the oyo and HpriuHH bubblo out from
mossy banks to greet tho sunshine.
Shadow iiud light dauco across the
trull mid tall grasses wave in the
wind. Down in the canyon the
creek tiatibluH its houk of praise as the
waters leap nimbly from rook to rook.
The wods are delightful hriirmouy of
barkltiK squirrels and twittering
birdn. As you walk along at the heels
of tho Old Timor you aro awakened
to a new life and the freedom of tbo
outer world. Deep down In your
heart you can but envy him, tho old
man. the one who in kiiiK of all this
tho I Ureal demesne.
Kvoulug conioH und you return
with the Old Timer to IiIh cubin.
Von look olf woHtwurd to where the
purple mountains are wrapped in u
maze of glory. The tall pines are
just piercing the huh'h hum lug orb.
Day Ih dying In the mouuatu depths,
and ail a tokeu of reaped uaturo la
concentrating all her gorgeous col
oriugH In one vast painting of glory,
framed iu clouds of stiver and hung
oi tho western wall of the sky. As
the nun Minks deeper and melts Into
the plui) forests, tho clouds shift,
tako on new forms and the coloringH
of the picture heighten and beootno
more wildly gran I. As tho sun
siukH deeper tho hcoiioh of the picture
change iih a swiftly-mnviug paunrama,
and you see portrayed iu all the
colors of the rainbow, in all the
tints and shades and dazzling colors
of royalty tlm gorgeous palaces of
tlm Pharaohs mid tlm maiiHoloums of
tlm ancient Kgyptlaus.
Then you reach tho cabin and tho
shadows of night drop Into the can
yon. The golden cord that held tho
picture to the sky's western wall
HiuipH In twain, and tho glow of night
with the wreath of dew and chlip of
crickelH eiubra"is the cabin home of
tlm Old Timor. Dally Mining
What Ih
Sumpter Weather Record Destroyed.
Undo Hill HtitiHou says tho record
IIIIHK, yilll WOIIII HH II.,,,,, I,,!., .....l,,,, illlu ,,., . 1 if you ill. not He it known tlii.l,irokul ,, ylllr. ,,ml hu rtIIU,mi)0rH
Old I liners llapjncksmo good, his I ,, .,, , ,,,, Illt
bomiH tho host ever, and bin iir'HIlU.,,inl, .ilsappeared to permit
hotter than tlm pootio nectar of the,,,,,, IM, of wliooln Miitll about tho
gmlH. .Ml I lie can toll talon, talcs
mlildle of April. Unfortunately, tho
written weather record kept by tho
pioneers has been destroyed, mid be
can not give either tlm exact day of
the month or tlm year. For twelve
years this rocoid was faithfully and
accurately kept; the dates when the
' tlrut oiittnr uus nut In cmiiiiiiIkhIiiii In
Inevitably become n mine. It Is but a ju, ,,llry winter mid when tho llrst
drop In (he bucket compmod with u. ...... j,,,.,,,) ., ,im ,,..,, i
of old, tales of gold, can that Old
Timor, while be pulfs at his brier
wood and looks into tlm glowing
depths of the bright lire on the hearth.
He will loll you that while this
claim be is working now in good, and
Ih looking oiler every day, and will
proposition Unit he and Hank Fields
or Hack l.iiii-on or iloo Dickson woiked
buck iu '117. "Why, we took out
chunks of gold " and thou tlm Old
Timer loads you on and upwind and
buck wind over the blazing Mail to
the days when the West w iih .Miung
and iiiou put lomauco and liiawii into
tho gold-getting business, instead of
capital and genius.
Hut that Ih not cuylng the Old
Timor In not a nonius; for he Is.
Ilowoior, he belongs to an entirely
ililfciout species f 1 did (lie uenll of
After dinner is over the Old Timer
will take you up the winding trail
that lends to bin mine, the mine iu
which aro treasured, perhaps, all
mil tho last glittering liopes of tlm
man who has been rich and poor
a score of times since first he turned
his face westward iu the early days.
As you walk along you are bat hoi
from head to foot In tho cool frag
rance of the forest air, and tho breath
of tiit.daep woods cools your cheeks
tlm spring. Those important facts
weie written on an outside hoard
near the corner of the building now
occupied by Cato Johns as a store.
Two or three yeius ago the owner of
the building, becoming tainted with
the spirit of material progress then
atlllcliug the town, took a notion
that tlm building needed painting,
and iu spile of the protest of Uncle
Hill and other pioneer patriots, this
authentic chapter of local history was
wiped out forever.
Dr. Walters Goes East.
Dr. F. A. Walters, liuancial agent
for the Forest Mining company left
this afternoon to make a tour of tho
east In the company's Interest. Ho
will stop Mwhllo at Hillings, Montana,
to visit relatives, and at his home at
Steven's Point, Wisconsin, Mini from
thoro will visit tho Atlantic seaboard
cities, returniug here probably iu
toWrtrtiwwwiwwWrtiiMirtrtiartiW' iiMinnwnwiwnm
For Sale
Six Placet Claims, covering nearly all the:
eround on a creek eirmtvine into Burnt River. j
This Drooerlv is near to and Darallel with the;
noted placer grounds of Pine and Cow Creeks in
Baker County. All equipped for work, with reser
voirs, ditches, flumes, pipe and Giant. For particu
lars see the undersigned.
I $2000
Buys the most sightly ten roomed residence
and ground in the city. Nicely finished inside and!
out. An ideal location. This property will readily j
bring a rental of 15 per cent on the investment.
Will buy one of the most desirable Homes in i
Sumpter, consisting of an exceptionally desirable
lot qo by 150 feet, nicely improved, barn, and;
house of six rooms with the complete furnishings, j
A Piano, and other choice pieces of furniture goes
with this. This property will bring 20 per cent
on the investment.
Will buy another six room house and lot de.
sirably located. This propeity is now bringing 18
per cent as rental on the above price.
$250 I
A choice resident lot near the center of town.
For a desirable building lot on the hill.
If you are seeking safe and remunerative in
vestments call and see us, as we have some snaps
in the way of Business opportunities, Mines and
also mine prospects, on which considerable work
has been done, Houses and lots, and also
vacant lots, on whicn good money can be made
by improving the same. If you have not money
enough to build you a home, we will help you,
and put you in a position, to put the rent you are
paying others in your own purse.
Inland Empire
Investment Co.
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