The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 30, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, March o, 1904
Local Mining Man Points Out Some Glaring
Absurdities of Estimate Made
in Portland.
Down I'urllmid uiiy llicic nrit 11 lot
of fiiniMiiH, former Imnk clerks, news
)iiinr 1111111. jmiittii-H mill (In! like,
thrown nut of employment for out)
iciihoii or another, whii liuvn usurped
for tlioniMilvcH tlio m.iniigcmout of
Oregun'H imIiiIiik Miriiirn- iih mining Ih
viewed in tho iigiiciilturul cuiuuiiiulty
of I'nilliniil, N111111 of them uiiiuiige
any I mines, hut they nil poso iih
iiuimpuachiihlu milliiirlly on uvury
phase .if Hi" mining industry.
luiiugHiu pnst fmv ilnys sovonil
gentlemen, whoso business It Ih to
extract gold from thu surrounding
11101111I11I11H, Jin vu called Tho MIiioi'h
iittniilioii In tin absurd iirtldlc) in
tlin I'mtitlii Ml hit, published at Purl
I11111I, in whlnli unit, I'. S. Hates, who
Ih wild to tut rliiiiiiiiiiu of tint execu
tive itnmmlltcu of Ilin Oregon Mill
r association, which initimlH togivu
thu gold production of eastern Ore
gon lulni'H. Ilu places iliu total
ntitput lit tl.Hliri, (()(). Coiiinioutlng
011 this statement, 11 mining iiiiin who
knows, iih much uliniit tluit great diirk
secret iih iiny mm linliviilinil can
li'iirn, hhIiI In 11 Minor luprcsontutlvo
"I i'iui'I iiilln ilivitiu tint ohjmit of
tlio mini In placing Hiitili 11 rldiuu
IiiiihI.v , low estimate on our gold
production; lull II certainly 1 1 h j 1 1 1 y h
11 n igliuiuiico of tin subject which
Ih hoiiiiiwIiiiI grulfylug In peuplu who
11 10 engaged in mining 11111I liuvn
hccnuut 11 liilln wt'iiry of those Port
I11111I finini'tH hulling into tin1 giimu
nun iivmy possible occasion, wilhniil
ever doing tiny thing to niil thii
"Hum inn Miinu of Mr. HiiIih'
llguros, lloniinii. $1,0110,1100. Tluit
iiiiiin Iiiih not produced a iuiiuy less
Hum i?:UUU),00ll. Thu miiiiu llguicH
urn given lor tlio Ninth l'olt, which
Tim absorption of silver by thu
IuIiiiIiIIiiiiIh of India, China, Japan
it lid thu other Asiatic countries Iiiih
been n hiiuicu of wonder and specula
tion lo stuileiits of, economy for
uiHiiy centuries. I'llny called Asia
"thu sink of silor," fur thu roimon
thai, no mutter how much is poured
into Unit continent. It still cries foi
morn, Thu rapacity of thu Hindoos,
CliiiiiiMi and lapauuHo for tlio absorp
tion of silver seems absolutely limit
leas, (treat quantities of thu white
metal must Iio stored some where In
IhoHo vast and densely populated
countries, thu inhabitants of which
mm Hin small silver coin almost
Mllliuus lu silver aro poured into
the trmlo channels of tlionu reglous
annually and pass liku so many
breams of water uuwanl. to be swal-
nri) fiirthiir removed from thu trim
iimniiut I him thiiHO of tlio ISnnauza.
Tim Connor Creek liu places lit 8'JTi,.
000; when II should ho niuru Hum 11
,iinirlitr of 11 million. Thu lied Hoy Ih
ceil 1 1 imI with 8:100,1100; tho uftlclal
llguroH are eOOO.000; Union Cum
iniiiiou. SlfiU. 000, should Iio over
luilf n millien: Culcuntlii, 8150,000;
in reiillty neiiior 7iil),l)00. I know
of out) carload of oro shipped to Hun
FrnnclHen, for which tlio owners woro
paid 880, 001). Thu Coliiiuhlii Ih
credited with only 8:100,(100; when I
ol.iinre lu know tluit it Iiiih produced
uriir ii in i 1 J Ion mill ii luilf. Thu
Virtue's output in placed ill 8150,-
,0(10: wlion II hIiouIiI Iio iihmit Inn
limi'H Hint n in on ii t .
"Tholi thoio Ih Id tho lint ii number
of miiicH Hint nro cictlitctl ntiy wheru
from lull tu fifty thousand, Hint nnver
produced ii Imttoti liirKu enough to
nutko thu lioml nf u liiily'n hut pin.
ThiiHu followH ilnwn there ilou't know
whnt thoy nn tnlkiiiK about."
Thoio Ih nil Hum going the round h
of tho eastern mining press ut
present, which slBles Hint Oregon 'h
totul gold output amounts to 81 14,
000,000. Professor Wuldemur
Undgion, hi IiIh ruport on tho Hold
licit of thu llluu Mountains, pub
lished liy thu Ceologleal Suivoy,
estimates thu production up tu
1H!I! at 8100,000.000. IIIh llguros
arc taken from mint statistics and lu
fiiriuiiHuu furulslioil by Wells' Fargo
Kx press compiiuy. Hint hnudlod much
placer gold in tlio curly days. I tot Ii
oftluintoH a ro necessarily low. Any
estimate Ih iiucciiiiiirlly luiicciiriitu.
It Ih Km"" wurk, hnyouil it certain
point. No one known how much gold
thu Chinese luivo mliii'd nor any
mm else. The government figures
Include only ii fraction of thu output.
owed up lu thu ocean of humanity,
niming Hiu teeming miliuus of thu
Client, never tu be recovered. It is
piacticiilly lost forever to coiniiieico
uud must lie followed by new supplies,
for tho demand is insatiable.
Whole does all the silver which Is
sent tu Asia gu, nftei it pusses Into
the hands nf thu natives ? Ih it
burled by the Hindoos, hoarded in
thu temples, or lost? Those ities
tlons have never been satisfactorily
answered aud staiesnien aud statisti
cians are yet puzzled concerning thu
iiunccou iitable absorption ot silver.
Kuougli of the white metal has
passed in through thu gates of India
mid dlsapp'.Mired forever, to pavo the
streets of Ihe great cities of the
In lllOIl, about 940,000,000 In
silver was exported from Londou to
India, Chiua and tho Straits Settle
incuts, :10,000,000 of which went to
India. That largo amount will be
like a pebble dropped into the sea.
It will be absorbed will disappear
moug the inlllious of lubabltauts iu
India aud a veiy small amount com.
paratlvoly will ever return to com
mercial use. Mining and Engineer
ing Review.
A report frum Ornulto stales that
Jack Mon'u'buu and Dunk McDonald,
who havo u lease oil tho Phil Sheridan
group, lu tho Ornulto district, from
C. S. Miflor, tbnt an exceedingly rich
strike Iiiih hueu made.
An oro body was encountered lu tho
Hbnft recently started uud now down
about fourteen feet, which averages
between 800 nud 870, tho report
stHtcs. Tho vein measures from four
teen inches to (wo feet.
This properly has been producing
rich oio for tome lime, and Iiiih
Hindu a number of shipments lo Ihu
smelter here. The now body, how
orer, tins just been brokou Into.
Fred I). Smith, inaiiigur fo the
Snow Creek inlno, left this afternoon
for the City of Mexico to bo gone
until about May 1.
Mr. Smith goes to Moxico on im
portant mining hiiHiness, but his
return to Suinptor is assured, siuee
as lie told tho bunch of frleuds who
wero at tlio train to seo him oif, that
Iio Ih leaving bis wife and baby
behind, aud thoy will brl him
Causes of Mining Failures.
The causes of mining failures lire
numerous aud apparently contra
dictory. For example, over-capitalization,
uuder-capilaliziition, carloses
nuiungemout, reckless examination,
refractory nature of the ore, no
water, too much water, no oro , etc.
Most ofthoso dilllcultios can be over
come, except the lack of ore.
(louoriilly speaking, tho operations of
skilled miners must frequently fail
for lack of sulllcieut capialt: opera
tions of unprofessional miners aud of
companies frequently full because of
' over-ciipltulizatiou. How often does
i one see splendid prospects fail
Ibeciiusu thu lessees havo insulllcieiit
money to provide iidequnto appli
iIiiicoh? Then. too. how often com
pantos spend fur niuie money on ii
ml no than they can ever hupu to pull
out? Mining itepurter.
Capital $250,000 The Coming Great Mine of the Cable
Cove District. Recent big itrikes thow values of over $181
Sr too. A sure Producer. An Investment in Vallcv
jten will many times double your money, jt jt jt j
Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It has
the ore bodies of this famous property. An investment
to Buck Horn is like finding money J J J J J J j
Write today for Prospectus and full information. Men
tion No. iO and we will mail you free six months the
WHEELER & CO. lukirt 92 IRUIWAY, N. Y.
Radical Change in Public
Sentiment Toward Ihe
Industry in East.
L. Van Hecke, of Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, a director iu the Mid
way compauy, arrived this morning,
uud will remuiti several days ou
matters connected with the property.
Mr. Van Hecke says that the finan
cial situation iu the middle ' west is
exticmely good. Since tlio llrst of
Ilu yeai money has been gradually
InoFcutug up uud ut this time condi
tions aro generally prosperous. Tho
tiling which strikes Mr. Van Hecko
must favorably is the change which
public sentiment has undergone
relative tu mining investments. Ho
"Two years' ago moil with money to
invest who would not oiiteartaln u
mining proposition of any sort aro
now eager to got mixed up in somd
mining deal or other. This was very
clearly illustrated u few days before
1 left, iu tho instance of a man who
two years ago would not talk any
phase of mining aud very loudly con
demned tbuso wiio did. I approached
him once ou Ihu subject aud there
was nothing doing. A short time
bark I met him ou the traiu and
voluntarily he said: 'Say, can you
put mo uext to a good mining propo
sition. 1 want something where I
can get iu on Ihe ground floor and
whore I will be given au oven break
for my money. '
"Now, this man is not a solitary
example, but tho representative of u
largo class of moneyed citizens who
are eager to put their money into
mining propositions If thoy can havo
the assurauce that everything la
square and honorable, aud Hint they
are taklug legitimate risks. Mining
has made wonderful strides into tho
good graces of the investing public
within tho past fow years."
Broke Ventilating Fan.
Tho Scnudla Tunnel, In tho
(irauite district, hud to close down
temporarily yesterday ou account of
breaking n ventilating fun. Manager
Wado font tu linker to have tho
repair made, aud things will bo going
as usual lu a fow days.