The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 23, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesdav, March 2$, 6oj
. 1
Statistics Prove That it .is
The Greatest of All
not long ago ami mot with 11 din
couregliig reception from some in
vestors 111 tills purt of tlib country,
says American Mining News. Thfa
was IiIh experience Htiil Ills retort as
ho tolls it:
"1 often heard; thu statement made
by mou who lire long 011 advice hut'
short on information, tlmt the per
centage of successful enterprises In
mining U iniicli Iohh than tlmt tu any
other lirmich of business.
"Statistics prove the contrary.
During my stay In thu viiHt I had
thlH lllml on mining II red ut me so
often by well-menulug but uilfilti-foruu-d
men, that 1 took u dny oif and
hunted up statistics on the subject,
(inrcrumont ruportH and othor au
thorities that cannot bo doubted hIiow
that losses in in 1 11 1 n urn 10 per uout
less than In any one of four othor
of our loading Industries cummer
tilal, manufacturing, trading atid
"The United States census of lH'.tO
collected Home complete Information
about thu number of persons and the
amount of capital engaged lit our in
diiHtrlitH, and the value of their out
put. Thu result x bowed hii average
return per man engaged In iigrioul
ture of 92ti; In forest Industries,
I'J5; in manufacturing, $701, and
in metnl uiliii'H, 81,1)10.
"The Into Cool I lihodcs, the mil
lionaire mine owner and operator of
largo mining concerns In Africa, has
been iiioti'd several 1 1 inch upon thlH
subject, thu follow Iiik being from ono
of IiIh later speeches:
" 'I speak iiilvlHiMlly, mid nay what
every mil n him luveHtlgated knnwH to
be the truth, that lens iiiouey Ih lost
proportliiuately in mining than in
any other IiiihIihhh in thu world, and
larger forluncH are made In mining
and in the InveHtmeut of mining
stocks than In any butduetH or any
I u vent men t on earth. A good mill Iiik
stock will pay the inventor more
easily twenty, thirty, forty iiuil one
hundred per cent annually than
miiuii'lpal IioiiiIh, iiillroiul bonds and
st .cks or government bunds can pos
sibly pay live per oeiit Money In
vented In a good mluliiK stock Ih safer
thiiu In a bank, than In mortgages,
railroad hccurltlcH, municipal or gov
eminent IioiiiIh. '
"Tht'Ho wonU are from one who
iiiude iiiiuluK a study, and who had
been eminently Hiioocwoful in its pur
Milt. (Slve oh thu advice of a man
who known, who tin no ax to Krlud,
and wan the exact oppoHlto of the tin
reliable promoter who Iiiih uothliiR
but u u pro veil theories and the worth
less advice of inexperieuce. '
Importance of Mineral Graphite. ,
The mluuial KrNphlU linn within
the pant neveral year attained a por
tion of much iuiportaiii'e. The de
maud for the higher grade, or orys
taiilue Kraphite, baa oeeu lance
enough to cnusuoie the entire produ
ction of Cauadlau aud Mexlcau ore,
an well an that mined within our
The Sumpter TestliiK aud Samp
Iiik workH wan started up this mom
Iiik on a consignment of ore from
Weatberby, aud the company also has
a lot of Tabor Fractlou oie which
will also be treated.
Oesides, more ore is coming from
the Tabor Fraction and from other
mines. It is probable that the run
will last several days.
limits, and we have imported large
qauantitleafully 10,000 tons, during
1001. or morn than 80 per cent of
our entire consumption. Graphite
is classified to the trade as crystal
liuo and amorphous. The crystal
line constitutes the finer grade of the
mineral aud the amorphous is a
pno'rer grade, sultablo for a number
of uses and its value in such la
large, it being used In the manufac
ture of paints, foundry facings, stove
polish, electrotype, etc. The crys
talline graphite is used In the mak
iug of crucibles, lubriacants, pack
ings, electrotypes, lead pencils, pol
ishing powdorB, greases and a dozon
or. more othor important lines. The
JJuitod States is pour in graphite aud
were It not for. New Vork the coun
try's production of rystalline graph
ite woiidlibe woefully small. Artifi
cial graphite, both of crystalline
aud amorphous variety, Is manufac
tured by the Aobeson Graphite com
pany at Niagara Falls, aud from a
production of 10'.!, HSU pounds of
graphite in 1800 this Industry has
grown to where, in lOO.'l, no less
thau 2,500,000 pounds were made by
the electric furuaco. This enoimos
product is marketed aud yet the de
mand for the natural article Is ap
parently as great as ever. Graphite
has been located at a uumber of
places In the United States, but it is
a most uncertain mineral and a pre
sumed extensive doposit is most
likely to pluah out quick. Mining
It is understood through rollahlo
sources that tho majority of tho men
employed at tho K. and E. were
either disnhargodThursday on account
of their roftiHiil to board at tho com
pany's boarding house, or quit work
voluntarily in sympathy with their
fellow workmen. Although Tho
Miner failed to establish communi
cation with the management of tho
company, the accounts of tho matter
given by persons coming In from
Hourne agree practically iu thu main
features of tho truiiHactiou.
It has been known for some time
that there was more or less friction
resulting from the boarding house
queHtiou. Many of thu men preferred
taking their meals at llaurno, and
Ignored the wishes of thu company
In this particular. This morning
when the men went on shift, tho
several reports agree, they wero asked
by the foreman where they were
boarding. Those who wero not par
taking of the company's grub, wero
told that their services were no
longer needed, it is not known how
ninny wero included in this edict,
but It Is stilted unite a few. At
noon It is understood a -good many
more were Included aud practically
all the rest quit in sympathy, leav
ing the company with only a few to
carry ou Its work.
For Sale
Six Placer Claims, covering nearly all the
ground on a creek emptying into Burnt River.
This DroDeriv is near to and parallel with the
noted placer grounds of Pine and Cow Creeks in
Baker County. All equipped for work, with reser
voirs, ditches, flumes, pipe and Giant. For partial-;
lars see the undersigned.
Buys the most sightly ten roomed residence
and ground in the city. Nicely finished inside and
out. An ideal location. This property will readily
bring a rental of 1 5 per cent on the investment.
Will buy one of the most desirable Homes in
Sumpter, consisting of an exceptionally desirable
lot 50 by 150 feet, nicely improved, barn, and
house of six rooms with the complete furnishings.
A Piano, and other choice pieces of furniture goes
with this. This property will bring 20 per cent
on the investment.
Will buy another six room house and lot de-i
sirably located. This property is now bringing 18 1
per cent as rental on the above price.
A choice resident lot near the center of town.
For a desirable building lot on the hill.
If you are seeking safe and remunerative in
vestments call and see us, as we have some snaps
in the way of Business opportunities, Mines and
also mine prospects, on which considerable work
has been done, Houses and lots, and also
vacant lots, on whicn good money cin be made
by improving the same. If you have not money!
enough to build you a home, we will help you, I
and put you in a position, to put the rent you are
paying others in your own purse.
Inland Empire
Investment Co.
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