-""WW5WXTP" tt.tA. j Wednesday, March 23, 1904 THb SUMPTER MINER RICH ORE FOUND IN THE COUGAR An Old Mine From Which Much Gold Has Been Taken, Shut Down For Years. Burt Roberta came Id ou Wednes day from the Cougar mining group camp at Quartzburg, which property he and Nat Babcock hiivo leased from George Shearer and Marsh Howell and on which they, assisted by Uert MoEutlro, hare worked for several months. Tbey have just completed a seveut-foot raise to the surface, for the purposo of Rettiug air into their working tuuuel. Considerable work has been done 011 this property by these nieu aud they ate liberally rewarded by the strike of some good ores, of which they now have about twenty tons ou the dump, assayiug 8C7 ou au average takou from six samples.' This Is concentrating ore, of which the values are about 810 of free gold. Tbny have dono at least 230 foot of tunnel work, of which over 100 Is made in tbu old upper tunnel. It Is the latter tunnel tbey will now push ahead, about 1110 feet farther. It is the purpose to get uuder the old workings, now caved in, from which considerable free gold ore as takou about forty years ago. Tbey are drifting ou ore continually. It is a email but rich and true fissure vein, varying in width from six Inches to two feet. Free gold is plainly visible in much of this ore. This Is an old property from which much gold has beeu taken; but for a long time was luvolved in litigation, which resulted In Its shutting down for several years, after which the present owners bought tho property, a few years ago. This is known by miulug men as a good property, aud the present lessors, being experienced and euergotlc miners, will undoubtedly provo its value and be uurlobed by its hiddon wealth. Prattle City Miner. UNFOUNDED RUMORS OF SYMPATHETIC STRIKE All day Saturday rumors wero cir culated ii rou ml Sumpter and llourno that tbu Miners Union would call a sympathetic striko at the North Pole, Columbia aud Uolcouda, on account of tho E. aud E. trouble, aud con siderable aprebeuslou was felt over the matter among bulsuess men and others who are interested in the wel fare of this section. Sunday A. j J. McCorinick, president, aud J. D. McDonald, member of the Miuers Union, were In town, called" at Tho Miner office and requested that this rumor be deuied; stated that the matter had not even been discussed by the Union, officially. These men talked of this report and the situation at the E. and E. in a most reasonable and sensible manner. As to the rumored sympa thetic strike, tbey stated that the men have no grievance wnatever against either of tbetbree other mlneijmen- tloned, that they receive square and considerate treatment, are loyal to the managements and will occasion them no annoyance. Regarding Hen eral Manager Raillie, of the Colum bia, tbe.v spoke In particularly kindly terms; saying that ho has the con tidenco of both the miners lu the employ of bis company and Union i members genrerally. He has never had any trouble with his mou aud once when some of them got into trouble over an affair which was easily adjusted, ho went ou tholr bonds. Both Messrs. McCormack an I Mc Donald agreed lu stating that if tho E. and E. had provided the men with comfortable quarters in which to change their wet clothes when coming olf shift, there would nevor have boon any occasion to Issue an order requiring the men to eat at tho com pany boarding house; that they would have dono so of their nwu accord, for their own convenience. As it was, however, tbey either had to eat lu their wet clothes or walk to liourue, make tho nbaugo and return for their meals, which tired men do not cate to do. There was no complaint agalust tho boarding house As au abstract proposition, the minors object to lining dictated to regardiug whoro they "shall spend their own tuouey after earning It, "as tboso two ox pressed it Superintendent Wyatt left yester day afteruoou tor Portland, tn rotifer with tho owners of tho mine, presum ably rolativo to this trouble. It does seem that a matter of this kiud, with uo bitterness having thiiH far boon engoudored, could be settled hy arbitration without difficulty. Of course, no outsider feels like butting into tho game uninvited, but couldn't the business meu of Sumpter aud the mine owners of the district reach tho case without appearing to bo medllug with the busiuess of another? Start Work on The Octo. A. J. Patterson, superintendent of and general manager of the Octo Gold Mining company, owning tho rich Octo mluo six milos wosl of Baker City, returned last night from Wheeliug, West Virginia, whoro ho atteuded tho annual mooting uf the stockholders of tho Octo company. Arraugomeusts were mado by ibo board of dirbctors'-of tho Octo com- KssmsaaSiM Efifl I B HI Jifl Dm HOIFORST.LOUIS AND THE WORLD'S FAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? O Nature's Art Gallery of tn Rockies in addition to the uCC Attractions at Si. Louh. Thli can only b dooe by golog or returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights, and Resorts V. C McBRIDE, Geocral Ageot 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON pany for heavy development work which will be inaugurated at mice, preparatory to ttie resumption of milling operations. General Manager. Patterson also announces that ho will start work immediately ou the Crown Point mine, near the Octo, which rich property ho and asociates purchased last year. Herald. Timber and Homestead Filing. Timber and homestead filings, as well as final proofs, can bo nmdt lefore Charles II. Cham-e, United States Com mlssioner, office in First National Bank of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus snv lug applicants expense of a trip to !a Grande. riMIE. UNO, ACT JUKI 1. IT. NOTICE f0 UlllCMION. Unlif J States LnJ other, I I (iranJe. Oregon, March is. io4. 1. Nolle It hereby Riven that In compliance with the ptovltlona ol the act ot congress of June i, ll?8, tn title J "An act lor the tale ot timber lan.li In the states ol Calllornla, Oregon, hevaJa anj Washington Ter ritory." a extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ States by by act ol August 4, I&1. THOMAS 0. GWYNNI-. of Sumpter, county ol Maker, state ol Oregon, hat this Jay hleJ In thli ollice hit sworn statement No. jo6o, lor the purchase ol the W 14 S W ),', Sec. at. N W H N W H ol Sec. No. 8 In Tp. No. 10 . range No. )6UWM, ami will oiler rrool to show thai the lanj sought It more valuable lor llst'mberor none than lor agricultural purposes, anj to estat" Mill hla claim to talJ lanJ belure Lhailes II. Chance, U S. Commissioner, at hi oilier al Sumpter, Oregon.on Thursday, the anj Jay 01 June, 1004. filenames as witnesses: Van Hensselaer MeaJ, Ralph MeaJ. Nlcholai T. Talla'ero, James W, Con nellj, all ol Sumpler, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above JescrlbeJ lnJi are lequesteJ to Me their claims In this office on or beloro sal J an J Jav ol June, 11404 Ii. W. Oasis. Register. V i) Bank Sumpter Transacts General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Salety Deposit Vaults C iJ-NVN nruRIOORANDF wstm& BI0 : , ;; J Only tranncontinental line riassing.directly through Salt Lake City JLeadvillc Colorado Springs land Denver Thrpn hiiIkiiiIIiIIv miulmiml tra naf X iii. nr t 1 iAlro 1.. t nm Tiiany iu a iii. luiiMo r.ABi, Through Sleeping and DiningCara . and free Reclining Chair Cars. ' The, most Magnificent scenery In ', America by daylight . Stop overs allowed on all class HI III'MMO, For ebeaa'st rBtus and descriptive literature, address W. C. MolRIDE, fiimril ftfiRt! i RIO GRANDE LINES ' PORTLAND, OrkoonZ jfflt OREGON (JgP Short Line D union Pacific TO Salt Like, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LODIS NEW YORK Ocean Htcniucrs lietucfii Portland mill San FriiuciHco cvury five days. L.ow Rates I Ticket to and from all parts of the United States, Canada and Eurot e. TliroiiKh Pullman Standard and Tourist SleepiiiK Cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; Tourut Sleeping car daily to Kansas City ; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (er sonally conducted) weekly to Chi cago, Kansas City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. For particulars, call op -jT addreaa H. 0. Bowaw, Agent, Baker City, Ore.