The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 30, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, March 30, 1904
The Sumpter Miner
puhlismi-I) tvenv widimdav av
T. 0. aWYNNO.
iMtiti at Ihf poslftfflc In Sumpttr. OrrKiin, tor
frantmlttlon tfirouicli Ihr mall at ttconJ clan
''n Year
al MuntlM 1.15
Kiiiiiii people uru my Ink tlmt 11 mil
roml from Kumptor to liouriiu will
Injiiru IIiIh (own, When you hear
tlmt ruiiuirk made, wnnto 110 tlimi on
tlmt bird of ill onion. II In 1111 1111
'priilltnhlo iiropiiriitloii to discuss any
subject with 1111 iircdcciiuihlo Idiot,
-or with 11 mini who doesn't believe
Wllllt III) HIIJ'H.
II Iiiih lu cnhlcd from l.oiiilon '
Unit Mm nullum tri'iittnmit for cancer
Ih nil nluiiltito failure, mill Iiiih been '
'entirely iihiiiidiiuod. Sixteen cases
were under ticiitmcnt, mill (In1 only
fiivoriililn ri'xiilt huh thi! occasional
-fCHHIltillll flOIII plllll. Ill SCVCntl ill- I
stances, however, the pitticutH com-1
plained of mi incicnse .if iiiin.
At Mount I'clce. in tho West In-;
dies, 11 Knurr Midi projection began ,
to rlHit gindiiiilly Iroin tho crnlor
something over 11 yenr ngn until It
recently rcnchcii 11 height of ovorj
1,100 fOI'l llllOVI! ilH llllHII. KillL'l!'
then it Iiiih gradually mink until it
disappeared in tliu cone. The iiiiihI
gcueiiiiiy accepted explanation 01 iiiih
plintMiiiiiinon Ih tlmt It Ih n coic from
tlm tlirout of nun of tliu old passages,
'11111I Iiiih been fniced out liko 11 fork
(from n botlle.
Tim .Mining World picks out tliu
'following specimen of advertising
liy tlm Chicago luokciH which, iih 11'
'lightening gel-rich quick scheme,,
ovci lastingly Iii.vh it over anything of
tho kind to which Iho iittuutiou of,
'the piilillc Iiiih yet been culled.
"Would you believe tlmt gold nnd
hIIvci oie could run so rich that It
wiih 75 per cent mclnlY Tlmt horn
silvei In linuiellHii bunches could be
cut like huttm? Tlmt cCiO.lHHI III
'gold and silver could lie tnkeu out
of ii'shnft (t.!) Ill sinking sixty feet,
11111I that this me was opened up on
Hiiiafce lur uem ly two inllo? We
cue pmve it by the Highest Mining
Aiilhoiily in the Country. Tills ad
veitiniug will never nppem tigiilu.
It will l.i log nil the money we
The uiicertiillily of industrial spec-
iilntlon hiiHilinwu miiiiy cnpitallstsl
into the Held of mining, mid nimiy
inore may be looked fur Capital,
in view of dearly bought experience,
is learning to look upon milling ns
one of the safest aud most legitimate
of industries. Speaking 011 this head,
the Financial Ittiiulrcr, of New York,
says: j
"Conditions warrant the assertion
that the mining Industry has an out
look for a greater prosperity this
year Until ever before. Interest iu 1
mining has had a healthy, steady
crow th during the past year and the,
indusliy is growing iu popularity
and Ih more aud more receiving re
cognition as the safest aud most prof
itable, ottering au ideal Held for in
vestment. "Mauy repentant speculators have
learned wisdom after repeated exper
iences during tho past few months,
aud with what ban beeu saved from
the wreck iu the prick given the spec
ulative bubble are turnlug to mlu-
I UK. whero there is no longer auy
question hh to the earning power of
capital. There Ih tin competition in
iiiiuliiK, mid tho Industry of precious
iix'IhI mining Is the niiiin support of
nil others mid competes with none.
'fPlif rtfutil niluru rt tit it
. in) 1 umi iiuuiiviui u ; - . vj
1 country during the punt yuur have,
ninny of them, turned to mining, mid
their money Iiiih lieeti turned lone in
i iiiniiy unexpected mining sections.
The iiiimeH of coiiferviitle ImukerH,
1 well known throughout the country,
J who for yenrri pel Imps hiive urged
Ihuir lufluiiece ngiiuist investments in
mining, during the past yenr Imvo
' heen eipmlly 11s enrncst In the organ
billion of mining cumpiiuicH, mid
mining the iiiimeH of ottlclnlH lire well
known ImiikeiH.
"Kiiilroiid iimguiitcs mid magnates
of nil classes with money hugs open
liHve eagerly sought iiiIiiIiik lnvut
meiit Held, deserting the shrine of
speculiitioii to purchase wl'.h their
money the favor of nnd swenr ulle
glnueo to the king of nil industries
"T.'ie hniKrwrftiiiK oil the wnll Iiiih
iippeiued mid procliiliiiH that the
sitlest possible Held for cnpltnl Ih
illinium. Intelligent Investors should
follow the (iiinpli! of the bunkers,
rnilroiid iimguiitcH mid oil kings, mid
Invest 11 little nt IciihI heie nnd there
in good pinpiisltiiius Unit evidence
good mia tiiifj fiiii-ii t mid me being dccl
oped liy skillful e.perls. I
"TIicic'h going to lie 11 mighty
rising of the tide thin yenr of 1UUI
In milling; Imrgiiiiis won't always lie1
found, nnd those who ride on the
cient of Ihu wine will renp the re
u..llu '.... It.. I I -. ....I.... I.. I.. ...lulu..
"""" , " " r hi ,, ,
unit uriiilir nutiiiit will ri'xiilt. tie
vetopmeiit will be hinteued nnd the j
mining iudiihtry will be more pros-1
peroiiH than eer. Tills is the nigu of,
the times, the outlook for I IK) I. " I
A bulletin sent out by the census
ilepartmeiit nnd released today, says:
'The census buiemi toilny isued 11 pie
limiunry lepnrt on irrigntiou in,
, uregtiii in liui-J. It snows I ma Hie ;
iiiigiitinu ciiuilltlons lucre were
I alime the average, lletter methods
of iiiauageiiieut mid a more ecoiioin-
I en I iimi of lite ordiiimy water sup-
ply are uigeil tn older giently iu
dense the number of ncres tlmt may
, be biought under Initiation.
Iu ItHIU the number sof farms re-
. ported wiis ., i:HI with 1111 irrigation
uren of I.'IH.'.IHI acies, mi In
carece since lSH'.l of 51,711! acies,
, or
i:i.!l per cent for the three years.
The per cent of iucrense for the ten
yenis from 1HHH to 181IH wns llH.'J.
In IDO'J, 'J,.') .". irrigating syH'ius
weie Iu opeiatiou representing a
total construction cost of $'J,08l,
(Hilt. Thet otnl length of main canals
nnd ditches was Il.OriU miles. The
aggregate number of acres irrigated
by the 'J, 4 17 systems receiving water
from streams was 4'.!8,!l'jr belonging
to J,M" farms. The average cost
per acre was 4.81,
1 The tielser-llendryx company will
plaeo au order at once for a live drill
compressor, to be used at the Mid
way mine.
Tho purpose is to get the machin
ery hero just as soon as the auow will
permit It bolug transferred to the
mine. Iu the nieautinie, aluklug
operations aro belug steadily contin
ued to tho 'M0 foot level, when the
ledge will again ba crosscut.
An ordinance to amend Ordinance No.
100, entitle "An ordl'imico to
define the tire limits of the City of
Horopter, prohibit the erection or
repair of wooden buildings within
siirh limits, to provide for and de
termine the number and size of
places of entrance and exit from all
public linl In, churches, and other
buildings used for publlu gather
ings, and the in odea of hanging doors
thereat, and to provide generally
tor the protection against tires aud
tho spiced thereof."
The City of Sumpter does ordain as
follows :
! Section 1. That Ordinance No,
1!I0, eutiltled "Au ordiuauce to
.define the lire limits of the City of I
' .SiiMiptcr, proililt the erection or
repair of wooden buildings within
Micth limits, to provide for and de
, terminethe number aud size of pliicen
of entrance and exit from all public
Iii.IIh. churches, and other building
.. . 1 . .1 -1. . .1.1
uted for public gatherings, mid ll.i-l
modes of hanging doors thereat, mid
to provide geuernlly for the protec
tion against fires mid the sprtiui
theieof," be amended by striking
from Section 1 of said Ordinance.
! the woid "six" and eliminating from
' the provisions thereof, Ulock Six in
, the original towiihite of the town
I (now city) of Sumpter, making Sec
; tiou I ot said tire ordinnuco read:
Said lire limits shall comprise and
, include the South half of lllocks 1
and 'J, all of blocks three and four
in the original towusite of the town,
1 (now city) of Siipmter, as shown 011
1 the revlhed plan of the town of Sump
I ..
ter, of recoid in the ottlce of the ite-
cordcr of Conveyances of linker Co
unty, Oregon; aud the west half of
llloek 11 as shown 011 tho plat of
Sumpter Height's McHwen's addi-
tiou to the town, now city, of Sump
ter, of record iu tho otlice of the Ite-
' f.firilni it C.t ill t-nt.iilif. nil llf until lliiLui
.... oreg.,,..
Sectio), 'J. That from aud after
flio passage aud approval of this ordi-
lmm.t. ..i, i,i0,.k yix i nw oriulual
towusite of the town of Sumpter,
linker County, Oregon, t-linll not bo
iilijvct to the provisions of said ordi
nance No. 1!H).
Passed the council
this 'Jilth day
of March, 1!HM.
Approved March J!), 1D04 ,
Au ordinance to provide for the
compensation of the members of
the Sumpter Volunteer Firo De
partment for attendance upon
meetiiigs aud drills ot said depart
ment. The City of Sumpter dues ordain as
Section 1. That from and after
the llrst day of April. 1 JI04, auy and
all persons who are members of tho
Sumpter Volunteer Fire Department
shall receive the sum of Fifty cents
(iO 00) for every regular meeting of
such department which he ahull
attend for the trausuctiou of busiuess,
or drill, provided however that they
shall uot be allowed compousatlou
for more thuu one meeting iu auy
mouth from the first day of November
to the first day of May, nor more than
two meetings from the first day of
May to the first day of November for
each year: provided further that no
persou shall be entitled to compensa
tion uuder this ordlnancce unless be
be a member of said department in
good standing, and shall le present
during the entire meeting or drill
for which compensation 1 allowed,
and shall he present and answer to
bis uameat the beginning and ending
of such raeetiug or drill.
Section 'J. The chief of the Sump'
ter Volunteer Fire Department la
hereby directed to keep a list of all
mombers of the department in good
standing aud notify ail members n f
auy meeting to be held, except iu case
such nioetiug is a regular meetinK to be
held on a ilxcd day which is known
to the members of the department.
That at the hour for which any
meetlug or drill is fixed or called, if
the same be u gouoral meetlug, tho
Chief of the Fire Department shall
call tho roll and all presont aud an
swering shall tie so marked, on a
record kept for that purpose. At the
close of the "meeting ho shall again
call the roll ami all persona present
aud answering shall - bn again so
marked on said record, said record
1 " "'""" " "' ; " ul "
I'lre Dcpiirtircnt and fhall bo sub
I.. I.n ..-,.. -...1 l. 4l.n f I.Ia l.n
mitted wi'h IiIh report tn the Com-
! 111011 Council of tho City of Sumpter,
'Oregon, on the llrst day of each
I mouth, provided that when a meetiug
' Ih ciilltd for diill nnd members meet
at the various huutes or stations of
their lespeclive companies, and not
iu geiieial meeting, then the roll
shall be called ns above provided by
the foreman of ench company, who
shall Hie with the Chief the written
evidence of said roll cull shnwlug the
members present a4 the beginning
and close of the meetlug and sail
Chief shall embody the same iu his
Section II. The payment of tho
compensation herein provided for
members of the Sumpter Volunteer
Firo Department shall be mado each
mouth by a warrant drawn 011 tho
City Treasurer In favor of the Treas
urer of tho 11 ire Department for au
amount aggregating the total amount
due the mombers of tho department
for attendance upon meetings or drills
during the preceding mouth, which
amount shall be paid to tho Individ
ual members of the Department by
the Treasurer, either directly or
through tho foreman of the respective
companies at the next monthly nieot
lug. Section 1. The provisions of
this ordiuauce shall not apply to Uio
Chief of the Department, or any
otllclnl who draws a regular salary
from tho City of Sumpter, nor shall
it lie deducted from compensation
allowed any membr of the depart
ment by said city for attendance upon
Passed the council this 2Dtli day
of March, 11I01.
Itecorder of the City of Sumpter.
Approval March U,1001,
Iu the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregou, for tho County of Uuker.
Iu the matter of tho assignment of
David A. Edliu. au Insolvent
To the Creditors of
Eutitled Estate:
You and each of you are hereby
notifled that the uuderslgued has
Hied his final report as assignee of
the above entitled estate, and the
same will be beard by the Judge of
the above entitled court on April
28tb, 1004, or as soon thereafter
as the matter can be beard